Program transcribed by Terri Tosh 1940 Eighth Grade Commencement Exercises Brule County Schools Friday Afternoon, June 7th, 1940 2:30 o'clock High School Auditorium, Kimball, South Dakota Class Colors: Turquoise Blue and Gold Class Flower: Yellow Rose Class Motto: Pilots of Tomorrow Last Name First Name Comments Altwicker Melve Jo Graduate Backes Dale Honor Roll Backes Robert Honor Roll Beebe Tony Honor Roll Bilka Raymond Graduate Biskeborn Margaret Processional Blackwell Vivian Graduate Boyd Keith Graduate Brown Elizabeth Graduate Brumbaugh Robert Graduate Bullis Jean Graduate Chelma Garnet Honor Roll Coursey Major O. W. Address Dominiack Ralph Honor Roll Ducept Oscar Graduate Duchenaux Vivian Graduate Eatherton Neola Honor Roll Eckstien Milfred Graduate Feltman Jack Honor Roll Fiddler Francis Honor Roll Frybarger Celia Graduate Gabrielson Helen Graduate Glissendorf Darlene Honor Roll Gooselin Stanley Honor Roll Grey Bull Gladys Graduate Hallman Marjorie Graduate Healey Joyce Honor Roll Heinrich Alvin Graduate Hloucha Fern Graduate Houska Leatrice Graduate Hrabe Sanford Salutatorian Ireland Ella Presentation of Diplomas Johnson Evelyn Graduate Johnstone Lois Graduate Jurgensen Thomas Graduate Kindred Laura Honor Roll Kott Alta Honor Roll Kott James Graduate Kott Norna Honor Roll Krepela Marvin Honor Roll La Roche Earl Graduate Labrecque Francis Graduate Labrecque Louis Graduate Le Compte Marian Graduate Lind Loretta Graduate Mairose Constance Honor Roll Maresh Betty Valedictorian Mareska Mavis Graduate Maurer Cleo Honor Roll Meyers Evelyn Honor Roll Michalek Mildred Graduate Munger Doris Graduate Munger Virgil Graduate Nelson Donavan Graduate Novak Junior Graduate Nutter Dale Graduate Olson Duane Graduate Pazour Florence Honor Roll Peters Marie Graduate Picotte Joseph Honor Roll Poitra Philip Honor Roll Powers Bernice Honor Roll Randall Mary Graduate Roleder Rev. E. J. Invocation Roleder Rev. E. J. Benediction Rosenberger Donald Honor Roll Rosenberger Roland Graduate Rueland Charles Honor Roll Satterlee Roy Graduate Schlepuetz Lucille Honor Roll Sharping Raymond Graduate Speckels Alyce Faye Graduate Spier Bernice Graduate Stone Ora Mae Vocal Solo Sullivan Loretta Honor Roll Swanson Alvin Graduate Tarabetz Mae Graduate Thiry Adeline Graduate Turcotte Alvina Graduate Urban John Honor Roll Waldron Patricia Honor Roll Watters Robert Honor Roll Westre Adeline Honor Roll White Cloud Jerome Honor Roll Will Dale Graduate Wingert John Graduate Wulf Harold Graduate Wulf Lyle Graduate