History Items with documented sources:

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) - est. 1883
The G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) was one of the earliest organizations in Aberdeen. It was established in January of 1883 by veterans of the Civil War. The first installation was held at Berry’s Hall and featured a menu of “B.C. Hard Tack, Dixie baked beans and coffee-a-lamilitaire. To defray the expense of the luxurious collation, the small admittance fee of 15 cents will be asked.” **Aberdeen Republican, 1883. The main project of the GAR was the observance of Decoration Day. With the death of James M. Cranker, the last surviving Civil War veteran in 1935, this organization died.
Source: Brown County History 1980, page 275
The Aberdeen Democrat, page 5
Friday, June 16, 1905
State Camp in City Next Week — Large Attendance Expected
Likely to be Last State Reunion of Veterans in this City.
Next week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the state encampment of the G.A.R. will be held in this city (Aberdeen.) It is expected that a large number of veterans from all over the state will be present at this meeting, which will be made notable by a number of prominent members of the order who will attend.
G. W. Patton of Chattanooga will be here as will General Eli Torrance of Minneapolis, one of the well known men of the northwest.
The citizens of the city will make every effort to entertain the visitors and make their stay in the city pleasant. Inasmuch as Aberdeen’s turn for another state camp will not come for a number of years, it is altogether likely that this will be the last time that the city will have the opportunity and pleasure of entertaining the state organization of the Grand Army of the Republic.
The old soldiers will give a parade on Thursday. The South Dakota State Band will take part and the local company of the state militia has also been invited to participate.
American Legion Sidney L. Smith Post #24 -organized 1919