Hayes, Stanley Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
        A small town in Stanley county, 25 miles northeast of Midland,
the nearest railroad point. Population 85.

Last Name                       First Name     Business
Beal                            A. R.          drugs
Clements                        L. W.          blacksmith
Hopkins                         W. A.          postmaster
Hopkins Bros.                                  general merchandise
Maupin                          T.             saloon
Norby                                          see Senn & Norby
Pitzen                          John H.        livery
Poppy                           Edward         barber
Porterfield                     E. B. (Mrs.)   hotel
Senn & Norby                                   proprs, Stanley County Homestead
Stanley County Homestead (w)                   Senn & Norby proprs
