Marriages - Page 1
Edward & Nest (Pattee) Ardery
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ardery returned Saturday from their wedding trip to Omaha, and are living temporarily with his father, Mr. A. D. Ardery. Mrs. Ardery having gone to Portland, Ore., to spend the winter with her people. Ted's lifelong friends here and those whom his bride made when she was a teacher in our schools are glad to welcome her to Scotland and extend their best wishes to them both.
Following is an account of the wedding as given by the Springfield Times last week.
Tuesday morning, Dec. 9th, at 6:30 the marriage of Miss Nest V. Pattee to Mr. Edward Ardery of Scotland, S.D., was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Helen C. Pattee, Mr. Milo Pattee, brother of the bride, giving her in marriage, and Rev. Dr. Coles, of Ascension church, reading the beautiful Episcopal marriage service.
The living room where the ceremony took place was prettily decorated with pink and white carnations and the same color scheme was carried out in the dining room where a three course breakfast was served immediately after the wedding service.
The bride was becomingly attired in a suit of dark blue broad cloth with blouse of figures rose Georgette and wore a lovely corsage bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley.
Miss Pattee has lived in this city for a number of years. She is a graduate of the Springfield State Normal School and has been a very successful teacher, having taught in Niobrara, Neb., Scotland and Aberdeen, S.D. She will be greatly missed by a circle of friends whose best wishes will follow her to her new home.
Mr. Ardery is a successful young business man of Scotland, and is a young man of sterling worth. He has but recently returned from overseas where he served his country for over a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Ardery left on the morning train for a short wedding trip to Omaha and Kansas City and upon their return will make their home in Scotland.
The wedding guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Turner, Mrs. Lillie S. Cooper, and Miss Edith Christy.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ December 18, 1919
Clayton & Unknown Brown
The region northwest of Scotland, Bon Homme county, was treated to a genuine sensation when Clayton Brown, a well known young man of the neighborhood, and the 15 year old daughter of a prominent farmer of the community, eloped. They were traced to Tyndall by the irate father, who, by using the long distance telephone, had stopped them there, and he then proceeded to Tyndall and escorted his daughter home. The young man was arrested on a criminal charge, but at his preliminary hearing the authorities were unable to sustain the charge and there was nothing to do but dismiss the case against him and release him from custody.
Source: Dakota farmers' leader. (Canton, S.D.) ~ 07 July 1911
Dr. Lewis & Lucile (Cooley) Barber
A Tyndall special says: Dr. Lewis K. Barber and Miss Lucile A. Cooley were united in marriage on Monday evening by Rev. J. H. Olmstead at the pastor's home. The groom was a soldier in the Philippine war and the bride is the daughter of J. P. Cooley, a prominent stockman of the county. The happy couple will leave for Chicago in a few days, where Dr. Barber will complete his course in veterinary surgery.
Source: Dakota Farmers' Leader ( Canton, SD) ~ September 26, 1902
Robert & Norma (Winckler) Bender
Robert and Norma Bender will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on June 10, 2015. Norma Winckler and Robert Bender were married on June 10, 1965, at St. Leo's Catholic church in Tyndall, SD.
They have three children: Steve, Audrea, and James. They also have six grandchildren.
A celebration will be held at the St. Helena Social Club on June 13, 2015 from 1-4 p.m.. Greetings may be sent to 106 W. Jones Ave., St. Helena, NE 68774.
Charles & Margaret (Unknown) Bares
The family of Charlie and Margaret Bares of Tyndall, SD is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary on June 21, 2015. They were married on June 21, 1955 at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Bow Valley, NE.
Having been blessed by their wonderful example of how to live life and love others are their children, Bob and Linda Bares, Carol and Jay Romkema, Tom and Janie Bares, seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations can be sent to them at: 1610 Redwood Street, Tyndall, SD 57066.
David & Tiffany (Davis) Balvin
Terry and Mary Davis of Madison, Minn. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Tiffany Davis to David Balvin, son of Alan Balvin and Susan Balvin of Tyndall.
Tiffany is a graduate of Brookings High School and is the assistant finance officer at the City of Springfield. David graduated from Bon Homme High School and is employed with Wilson Trailer. An August 2015 wedding is planned.
Cole & Patty (Walter) Beckman
Mark and Michele Radack of Tyndall and John Walter of Springfield announce the engagement of their daughter, Patty Walter, to Cole Beckman, son of Dan and Becky Beckman of Laurel, Nebr.
The future bride is employed as an animal control officer for the City of Sioux Falls.
The future groom is employed with the Sioux Falls Fire Rescue.
A September 19, 2015 wedding is planned at the Brandon Assembly of God Church in Brandon.
Dwain & Lorene (Cokeley) Boese
Miss Lorene Cokeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cokeley of Tyndall and Sgt. Dwain Boese, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Boese of Avon, were united in marriage Dec. 31, 1944 in the Catholic parsonage with the Rev. C. H. Krouse performing the single ring ceremony. Miss Marjorie Daub, cousin of the bride, and Sgt. Charles Cokeley, brother of the bride, attended the couple. For her wedding, the bride chose a dress of white wool with matching accessories. Her corsage was of pink roses and white mums. The bridesmaid wore a pink dress and a corsage of pink roses. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, for members of the immediate family. The bride has been employed here in Tyndall for the past 3 years. The bridegroom has recently returned from 18 months active duty with the Marines in the southwest Pacific and has now left again for duty.
Joseph & Marcella (Simek) Becvar
Joseph and Marcella Becvar will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary December 6, 2015. The family is hosting an open house at the North Point Apartments, 300 West 23rd Avenue in Tyndall from 2-4 p.m. that day.
Marcella Simek and Joseph Becvar were united in marriage at St. Leo's Catholic Church December 16, 1950.
The couple requests no gifts.
Glen & Phyllis (Thomas) Boese
In honor of the 60th wedding anniversary, the family of Glen and Phyllis (Thomas) Boese are asking friends to send cards and sentiments to their parents at 41343, SD Hwy 37, Springfield, SD 57062. The happy couple was married August 18, 1951 in Springfield, SD. The Boeses have five children, 14 grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.
Source: Freeman Courier ~ August 17, 2011
Robert & Magdeline (Kubal) Bame
Robert and Magdeline (Kubal) Bame will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on Sat., Feb. 27, 2016, with an open house at the Tyndall C ommunity Building from 1-3 p.m.
They were married on Feb. 25, 1946 at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Tabor, S.D.
Children of the couple are Cathy (Ron) Fystro of Irene, Michael (Julie) Bame of Tyndall, Dorothy (Leonard) Magee of Springfield, and Charles, deceased, widow Pat (Dave) DeGroot of Tripp.
The couple has nine grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.
They farmed north of Tyndall for most of their married life until they moved to 305 West 16th Ave. in Tyndall.
Marlo & Ruth (Veurink) Biesma
The family of Marlo and Ruth Biesma of Springfield, SD is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. Having been blessed by their wonderful example of how to live life and love others are their children, Janice (Greg) Myrmoe, Beresford; Ken (Jill) Biesma, Shawnee, KS; Sheryl (Ken) Breaw, Sioux Falls; Barbara (Jimmy) Owens, Mayo, SC; Keith (Jennifer) Biesma, Astoria, NY; Karla (PR) Olson, Yankton; thirteen grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Cards of congratulations can be sent to them at 701 Pine Street, Springfield, SD 57062.
Source: Press & Dakotan (Yankton, South Dakota) ~ March 2, 2016
Matthew & Mary (Plattner) Bainbridge
On Thursday morning of last week Miss Mary Gertrude Plattner was married to Mr. M. Wilfred Bainbridge, both of this city. They were attended by the bride's cousin Miss Laura Plattner, and Mr. Thomas Simek. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Sack at the Catholic parsonage. The bride looked charming in a tailored suit of brown with hat to match and a corsage bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and narcissus.
Immediately after the ceremony the wedding breakfast of three courses was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Plattner. The table was prettily decorated in the bride's chosen colors of pink and white. Cupid dressed as a bride standing on a mound of pink and white chrysanthemums presided over the center of the table. Miss Irene Mason sang prettily during the breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Bainbridge left on Thursday noon for a short honey moon.
The bride has grown to womanhood in our town and is well known by her sterling qualities. The groom has been in South Dakota but four years and has proven himself an energetic and fine young man. Their many friends wish them the utmost happiness thru life.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ November 14, 1918
Nathaniel & Clara (Landmann) Bender
A very pleasant wedding occurred last Thursday, January 11th at 5 o'clock p.m., at the home of Mrs. Paul Landmann in this city, when her daughter, Miss Clara Landmann was married to Mr. Nathaniel G. Bender, of Sutton, Neb. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Treick, pastor of the Reformed church, in the presence of relatives and immediate friends of the young couple. While Miss Frieda Landmann, a sister of the bride played Lohengrin's Wedding March the young couple entered the room unattended and took their place before the altar where the solemn vows were taken. The room was beautifully decorated in green, pink and white, the wedding colors. The bride was very attractive, dressed in a gown of white silk crepe de chine trimmed with pearl beads and fringe, and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley, violets and white rose buds. After congratulations had been given the company assembled in the dining room, which was also beautifully decorated with the wedding colors where a bountiful wedding dinner was served. The bride and groom left on the evening train for a wedding trip to Florida, and will spend several weeks traveling thru the south. The will be at home to their friends in Sutton, Neb., after March 1st. The out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Griess and family of Harvard, Neb., Mr. Jacob Bender, of Sutton, father of the groom, Mr. August Serr of Tyndall, Mr. Christoph Serr and children of Tripp, Mr. Henry Serr of Vale, Miss Clara Serr of Delmont. The local guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Treiber, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Serr, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholaus Serr, Jr. Mrs. Alexander Hermann, Rev. and Mrs. H. Treick, Miss Mamie Plattner, and Miss Lydia Serr.
The bride is one of the popular young ladies of Scotland, and has grown from childhood in this city. She is a graduate from the Scotland high school is a young lady of culture and refinement and we congratulate the groom on the prize that he has won. The groom is the junior partner of the large implement firm of Jac. Bender & Son, at Sutton, Neb. He is a graduate from the Sutton high school, and attended the University of Nebraska one year. He then made a trip to Europe, traveling through fourteen countries in the interest of a large implement house being gone nearly two years. The union of these two worthy young people has every prospect of being a very happy one and we join their many friends in congratulations.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ January 18, 1912
Ernie & Deb (Bergin) Bures
The family of Ernie and Deb Bures requests a card shower in honor of their parents' 40th wedding anniversary. Ernie Bures and Deb Bergin were married July 31, 1976 in Lake Andes. The couple has three children and eight grandchildren.
Anniversary cards may be sent to Ernie and Deb Bures, 901 Maple Street, Tyndall, SD 57066.
Michael & Ashley (Fuhrer) Behl
Ashley Fuhrer and Michael Behl along with their parents Darren Fuhrer, Carrie Fuhrer and Dick and Peg Behl are happy to announce their engagement and upcoming marriage Saturday, September 3, 2016.
Ashley is a graduate of Irene-Wakonda High School and Mitchell Technical Institute. Ashley is employed at Freeman Clinic as a Medical Assistant.
Michael is a graduate of Scotland High School and University of South Dakota. Michael is employed at Farmers & Merchant State Bank.
Joseph & Olive (Bollman) Becker
Joseph Becker left last Sunday, ostensibly to go to Chicago to purchase the fall stock of good for the Becker Bros. store. It is reported that on reaching Sioux City he got his points of the compass mixed, and took a southwesterly course, landing in Lincoln, Neb. The report also states that on Wednesday of this week a wedding was solemnized in Lincoln in which Mr. Becker and Miss Olive Bollman were the contracting parties, and that the trip to Chicago was continued from that place, the business mission being combined with the pleasures of a honeymoon. Miss Olive Bollman is a sister of Miss Flavel Ruth Bollman who was a teacher in the high school in Scotland two years ago, and it was during her visits here to see her sister that the attachment was formed that has culminated so happily. Mr. Becker is preparing a magnificent home for his bride, and the prospects of a happy future for Mr. and Mrs. Becker are bright.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ August 20, 1914
William & Elizabeth (Carson) Barrett
Rev. Dr. H. P. Carson received an announcement this morning of the marriage of his daughter, Miss Elizabeth, to Mr. William Marshall Barrett, which occurred at Seoul, Korea, on Thursday, Sept. 14, 1905. Although it was announced some time ago that the wedding was to take place at that time the report of the happy event, owing to the great distance, could not sooner be received. The bride has been in the mission field for about a year, and the groom, who was formerly from Kansas, has been in mission work for several years. Both are at present stationed at Taiku, but the wedding occurred during the annual missionary conference held at Seoul, the capital of Korea, and like all weddings of missionaries in the foreign field, was performed in the presence of the U. S. consul located in that country. The letter received by Dr. Carson was written from Seoul and in it Mrs. Barrett states that during their stay there they expected to attend a garden party to be given in honor of Miss Alice Roosevelt, who was soon to visit that city.
The bride has spent the greater part of her life in Scotland, and while her many friends here have great confidence in her ability and worthy determination to spread the gospel teaching among the heathen they have equal confidence in her ability to preside over the home and exemplify to those people the character of a Christian home. In union there is strength, and we trust that by this union both the bride and groom may be strengthened for their life work.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ October 12, 1905
Ernest & Millie (Catton) Beecher
April 14, 1909, at 7:30 p.m., Mr. Ernest D. Beecher and Miss Millie F. Catton, at the home of the bride's parents near Scotland, S.D., Rev. D. W. Chamberlain officiating. There were present the father and mother of the bride, two of her sisters, also her two brothers, another sister living at Geddes, was the only one of the family that was absent. The father and mother of the groom, his three brothers and two sisters and a large number of relatives of both families which constituted a lively happy assembly of young and old. This marriage was nearer the ideal than many that the writer of this sketch has attended.
First, it was a union sought and arranged by the principals themselves. No council, influence or argument had been offered or desired. The couple had solved this most important problem to their entire satisfaction without assistance from any source.
Second, there was not a cloudy countenance. a dissatisfied look, nor a thought of disapproval in all that crowd. Other evidence of good will, was filled up on a table in the parlor, and as the tale was not large enough to hold all the tokens of friendship, many were packed under it and around it - bedding, table linen, glassware, granite ware and tinware, pots, kettles, set of dishes, bedroom sets, and many other useful and ornamental things for household convenience.
The bride, a beautiful brunette was attired in white silk of a most delightful pattern, a long way beyond the ability of this scribe to describe. The groom wore the conventional black, and appeared the congenial, courteous gentleman that he had been from his boyhood to the present.
This couple being their married life with the esteem and best wishes of all who know them.
In regard to the wedding feast, it was simply immense, and the writer of this article partook so heartily that he has been in a comatose condition ever since.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ April 22, 1909
J. & Judy (Rothschadl) Coke
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Rothschadl of Tyndall, South Dakota announce the engagement of their daughter, Judy Kay (Jude) of Dallas, to J. Lawson Coke also of Dallas, son of Ms. Sally Summers Coke of Jacksonville, and Mr. Jack Coke, Jr. of Dallas. Jude is a graduate of Bon Homme High School, Tyndall, South Dakota and the University of South Dakota, Vermillion with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication. She is a Regional Marketing Specialist for Microsoft in Irving. Lawson is a graduate of Hillcrest High School in Dallas and Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication. He is a Senior Video Editor for National Dental Network in Dallas. A June 2, 2007 wedding is planned in Tyndall, South Dakota at Saint Leo Catholic Church.
David & Ione (Kleinschmit) Cap
Mr. and Mrs. David Cap of Yankton, SD, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on June 14, 2015, in Tabor, SD, at St. Wenceslaus beginning with the 10:30 a.m. mass. An open house with food and fellowship will follow from 12-3 p.m. at the Tabor Legion hall. All are welcome to attend.
David Cap and Ione Kleinschmit were married on June 7, 1965, at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Bow Valley, NE.
They have six children: Brad (Paula) of Yankton, SD; Kevin (Cathy) of Houston, TX; Sheryl (Bryan) Grone of Wayne, NE; Roxann (Kevin deceased) Rokusek of Mitchell, SD; Ronnie (fiance Krisie) of Yankton, SD; and Carmen (Jim) Heaphy of Spearfish, SD.
The couple has 16 grandchildren.
Their family requests a card shower. Greetings may be sent to 30650 433 Ave, Yankton, SD 57078.
The couple requests no gifts.
Gary & Cathy (Unknown) Cuka
The children of Gary and Cathy Cuka request a card shower in honor of their parents' 30th wedding anniversary. Gary and Cathy Cuka were married June 29, 1985.
They are the parents of Matt (Sara) Cuka of Scotland, David Cuka of Sioux Falls, and Joey Cuka of Tyndall.
Cards may be sent to Gary and Cathy Cuka, 30177 422nd Avenue, Tyndall, SD 57066.
Source: Tyndall Tribune ~ June 24, 2015
John & Charlotte (Finck) Cihak
The family of John and Charlotte Cihak requests a card shower for their 25th wedding anniversary. Congratulations can be sent to them at 1806 Fir Street, Tyndall, SD 57066.
Source: Tyndall Tribune & Register ~ September 16, 2015
August & Elizabeth (Faul) Clausen
On Friday, December 2nd, occurred the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Faul, daughter of Frank Faul, to Mr. August P. Clausen, of Scotland, S.D.
The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents at 10:30 a.m., Rev. Freese officiating. Only the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties were present. The bride was attended by Miss Clara Clausen, sister of the groom, and Mr. Henry Faul, brother of the bride, acted as best man. After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding dinner was served, after which the bride and groom departed on the afternoon train for Omaha, where they will visit for a few days. From there they will go to Sioux City for a short visit with friends, and after January 1st will be at home to their friends in Scotland, S.D., where the groom is engaged in the lumber business.
The bride is one of Denison's capable young ladies and has a host of friends in this community. The groom is a stranger to Denison people, but we understand that he is a young man of sterling qualities. The many friends of this happy young couple extend congratulations.
Source: Denison (Iowa) Review ~ December 7, 1910
Norman & Barbara (Weisser) Carda
Norman and Barbara (Weisser) Carda were married on April 11, 1966 at St. Leo Catholic Church in Tyndall, S.D.
They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house on April 23, 2016, from 2-5 p.m., at the Yankton Elks Lodge, 504 W 27th St., Yankton.
Children of the couple are Mary (Carda) Simek (deceased), David and Sarah (Van Lent) Carda of Yankton, and Joseph and Alonna (Rasmussen) Carda of Omaha, Neb. They have seven grandchildren.
The couple requests no gifts.
Josh & Suzannah (Kloucek) Cleveland
Richard and Nancy Kloucek of Scotland are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Suzannah (Suzie) Kloucek,, to Josh Cleveland, son of Denny and Linda Cleveland of Montrose, SD.
Suzie is a graduate of Augustana University, pursuing her Master's degree at USD, as a Speech-Language Pathologist in August.
Josh is currently employed by Dakota Wesleyan University as an admission counselor/recruiter.
The wedding is set for August 6, 2016 in Mitchell, SD.
James & Kay (Pudwill) Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pudwill of Hot Springs announce the engagement of their daughter, Kay, to Jim Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carlson of Tyndall. Miss Pudwill is a senior at Southern State College in Springfield, majoring in speech and drama and a member of Alpha Psi Omega and Pi Kappa Delta honoraries. Her fiance, the speech and English instructor at Avon High School, is a 1965 graduate of Southern State College where he was a president of the student council and Pi Kappa Delta honorary. A spring wedding is planned.
Source: The Daily Republic (Mitchell, SD) ~ January 14, 1966
David & Katherine (Muhmel) Church
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muhmel was the scene of a happy wedding Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock, the principals being their daughter Katherine and Mr. David A. Church, Rev. Mr. A. D. Collins of the Presbyterian church officiating.
The bride shares the high esteem of her parents in the community and has the best wishes of every one who know them or her. She has grown to womanhood in our midst, was a graduate of our city high school, and afterward graduated from the state normal at Madison, S. D.
The groom is in the employ of the Milwaukee R. R. His parents live at Chamberlain, and at or near that city has much of his early life been spent. He is an industrious, energetic young man. His cheerful, happy disposition wins for him a place of honor in his circle of friends.
The bride was dressed in white linen. As the young couple marched into the parlor, which was tastily decorated with asparagus and flowers, the relatives and friends, at the request of Rev. Mr. Collins, arose and remained standing while he pronounced the words of union, using the ring ceremony. Following congratulations, all partook of the bountiful wedding supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Church left on the evening train. The showers of rice were abundant, and all joined in wishing them a joyous, happy life. They will make their home in Rapid City.
The guests returned to the Muhmel home and enjoyed the evening in friendly intercourse and with music, and again refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ October 10, 1907
Irwin & Anna (Ott) Clark
Mr. Irwin J. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of this city, and Miss Anna M. Ott of Yankton were married at the home of the groom's parents on Tuesday afternoon. The bride's people reside in Southern California. She is prepossessing in appearance and a capable, industrious young woman. The wedding was a quiet one, only relatives and three family friends from Parkston, Mrs. Wood and daughter, Miss Ida, and Miss Clark being present. Dr. Carson having solemnized the marriage of the groom's parents, officiated on this occasion. The groom had a home ready in Sioux City to which they went next day. The Citizen Republican and its friends join in congratulating them on their life journey.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ November 17, 1904
William & Emma (Welk) Catton
The Yankton Press & Dakotan gives the following account of the marriage of two prominent young people from Scotland which occurred in that city last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Catton spent Sunday in Scotland and left Monday for their home in Wessington Springs where the groom has a position in a lumber yard. The good wishes of a host of friends goes with them.
The marriage of W. A. Catton, of Wessington Springs, formerly of Scotland, and Miss Emma Welk of Scotland, was celebrated at six o'clock last evening at the home of the bride's parents on Douglas avenue, Rev. J. M. Tibbetts officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Kitty Welk of this city, and a number of friends witnessed the pretty home wedding. After the marriage service the bridal party partook of a wedding supper and a reception was given bride and groom, who were the recipients of numerous gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Catton will leave this evening for Scotland on a visit to relatives and will then go on to Wessington Springs, where they will establish their home. Friends will extend most hearty wishes for a very happy future.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ September 28, 1911
Michael & Molly (Skorpik) Davidson
Molly Skorpik, daughter of Rodney Skorpik of Tyndall and Judith Welch of Missoula, Mont. and Michael Davidson, son of Janeese Davidson of Lynnwood, Wash. and the late Thomas Davidson, were joined in marriage August 1, 2015.
The ceremony and reception took place at Spruce Lodge on Flathead Lake near Lakeside, Montana. They took their honeymoon in the Canadian Rockies following the wedding weekend.
Molly is employed by Morrison-Maierle, Inc. as an engineer, and Michael is a farmer in western Montana. The couple plans to purchase a farm in the Missoula area.
Darrell & Mary Ann (Friederich) Dingman
The family of Darrell and MaryAnn Dingman will host an open house in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 from 2-4 p.m. at the Scotland VFW. The couple requests no gifts.
Newton & Johanna (Baisch) Downs
A very pretty wedding occurred last Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baisch in this city, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Miss Johanna, to Mr. N. Downs. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. R. Upton, pastor of the Presbyterian church, the guests present being Mrs. John Max and daughters Clarissa and Josephine, Mrs. Christian Wenzlaff and baby, and Miss Anna Kositzky, of Yankton; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baisch of Parkston; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max Sr. and sons Solomon and Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Philip Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Landmann, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmierer Sr. and Misses Bertha and Paula Stark.
The bride was dressed in white crepe de chine over white china silk, and the groom was dressed in the conventional black. The room and tables were beautifully decorated with snowballs and carnations. At 7:30 o'clock the bride and groom were ushered into the room, the wedding march being played by Mrs. Richard Baisch, and took their places in a lace bower trimmed with sprays of dainty green, where the wedding ceremony was performed. After congratulations were extended the guests repaired to the dining room where an elegant supper of five courses was served. The bride's cake was cut by the bride and a piece presented to each guest. The gifts were presented to the happy couple were varied and beautiful.
The bride and groom departed on Wednesday for Pender, Neb., where they will visit his parents for a few days, after which they will return to Yankton, where Mr. Downs has a position as a pharmacist. The bride has grown from childhood in Scotland and is one of Scotland's most popular and accomplished young ladies. The groom has resided in Scotland about two years, being one of the proprietors of the Downs & Romberg drug store, and after the store was sold a few ago secured a position in Yankton. The Citizen-Republican joins with the many friends of both bride and groom in extending congratulations and best wishes.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ June 9, 1904
Lattie & Carol (Pelton) Draughon
The best things in life are meant to be shared. Come help Brenda and Dwayne celebrate their parents, Lattie and Carol Draughon's, 50th Anniversary, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Springfield Community Center. Let your presence be your gift.
James & Florence (Bagley) Elliott
Married. Elliott - Bagley - At Yankton, Dakota, June 1, 1886, by Rev. C. F. Clapp, Mr. J. D. Elliott, of Tyndall, Dakota, and Miss Florence L. Bagley, of Yankton, Dakota.
Again it becomes our pleasant duty to chronicle a most important event in the lives of two young people, both well and favorably known in Yankton and its vicinity. Mr. Elliott was for some time a student with the Yankton law firm of Gamble Brothers and during his residence in this city he made many warm friends and admirers through his sterling good qualities and his aptitude for his chosen vocation. After graduating from the excellent law school of the Gamble office, Mr. Elliott hung out his legal shingle in the prosperous village of Tyndall, as the partner of Hon. M. H. Day, of democratic fame, and has already become a prosperous follower of Blackstone.
The bride, Miss Bagley, is the next eldest daughter of a highly respected South Dakota family and has for years been a resident of Yankton. She formerly occupied a position as clerk in the register of deed's office, giving close and accurate attention to the intricate duties of her position.
Surrounded by a few relatives and intimate friends, these two young Dakotaians yesterday plighted their troth and the magic words of the man of God blended their future into ono happy existence. The ceremony of the Congregational church was pronounced by Rev. C. F. Clapp and the two stepped forth as one, in the full consummation of their hearts' hopes.
Many choice wedding gifts were received and many wishes for future prosperity were expressed. The ceremony took place at E. T. White's residence at 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon, after which a sumptuous wedding feast was discussed.
Following the nuptials were the hearty congratulations of the friends of the contracting parties.
Dr. W. E. Moore and Miss Eva Bagley acted as groomsman and bridesmaid and the wedding party presented a happy sight.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott left yesterday afternoon for Tyndall where they will reside in a house already prepared. Those present were Mrs. Elliott, mother of the groom, Mrs. Bagley, Miss Eva Bagley, Mrs. Biglow and son, Dr. Moore, E. R. Guild, Miss Cora Pierson, Miss Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Odiorne, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. White, Mrs. Carrier and Miss Carrier and Carrie Lawrence.
Source: Press and Daily Dakotaian (Yankton, South Dakota) ~ June 2, 1886
Darrell & Jeanene (Kutilek) Edelman
A lovely wedding was solemnized at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church Jan. 26, 1963, at 10:00 a.m. when Miss Jeanene Kutilek, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kutilek of Tabor, and Darrell Edelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edelman of Menno were married in a double ring ceremony performed by the Rev. Fidelis Shindelbar, OSB. The altar was decorated with two baskets of red and white mums. A reception and dinner for 400 guests were held at Beseda Hall. The bride's table was decorated in favored colors, red and white, with an attractive candlelit centerpiece. The wedding cake was baked by Mrs. Thomas Kronaizl and cut and served by Mrs. Ken Yule, sister of the bride from Yankton, and Mrs. Roger Zweifel, sister of the bridegroom from Scotland.
Verlyn & Violet (Unknown) Fuerst
The family of Verlyn and Violet Fuerst would like to have a card shower in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary August 21, 2015. Cards may be sent to them at 28826 419th Ave., Tripp, SD 57376.
Jarle & Ingeborg (Jorstad) Foss
Mr. and Mrs. Jarle Foss of Scotland, S. Dak., will observe their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, September 20th with Open House at Zion Lutheran Church at Scotland from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., including a program at 2:00 p.m.
The event will be hosted by the children: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Foss of Yankton and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Foss of Lesterville.
Mr. and Mrs. Foss were married September 23, 1920, and lived most of their lives in the Scotland area.
The couple request no gifts.
Source: Hutchinson Herald (Menno, SD) ~ September 17, 1970
Gilbert & Maude (Crowell) Fites
Miss Maude Crowell of this city and Gilbert G. Fites of Tyndall, South Dakota, were united in marriage at the home the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Crowell, Tuesday, August 17th, at 8:00 o'clock in the evening.
The wedding took place in the presence of about thirty guests, the double ring service being used. Miss Ethel Crowell was bridesmaid, and Master Harry McHale ring-bearer. Miss Verschel Lorraine rendered Medelsshon's wedding march on the piano. Rev. J. W. Shumaker of the Methodist Episcopal church performed the ceremony. The bride wore white silk with pearl trimmings and lace.
The parlor and dining room were beautifully decorated for the occasion, the work being done by Florist Kleinhans.
Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served. Mrs. Fites is an East Jordan girl who has made a success of chosen profession - teaching. For the past two years she has been an instructor in the Normal School at Springfield, North Dakota. Mr. Fites is also an educator, holding the position of county superintendent of Bon Homme county, South Dakota, with headquarters at Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. Fites started for their new home at above place on Wednesday afternoon.
Source: Charlevoix County Herald (East Jordan, Michigan) ~ August 21, 1915
Ryan & Jacci (Hermansen) Fedeler
Dr. Jacci Hermansen and Dr. Ryan Fedeler announce their engagement and forthcoming marriage.
The future bride is a veterinarian interning at Merritt and Associates Equine Hospital in Wauconda, Ill. Her parents are Jim and Michele Hermansen of New Richmond, Wis.
Her fiance is a veterinarian at the Tyndall Veterinary Clinic in Tyndall. His parents are Dave and Sharla Fedeler of Madison.
The couple will be married on Jan. 8, 2011 in Stillwater, Minn.
Albert & Josephine (Sternhagen) Fergen
A pretty church wedding occurred in the Catholic church at this place last Tuesday morning when Mr. Albert Fergen, of Parkston and Miss Josephine Sternhagen, of Scotland, were joined in wedlock by Rev. Father Sack. The couple were attended at the altar by Mr. Adolph Sternhagen, brother of the bride, and Miss Anna.Cach. The ceremony was attended by the groom's parents and a few relatives and intimate friends of the bride.
After the ceremony the guests accompanied the bride and groom to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sternhagen, where a bountiful wedding dinner was served. The bride and groom left on the 12:20 train for a wedding trip to Madison, Wis., and on their return will reside in Parkston where the groom is engaged in the auto livery business.
The bride is one of the popular young ladies of Scotland where she has lived nearly all of her life. She graduated from the Scotland high school in 1912, and has since been teaching, the past two years near Parkston. She is a young lady of excellent character, pleasant and cheerful disposition and will make an ideal help mate for the lucky man of her choice. May their bright prospects for happiness be fully realized and continue through life.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ July 20, 1916
Edward & Nora (Lust) Fowkes
In the list of marriage licenses issued in Sioux City last Saturday we notice one issued to Mr. E. R. Fowkes, of Scotland, S.D., and Miss Nora Lust, of Sterling, Ill. Mr. Fowkes is one of our enterprising young farmers living southwest of town. Miss Lust is a sister of Mrs. I. H. Johnston, and for two or three years has been one of the successful teachers in this vicinity. Since coming here she has made many friends who will be glad to welcome her as a permanent resident. We join the many friends of the bride and groom in extending congratulations.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ November 5, 1914
George & Cora (Abbott) Greedy
TYNDALL, S. D. - A fashionable wedding took place at the home of T. H. Abbott, county auditor, on Wednesday morning. Miss Cora Abbott was united in marriage to George H . Greedy of Cape Girardeau, Mo. Rev. J. H . Olmstead, pastor of the Congregational church, officiating. The bride was a teacher in the city schools and the bridegroom is in the employ of a southern railroad. The bridal party left for a honeymoon at points in Iowa after which they will be at home in Cape Girardeau.
Source: The Minneapolis (Minnesota) Journal ~ September 26, 1902
Merlin & Barb (Unknown) Goehring
Merlin and Barb Goehring will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary on February 1, 2015.
The couple has 2 children: Jill and Amy. The couple also has 4 grandchildren: Gracen, Brennen, Parker, and Maren.
Arthur & Elna (Burke) Gemar
Scotland - Mrs. Elna Nelles and Arthur Gemar were married on Dec. 29, at the American Lutheran church. The Rev. Theo Judt performed the double ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burk were the attendants. The couple will make their home in Scotland.
Source: The Freeman (SD) Courier ~ January 12, 1961
J. E. & Rose (Grady) Griffin
An Interesting Matrimonial Event Yesterday Morning.
Married - At the Catholic church, April 27, 1882. Mr. J. E. Griffin of Springfield, and Miss Rose E. Grady, of Yankton, Rev. Father Willard and Rev. B. C. Lanehan officiating.
The ceremony with a nuptial high mass was solemn and imposing. The choir, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, did justice to the occasion. After the ceremony the wedding party assembled at the residence of the bride’s parents and partook of a sumptuous breakfast and the happy couple departed on the morning train for their future home with the best wishes of their many friends.
The following is the list of presents received by the bride:
Groom to bride, gold bracelets.
Mr. and Mrs. Ohlman, Yankton, ebony clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Tassel, Yankton, silver pickle caster.
Mr. H. Bradley , Yankton, silver dinner caster.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cox, Yankton, silver cake basket.
Mrs. H. Bradley, Yankton, silver butter dish.
Charles Bradley, Yankton, silver goblet.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker, Yankton, silver spoon holder.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hefner, Yankton, silver individual caster.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams, Yankton, silver cake basket.
Mr. E. A. Odiorne, Yankton, majolica tea set.
Dr. and Mrs. Vanderhule, Yankton, silver pickle caster.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Graham, Yankton, glass fruit dish and sauce dishes.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eiseman, Yankton, table linen.
Misses Josie and Annie Hefner, Yankton, silver cake basket.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Brennan, Yankton, silver nut picks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Katz, Yankton, morocco satchel and shawl strap.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton, Yankton, lamp mat and napkin rings
Miss Katie Finnegan, Yankton, silver napkin rings.
F. W. Gasmann, Yankton, china tea set.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Clark, Yankton, silver card receiver.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tobin, Yankton, cut glass toilet set.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Gardner, Yankton, silver pickle caster.
Miss Belle Gardner, Yankton, silver salt cruet.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kaucher, Yankton, silver forks.
Parents of the bride, Yankton, china chamber set.
Sister Mary, Yankton, sewing machine.
Miss Agnes Grady, Yankton, Majolica pitcher and pillow shams.
Willie Stevers, Yankton, toilet set.
J. H. Grady, Yankton, alabaster vases.
W. H. Stevens, Yankton, silver ladle.
Clarence Cox, Yankton, lace fichue.
Mrs. C. A. Lyons, Yankton, lace fichue.
Parents of the groom, Springfield, silver dinner caster.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. McAucley, Springfield, silver tea set.
Miss Ella Griffin, Springfield, silver cake knife.
Miss Jennie Anderson, Springfield, silver butter dish and knife.
Miss Anna Griffin, of Springfield, lace fichue.
Mr. A. G. Rockwell, of Springfield, hanging lamp.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Griffin, of Springfield, silver cake basket.
Miss Maggie Ganhran, Sioux City, silver and glass butter dish.
Brother Will, of Sioux City, marbletop bedroom set.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Grady, of Sioux City, solid silver individual caster.
Brother M. M. Grady, of Sioux City, tea set.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Junk, Sioux City, silver dinner caster.
A friend, of Sioux City, silver and gold card receiver.
Mr. and Miss Griffin, Sioux City, silver butter dish and knife.
Mrs. and Miss Hagy, Sioux City, majolica fruit dish.
Miss Katie O’Dowell, Sioux City, linen towels.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Waldo, Sioux City, set of silver knives.
Source: Press and Daily Dakotaian ~ Friday, April 28, 1882
Emil & Ida (Schenkenberger) Gemar
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gemar, living south of Scotland, observed their 45th wedding anniversary on Sunday afternoon at the Reformed Church at Scotland where relatives and friends gathered to congratulate them. Their children were all present, excepting two daughters living in California. Mr. and Mrs. Gemar were married in North Dakota on December 7, 1908. Mrs. Gemar's maiden name was Ida Schenkenberger.
Source: Hutchinson Herald (Menno, SD) ~ Thursday, December 10, 1953
William & Helen (Keating) Griffiths
On Wednesday morning, June twelfth, at the home of Rev. A. S. Peck, near Armour, Miss Hellen Keating of Scotland was married to Mr. William Griffiths, also of Scotland.
At half after eight o'clock the bride and groom entered the parlors and took their place in front of a bank of sweet peas and bridal wreath, where the ceremony was performed by the father of the bride, Rev. H. P. Carson.
Little Mary Willson, who was the only attendant of the bride, carried the ring in an American Beauty rose. The bride also carried American Beauties and the same flower formed the centerpiece of the bride's table at the wedding breakfast, which immediately followed the ceremony.
The only guests present at the wedding were near relatives and a few intimate friends, including Rev. H. P. Carson and Miss Harriot Carson of Scotland, Mr. Guy Williamson and Miss Helen Williamson of Greenwood and Mrs. W. H. Moorhead and Mrs. D. N. Willson of Mediapolis, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths took the morning train for Sioux City and after a short trip will return to Scotland, where they will make their home.
Mr. W. D. Griffiths and his bride, nee Miss Helen Keating, were generously remembered by their friends as they passed through here on the train yesterday. Their plans to pass through unobserved had been well made but the plans to observe them had been better made. Bills had been printed to be distributed to other passengers on the train, which read, "Married, Griffiths-Keating. They are on this train with the smile that won't come off. Fine them and show them a good time." As the train pulled into the station the coach was soon thronged each person carrying a precious gift to present to the bridal party. Among the tokens were something like fifty pounds of rice, several loaves of bread, bologna sausages, a lunch composed of codfish, onions, cheese and tobacco, a nursing bottle, some old clothes and two bushels of old shoes. The couple withstood the ordeal bravely but the large drops of perspiration that stood out upon their brows showed how fully they appreciated the demonstration of their friends.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ June 13, 1907
Frank & Christina (Matuska) Hovorka

Harold & Maude (McClaine) Hayward
Noting their 50th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayward were honored at the Avon community hall. The Rev. and Mrs. Elmore Blain extended greetings via tape. Aaron Hayward directed the program. Assisting at the event were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Griesbach, Cynthia Pudwill, Linda Redack, Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. James Pudwill, Mrs. Peggy Funck, Mrs. Dennis Hayward, Sharon Radack, Pamela and Debra Miller, Carol Grimme, Mrs. William Radack, Mrs. Donald Hayward, Mrs. Aaron Hayward, Mrs. Harold Grimme, Mrs. Albert Neu, Mrs. Marion Jones, Mrs. George Hancock, Mrs. Bryce Miller, Mrs. Mildred Johnson, and Mrs. Emil Uherka. It was the first time the entire Harold Hayward family had been together. Maude McLane and Harold Hayward were married March 9, 1922 and have 14 children who hosted the occasion James, Mrs. George (June) Hancock, Donald, Clarence, Mrs. William (Opal) Radack, Mrs. James (Betty) Pudwill, Mrs. Harold (Mary) Grimme; Mrs. Bryce (Shirley) Miller, Mrs. Albert (Patsy) Neu, Mrs. Peggy Funck, Mrs. Marion (AIva) Jones, Aaron, Mrs. Richard (Charlene) Nelson, and Dennis.
Source: The Daily Republic (Mitchell, SD) ~ June 30, 1972
Rudolph & Marie (Reidinger) Hauck

Former Terry Pastor and Wife to Celebrate 70th
The family of Rudolph “Rudy” and Marie Hauck announce the upcoming 70th wedding anniversary of the couple.
In 1941, a young, handsome Rudy Hauck, a South Dakota dirt farmer, swept a beautiful town girl, Marie Reidinger, off her feet and down the wedding aisle. In a country church near Tyndall, S.D. on August 20, 1941, Rudy and Marie married.
Over the next 18 years, Rudy and Marie grew more than crops on their little farm. Michael was born in 1942 followed by Robert in 1943. Son James came along in 1948. Sons Timothy and Ronald were added in 1951 and 1953. A final son, William, was born in 1956. A daughter, Kathleen, was added to the house full of sons in 1959.
Seventy years later Mike, Bob and Rita, Bonnie (James died in 1989), Tim and Mona, Ron and Julie, Bill and Suzy, Kathy and Tom along with their families (19 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren to Rudy and Marie) are extending an invitation to help the couple celebrate this milestone by remembering Rudy and Marie with cards, notes, pictures or other items of your choosing. Please no presents.
Please send your well wishes by August 19 to Bill Hauck, 6812 Eastridge Road in Black Hawk, S.D. 57718. Congratulatory notes can also be emailed to willyclay@yahoo.com or posted on Facebook to Bill’s account.
These will be presented to Rudy and Marie on August 20, 2011 at a family gathering in Spearfish, S.D.
Source: The Terry (Montana) Tribune ~ July 27, 2011
Vern & Gladys (Unknown) Hlavac
Recently, Vern and Gladys Hlavac celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends. They are now in San Francisco celebrating their anniversary which is on July 31, 2015.
Vern is the brother of Janene Cabalka of Yankton. He graduated from Tabor High School.
Cards can be sent to them at 8983 Tranquility Ln, N.W. Bemidji, MN 56607.
Melvin & Jessica (Foley) Haase
The family of Melvin and Jessica Haase are hosting an open house in their honor Friday, Aug. 7, 2015 from 2-7 pm at the Scotland VFW to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. The couple requests no gifts. Please come and help us celebrate with them.
A. B. & Unknown (Unknown) Hammer
Arrest of a Bon Homme County Refugee for Too Much Intimacy With Another Man's Wife.
A grand scandal case is creating considerable stir among the people of Tyndall, wherein Capt. A. B. Hammer is charged with adultery. He is now under bonds to appear before Judge Bradford Friday and answer to the charge.
The facts as near as we can learn them are that on or about July 18th Capt. Hammer and a lady arrived in Tyndall and put up at the Carlin hotel. The entry on the hotel register is "A. B. Hammer and lady." Everything went lovely until on or about October 15th, when Mr. and Mrs. Hammer went to Supt. of schools Richmond for certificates to teach. While at Mr. R's house, Mrs. H. picked up a newspaper from Mound Valley, La Bette county, Kansas, in which appeared the name of Luman N. Judd (formerly of Springfield.) "Why!" said the lady, here is Mr. Judd's name." Mr. Richmond looked up inquisitively, and the captain frowned disapprovingly. "Do you know Mr. Judd?" asked the superintendent. The lady replied that she ought to as she came from the town in which he is principal of a school. The matter dropped, (apparently).
On Thursday of last week the captain was arrested and taken before Judge Bradford on a charge of adultery. Frank Richmond was the complaining witness. The defense was ready. Mr. R. was first called, but knew nothing personally but wanted to introduce a letter from a Mr. Hill, the Methodist minister at Mound Valley. Objected to and ruled out for the present. A subpoena was then made out for Mr. Hall. He appeared and created a sensation by identifying the parties. Said he was the husband of Mrs. Hammer at the time she ran away from him and their two children in Kansas in July last, but he had been granted a divorce in November. He also identified the captain us the husband of a lady, and father of nine children, which be deserted at the time specified. The letter held by Mr. Richmond was then introduced. It corroborated the testimony of Mr. Hall. At this juncture the defense asked for a continuance until yesterday, which was granted. Yesterday the court met, and it was expected that Hammer's deserted wife and the minister would be present. They had not arrived at the hour of tho court meeting, so on motion of the prosecution the case was again adjourned to Friday.
The court had no sooner adjourned than the two witnesses arrived by team from Yankton. Mrs. Hammer confirms all that has been said by other witnesses, and acknowledges
Hammer as her runaway husband and the father of her nine children and the grandfather of her two grand children. The court records of La Betta county show that no divorce bas been given Hammer, and as he came directly to Dakota and has not been granted a divorce here, it looks very much like a clear case of the husband of one family running away with the wife of another.
Quite a sensation was produced in our quiet village by the arrival one day last week, of the real Mrs. Hammer, the wife of Hammer, arrested in Tyndall for bigamy. Mr. Hammer left Kansas, leaving his own wife with nine children, and taking the wife of another, the mother of two children. The twain came to Tyndall, where the pretended husband was employed to teach the village school and was superintendent of the Presbyterian Sabbath school and his so called wife was organist in that church. The husband of the unfaithful wife bas been in Tyndall to see for himself, and now comes the original Mrs. Hammer, supported by the minister of the church in Kansas where the superintendent of the Sunday school is missing, and where they are also minus an organist for the church. Hammer had a hearing and was bailed out, but is missing when his presence is so greatly desired.
Source: Daily Press & Dakotaian (Yankton, South Dakota) ~ Tuesday, February 5, 1884
Richard & Marlene (Unknown) Hall
Richard and Marlene Hall celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary December 26, 2015. It's not too late to shower them with cards of congratulations. Send them to 42508 Maxwell Rd., Scotland, SD 57059.
Ray & Wilma (Weidenbach) Hauck
The family of Ray and Wilma Hauck requests a card shower for their 60th anniversary March 28, 2016.
Cards may be sent to them at 701 Pine Street, Springfield, SD 57062.
Richard & Sharleen (Kaiser) Hovorka
Richard and Sharleen Hovorka will be honored with an open house for their 60th wedding anniversary on April 23, 2016 from 2 to 5 pm at the American Legion Hall in Tabor, SD.
The event will be hosted by their children: Dave & Vicki Hovorka, Cindy Settje & Mark Schuler, Roger & Audra Hovorka, and Tim & Gloriann Hovorka.
All friends are relatives are welcome. If unable to attend, greetings may be sent to 42058 307th St., Tabor, SD 57063.
The couple requests no gifts.
Glenn & Jessie (Boersma) Heusinkveld
Glenn and Jessie (Boersma) Heusinkveld will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on Sunday, April 24, 2016, with an open house, 2 pm to 4 pm at the Springfield Community Center located at 605 8th St., Springfield, SD.
They were married on April 24, 1951 at the Emmanuel Reformed Church in Springfield, SD.
The children of the couple are Kevin and Annette Heusinkveld, Rodney Heusinkveld, Chester and Claudette Heusinkveld, Brent and Susan Heusinkveld, Kayleen and Greg Ehresmann, and Joyce (Heusinkveld) Brinker, deceased. The couple has 19 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Greetings may be sent to 701 Pine St., Springfield, SD 57062.
Keith & Debbie (Bentz) Hovorka
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Bentz of Bonesteel and Mr. and Mrs. David Hovorka of Tabor announce the upcoming wedding of their children Debbie and Keith.
Debbie is the granddaughter of Donald and Betty Bentz, Fairfax and the late Donald and Ellen Schmitz.
Keith is the grandson of Richard and Sharleen Hovorka, Tabor and the late Donald and Shirley Jelsma.
The couple will be married June 4, 2016 in Bonesteel with a public wedding dance beginning at 9 pm in Fairfax.
Sean & Jamie (Stech) Halverson
Jamie Elizabeth Stech of Osmond, NE and Sean Gayle Halverson of Scotland, SD were united in marriage on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Osmond, NE by Father Tim Forget.
Parents of the couple are Marvin and Mary Beth Stech of Osmond, NE and Gayle Halverson of Sioux Falls, SD and Mary Jo Halverson of Scotland, SD. Theresa Rice and Bernadine Stech of Osmond are Jamie's grandmothers.
Jamie is a 2003 Osmond High School graduate. She is a Professor of Communication Arts at Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs, IA.
Sean is a 2004 Scotland High School graduate. He is an Actuarial Analyst at National Indemnity Company in Omaha, NE.
After a honeymoon to the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, the couple is at home in Omaha, NE.
Cory & Cindy (Syrovatka) Heckenlaible
Joe and Teri Syrovatka of Lesterville announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Cindy, to Cory Heckenlaible, son of Wayne and Shelly Heckenlaible of Menno. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Scotland High School, received her bachelor's degree in Exercise Science in 2013 from SDSU, and completed her Master's degree in Occupational Therapy from USD in 2015. She is employed as a Licensed Occupational Therapist at Avera Sacred Heart Hospital, Yankton, SD. Her fiance Cory is a graduate of Menno High School and has been employed at Tabor-Lesterville Co-op as a shop mechanic and licensed commercial applicator since 2010. They are planning a Saturday, September 10, 2016 wedding at Salem Reformed Church of Menno, SD.
Christ & Christina (Nagel) Hieb John & Carolina (Hieb) Nagel
A double wedding occurred on Sunday, December 11th at high noon, at the home of Mrs. George Nagel near Tripp. The contracting parties were John Nagel to Miss Caroline Hieb, and Christ Hieb to Miss Christina Nagel, all of Bon Homme county. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. Finkbeiner, pastor of the Evangelical Association church in the presence of a large gathering. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served which was heartily enjoyed by all. We extend congratulations to the happy couples.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ December 15, 1910
Craig & Tracy (Whitt) Henglefelt
Tracy Whitt and Craig Henglefelt announce their engagement.
Parents of the couple are Cindy Whitt and the late Bob Whitt, Scotland; and Glen and Beth Henglefelt, Alexandria.
Tracy is a 2008 graduate of Scotland High School and is currently working on her Teaching Degree through the University of Phoenix. She works for the Hanson School District.
Craig is a 2009 graduate of Hanson High School and attended Dakota Wesleyan University. He is currently employed with Scotts Supply Company in Mitchell.
A July 30, 2016 wedding is planned at Hitchcock Park in Mitchell.
Lloyd & Ina (Sarber) Hawker
A wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sarber on Tuesday evening at four o'clock, when their daughter, Miss Ina Belle, was married to Mr. Lloyd Hawker. Rev. J. W. Zerbe of the M. E. church performing the ceremony. The bridal colors of pink and white were carried out in the decorations and in the wedding bell under which the service was held. Following the ceremony an elaborate wedding dinner was served. Besides the immediate family the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jac Nyhouse and three sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Helm and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spencer and children.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ December 18, 1919
Brian & Sara (Hurd) Hammel
Sara Frances Hurd was married to Brian Connor Hammel on Satuday, May 21st, 2016, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. The marriage was performed by The Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy, Bishop of San Diego and family friend of the groom.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hurd of rural Wagner. She was escorted down the aisle by her father. Her grandparents are COL (Ret.) and Mrs. Robert P. Monfore, also of rural Wagner, and Mrs. William G. Hurd of Cherokee, Iowa.
The groom is the son of Jack and Kathleen Hammel of Santa Rosa, California. His grandparents are Nancy Hammel of Massilon, Ohio, and Nancy McNeill of Santa Rosa, California.
Doctor Elizabeth Edney of Elkhorn, Nebraska, served as her sister's matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Molly Cronin of Chicago, Illinois, friend of the bride; Miss Sarah Wanek of Chicago, Illinois, friend of the bride; and Miss Michelle Hammel of San Francisco, California, sister of the groom.
The groom's best man was his friend, George Saade of San Carlos, California. Groomsmen were Tony Abinader of San Carlos, California, Patrick Lane of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Drew Plack of San Francisco, California, all friends of the groom. Ushers were Jim Moore of New York, New York, Henry Short of Toronto, Canada, and David Upjohn of Scottsdale, Arizona, also friends of the groom.
Flower girls were Emily Edney of Elkhorn, Nebraska, niece of the bride; and Isabelle and Olivia Pacheco of Canton, Michigan, cousins of the bride. Ring bearers were Joseph Edney, nephew of the bride, and Matthew Edney, brother-in-law of the bride, both of Elkhorn, Nebraska.
Musicians included organist Daniel Bayless, cantor Elizabeth Schleicher, violinist Bruce Morrow, and trumpeter Jeff Christiana, all of Notre Dame, and the bride's father as soloist.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Palais Royale in downtown South Bend, Indiana. Music was provided by the Bluewater Kings Band of Chicago, Illinois.
The bride graduated from Avon High School, Avon, South Dakota, and from the University of Notre Dame. She is employed as an account director at New America Marketing in San Francisco, California.
The groom graduated from Junipero Serra High School, San Mateo, California, and from the University of Notre Dame. He is employed as area vice president and client service director for Arthur J. Gallagher & Company, San Francisco, California.
After a honeymoon to Spain, France, Denmark, and Greece, the couple is at home in San Francisco.
Stan & Kathleen (Soukup) Jaeger
Tom and Linda Soukup of Wagner are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen to Stan Jaeger, son of George and Eileen Jaeger of Tyndall. An August 10 wedding is being planned.
Source: Tyndall Tribune & Register ~ May 30, 1990
Douglas & Melissa (Mesman) Jelsma
The children of Doug and Melissa Jelsma invite everyone to help their parents in celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. Melissa Mesman and Douglas Jelsma were united in marriage July 18, 1980. They have six children and 12 grandchildren.
Matthew & Tamara (Scholl) Johnson
Tamara L. Scholl and Matthew C. Johnson are pleased to announce their engagement and forthcoming wedding.
The future bride is employed at Global Polymers in Arlington. She is the daughter of William and Fritzie Scholl of Madison.
The future groom is employed with Gehl Mustang in Madison. He is the son of Jeffery and Faith Humpal of Tyndall, and William Johnson of Spokane, Wash.
They will be married on July 9, 2005.
Rudolph & Diana (Weisz) Jerke
Happy 50th Anniversary to Rudy & Diana Jerke, May 22, 2016.
Please join them as we celebrate their Golden Anniversary with an open house on Sunday, June 26, 2-5 pm, at Zion Lutheran Church, Scotland, SD.
John & Beatrice (Catton) Johnson
A very pleasant double wedding occurred at the home of Rev. Hamilton, pastor of the Presbyterian church in Sioux City, on Wednesday, February 14th, when Miss Louise Catton of this place was married to Mr. Otto Woods of Maple Hill, Kans., and Miss Beatrice Catton was married to Mr. John Louis Johnson of Yankton. The brides are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Catton, living west of town and are young ladies of culture and refinement. Mr. Woods was a former resident of this place but moved to Kansas two years ago where he had purchased a farm and is doing well. Mr. Johnson is an electrician engaged in business in Yankton. After a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Woods will be at home to their friends at Maple Hill, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home in Yankton after April first. The best wishes of their Scotland friends will go with these worthy young people to their future homes.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ February 15, 1912
Ferdinand & Unknown Klinknes
Ferdinand L. Klinknes of Scotland and Mrs. Wysuph of Lesterville were married at Tabor, Bon Homme County. The bride is 75 and the groom 66 years of age.
Source: Dakota Farmers' Leader (Canton, South Dakota) ~ January 31, 1896
Dr. Edward & Constance (Wempe) Kniffen
Dr. Edward and Constance Kniffen, Tyndall, S.D., celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Dec. 28, 2006 with a card shower.
Edward L. Kniffen and Constance Sue Wempe were married Dec. 28, 1966, at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Lawrence, Kniffen.
Edward graduated from Kansas State University with a doctorate in veterinary medicine. He owned and operated a large animal clinic in Tyndall and is retired. Connie, a former resident of Lawrence, attended Kansas University and K-State and received a degree in home economics from Mt. Marty University in Yankton, S.D. She operated a seamstress shop in Tyndall.
Their children are Christine Kniffen, Albuquerque, N.M.; Gregrory Kniffen, Sioux Falls, S.D.; and Julie Homann, Windsor, Colo. They have one grandchild.
William & Kateena (Lukkes) Kennedy
Kateena Kay Lukkes, Tyndall, S.D., and William Schuyler Kennedy II, Lawrence, were married Oct. 10, 2009, at St. Leo’s Catholic Church in Tyndall, with the Rev. Sandy Aakre officiating.
The bride is the daughter of LeWayne and Pam Lukkes, Tyndall.
The groom is the son of Diane Kennedy, Lawrence, and the late William S. Kennedy.
Maid of honor was Andria Marquardt. Best man was Chris Aragon. Bridesmaids were Suzanne Toms and Janet Kennedy. Groomsmen was Cody Lukkes and Christopher Kennedy. Junior bridesmaids were Megan and Jeni Schmidt. Ringbearer was Lucas Kennedy-Eker. Flower girls were Hadley Marquardt and Madison Kennedy.
A reception was at Tyndall (S.D.) Community Building.
The bride is a graduate of Bon Homme High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from University of South Dakota and a paramedic certification from Avera McKennan School of EMS.
The groom is a graduate of Lawrence High School. He attended Kansas University.
The couple reside in Kansas City, Kan.
Daniel & Jodi (Goeden) Kubal
Jodi Lynn Goeden of Yankton and Daniel (Dan) Joseph Kubal of Lesterville announce their engagement. Parents of the couple are Orrin and Alice Roth of Alexandria and Michael and Gladys Kubal of Lesterville.
Jodi graduated with bachelor of science degree in nursing from Mount Marty College and is currently empolyed with Avera Medical Group Yankton.
Dan is currently engaged in farming and owns Beaver Creek Fencepost and Lumber.
The couple is planning a November 15, 2014 wedding in St. Agnes Catholic Church.
Wes & Danielle (Kriz) Kloucek
Danielle Kriz and Wes Kloucek were united in marriage at St. Wenceslaus Church in Tabor September 20 with Pastor Steven Jones officiating.
Parents of the couple are David and Julie Kriz of Tyndall and Mike and Anita Kloucek of Scotland. Grandparents of the bride are Adeline Merkwan of Tabor and Agnes Kriz of Tyndall. Grandparents of the groom are Ken and Joyce Kloucek of Scotland and Don and Margaret Carda of Tabor.
Matron of honor was Chantelle Fast, friend of the bride, of Yale. Bridesmaids were Kyndra Hovorka, friend of the bride, of Gregory; Kayla Kloucek, sister of the groom, of Mitchell; Jennifer Pechous, friend of the bride, of Valley Springs; Justine Kummer, friend of the bride, of Tabor. Flower girl was Taylee Hovorka, friend of the bride. Personal attendant was Nicole Kaul, friend of the bride, of Tyndall.
Best man was Nathan Kloucek, brother of the groom, of Tabor. Groomsmen were Darren Kriz, brother of the bride, of Tyndall; Adam Tycz, friend of the groom, of Scottsdale, Ariz.; Dylan Stoebner, friend of the groom, of Sioux Falls; Joey Sykora, friend of the groom, of Tyndall. Ring bearer was Boady Smit, cousin of the bride, of Platte. Ushers were Ryan and Jay Kriz, cousins of the bride, of Tyndall; Mitch DeLange, cousin of the bride, of Corsica; Brian Steffen, cousin of the groom, of Vermillion.
Danielle is a 2010 graduate of Bon Homme High School and 2012 graduate of Southeast Technical Institute, Sioux Falls with a degree in financial services. Danielle is employed at Security National Bank in Sioux Falls.
Wes is a 2010 graduate of Bon Homme High School and is in the electrical apprenticeship program for Thompson Electric in Sioux Falls.
Kraig & Morgan (Peck) Kronaizl
Matthew Peck and Constance Bower of Sioux Falls, SD and Dennis and Linda Kronaizl of Scotland, SD are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming wedding of their children Morgan Peck and Kraig L. Kronaizl. The bride-elect is a 2014 graduate of the University of South Dakota of Law and is employed at Second Judicial Circuit as a Law Clerk. The groom-elect is a 2011 graduate of the University of South Dakota School of Law and is employed at the firm of Lynn, Jackson, Shultz, & Lebrun as an Associate Attorney. The couple is planning an August 7, 2015 wedding at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls, SD.
Gary & Diane (Merkwan) Kriz
Gary and Diane Kriz of Tyndall will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary August 24, 2015. Their children, Ryan, Jay, and Jody, are requesting a card shower in their honor.
Diane Merkwan and Gary Kriz were married August 24, 1985 at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Tabor.
Well wishes and congratulation cards may be sent to Gary and Diane Kriz, 41522 298th Street, Tyndall, SD 57066.
Eugene & Esther (Unknown) Kisch
Eugene and Esther Kisch of Fridley, MN will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on September 16, 2015.
Eugene and Esther Kisch were married on September 16, 1955 in Avon, SD. They farmed near Wagner until 1985.
Their children are Jackie (Lynnal) Meisenheimer, Brandon, SD; Ron (Norma) Kisch, Salem, OR; Dennis (Diane) Kisch, Yankton, SD; and Dale Kische (Leeann Berry), Elk Grove, CA. The couple has 15 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. The family is requesting a card shower in their honor. Greetings may be sent to: 1620 Onondaga St. NE, Fridley, MN 55432. The couple requests no gifts.
Ryan & Shelby (Jelsma) Kriz
Darrell Jelsma of Springfield and Karen Jelsma of Sioux Falls announce the engagement of their daughter, Shelby Jelsma to Ryan Kriz, son of Gary and Diane Kriz of Tyndall.
Shelby is a 2012 graduate of Bon Homme High School and a 2014 graduate of Southeast Technical Institute with a degree in graphic design. She currently is employed by Mount Marty College as a web and graphic designer in the marketing department.
Ryan is a 2009 graduate of Bon Homme High School and a 2011 graduate of Southeast Technical Institute with a degree in automotive technology. He farms with his family.
The couple will be married Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 at the Emmanuel Reformed Church in Springfield.
Dale & Alice (Travnicek) Kozak
Dale and Alice Kozak will celebrate 50 years of marriage December 30, 2015. The family is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's milestone. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 1801 Birch Street, Tyndall, SD 57066.
Robert & Mary (Cach) Kaftan
Miss Mary Cach, and Mr. Robert Kaftan, of Green Bay, Wis., were married in St. Joseph's Catholic church in Scotland on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. The ceremony was performed in the presence of about a dozen of the relatives and special friends of the bride and groom. The bride was attended by Miss Mary Benish of Tyndall, and the groom by Mr. Frank Cach, brother of the bride. Among the guests were the mother of the groom from Tyndall and his sister from Geddes. After the ceremony in the church the company assembled at the home of the bride where in rooms beautifully decorated in green and white a pleasant reception was held and the wedding dinner served. Many presents including pictures, cut glass, and several checks, were presented to the newly wedded couple, together with the congratulations and best wishes of all. They departed on Wednesday for their future home in Green Bay, Wis., where the groom is engaged in the practice of law.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ January 5, 1905
Joseph & Mary (Trantina) Kodet
Mr. Joseph Kodet and Miss Mary Trantina were married in the Catholic church at 9:30 o'clock last Monday morning, Rev. Father Luig performing the ceremony. The out of town guests were the bride's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Simek, and Mr. James Simek of Kadoka, Mr. and Mrs. James Simek Sr. from near Tyndall, and the groom's father from Verdigree, Neb. Mr. James Simek acted as groomsman and Miss Anna Trantina, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. Following the ceremony at the church the friends repaired to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Trantina, where a wedding feast was enjoyed, and at 1:45 the bride and groom departed for their future home at Belvidere. Three years ago Mr. Kodet took a claim in Stanley county one miles from Belvidere on which he made proof. He then returned to Scotland and has since been employed most of the time as baker in A. Trutnovsky's bakery and restaurant. Joe is an energetic young man, steady and industrious, and the assistance of the young lady whom he had taken as a life partner, and who is fitted in every way to help in building up a happy and cheerful home, we predict for them a happy and prosperous future on the farm.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ April 15, 1909
Melvin & Judy (Unknown) Ludens
Melvin and Judy Ludens of Springfield will celebrate their 50th anniversary September 11, 2014.
Judy Sherk and Melvin Ludens were married September 11, 1964 at Emmanuel Reformed Church in Springfield. They have two children, Jon and Nicky Ludens of Sioux Falls and Lisa and Jason Rudloff of Verdigre, Nebr. and six grandchildren.
They will celebrate with a gathering of their family and wedding attendants.
The family requests a card shower. Greetings may be sent to PO Box 213, Springfield, SD, 57062. No gifts please.
Nelson & Leonora (Spomer) Lagendyk
Miss Leonora Spomer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spomer, of Freeman, became the bride of Nelson Lagendyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lagendyk, of Avon, at six o'clock Thursday evening, June 20, 1946, in St. Paul's Lutheran church. The Rev. Paul H. Brill performed the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with flowers and ferns.
Nuptial music was played at the pipe organ by Mrs. Otto Pinnt. Quentin Jungeman also of Avon sang "O Perfect Love" and Walter Spomer, brother of the bride, sang "The Lord's Prayer." Miss Bernice Volkert and Miss Alvira Rembold who were attired in blue an yellow respectively, lit the candles which adorned the altar.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white fashioned with a gathered bodice, a sweetheart neckline, long fitted sleeves and a full skirt, entrain. Her long flowing veil edged with lace, fell from a beaded halo. Her bridal bouquet consisted of yellow roses and larkspur. For her maid of honor the bride chose her sister, Miss Irene Spomer who wore a blue taffeta dress with a net skirt and matching veil. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The best man was Lieutenant John Ryer of Hudson, a buddy of the groom in the army. The Lagendyk sisters, Luella and June, were dressed identically in blue chiffon gowns with matching veils. They carried nosegays of pink rambler roses. Little Charma Harmelick, of Alton, Iowa dressed in yellow served as flower girl and carried a basket of rose petals. Little Ruth Ann Trieber of Unionville, Mich. dressed in blue, served as ring bearer. Vernon Vriese of Alton, Iowa and Norman Spomer, brother of the bride were ushers.
The bride is a graduate of Freeman high school and attended Freeman Junior College. For the past 2 years she has been teaching in the parochial school at Avon. The bridegroom is a graduate of Avon high school and attended the University of Montana and the University of South Dakota. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps and served as a glider pilot for over 4 years, 2 of which were spent overseas.
A reception was held after the ceremony at the Lutheran school where a banquet dinner was served to 150 guests, a most efficient way by the Lutheran Ladies Aid. A fine program was rendered.
The newlyweds departed for a trip to the Black Hills. Mr. Lagendyk received his commission and will re-enter the Army Air Corps the latter part of September.
Andrew & Tera (Williams) Mehrer
Jon and Faye Williams of Avon, SD announce the engagement of their daughter Tera Williams to Andrew Mehrer, son of Mike and Deb Mehrer of Scotland, SD.
The Bride-to-be graduated from South Dakota State University and is employed as a Compliance OFficer with Costello Property Management in Sioux Falls, SD.
The groom-to-be graduated from Sioux Valley School of Radiologic Technology and is employed as a Radiologic Technologist at Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD.
George & Denise (Guy) Mudder
George and Denise (Guy) Mudder will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary November 28, 2015. They were married at St. Leo's Catholic Church in Tyndall November 28, 1975.
James & Mary (Parmenter) Meighen
St. Joseph's Catholic church was the scene of an attractive wedding Wednesday at 8 o'clock A.M., June 29, 1910, when Miss Mary Eugenia Parmenter, only daughter of Mr.a nd Mrs. A. E. Parmenter, and Mr. James L. Meighen were married in the presence of a few relatives and friends.
At the strains of Lohengrin's "Wedding March," the bride on the arm of her father, preceded by her attendant, Miss Loretta Meighen, marched to the chancel rail where she was met by the groom and his best man, Mr. John Parmenter. Father Placidus of Yankton, SD, very impressively pronounced the words of union, using the ring ceremony.
The bride was dressed in a going away suit of blue Shantung silk and hat to match. Her only ornament was a pin worm by her grandmother on her wedding day. On her arm she carried a large bouquet of beauteous bride's roses. The bridesmaid wore a white lingerie gown and carried pink and white carnations.
Immediately after the ceremony the wedding party was conveyed to the home of the bride's parents where congratulations were received, after which a bountiful five course breakfast was served by Mrs. Wilson and Miss Campbell, friends of the bride. Pink and white, the wedding colors, predominated in the floral decorations. Roses and ferns graced the dining room and the parlor was decorated with carnations and sweet peas.
The bride has grown to womanhood in our midst and has a host of friends won by her charming qualities of character. The groom is a prominent lawyer of our city having bought out Major Dollard's practice at the time of his departure for California. The large assortment of presents an letters of congratulation and well wishes indicate the esteem in which the couple are held.
Following an extended wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Meighen will be at home to their many friends in this city, having rented the Brown property on Poplar street.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ June 30, 1910
Paul & Eva (Nelson) Meisenholder
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nelson occurred the marriage of Eva Dagmar Nelson to Paul E. Meisenholder on Monday, June 27 at 8 o'clock in the evening. The wedding ceremony was conducted by Rev. F. W. Schaffer of the local Baptist church.
The groom is one of the community's most popular young men. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Meisenholder, formerly of this city, and was born and raised in this city. For the past two years, he has been co manager with his brother of the G. Meisenholder. clothing store. They bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nelson of this city. She received her education in this city and also grew to womanhood here.
Short wedding festivities at which a dinner was served was held immediately after the ceremony. Only members of the two families and immediate relatives were present.
The young couple boarded the midnight train for a trip to the National Yellowstone park. Upon the completion of their honeymoon they will take up their residence in this city.
Among the out of town guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hall of Bovee, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rench of, Dimock, Mr. and Mrs. G. Meisenholder and children, Eddie, Philo and Meta, Mrs. Leo Aspinwall and son, Richard, and Mrs. B. A. Meisenholder and children, of Vermillion.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ June 30, 1921
Philip & Virginia (Voy) Neuharth
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Neuharth, Jr., Menno, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Friday, Feb. 28, 2014.
The family requests a card shower in their honor. Greetings may be sent to PO Box 147, Menno, SD, 57045.
Virginia Voy and Philip Neuharth, Jr. were married on Feb. 28, 1954, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Scotland. They have eight children: Lonnie Jo (deceased); Lue Allen (Pam), Menno; Lue Ann (Rick) Miller, Scotland; Philip (Linda), Menno; Marcia (Clay), Utica; Dianne (Donny) Hopf, Yankton; Sandra Kuper, Watertown; and Mary (Mark) Olesen, Yankton. The couple has 17 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
John & Melissa (Hoerth) Nedved
A card shower is requested for the 25th wedding anniversary of John and Melissa (Hoerth) Nedved. They were married April 12, 1991. They have two children, Leah and Tyler and one grandson, Bentley.
Cards may be sent to John and Melissa Nedved, 41791 Cleveland Road, Tyndall, SD 57066.
Larry & Rose (Mueller) Hoogshagen
The children, Erin, Eric and Evan, of Larry and Rose Hoogshagen, would like to request a card shower in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016. Cards of congratulations can be sent to them at 921 Main Street, Scotland, SD 57059.
Alexander & Rose (Eisenmann) Nelles
At the home of Mrs. Eisenman last evening Miss Rosa Eisenman, and Mr. Alexander Nelles were united in the bonds of holy wedlock. It was a very pretty home wedding and the guests were the families of the contracting parties. The bride was prettily attired in light blue and the groom in conventional black. Mr. and Mrs. Nelles will make their home on the Nelles farm five miles west of town where the groom this season has been keeping bachelor's hall. The young people have grown up in our community and have a host of friends. We wish them a prosperous and happy life journey.
Source: The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, SD) ~ November 17, 1904
Larry & Kathryn (Pravecek) Osborn
Larry and Kathryn Osborn will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on December 28, 2014.
Kathryn Pravecek and Larry Osborn were married on December 28, 1964 at St. George's Catholic Church in Scotland, SD.
They have three children: the late Pamela Osborn, Kristy (Terry) Sayler of Yankton, SD, and the late John Osborn.
The couple has six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Their family requests a card shower. Greetings may be sent to 1509 Douglas Ave., Yankton, SD, 57078.
Darrell & Sharon (Hirsch) Orth
Darrell and Sharon (Hirsch) Orth were married May 29, 1966. Please help celebrate their 50th anniversary by showering them with cards, 42844 SD Hwy 46, Lesterville, SD 57040.
Micah & Christy (Brunken) Pengitore
Christy Brunken and Micah Pengitore were married on Saturday, May 10, 2014, at Hillcrest Baptist Church, Sioux Falls, with the Rev. Doug Bartel officiating.
Parents of the the couple are Dan and Tammy Brunken, Springfield; and Joe and Joyce Pengitore, Mitchell.
Grandparents of the bride are Ray and Millie Fischer of Parkston and Deloris Brunken of Sioux Falls, formerly of Tripp. Godparents for the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Traut, Dr. and Mrs. Mergallo, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Cummings and Dr. and Mrs. Olegario all of Mitchell.
Matron of honor was Cassie Lawrence, sister of the bride, Sioux Falls. Bridesmaids were Megan Youngstrom, friend of the bride, Canton; Megan Tjeerdsma, friend of the bride, Yankton and Mary Anne Lorensen, friend of the bride, Sioux Falls. Flower girl was Brooke Hansen, cousin of the bride, Pierre, and personal attendants were Megan and Jillian Hansen, cousins of the bride, Pierre.
Best man was Mark Pengitore, brother of the groom, West Lafayette, Ind. Groomsmen were Tony Plooster, friend of the groom, Corsica; Toby DeVries, friend of the groom, Scotland and Frank Wiebenga, friend of the couple, Sioux Falls. Ring bearer was Isaac Fischer, cousin of the bride, Mitchell.
The reception and dance were held at the Riviera in Brandon. The couple took a wedding trip to Jamaica and now resides in Watertown.
The bride is a 2008 graduate of Bon Homme High School and a 2012 graduate of the University of South Dakota with a degree in business management and is employed by First Premier Bank in Watertown.
The groom is a 2008 graduate of Corsica High School and a 2013 graduate of South Dakota State University in health science and is attending Lake Area Technical School for physical therapy assistant.
Michael & Angela (Fouberg) Pietz
Angela Marie Wipf and Michael Arnold Pietz were joined together in marriage on Saturday, May 31, 2014, at First United Methodist Church, Huron, with Pastor Mark Holland officiating.
Parents of the couple are Anita and Tom Fouberg, Woonsocket; and Roger and Lori Pietz, Scotland.
Matron of honor was Tasma Taylor, friend of the bride. Bridesmaids were Callie Bezpaletz (sister of the bride), Clover Herman (friend of the bride) and Vicki Brick (aunt of the bride). Flower girl was Ivy Wipf, daughter of the bride.
Best man was Dillion Fischer, friend of the groom. Groomsmen were Kory Kepplinger (friend of the groom), Edwin Gall (cousin of the groom), and Matthew Pietz (brother of the groom). Ring bearer was Camden Pietz, nephew of the groom. Ushers were Keith Tompkins (brother of the bride) and Kyle Kepplinger (friend of the groom).
Cohen Pietz (nephew of the groom) read the scripture. Cassi Pietz (sister-n-law of the groom) registered the guests.
Special guests that day were Darlene Tompkins and Carol Gall-Hauck, grandmothers of the couple.
A reception and dance was held at Top Floor Events Center in Huron.
The couple will live in Huron.
Raymond & Carol (Schneider) Pavlish
The children of Ray and Carol Pavlish, 108 Privet St., Yankton, SD, request a card shower honoring their parents on their 40th wedding anniversary on Aug. 14, 2011.
Children are Jason, Cheri, & family, Hiawatha, KS, and Josh, Melissa, & family, Yankton, SD.
Joshua & Megan (Meyer) Pesek
Megan Susanna Marie Meyer and Joshua Aaron Pesek, both of Tyndall, SD, were united in marriage on June 27, 2015, at Sandals Whitehouse, Jamaica.
The bride is the daughter of Donna Meyer and Donald Meyer, both of North Platte, NE. The groom is the son of Jerry and Linda Pesek, of Tyndall, South Dakota.
Grandparents of the bride are Geri Nunnenkamp, of Hermiston, Oregon, Donald Nunnenkamp, of Grand Island, Russ and the late Charlotte Griesfellen, of North Platte, and the late Donald L. Meyer. Grandparents of the groom are Elsie and the late Carl Waller, of Tyndall, South Dakota, and Marie Weidner and the late Jim Pesek, of Tyndall, South Dakota.
Megan is employed as a school teacher at Parkston School District and Joshua is employed at the United States Department of Agriculture, in Tyndall, South Dakota, where the couple resides.
Ken & Marianne (Unknown) Peters
Ken and Marianne Peters were married on August 21, 1965. They invite family and friends to an open house at Scotland's Dawson Creek Golf Course, on Saturday, Aug 22, 2015 from 8 p.m. - 12 mid. Send greetings to 1011 State St., Scotland, SD 57059.
Paul & Bernice (Unknown) Pedersen
The family of Paul and Bernice Pedersen request a card shower to honor them on their 60th wedding anniversary May 6, 2016. Congratulations can be sent to them at 1150 2nd Street, Scotland, SD 57059.