My grandmother, Katherine Goertz (4th from right), wrote on the back of
this picture that it was the class of 1913. She would have been 21 in this
picture. She was attending nursing school from Bingham Lake, Minnesota
where she was born.
This picture was not labeled by my grandmother. It was probably taken in
1913, just like the nursing class photo. But, that is just a guess.
It looks like they are on the roof of a building and a river is in the
background. Was the Sanitorium built along a river?
I think my Grandmother is 5th from the right.
This appears to be 4 women in someone's room.
My grandmother had written the names of the women on the front and the back
of the photo.
The placement of the names by her on the front of the photo may or may not
correspond to the women's placement.
If they do correspond, they are identified as:
Top Row (l-r): Bertha Lickfelt and Ruth Tracy
Bottom Row (l-r): Helen Richards and Minnie Martin
On the 1910 Census, my grandmother is listed as well as Bertha Lickfelt and
Helen Richards. They all appear as being residents of the Sanitorium. My
grandmother was listed as "nurse". Bertha was listed as "industrial" and
Helen was listed as "servant". So it appears that 2 of them were maybe
working at the hospital but were not nurses.
Bertha is listed on the census as having been born in Minnesota and Helen
was born in South Dakota.
My grandmother had written Dr. C. P. Farnsworth on the front of the photo.
The 1910 census shows Creighton P. Farnsworth as a "physician/surgeon" at
the hospital.
My grandmother had written "Dr. Anna Farnsworth" on the front of the photo.
The 1910 census listed her as "roomer", while her husband was listed as
"head". I would be pretty certain that this was his wife since she is
listed on the census in the Farnsworth family grouping. I wonder if she was
not working at the hospital at this time.
Children listed on the census were:
Ray (age 6)
Esther (age 4)
Mary (age 7/12)
Creighton Farnsworth (age 38)
Anna Farnsworth (age 37)
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