County Firsts

Although there is some dispute as to the first white child born in Potter County, all records available would indicate that Fred Hanson, born April 18, 1884, was the first boy. Dr Willey said that he delivered a child, sex not stated, to a Mrs. Frank at appomattox in May 1883. Mrs W.B. Perkins, a sister to Mrs. James Naylor, claims she had a daughter born at Forest City on December 3, 1883; and Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Jordeth had a daughter born on January 25, 1884. I.J. Eales claimed that his son, born on August 31, 1885, was the first child born in Gettysburg.

From the Women's Relief Corps Edition of the Gettysburg Courier, published as an historical edition on April 4, 1895, we glean these "Items of Interest":

The first deed recorded in Potter County was on April 3, 1884. From Lizzie and J.G. Reid to Thomas A. Moore: Lot 3, Block 35, Forest City.

The first chattel mortgage was given by Wm. DeHaven to C.A. Bliss, January 17, 1884.

The first state legislature enacted a law requiring persons contemplating matrimony to obtain a license. The first license was issued to E.F. Gross and H. Helen Williams on May 15, 1890.

The first tax receipt was issued January 13, 1885, to O.E. Mesick for taxes of 1884, on SW 6-117-76.

The first land patent recorded was of S.M. Howard's quarter section in Artichoke township.

The first term of Circuit Court was held in February 1886.

(From: Gettysburg South Dakota, 75th Anniversary, 1883-1958, page 7, with permission)