Information transcribed by Terri Tosh. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. Seniors listed in THE CUB 1958. Smaller photo includes 16 of these seniors(noted by *) pictured as 4th graders in 1950, when their teacher was Mrs. Krebs. Last Name First Name *4th grade Notes Adams Gerald G. Atkinson Myrtle Eileen Audiss Phyllis Bailey Robert Bode Larry G. Cable Linda Mae * Salutatorian Carey Janice Lamae * Cleland Betty Cullen Judy Frank Jeanette * Frederick Betty Ann * Gates Karen Gowdy Margaret Jean Gust Terry J. * Hammerbeck Patricia Ann Healy Robert Emmett Hinker Eddie * Hogarth Deanna Dee * Keiner Bill Knox Roger * Labidee Joyce * Leiferman Sammy Longden Ethel Mae * Mlady William E. Newby Ronnie E. Priebe Joann Beverly * Rohrbauck Donald * Sorensen John Speckels Eunice Strand Allen * Valedictorian Surat Robert Swanson Janice Louise Wait Curtis Harrold * Waysman Hope Rozann Wells Jacquelene Irene Wipf Sheila Kay * Woodraska Richard Lee *