Midland, Stanley Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -

        A prosperous and growing town in Stanley county, on the Chicago
& Northwestern Ry., 49 miles southwest of Fort Pierre. Surrounded by
a splendid farming country with lands at reasonable prices. Present
population 400.
Last Name                 First Name    Business
Atlas Lumber Co.                        G W Hills mgr
Bailey                    Edward        painter and paper hanger
Bank of Midland                         C L Millett pres, J C Russell vice-pres, M C Sherwood cash, Chas T Coyne asst cash
Bastion House                           D W Bastion prop
Black                     Florence      exchange mgr, Great Western Tel Co.
Boyd                      Wm. J.        blacksmith
Brown                     W. A.         prop, Midland & Ottumwa Stage Line
Buchanan                  J. A.         auctioneer
Calhoon                   F. W.         deputy sheriff
Calhoon Bros.                           livery
Capital Milling Co.                     Wm Phillips mgr
Carpenter                 F. J.         vice-pres, Midland State Bank
Catholic Church                         Father O'Hara priest
Cavanaugh                 P. A.         saloon
Cornick & Fort                          contractors and builders
Coyne                     Chas. T.      asst cash Bank of Midland
Creager                   G. G.         restaurant
Curtis                    (Rev.)        pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
Darmody & Davidson                      hardware and harness
Davidson                                see Darmody & Davidson
Fanbel                    J. W.         prop, Midland Hotel
Feeney                    F. P.         mgr John Hayes
Ferguson                  V. L.         confectionery, cigars
Flint                                   see Taggart & Flint
Fort                                    see Cornick & Fort
Gerber                                  see Hilgert & Gerber
Gillian                   S. W.         mgr Peter Mintener Lumber Co.
Grady Land & Loan Co.                   J S Grady mgr
Great Western Tel Co.                   Florence Black exchange mgr
Gueffroy                  Francis C.    editor, The Western Star
Hayes                     John          lumber and farm implts, F P Feeney mgr
Hellekson                 C.            groceries
Hilgert & Gerber                        meat market
Hills                     G. W.         mgr, Atlas Lumber Co
Hof                       J.            contractor and builder
Hudson                    W. F.         justice peace, real estate
Hudson Land Agency                      W F Hudson mgr, notary public
Johnson                   C. B.         railroad express and telegraph agent
Jones & Stewart                         saloon
Joy                       C. D.         general merchandise
Judy                      B. F.         mgr, B F Leggett
Krog                      W. C.         cash Midland State Bank
Leggett                   C. H.         grain, flour and seeds, B F Judy mgr
Linder                    M. A.         ice dealer
Lynch                                   see Redburn & Lynch
Mason                     William (Rev.)pastor, Presbyterian Church
Methodist Episcopal Church              Rev Curtis pastor
Midland & Ottumwa Stage Line            W A Brown prop
Midland Drug Co.                        Taggart & Flint props
Midland Hotel                           J W Fanbel prop
Midland Mail (w)                        G N Sherburne editor
Midland Opera House                     J C Russell mgr
Midland State Bank                      Frank P Roll pres, F J Carpenter vice-pres, W C Krog cashier, B E Stoddard assistant cashier
Millett                   C. L.         pres, Bank of Midland
Minard                    R. W.         physician and surgeon
Mintener Lumber Co.       Peter         S W Gillian mgr
Murray                    C. E.         general merchandise
O'Farrell & Son           G. A.         hardware and farm implements
O'Hara                    (Father)      priest, Catholic Church
Peterson                  Theodore      livery
Phillips                  Wm.           mgr Capital Milling Co.
Pierce                    Frank H.      barber
Pinnecker                 H.            pool and billiard hall
Presbyterian Church                     Rev William Mason pastor
Redburn & Lynch                         contractors and builders
Robertson Lumber Co.                    lumber and coal, J D Snow mgr
Rogers                    J. G.         real estate, farm lands and ranches, notary public
Roll                      Frank P.      pres, Midland State Bank
Russell                   J. C.         vice-pres, Bank of Midland, postmaster, general merchandise
Ryan                      F. P.         real estate
Sander                    Andy          groceries
Sherburne                 G. N.         editor, The Midland Mail
Sherwood                  M. C.         cashier Bank of Midland
Snow                      J. D.         mgr Robertson Lumber Co.
Stewart                                 see Jones & Stewart
Stoddard                  B. E.         asst cashier, Midland State Bank
Strunk                    J. F.         dray and express
Taggart & Flint                         props Midland Drug Co.
Thompson                  O. T.         blacksmith
Van Dusen & Co.                         elevator
Vincent                   Paul          painter and paper hanger
Vincey                    Geo.          feed barn
Voschell                  G. W.         stone mason and bricklayer
Welden                    C. E.         dentist
Western Star (w)                        Francis C. Gueffroy editor
Wilkinghoff               John          shoemaker
