Chamberlain, Brule Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909. Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at CHAMBERLAIN An important and growing city, county seat of Brule county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 67 miles west of Mitchell. Located on the Missouri river promises to become one of the large cities of the state. Has municipal water works, electric and gas light systems and other city improvements. Government Indian school is located here. Good schools and churches, fine business houses and many comfortable residences. Population 1,800. Last Name First Name Business Anderson J. Q. see Brule Land & Investment Co. Anderson Lumber Co. J. F. lumber and coal Anderson, Huston, Somers & Chamberlain props Brule Land & Investment Co. Ayers A. B. lodging Bailey O. E. secy-treas Chamberlain Wholesale Grocery Co. Bank of Chamberlain Arthur G. Hill pres, E E Dye vice-pres, H I Lawrence cashier Beckler J. D. vice-pres Chamberlain State Bank Beecher S. M. plumber, steam and hot water heating Berry & Sons F. K. dry goods and clothing Bingham see Fry & Bingham Bingham & Fry abstracters and real estate Brockway C. L. secy, Chamberlain Gas, Light & Power Co. Brockway Chas. L. attorney-at-law Brown James attorney-at-law Brule Land & Investment Co. J Q Anderson, R J Huston, R H Somers, H D Chamberlain, real estate and farm loans Brule National Bank S P Seierson pres, W H Pratt cash Burkholder Dan F. editor and publisher Chamberlain Democrat Campbell T. J. rooms Casey see Gooder-Casey Land Co. Chamberlain H. D. see Brule Land & Investment Co. Chamberlain H. D. treas, Commercial Club Chamberlain see Anderson, Huston, Somers & Chamberlain Chamberlain Commercial Club Robt Somers president Chamberlain Democrat (w) Dan F Burkholder editor Chamberlain Gas, Light & Power Co. C L Brockway secy Chamberlain Indian School S A M Young superintendent, one mile north Chamberlain Investment Co. flouring mills, W L Montgomery sec-treas Chamberlain Opera House Clyde G Le Blond mgr Chamberlain Register (w) R H Dunbar publisher Chamberlain Sanitarium Dr C P Farnsworth pres, Dr W T Lindsay sec Chamberlain State Bank W R Tapper pres, Peter B Dirks vice-pres, J D Beckler vice-pres, E M Sedgwick cashier Chamberlain Telephone Co. Chamberlain Investment Co. proprietors Chamberlain Wholesale Grocery Co. (inc) F L Kramer pres, O E Bailey secy-treas Cilley Frank W. printer Clevenger J. W. dentist Commercial Club Major R H Somers pres, Dr Fred Treon sec, H D Chamberlain treas Conrick Geo. E. general contractor Cowie A. E. real estate Cox Hoyt photographer Cox Thos. H. furniture, undertaker Crisp & Jameson real estate Crisp & Muckler real estate Culbertson & Dresser barbers Dirks Peter B. vice-pres Chamberlain State Bank Douville H. L. clothing Dresser see Culbertson & Dresser Drury E. L. attorney Dunbar R. H. publisher Chamberlain Register Duncan A. P. asst cashier Whitbeck National Bank Duncan S. W. physician Dundas J. A. prop, Electric Theatre Dye E. E. vice-pres Bank of Chamberlain Dye & Hill real estate, farms and ranches Egleston Nelson W. dry goods and clothing, vice-pres Whitbeck National Bank Electric Theatre J A Dundas prop Farmer Edith H. (Miss) millinery Farmer W. J. attorney-at-law Farmers & Merchants Co-operative Telephone Co. Chamberlain Investment Co. proprietors Farmers Dairy & Produce Co. Geo A Fry manager Farnsworth C. P. phys, pres Chamberlain Sanitarium Felker M. C. justice peace and real estate Fessenden W. N. painter and paperhanger Fry Geo. A. manager, Farmers Dairy & Produce Co. Fry see Bingham & Fry Fry & Bingham real estate and abstracts of title Gannaway F. P. meat market Gerin Grocery Co. P. J. Gilbert W. M. saloon Gilbert Automobile Garage A. Gishwiller B. M. barber Gooder-Casey Land Co. real estate Goodrich R. R. physician Graybill W. C. attorney-at-law Graybill & Hedrick Land Co. real estate Hanson & Son J. S. livery Hedrick see Graybill & Hedrick Land Co. Hill Arthur G. president Bank of Chamberlain Hill see Dye & Hill Hopkins O. L. agent C, M & St P Ry House Jesse E. attorney Huddle B. C. attorney-at-law Hummel B. tailor Huston R. J. see Brule Land & Investment Co. Huston see Anderson, Huston, Somers & Chamberlain Interior Telephone Co. W L Montgomery sec-treas Irons W. Hall register, U S Land Office Jameson see Crisp & Jameson Johnson Bros. Co. real estate Kaufman David N. real estate Kirsch H. P. saloon Knight J. H. whol liquors and cigars Knudson & Olson blacksmiths and machinists Kramer F. L. pres Chamberlain Wholesale Grocery Co. Kramer N. M. general merchandise Laughlin L. B. receiver U S Land Office Lawrence H. I. cashier Bank of Chamberlain Lawson Wm. shoes Le Blond Clyde G. mgr, Chamberlain Opera House Le Blond H. W. drugs, jewelry and stationery Lindsay W. T. phys, sec Chamberlain Sanitarium Lumbard W. F. furniture, undertaker Marks & Palmer livery Martin & Walker dray and transfer Maughan see Rowe & Maughan McGreevy L. R. dentist Merchants Hotel H L Pfeiffer prop Merle A. restaurant Metcalf T. A. hardware, harness and implements Moles W. L. billiards and pool Montgomery W. L. sec-treas, Chamberlain Investment Co. Montgomery W. L. sec-treas, Interior Telephone Co. Muckler see Crisp & Muckler Mussman Hotel H C Mussman prop Nelson Bertha A. millinery Olson see Knudson & Olson Palmer see Marks & Palmer People's Savings Bank Pfeiffer H. L. prop Merchants Bank Potter M. E. (Mrs.) restaurant Powers F. A. barber Pratt W. H. cashier Brule National Bank Pratt W. M. president Whitbeck National Bank Reynolds F. A. real estate Rowe Clark S. county attorney Rowe & Maughan attorneys-at-law Sanford J. W. automobiles, mayor Schenk E. A. real estate, loans and insurance Schmidt Robert fruits and confectionery Scott E. F. drugs, office supplies, sewing machines Secor Herb saloon Sedgwick E. M. cashier Chamberlain State Bank Seierson S. P. loans Seierson S. P. pres, Brule National Bank Shutz W. F. saloon Simons Frank W. saloon Small C. A. meat market Smith Jas. A. lumber and coal Smith L. C. cigar factory Somers G. H. livery, chief of police Somers R. H. see Brule Land & Investment Co. Somers R. H. (Major) pres, Commercial Club Somers Robt. president, Chamberlain Commercial Club Somers see Anderson, Huston, Somers & Chamberlain Steen P. M. blacksmith Stevens J. H. contractor and builder Taft E. B. proprietor Taft Hotel, livery Taft Hotel E B Taft prop, livery in connection Tapper W. R. president Chamberlain State Bank Terpenning R. F. drugs Thompson N. J. agent Wells Fargo Express Tidrick C. D. insurance Tracy C. A. architect and builder Treon Fred (Dr.) sec, Commercial Club Treon Frederick physician U S Land Office W Hall Irons register, L B Laughlin receiver Van Schaack Frank groceries Waggoner A. W. restaurant Wait & Son W. B. groceries Walker see Martin & Walker Wall G. B. pool, billiards and cigars, restaurant Wattson Bert G. hardware, farm machinery and harness Whipple W. D. bakery, groceries, fruits and confectionery Whitbeck National Bank W M Pratt pres, N W Egleston vice-pres, A C Whitbeck cashier, A P Duncan assistant cashier Woodraska A. J. hardware Young S. A. M. superintendent, Chamberlain Indian School