Submitter, Kathy Smith, explains that on the back of Dora and Jake’s wedding photo her Aunt wrote that they were friends of my Grandparents (Herman and Elizabeth Haker).
Kathy wrote, "I wish I had more information to share with you on the pictures. I put them on My Heritage and had their photo app give me an estimated date, which could be off either way but at least it is a hint.
"My guess is that the pictures of young ones are probably children of relatives so I will provide you with some family photos and the estimated date, photographer if known, and names, if known."
IF ANYONE viewing these photographs of the Haker Collection is able to HELP with Identification -- please email the Brown County Coordinator. Follow the LINKS to view the additional Children and Family pictures. Each of the photos has an "Image number" -- if you email, please give the image number.
The below photo is said to be the Groom, Jake Treml. [Image #4443]
Above and Below: Jacob G. “Jake” Treml (1885-1951) and wife Dora A. Schott (1891-1982). Lived in Gem Township. The Groton Studio, Groton S. D.
Married 16 Nov 1910.
Dora & Jake Treml Couple photo [image #4447]
See below an Unknown Couple. The Groton Studio, Groton, S.D. est 1910
[Image #4441]

**An Observation Noted - Above Two Wedding Photos -- Same Groton studio, with use of same backdrop.