Firesteel Creek Settlement 1871-Prospect Point Cemetery
St.Mary's Episcopal Mission Davison County, SD
Miscellaneous early burials Davison County, SD
Firesteel Creek Settlement 1871-Prospect Point Cemetery
St.Mary's Episcopal Mission Davison County, SD
In 1871 settlement was made at Firesteel Creek about
2 miles east of where Mitchell now stands. By 1873 mail
routes had been established, and Davison County was formed
from Hanson County. Firesteel Townsite was laid out in the
hope the railroad would favor their location, but they chose
the site 2 miles west, and practically overnight people and
buildings were moved to the new town of Mitchell in 1878.
It is at Firesteel that the first little cemetery "Prospect
Point" is located.
Six miles north of Firesteel in Perry Township, St.
Mary's Episcopal Mission organized the first religious affiliation
in the area in the home of Rev. John Morris. A large stone cross
memorial has been placed at this site along the Jim River and
Jim Town Trail. Just a short distance northwest of the cross are
several gravesigns indicating early burials. At this time the only
known burial was of Mrs. R.P. Cady, daughter of Rev.Morris, who
died in 1884. It is very likely that she was removed to Graceland
Cemetery north of Mitchell.
The town of Mitchell was platted in 1879. However, no
cemetery was officially platted until 1884. Burials from 1878
until 1884 were made on a school section near Mitchell,
probably in Section 16. Records note that these burials
were later transferred into Graceland. From various sources
we have compiled a list of some of those who were buried on
the School section. There were likely more. This includes
the first group of names below.
From the South Dakota History Collection, Volume 10,
page 453, are listed the burials in 1879-1880 at the time of
the census enumeration but no burial location was given for
these burials (refer to the second group of names below).
Lname Fname misc age Birth Death
ARNESON Mabel 11 mo 1881 1882
BLAINE Katie 18 1864 1882
CLARK William 2 1/2 1881 1884
CURTIS Francis 17 1864 1881
HUYSSEN Mrs H 49 1834 1883
INGHAM Daisy 4 mo 1882 1883
INGHAM Mary 25 1867 1882
HOINS William F 26 1855 1882
ROE/ROWE Milton J railroad worke? ? 1880
SMITH Vernon G s/o Jacob K 2 1878 1880
SPINK Willie s/o JW & EG 14 mo 1881 1882
MATTESON Elmer 12 1870 1883
LUTHER Jacob ? ? 1880
Lname Fname age Born Died Died of:
Geyman Amelia age 44 b Switzlnd dMar 1880 d of pheumonia
Garther Jacob age 36 b Switzlnd dMay 1880 d of accident
Smith Henry F age 54 b Penns dMay 1880 d of accident
Applegate Frank L age 10 b Illinois dJuly 1880 d of myelitis
Smith Samuel age 62 b New York dMay 1880 d of consumption
VanalstineBaby boy still bob Feb 1880 dFeb 1880 d stillborn
Millard Sarah age 30 b New York dOct 1880 d abortion
Copyrighted 2001 for Davison county South Dakota by:
Davison County Genealogical Society.