Philip, Stanley Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -

        A progressive and growing town in Stanley county, on the Chicago & 
Northwestern Ry., 78 miles west of Pierre and 84 miles east of Rapid City. 
The town is young, but has all the usual municipal improvements, with the
various lines of business well represented. Surrounded by a rapidly 
developing agricultural section. Present population 800.

Last Name                     First Name    Business
Aldrich & Son                               furniture and undertaking, pianos and organs
Anderson                      A. S.         attorney-at-law, notary public, town clerk
Arnold                        F. H.         real estate
Atlas Lumber Co.                            H Eleeson mgr
Bad River News (w)                          News Printing and Publishing Co, props A W Prewitt mgr, Alvin Waggoner editor
Bank of Philip                              C L Millett pres, A J Bunker vice-pres, Anderson Michael cash, E F Walden asst cash
Banks                         E. H.         mgr C H Leggett, justice peace
Baye                          Sylvan J.     mfr cement blocks
Benedict & Hill                             real estate
Bennett                       C. A.         attorney, notary public
Bunker                        A. J.         vice-pres, Bank of Philip
Burns                         D. B.         physician
Butterfield                   T. A.         mgr Philip Creamery Association
Catholic Church                             Father O'Hara priest
Colburn                       J. B.         leader, Philip Band
Dorothy                       G. L.         mgr Range Mercantile Co.
Driver                        R. B.         dentist
Durkee                        Harvey        pension attorney
Eisenberg                     Wm.           shoemaker
Eleeson                       H.            mgr, Atlas Lumber Co.
Fiksdal                       A. K.         photographer
First State Bank of Philip                  J W Jones pres, H J McMahon vice-pres, Ira J Welch cashier
Fislar Real Estate Agency     H. B.         Fislar & Waldorf props
Gearhart                      N. B.         physician
Great-Western Telephone Co.                 Walter S Rowe local mgr
Grusendorf                                  see McCarthy & Grusendorf
Gust                          M. (Mrs.)     5 and 10 cent store
Hargesheimer                  Oscar         drugs
Hayes                         John          lumber, farm implements and coal
Heinemann                     A. A.         physician, city health officer
Hill                                        see Benedict & Hill
Hoffman                       Henry         restaurant
Holiday                       T. H.         restaurant and rooms
Horn                          Aug           mgr Peter Mintener Lumber Co.
Ince                          H. J. T.      physician and surgeon
Johnson                       E. A.         mgr, Philip Machine Shop
Jones                         J. W.         pres, First State Bank
Keith                         E. L.         sec-treas Philip Lumber Co
Kelly                         L. A.         barber
Kennedy                       Bess E.       millinery
King                          P. I. (Rev.)  pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
Knudson                       C. A.         mgr Robertson Lumber Co
Kumm                          H. A.         general merchandise
Kyde                          S. M.         physician and surgeon
Lamb                          C. A.         barber
Larimer                       C. S.         with Warner Land Co, notary public
Larson & Co.                  E. M.         general merchandise
Leggett                       C. H.         grain, flour and seed, E H Banks mgr
Lindsay & Orr                               props North Western Hotel
Lins                          Edward A.     barber, chief fire department
Mariette Lodging House                      Art Richardson prop
McCarthy & Grusendorf                       bakery
McLane                        C. E.         hardware and implements
McMahon                       H. J.         vice-pres, First State Bank
McPeek                        C. A.         billiards and bowling alley
Methodist Episcopal Church                  Rev P I King pastor
Michael                       Anderson      cashier Bank of Philip
Millett                       C. L.         pres, Bank of Philip
Mintener Lumber Co.           Peter         Aug Horn mgr
Moles & Son                   G. F.         clothing, cigars and confectionery
Morgan & Co.                  R. E.         real estate, notary public
Murphy                        W. G.         ice
North-Western Hotel                         Lindsay & Orr props
O'Hara                        (Father)      priest, Catholic Church
Peckham                       H. C.         saloon
Peek & Terry                                pool hall and bowling alley
Philip Band                                 J. B. Colburn leader
Philip Business Men's Association           F G Schwartz sec
Philip Creamery Assn (inc)                  T A Butterfield mgr
Philip Land & Cattle Co.                    A J Wray mgr
Philip Lumber Co. (inc)                     lumber and coal, E L Keith sec
Philip Machine Shop                         E A Johnson mgr
Philip Roller Mill                          C S Saxton mgr
Philip Weekly Review                        J D Rainey editor and publisher
Phillips                      M. E.         agent PRC & NW Ry
Pioneer Pharmacy                            Frank G. Schwartz prop
Presbyterian Church                         Rev O E Tell pastor
Prewitt                       A. W.         mgr Bad River News, postmaster
Quigg                         James A.      U S commissioner
Rainey                        J. D.         editor and pub Philip Weekly Review
Ramsey                        Claude        marshal
Range Mercantile Co.                        genl mdse, G L Dorothy mgr
Rhodes                        (Mrs.)        millinery
Ricard                        Jos. C.       tailor
Richardson                    Art           prop Mariette Lodging House, livery
Roberts                       Joe (Mrs.)    prop Winchester Hotel
Robertson Lumber Co                         lumber and coal, C A Knudson mgr
Robinson & Son                W. O.         harness and saddlery
Rood                          Frank         flour and feed, grain and coal
Rowe                          Walter S.     local mgr, Great-Western Telephone Co.
Russell                       S. W.         blacksmith and horseshoer
Sageser                       Clarence      jeweler and optician
Sanders                       H. K.         portrait photographer
Saxton                        C. S.         mgr Philip Roller Mill
Schlekan                      W. F.         mgr Western Union Telegraph Co
Schwartz                      F. G.         sec, Philip Business Men's Association
Schwartz                      F. G.         town treas, prop Pioneer Pharmacy
Severn-Wheeler Co.                          hardware, paints and oils, implements
Slocum                        Frank         livery
Smith                         W. O.         general merchandise
Stoermer                      Gus           livery
Taggart                       J. E.         saloon
Tell                          O. E. (Rev.)  pastor, Presbyterian Church
Terry                                       see Peek & Terry
Waddell Land Co.              R. M.         real estate
Waggoner                      Alvin         editor Bad River News
Walden                        E. F.         asst cash, Bank of Philip
Waldorf                                     see H B Fislar Real Estate Agency
Walpole                       Will R.       real estate, town assessor
Warner                        C. F.         mgr Philip Livery
Warner                        Fred W.       state representative, real estate
Warner Land Co.                             real estate, farm lands and ranches
Webster                       C. H.         real estate
Welch                         Ira J.        cash First State Bank
Wheeler                                     see Severn-Wheeler Co.
Wilkinson                     W. L.         jewelry
Williams                      R. M.         general merchandise
Winchester Hotel                            Mrs. Joe Roberts prop
Wray                          A. J.         mgr Philip Land & Cattle Co.
Wyckoff                       N. H.         physician, vice-pres Philip Lumber Co.
