MITCHELL CITY DIRECTORY 1917 A thru K address's only
Mitchell City Directory 1917 A-K
LName First/Middle Address
Abbey Gertrude A r304 E 7th
Abeln Henry rGraham Hall
Abeln John r415 E 9th
Abeln Mary rms 415 E 9th
Abraham Florence 501 W 3rd
Acheson W H r714 N Duff
Adams Abraham Univ.Addition
Adams Amelia E rms 317 E 4th
Adams Charles W r502 E 2nd
Adams Donald rms 502 E 2nd
Adams 118 N Main
Agnes George S r413 N Davison
Agnew Lydia A r910 E 6th
Agnew Orrin F r910 E 6th
Aiken Dora r715 N Lawler
Ailslie Clara r901 Pennington Av
Ainslie Jay L b901 Pennington Av
Ainslie Wilbur R b901 Pennington Av
Ainslie William G 931 E 2nd
Albright Arthur r622 N Main
Alcott Fred r100 N Main
Aldrich William rms 222 W 1st
Alexander Charles b609 E 3rd
Alexander C J r705 W 6th
Alexander Eleanor r207 N Main
Alexander Iva b705 W 6th
Alexander Sylvan b705 W 6th
Alexander Theresa E b705 W 6th
Alickson William rNew Koch Flats
Alison C A r519 W 3rd
Alison Esther E b509 W 3rd
Alison Harold H b509 W 3rd
Alison Holly E b509 W 3rd
Alison Myrtle G b509 W 3rd
Alison J S r509 W 3rd
Alison Leland R b509 W 3rd
Allen Herbert rms 1018 Court Merrill
Allen Mrs Maud rms 1018 Court Merrill
Allenbauch Martha rms 931 E 3rd
Alt Jacob J Sr 523 E 2nd
American Express 110 W 2nd
Ames Frank b221 E 7th
Ames Frank R r221 E 7th
Ames Robert W r221 E 7th
Anderson Alma r918 E 1st
Anderson Alvin E r213 W 2nd
Anderson Andrew J r117 E 2nd
Anderson Anna rms 1211 W 3rd
Anderson Arthur b420 E 2nd
Anderson Arthur b421 W 10th
Anderson Arthur 918 E 3rd
Anderson Carl r918 N Main
Anderson Carl W 612 E 7th
Anderson Charles I r901 E 3rd
Anderson Charles r119 E 11th
Anderson Charles O r1212 W 3rd
Anderson Charles W r420 E 2nd
Anderson Christine r1007 E 3rd
Anderson Clara rms 220 N Main
Anderson Clara r912 E 5th
Anderson Clarence b420 E 2nd
Anderson Clinton P rms 117 E 2nd
Anderson Edwin r918 E 3rd
Anderson Edwin G 918 E 3rd
Anderson Elsie rms 901 E 3rd
Anderson Henry rms 122 W 1st
Anderson Henry B r516 W 2nd
Anderson Hulda b918 E 3rd
Anderson Ice Co 119 E 11th
Anderson Iver r912 E 5th
Anderson John A r1211 W 3rd
Anderson J F r323 N Duff
Anderson Lawrence rms 807 S Sanborn
Anderson Joseph W r Crow bldg
Anderson Laura r912 E 5th
Anderson Lillie r918 E 3rd
Anderson Matilda r421 W 10th
Anderson Ole r918 E 3rd
Anderson Olga b218 E 3rd
Anderson William r119 E 11th
Andres Hudson rms 807 S Sanborn
Andres Oscar J r300 E 3rd
Andrews Lola rms 215 E 2nd
Andrews William G rms 112 E 1st
Angell Fred B r622 N Main
Annis George b322 E 9th
Ansley John B rms 420 E 9th
apley C W rms 420 N Sanborn
Appel Rosetta S rms 513 N Rowley
Appel Samuel rms 513 N Rowley
Appleton Francis L rms 300 E 6th
Arbogast G M rms 112 W 1st
Arbough William b same
Arff Estella b404 E 7th
Arff Hans F r404 E 7th
Arff Herbert b404 E 7th
Armstrong Jack rms 123 W 1st
armstrong Kathryn b300 E 6th
Armstrong Walter rms 320 W 3rd
Arneson Harold b411 N Main
Arneson Theo N r411 N Main
Arnold Ellen w 3rd
Arnold Lawrence across track,W 3rd
Aronson Oscar F r805 W 4th
Arundel Charles H r409 W 11th
Atkinson James F C & S Bk bldg
Austin Arthur A rms 401 S Sanborn
Austin Edward J rms 407 N Duff
Austin Ella r709 N Duff
Austin George W r401 S Sanborn
Austin George W, Rev r612 S Edmunds
Austin Harvey L rms 401 S Sanborn
Austin Mabel b709 N Duff
Avery r324 McCabe
Bacon Evelyn b409 E 4th
Bacon Mary A, Mrs r118 S Main
Bacon Melville b409 E 4th
Bacon William H r409 E 4th
Bagley Lane W rms 317 W 2nd
Bagley Sarah E r317 W 2nd
Bailey Charles H r219 N Montana
Bailey M F r623 S Edmunds
Bailey Ross r917 N Main
Baker B H r413 N Iowa
Baker Fred L r926 E 6th
Bakewell George S r117 E 2nd
Ball Annie r800 W 3rd
Ball Howard b404 S Sanborn
Ball Jesse F r404 S Sanborn
Ball Merle r611 W 3rd
Ball W R r209 W 4th
Ballard S W r605 N Main
Bandleman Albertina r522 W 1st
Bandleman Oliver rms 522 W 1st
Bandleman Zelma rms 522 W 1st
Baner F J 820 E 3rd
Banks Mary bsame
Barber Alva H r1201 E 3rd
Barber Lake r408 W 3rd
Barhyte Kathryn rms 519 S Wisconsin
Barnard Benjamin E r204 E 3rd
Barnard Herbert S b204 E 3rd
Barnard Wayne r310 1/2 N Main
Barnard Wilford r904 W 4th
Barnes Edna rms 112 E 1st
Barnes Sylvester r509 N Main
Barnes S A r314 N Main
Barnett Edwin F r710 N Gamble
Barnett Eva I b710 N Gamble
Barnett Joe rms 621 W 3rd
Barnett Margaret E r710 N Gamble
Barnett Mary M b710 N Gamble
Baron Abraham 300 N Main
Baron Isaac r715 W 2nd
Barr Dale G b314 E 6th
Barr James r314 E 6th
Barrows Dexter S r712 E 2nd
Bartholomew W H
Bartlett Harold A r933 E 2nd
Bartlett Merle rms 709 S Sanborn
Barton Mrs L S 933 E 4th
Barton Velda rms Champney bldg
Bately Lillian rms 409 E 3rd
Bately Mrs S S r409 E 3rd
Bauer August G r820 W 3rd
Bauer Edwin A r804 E 2nd
Baughman Mrs Edith rms Champney bldg
Bauer Frank rms 820 W 3rd
Bauer Whittier r801 W 4th
Bayles Walter r600 E 1st
Bayley Addie R b521 E 5th
Bear Grace b307 Milan
Beard James rms 109 S Main
Becker Delvan T r415 N Duff
Becker Carl F r404 S Minnesota
Becker Mina r415 N Duff
Beckman Hannah rms 623 E 2nd
Beckwith Grace F r403 N Lawler
Beckwith Louis E r412 E 6th
Beckwith Louis r403 N Lawler
Beddoes John W r623 N Lawler
Beedle Clarence rms 423 W 1st
Beedle Ellis E r422 W 1st
Beedle Ellis M b422 W 1st
Beedle Hazel b422 W 1st
Behrands John R r401 E 9th
Behrands Mrs John 919 E 2nd
Gellamy George E 123 W 1st
Bellows Bernice L r321 E 9th
Benedict Florence rms 510 S Wisconsin
Benedict George P r1022 E 4th
Bennett Williard L
Berens Nicholas H r908 E 3rd
Berg Bernhard O r921 N Lawler
Berkemier John rms 113 W 2nd
Berge Gerald
Bergeson E S rms Navin Hotel
Berquist Gustaf A r911 E 2nd
Bergquest Carl r911 E 2nd
Bergquist Clarence r911 E 2nd
Berry Austin C rms Crow bldg
Berry Buelah M rms 223 E 3rd
Berry Dennis rms 213 E 3rd
Berry Donald b223 E 3rd
Berry John C b223 E 3rd
Berry John F Jr r223 E 3rd
Berry John Sr r213 E 3rd
Berry T A rms
Berscheid Anna rms 934 E 3rd
Berscheid Bernard 934 E 4th
Berscheid Margaret b934 E 4th
Berscheid Mrs Henry r934 E 4th
Berscheid Setphen H b934 E 4th
Berthelsen Nels b321 E 4th
Besancon George E r321 E 4th
Bess Everett r121 S Kimball
Bessler Harry E r934 E 6th
Bettag Frank A r1009 E 1st
Betts Andrew H r300 W 2nd
Betts Claude W r300 W 2nd
Betts Emmett A r806 W 5th
Betts Joe E r405 E 4th
Beyers C B rms 606 N Main
Beyers H R r Koch Flats
Bidwell Frank A r405 W 2nd
Bintliff Charles r408 S Wisconsin
Bintliff Mina r408 S Wisconsin
Birge Ed r321 E 9th
Birge George F r321 E 9th
Birge Gerald E b321 E 9th
Birge Harold N b321 E 9th
Birge John W r613 N Lawler
Birge Vernon E b321 E 9th
Bishop Clarence C r120 S Main
Bishop George H r621 N Kimball
Bishop Lloyd A b120 S Main
Bishop Zulah b821 N Kimball
Bjodstrup Arthur N r324 W 3rd
Bjodstrup Florence E b69 W 2nd
Bjodstrup Fred r609 W 2nd
Bjodstrup Howard E r Beckwith apt 7
Black A C r830 W 3rd
Black L R rms 123 W 1st
Blackman C G r501 S Edmunds
Blackman Letha b501 S Edmunds
Blades J Harold b1012 W 4th
Blades Irma b1012 W 4th
Blades J J r1012 W 4th
Blair Harry J r509 E 4th
Blenkiron Charles H r100 N Main
Blenkiron J C r100 N Main
Bliss C J r623 W 4th
Blood Mary r417 E 7th
Blount Harry T r210-3 E 3rd
Blynn Ethel b319 W 3rd
Blynn Raymond L rBeckwith Flats,apt 14
Blynn W A 319 W 3rd
Bobb B A r423 N Sanborn
Bobb Clyde S r501 E 4th
Bobb Earl V r1001 W 4th
Bobb Frank W r700 E 3rd
Bobb Lucile b423 N Sanborn
Bock William rms 518 N Main
Bodie Frank r503 N Main
Boggs Charles W r607 N Sanborn
Boggs Edward A r502 E 1st
Boggs Hazel b607 N Sanborn
Boice Harriet r704 E 4th
Boice Martin r704 E 4th
Bollock Barnard C r500 E 1st
Bolton James A r317 S Montana
Bond Allan C b715 E 6th
Bond Delos C r715 E 6th
Boomhower B E rms 200 W 1st
Boot William r223 E 2nd
Borchardt Clarence E r700 E 6th
Born Marion F r805 N Duff
Born Port r810 N Wisconsin
Boulware John A r909 E 6th
Bourdelais Harry rms 113 W 2nd
Bower Charles A r709 W 4th
Bowerman Ernest W r627 E 6th
Bowers william W rms 113 W 2nd
Bowlds Louis b210 1/2 N Main
Bowlds Martha r210 1/2 N Main
Boyce Stephen G r316 E 3rd
Boyd Charles N r312 E 1st
Boyden Carl H b315 E 6th
Boyd James E r1224 E 4th
Boyden Merton F r315 E 6th
Boyles Mary Louise b611 N Lawler
Boyles Virgil D r611 N Lawler
Brackett W G r518 N Duff
Bracy E B r122 W 4th
Bradley Fred O r200 W 2nd
Bradley Nancy C r200 W 2nd
Bradley Charles R r704 E 2nd
Brady Robert rms 112 E 1st
Brady Mrs L 510 W 4th
Brainard S P r508 N Duff
Brammer Alvina b409 S Montana
Brammer Detlaf C r409 S Montana
Brammer Hilda b409 S Montana
Branch Walter M r305 S Mentzer
Branch William A r200 E 7th
Brande Leeland rms 715 S Wisconsin
Brandt William C r717 E 2nd
Branson Harry L r205 W 2nd
Branson Otis L r310 W 4th
Branson Ray L r501 W 4th
Brasse Edna b500 E 4th
Brennan Michael r408 E 3rd
Brennan Patrick r523 E 2nd
Brerton Harry rms 717 S Sanborn
Bresee Martha J r723 S Duff
Breshnahan Margaret L b509 E 2nd
Bresnahan Michael J r509 E 2nd
Brewer A W r322 S Sanborn
Brewer Glenn E r1006 N Main
Brewer O M r1215 E 2nd
Broadbent John W r900 Court Merill
Broadbent Walter H 312 E 5th
Brockman Andrew r715 N Rowley
Bromaghim F L r1104 S Sanborn
Bromaghim Jennie 1104 S Sanborn
Brooks Charles A r1005 E 2nd
Brooks Dee C r1308 E 2nd
Brooks F M r207 W 1st
Brooks G W r122 W 1st
Brown A N r301 W 11th
Brown Adam rms 125 E 2nd
Brown Amber 123 W 1st
Brown Arthur b301 W 11th
Brown Clara rms 316 E 2nd
Brown Claude rms 606 E 4th
Brown George L r223 E 2nd
Brown George S rms 404 E 3rd
Brown Gustavus rms Bunk Car
Brown Guy rms 909 S Edmunds
Brown James r720 S Sanborn
Brown Jennie C r212 W 4th
Brown Kate r New Koch Flats
Brown Tom rms Bunk House
Brown Walter b301 W 11th
Browne Barnard A b500 W 2nd
Browne Bernice b500 W 2nd
Browne O E b500 W 2nd
Browning J H r709 N Lawler
Brudvig Mildred J b520 W 2nd
Brumbaugh George rms 804 S Edmunds
Bryan Charles rms 118 E 1st
Bryan Edward rms 123 W 1st
Bryan Harry r1106 E 3rd
Bryan John C r712 E 5th
Bryan Murle b712 E 5th
Bryant Henry G r312 E 7th
Bryant John W r821 E 4th
Buckles Edward r623 N Iowa
Budrow Beatrice rms 518 W 1st
Budrow Mrs E C r518 W 1st
Buehler Clarence E rms 1101 W University
Buffaloe Alonzo J r201 N Main
Bujer Christ r416 E 3rd
Bujer Christine r416 E 3rd
Bullis Minnie r919 E 2nd
Bunt Richard rms 807 S Sanborn
Bunting C J rms 121 S Main
Burch Ernest W r408 S Edmunds
Burg Joseph M rms 403 E 2nd
Burger Nancy J r216 E 7th
Burquist August r507 W 11th
Burquist Mary r507 W 11th
Burquist Ralph b507 W 11th
Burke Francis b500 E 1st
Burke James rms 403 E 2nd
Burke John J r506 N Rowley
Burnett Joseph rms 621 W 3rd
Burney Eugene rms 807 S Sanborn
Burnham Ralph J rms Champney bldg
Burns Alonzo r621 W 1st
Burns Cecil P rms 310 1/2 N Main
Burns Celestine b308 W 3rd
Burns Daisy B b310 1/2 N Main
Burns Lucile b308 W 3rd
Burns Peter C r310 1/2 N Main
Burns Ralph J rms 305 E 2nd
Burns Robert r216 W 5th
Burns Thomas C r308 W 3rd
Burnside Howard r301 1/2 N Main
Burr Thomas F b Savoy Hotel
Burson Christopher r104 S Edmunds
Burton Ralph O r616 N Burr
Burton Sam L r Weaver Square
Burton Walter b Weaver Square
Buskirk J C r302 W 1st
Butcher J rms 113 W 2nd
Butler Beatrice b813 W 4th
Butler Dora B r312 W 3rd
Butler F G r813 W 4th
Butler Inez b813 W 4th
Butterfield Edna b409 E 5th
Butterfield Horace D r204 E 5th
Butts Clarence 422 E 1st
Byrum Alva L 221 E 11th
Cafaro John C rms 210 N Main
Cain Leroy H r509 S Sanborn
Calhoun Edith rms Champney bldg
Calhoun Frank rms Champney bldg
Calkins Mrs Florence rms 1201 W University
Calkins Lewellyn b1201 W University
Calkins Roy B r702 N Main
Callahan Mae M b611 E 4th
Callant John P r913 S Sanborn
Callant Theo rms 913 S Sanborn
Cameron Harold rns 123 W 1st
Cameron R H r504 N Rowley
Campbell Mrs 216 E 3rd
Campbell A D rms 623 E 2nd
Campbell Mrs Cynthia E r620 W 5th
Campbell Howard rms 1123 N Main
Campbell Mulford r1123 N Main
Campbell Nooner H r620 W 5th
Canas Gust rms Bunk Car
Canham James R r1200 W 3rd
Card E H r804 S Edmunds
Card Harold W b804 S Edmunds
Card Margaret b804 S Edmunds
Carhart Albert E r900 S Edmunds
Carhart Charlotte rms 900 S Edmunds
Carlin Edward rms 113 W 2nd
Carlingas Tony rms Bunk Car
Carlson Alma E r720 E 4th
Carlson Andrew r728 S Montana
Carlson Andrew H r710 E 1st
Carlson Arda rms 512 N Duff
Carlson Carl W rms 710 E 1st
Carlson Celeste rms 515 S Duff
Carlson Edith b1109 W 4th
Carlson George b125 S Kimball
Carlson George W r504 N Rowley
Carlson Gunther rms 121 S Main
Carlson Haakon r515 S Duff
Carlson Mrs H r517 S Duff
Carlson Mrs J A r1109 W 4th
Carlson John P r720 E 4th
Carlson Lillian b517 S Duff
Carlson Ole r708 N Rowley
Carlson Victor b1109 W 4th
Carlson William E b708 N Rowley
Carpenter Alvin S r735 S Wisconsin
Carpenter Arthur
Carpenter Mrs C r608 S Sanborn
Carpenter Edward b608 S Sanborn
Carpenter Elmer rms 819 W 2nd
Carpenter Eva b608 S Sanborn
Carpenter Frank H r500 E 2nd
Carpenter Lester A r734 S Wisconsin
Carpenter Mary r601 N Wisconsin
Carpenter Michael b500 E 2nd
Carpenter Mrs Winifred M b409 E 2nd
Carrol Alice r801 E 5th
Carstensen Walter E r909 E 3rd
Case Francis b804 S Edmunds
Case Harold M r113 N Sanborn
Casey William rms Merchants Rooms
Cass Gordon F r518 N Duff
Cass Lorne R r606 N Main
Cassem Oscar E r202 W 2nd
Cassem Thelma 202 W 2nd
Casson Jacob b313 E 1st
Catholos Spiros r400 W 4th
Catlin Clyde r703 W 5th
Cattrell Carl E b701 E 7th
Cattrell Jesse A r319 E 7th
Cattrell Sheridan r401 E 7th
Caylor A L b622 S Sanborn
Chaffin Scott E r620 N Main
Chamberlain George rms 123 W 1st
Chamberlain Otis rms 416 S Edmunds
Chambers Ernest W r423 W 11th
Chaney Edgar M r524 N Edmunds
Chapman J S 1212 S Main
Chappell Gertrude L rms 1018 Court Merrill
Charlesworth Annie r829 W 5th
Charlesworth Hazel b829 W 5th
Charlesworth Ruth b829 W 5th
Chase Frank H rms 401 N Main
Cheney Catherine r708 E 3rd
Christenson Christian P r1218 Pennington
Christensen Knute S r301 W 2nd
Christopher Edson A rms 204 W 1st
Christopher James H b204 E 1st
Christopher Thomas r623 N Rowley
Christy Waldo F r205 W 2nd
Church Alva J r212 N Lawler
Church Millie b212 N Lawler
Churton Edith rms 301 W 2nd
Clampitt C L r Beckwith Flats
Clancey Joseph B r522 E 7th
Clapsaddle Esther b720 S Sanborn
Clapsaddle Omar r701 E 4th
Clark Charles A rms 212 W 1st
Clark Della rms 620 E 6th
Clark Don rms 123 W 11th
Clark Edward H r809 N Duff
Clark George rms 113 W 2nd
Clark James W r1000 W 4th
Clark June r910 W 4th
Clark M D r420 N Sanborn
Clark Sarah A r508 E 5th
Clark William r123 W 11th
Clark W A r910 W 4th
Clayton William P r112 S Edmunds
Clemensen Bothilde r900 W 3rd
Clemensen Helena b900 W 3rd
Clemensen Henry r905 W 2nd
Clemensen Marius b900 W 3rd
Clemensen S P r900 W 3rd
Cleveland George C r622 S Edmunds
Cleveland William M r909 N Lawler
Clifford Albert rms 328 W 1st
Clifford C H rms 318 W 1st
Clifford May b318 W 1st
Closson Julia M r701 E 4th
Clough J C r1315 W 4th
Clyde Nettie b623 W 4th
Coacher Agustus B r601 N Duff
Coacher Clare b1215 W 2nd
Coacher Henry b1215 W 2nd
Coacher Kate r1215 W 2nd
Cobb Alanson L r519 S Wisconsin
Cobb Bessie E rms 519 S Wisconsin
Cochran Ernest M r423 W 1st
Coffel Albert b904 E 4th
Cohrt Albert C r621 E 1st
Colberg Fred E r615 E 3rd
Colburn Claude r408 E 3rd
Cole Forest R rms 104 N Rowley
Cole Hannah M b906 E 7th
Cole John B r104 N Rowley
Cole Pearl E rms 104 N Rowley
Coleman A rms 113 W 2nd
Coleman Charles W r801 E 6th
Coleman chester C 801 E 6th
Coleman Grace rms Blenkiron bldg
Coleman Harlan B b801 E 6th
Coleman James
Collett Alice b623 N Rowley
Collins Edwin H rms Widmann Hotel
Collins Ethel b904 E 1st
Collins E Frank r904 E 1st
Collins Florence E b908 Court Merrill
Collins Heaton b908 Court Merrill
Collins Mrs John b220 E 3rd
Collins J Frank r704 E 1st
Collins J W r908 Court Merrill
Collins Josiah b908 Court Merrill
Collins Richard S r1023 S Pennington
Collins Rose b904 E 1st
Colombus George rms Bunk Car
Colteaux Edward C r418 E 3rd
Colteaux John r900 S Sanborn
Colteaux Victoria L b900 S Sanborn
Colteaux Walter 900 S Sanborn
Colvin Charles E r412 N Duff
Colvin Jeanette r412 N Duff
Colvin Josephine M r406 E 4th
Comfort Mable r700 S Minnesota
Comstock Floyd b701 N Sanborn
Conant Ann r401 N Main
Conant Frank r401 N Main
Conant Gertrude b401 N Main
Conant Mary b401 N Main
Condran Anna r403 E 2nd
Condran Harry b403 E 2nd
Condran Lucy b403 E 2nd
Condran Mike L r400 E 7th
Condran Patrick b403 E 2nd
Condron Steve b317 E 2nd
Connolly Margaret St Joseph Hosp
Connor Albert D r913 E 2nd
Connor Jenny r411 S Sanborn
Conrad Joseph H r611 E 4th
Conser John L b801 E 2nd
Conser Mae b801 E 2nd
Conser William E r801 E 2nd
Conyes Delight M b422 E 4th
Conyes William H Jr b420 E 4th
Conyes William H r422 N Main
Cook Alvin H r621 E 3rd
Cook B V r621 E 3rd
Cook Earl D rms 303 E 2nd
Cook Earl S 621 E 3rd
Cook Elmira b810 N Wisconsin
Cook Fred H r517 N Main
Cook Guy W b621 E 3rd
Cook Harry E r916 W 3rd
Cook Hazel b621 E 3rd
Cook John C r602 E 2nd
Cook Julia r822 E 3rd
Cook J L r621 E 3rd
Cook Mary M r420 E 2nd
Cook W H r608 W 4th
Cooley Eloise W b622 N Main
Cooley Harriett E b622 N Main
Cooley Perry A r517 E 2nd
Cooper Alvin S r704 S Edmunds
Cooper Arthur T r605 E 6th
Cooper Charles A r1025 E 7th
Cooper Elmer E b504 E 2nd
Cooper Ernest E r600 E 7th
Coper Paul E r605 E 6th
Corbin Elliott b119 W 2nd
Corby David E r404 E 2nd
Corby Ida b404 E 2nd
Corcoran Edith E r316 E 5th
Corcoran John J r805 E 4th
Corconan Sarah E b316 E 5th
Cordry Archie C r619 W 2nd
Corker Agnes rms 621 W 3rd
Corker Cloyce A b416 E 1st
Corker Ethel b621 W 3rd
Corker Julius L r416 E 1st
Corker June b416 E 1st
Cornish Leonial R b1010 N Main
Cornish Orange B r1010 N Main
Corrilla Harry rms 122 E 1st
Corse Arthur D r610 E 2nd
Corse William r522 N Main
Coughlin Cecelia b505 S Edmunds
Coughlin Kathryn b505 S Edmunds
Coughlin John T r505 S Edmunds
Coughlin Leo b505 S Edmunds
Coughlin L V b505 S Edmunds
Coughlin Stephen b505 S Edmunds
Coulson Marion rms 301 E 2nd
Courier John r912 S Sanborn
Coursey Dwight H b509 N Lawler
Coursey Oscar W r509 N Lawler
Cowan Mrs L r608 N Duff
Cox A R b910 W 4th
Cox Dee G r910 W 4th
Cox Lionel b615 N Wisconsin
Cox Mary A b307 E 4th
Cox Velva b615 N Wisconsin
Coxe Clarence H 609 S Edmunds
Coxe H J
Crabb Samuel b307 Milan
Crady Tillie rms Commercial Bk Bldg
Craig John A b504 E 2nd
Craig Katherine A rms 615 E 2nd
Craig Ruth rms 615 E 2nd
Craig Susan b504 E 6th
Crampton Catherine F b408 E 3rd
Crampton John M r805 E 6th
Crampton William O r309 E 6th
Crary Beach r609 N Edmunds
Crary Emily b603 N Edmunds
Crawford Emma r518 W 7th
Crawford Lillian 518 W 7th
Cripps Mrs H A 422 E 1st
Cropp Esther r500 W 1st
Crosby Diantha r809 W 4th
Crosby Lee b809 W 4th
Crosmer Susie r419 S Edmunds
Cross Mrs J M rms Graham Hall
Crossett A M r601 N Rowley
Crouch Clifford A r301 S Wisconsin
Crouch Gladys M b1008 E 5th
Crouse T J 1110 N Main
Crow John N r602 E 5th
Crowley Kate r1038 E 5th
Crowningshield C A r400 W 5th
Crum Esther b1117 E 3rd
Crum John S r1117 E 3rd
Cluver Leonard S r220 W 2nd
Cummings Archie E r New Koch Flats
Cunningham James T r921 E 7th
Cunningham William T Jr b921 E 7th
Curry Kathryn b617 E 5th
Curry P H rms 113 W 2nd
Curtis A J r617 E 2nd
Cutler Myra W r221 E 6th
Cutts A K r610 W 9th
Cutts Ara r917 N Main
Cynberg W rms 113 W 2nd
Dabler Cleo M r501 W 10th
Dabler Thomas r203 E 9th
Dahl Alma b621 W 5th
Dahl Oscar rms 113 W 2nd
Dahl Robert T b621 W 5th
Dale Donnie R r520 E 2nd
Dalley Ruth A r216 E 5th
Daniels Albert H r622 W 4th
Daniels James S r501 E 1st
Daphniotes George rms 117 N Main
Daphniotes Gust rms 117 N Main
Dirdis Loretta M b633 W 2nd
Darling Arthur B r817 W 4th
Darling Howard b705 S Edmunds
Darling William r705 S Edmunds
Dauffus Harry rms 119 W 2nd
Dauffus Nick rms 111 N Main
Davey Alice, Mrs r503 N Main
Davey William J r407 S Sanborn
Davey Winifred rms 407 S Sanborn
Davis James H r623 S Sanborn
Davis Mont b715 N Edmunds
Davis Park L r623 S Sanborn
Davis Ralph E r318 E 6th
Davis Sarah r318 E 6th
Davis Walter C r618 W 3rd
Davis William r924 E 4th
Davison Clare A r421 N Rowley
Day Fred R r822 N main
Day Merle b822 N Main
Dean Albert E b505 W $th
Dean Bernie B r800 W 5th
Dean Charles C r611 W 3rd
Dean Howard R b611 W 3rd
Dean Merritt E b611 W 3rd
Degalliz Marcel b401 N Main
Delaney Katherine rms 100 N Main
Delaney William A r221 E 4th
Deller Estell rms 900 S Edmunds
Delperdang John S rms 113 W 2nd
DeRoo Edward b219 E 3rd
DeRoo Sarah r709 E 4th
Derr Ben b522 N Duff
Derr Clarence b522 N Duff
Derr C W r522 N Duff
Derr Florence b522 N Duff
Derr Wilbur b522 N Duff
Deskins Glenn r411 S Duff
Determann John r300 E 7th
Dethlefs William R731 S Montana
Deveran Alma b504 N Rowley
Devers Margaret r609 S Sanborn
Devers Margaret E b609 S Sanborn
Devy Mattie r521 Lawler
Dickinson Harry J rms 905 S Sanborn
Dickinson J C r708 N Edmunds
Dickinson William O r212 W 1st
Dickman Olive rms 509 W 3rd
Dickson Benjamin R r813 E 6th
Dickson Frank C r714 E 3rd
Dickson Jennie B rBeckwith Apts
Diehl Elizabeth r501 W 4th
Diehl Florence b310 E 2nd
Diehl Isabella r310 E 2nd
Ddiehl Maurice B r105 S Sanborn
Diehl Philip M b501 W 4th
Diehl Val C b501 W 4th
Digerness Orval b216 E 9th
Dilworth Pearl F r930 E 5th
Dingler Ferd L r623 N Sanborn
Dingler Harry B b623 N Sanborn
Dirks George r1013 W 4th
Disbrow D C r404 W 11th
Disbrow Ethel b404 W 11th
Disburg L J r616 N Edmunds
Dishweller Bert rms 201 W 2nd
Dittman Walter 310 N Main
Dix Alfred J r Beckwith Flats
Dix Edgar rms Widmann Hotel
Doakes Bessie r409 E 2nd
Dobson John V r311 W 4th
Docken Martha, Mrs r101 S Wisconsin
Dodge Chester C 908 E 7th
Dodge Helen M b202 W 10th
Dodge John C r1003 E 7th
Dodge M C rms 113 W 2nd
Dodge O L r114 W 9th
Dodson Thelma b709 N Sanborn
Dodson W B r709 N Sanborn
Doering Albert A r108 S Edmunds
Doering Leo rms 108 S Edmunds
Donahue Mary rms 621 W 3rd
Donaldson Fred F r1007 E 5th
Dondelinger Alice b1101 W 4th
Dondelinger Bessie b1101 W 4th
Dondelinger John r1101 W 4th
Dondelinger Leona b1101 W 4th
Dondelinger Mabel b1101 W 4th
Donnelly Annie b613 E 2nd
Donnelly John F r613 E 2nd
Donnelly Marguerite b613 E 2nd
Donner A F r807 N Wisconsin
Donner Daphane b807 N Wisconsin
Donohu D J r913 N Main
Donohu Howard b913 N Main
Donovan Anna T rms 1100 E 6th
Donovan Dennis F r1100 E 6th
Donovan Frank J b1100 E 6th
Donovan Frank R b1100 E 6th
Donovan Jeremiah b1100 E 6th
Donovan Martin D b1100 E 6th
Donovan Nellie M b1100 E 6th
Doolittle W S rms 622 N Main
Dortland Arthur b711 S Edmunds
Dortland Frank 711 S Edmunds
Donovan Ross b808 W 3rd
Dorrance Della E rms 201 N Main
Doty Andrew r210 E 10th
Doty D L rms 419 S Edmunds
Doty Glenn b601 E 2nd
Doty Justice B r601 E 2nd
Dowdell Kathryn A rms 500 E 7th
Downey Archibald T r800 E 3rd
Downey Clausen W r212 E 5th
Downey Paul R b800 E 2nd
Doyle Harvey b1000 N Rowley
Dragseth John P rms 203 E 3rd
Dragseth Martin J rms 203 E 3rd
Drake Fred C r505 E 4th
Dreller Fred C b321 E 1st
Dreller George b321 E 1st
Dressen George W 121 S Kimball
Drew Leslie rms 113 W 2nd
Driggs Alta b408 E 3rd
Drown Edgar W b509 S Montana
Drown Lawrence b509 S Montana
Drown Ned Elkins b509 S Montana
Drown Nettie M r509 S Montana
Drum Hawley R r609 E 2nd
Drum Philip N Langdon St
Drum Raymond A r703 W 2nd
Dudley Martin r703 W 2nd
Dumas Alex rms 118 E 1st
Dunbar Audra b315 N Rowley
Dunbar Dale b602 S Main
Dunbar Dora r602 S Main
Dunbar Edna M b710 S Wisconsin
Dunbar Garnet b619 N Duff
Dunbar Harry rms 602 S Main
Dunbar Hazel rms 602 S Main
Dunbar James H r602 S Main
Dunbar J C r710 S Wisconsin
Dunbar Jasper b602 S Main
Dunbar Ralph E 710 S Wisconsin
Duncan Ellen, Mrs rms 701 S Sanborn
Duncan James r1004 S Sanborn
Duncan Maude Leavitt rms 210 N Main
Duncan Robert rms 113 W 2nd
Duncan Verne rms 1004 S Sanborn
Duncan Violet rms 1004 S Sanborn
Dundas Anna r220 N Main
Dunn Bertha b922 W 4th
Dunn James H r513 N Rowley
Dunn Ralph W r619 W 3rd
Dunn Richard 911 W 4th
Dunsmore Theo T r Beckwith Flats
Durbin John W r321 2nd
Durbin Linda, Mrs b321 2nd
Durisch Albert r816 W 5th
Durisch Lillian b816 W 5th
Durkee Margaret b520 W 10th
Durkee William r520 W 10th
Dyche Francis, Mrs r521 N Main
Dyvig Clarence L r108 E 4th
Eads Ella b208 E 3rd
Eager Z H r314 N Main
Earles Bertha b912 W 5th
Earles L P r912 W 5th
Eastcott Thomas W r618 W 5th
Eastman Earl r409 S Montana
Eastman Walter rms 303 E 2nd
Eastman Harry L r801 E 7th
Eddy A E r615 N Main
Eddy Rush A rms 113 W 2nd
Edelman Fay rms Old Seed Farm
Edscorn F E r617 W 5th
Edwards H H r400 W 4th
Edwards T W rms 805 E 4th
Egbert Paul rms 719 W 2nd
Eichelberger Charles C r102 N Main
Eichelberger W S r602 W 3rd
Eimers Norma b103 N Rowley
Elce Jennie, Mrs rms 709 S Sanborn
Eliason Martin K r303 W 5th
Ellingson Ella E r913 E 6th
Elliott G E rms 322 W 5th
Elliott J J 221 W 3rd
Ellis Carl r1022 W 6th
Ellis Edward L r712 E 1st
Ellis R rms 422 W 11th
Ellis Vera r712 E 1st
Ellsworth Alfred H 1201 S Sanborn
Ellsworth Jennie, Mrs rms 700 S Edmunds
Ellwein Andrew r718 W 4th
Elson Alvin E r923 S Sanborn
Elson A E, Mrs rms 1208 Pennington
Emery Clifford rms 700 E 3rd
Emery Herbert M rms 908 E 5th
Emery Melbourne C rms 908 E 5th
Emery Warren D r908 E 5th
Endter John F r301 E 10th
Engelbrecht Frank r713 N Wisconsin
Engelland Clara 421 N Rowley
Engelland Katie 209 W 4th
Engels Robert W r530 E 6th
Engen Ray rms 308 N Lawler
Engle Floy A 315 E 4th
Engler Carrie 113 W 4th
Engler Carrie, Mrs r820 W 5th
Englert Lambert 620 W 5th
Engstrom Emil rms 117 S Lawler
Enright A G r514 S Wisconsin
Entwistle Anna rms 516 S Montana
Entwistle John 208 N Burr
Entsminger Charles H r219 E 4th
Erdmann Celia b709 E 3rd
Erdman Elmer 709 E 3rd
Erdman Gustav r709 E 3rd
Erhart George r200 E 3rd
Erickson Lydia 501 E 4th
Erickson Rose rms 217 W 2nd
Erler Jos A r129 W 7th
Erskine Alice G rms 512 W 1st
Erskine Katherine rms 512 W 1st
Erskine Lemuel R r512 W 1st
Erskine Lucille D rms 512 W 1st
Evanoff Leno r Bunk Car
Evanoff Steve r Bunk Car
Evans A rms 123 W 1st
Evans Albert rms 617 E 2nd
Evans Arthur G r617 E 2nd
Evans Buel r821 W 4th
Evans Edmund J b400 E 1st
Evans Eileen b400 E 1st
Evans Frank J b821 W 4th
Evans George r Beckwith Apts
Evans Leo G r400 E 1st
Evans Harry M r609 N Main
Evans Katie b208 E 3rd
Evans Linn G b821 W 4th
Evans Ruth 821 W 4th
Evans Thomas b105 S Wisconsin
Eveston Walter rms 113 W 2nd
Faber G G 112 W 1st
Faber Harriet, Mrs r212 N Lawler
Faber Harry P 112 W 1st
Fairweather W E r424 S Sanborn
Falk Ida M b801 W 2nd
Falk John r801 W 2nd
Falk Mary E b801 W 2nd
Farley Francis, Mrs r515 N Main
Farnsworth Creighton P r402 E 6th
Farnum Henry r212 N Main
Farver F W r519 Sanborn
Faylor Edna work 423 E 2nd
Feeley Frank J r New Koch Flats
Fees Norman rms 117 S Lawler
Fellow E J r316 N Rowley
Fellows Hiram r210 E 10th
Fenton Norman S r317 E 2nd
Fenzlein Henry r1015 E 1st
Fenzlein Johanna b1015 E 1st
Fenzlein Lena b1015 E 1st
Ferguson Charles A r909 E 4th
Ferguson Frank rms 717 S Sanborn
Ferguson Hal A b909 E 4th
Ferguson Stewart rms 715 S Wisconsin
Ferris J H r523 W 4th
Fernand Catherine r hosp
Feuerheim Joe L b917 N Main
Fidroeff Anna rms 1104 N Winsor
Fidroeff Daniel r1104 N Winsor
Fidroeff Albert 1100 N Winsor
Fidroeff Carrie B b1104 N Winsor
Fiedler Martha V rms 513 S Sanborn
Field Timothy b200 W 1st
Fifer Clyde rms 112 E 1st
Fink Belle b hosp
Fink Joseph r523 S Main
Finney C L r Widmann Hotel
Fisk Merrill W rms 703 W 5th
Fischer Bruno E r309 E 12th
Fischer Gertrude b309 E 12th
Fisher R T r829 W 5th
Fisher Leslie rms 900 S Edmunds
Fisk Elias G r703 W 5th
Fisk Howard b703 W 5th
Fitzgerald Ellen, Mrs r504 E 2nd
Fitzgerald Frank J b504 E 2nd
Fitzgerald Gertrude A b504 E 2nd
Fitzgerald Josephine r617 N Lawler
Fitzgerald J J r901 E 2nd
Fitzgerald Maurice C r520 E 2nd
Fitzgerald Nellie M r504 E 2nd
Fitzgerald Peter D rms 504 E 2nd
Fitzpatrick R rms 113 W 2nd
Fix Edward b521 E 4th
Flanagen Rose b721 E 4th
Flanders Bonnie b612 S Sanborn
Flanders Eugene r516 S Sanborn
Flanders E E r same
Flanders Middleton G b612 S Sanborn
Flick C r612 N Edmunds
Flick Emil b612 N Edmunds
Flory Valietta b501 E 6th
Flurkey William E r1024 E 5th
Fogarty Nora, Mrs r508 E 2nd
Foley Edward, Mrs b220 E 3rd
Foley Michael S rms 200 S Edmunds
Folk Ray E r322 E 7th
Folk Minnie, Mrs r422 E 7th
Foot John rms 316 N Main
Foote George rms 313 E 1st
Foran Josephine b408 E 3rd
Foran Robert J, Mrs r408 E 3rd
Ford May b615 W 4th
Ford Wilfred b417 E 3rd
Forrest J A, Mrs b1020 E 1st
Forsyth William A r203 1/2 E 3rd
Fort Lyman M r1100 E 2nd
Foss Ella r312 E 3rd
Foss Frank H r307 W 6th
Foss Henry b307 W 6th
Foss June b307 W 6th
Foss Perry b307 W 6th
Foster Bessie R, Mrs r205 E 4th
Foster George E r205 E 4th
Foster Irma b205 E 4th
Foster Kenneth G b205 E 4th
Foster Majorie b205 E 4th
Foster Warren rms Widmann Hotel
Fothergill Joseph r923 E 3rd
Fowler Carl F r212 E 2nd
Fowler Charles r Crow Bldg
Fox Alfred b715 W 4th
Fox Clara b715 W 4th
Fox Helen rms 923 S Sanborn
Fox Herbert b715 W 4th
Fox John K r715 W 4th
Fox Mildred rms 923 S Sanborn
Fraeme Rose rms 112 W 1st
France Thomas W r516 S Montana
Frango Joseph rms Bunk Car
Frango michael rms Camp in RR Yard
Frank M V r117 E 2nd
Franklin Elmer b409 E 2nd
Franklin Leroy r409 E 2nd
Fraser Alice, Mrs r521 N Main
Frazine Arthur rms 113 W 2nd
Fredericks George r1300 E 4th
Freeman Alice b609 N Duff
Freeman A B r rooming house,205 E 4th
Freeman Jennie b205 E 4th
Freiday Louis V rms 123 N Main
French Clara L b212 E 9th
French Harold b208 E 3rd
French Solotis r900 E 3rd
Frick H E r300 S Wisconsin
Frink Avery D r1119 E 3rd
Frink Dorothy b1119 E 3rd
Frink Guy W r 20 Champney Bldg
Frink John R r508 E 1st
Frink Percy R r Com'l Bank Bldg
Fritz William H r404 E 3rd
Froesche William G r313 E 2nd
Frost H C r216 W 11th
Frost H T r222 W 11th
Frost Tom rms 205 W 12th
Fuller Florence V b417 E 7th
Fuller Mable E b701 E 5th
Fuller Mark B r417 E 7th
Fuller Sarah E r701 E 5th
Fullerton Thomas r317 N Duff
Fulweiler Howard W r212 W 3rd
Furr Gertrude rms 600 W 1st
Gainer Harry T r504 W 2nd
Gaines Andrew W r700 E 5th
Gaines Herman N r701 E 4th
Galbreath C B r617 N Sanborn
Galbreath Frank r617 Sanborn
Gale Beatrice rms 1206 S Pennington
Gale W E r1206 S Pennington
Gall Bertha works 502 E 2nd
Gallagher Clair b hosp
Gallagher Edward rms 405 E 2nd
Gallagher Peter rms 316 E 1st
Gallagher Mary rms 305 E 2nd
Galloway O W r407 N Edmunds
Games J M r713 E 1st
Gapp W H r216 E 5th
Gardner Edith E b508 N Rowley
Gardner Howard W r315 E 10th
Gardner Lloyd A r609 E 5th
Gardner William S r615 E 5th
Garner Harry rms 504 W 2nd
Garrison Opal rms 623 E 2nd
Gass James r419 S Edmunds
Gath Josephine M b411 W 4th
Gavin May rms 600 E 2nd
Geib Jacob r1017 E 3rd
Geiger Esther b110 S Kimball
Geiger Leonard F r110 S Kimball
Geiger Olive rms 403 E 2nd
Geiger Pearl G b305 E 1st
Geiger Ruby K b110 S Kimball
Geise Charles r419 S Duff
George E Clyde r704 S Wisconsin
George C F b704 S Wisconsin
George James rms Burnk Car
George Jessie rms 504 E 2nd
George Terrence b704 S Wisconsin
George Viola b704 S Wisconsin
Getchell Irene b501 E 3rd
Getman Robert M r711 E 2nd
Gibbs F M rms 113 E 2nd
Giddings Herbert G r937 E 5th
Giese J H r116 W 6th
Gilbertson Caroline rms 623 W 4th
Giles Arthur b200 E 9th
Giles Charles W r200 E 7th
Giles Willard G rms 200 E 9th
Gilfillan Eva G b712 E 4th
Gilfillan Joseph b712 E 4th
Gilfillan Ruperta b912 E 7th
Gilfillan W H r712 E 4th
Gilliland Clarence V r1023 S Sanborn
Gilliland Glen rms 1023 S Sanborn
Gilliland Grace b1023 S Sanborn
Gillis Cyrus W r312 E 4th
Gillis Floyd D r308 E 4th
Gilmore Frances M Com'l Bank Bldg
Gilmore D LeRoy r Com'l Bank Bldg
Gipper Tillie b617 N Lawler
Gishwiller Burton M rms 210 W 2nd
Glanville John rms 117 S Lawler
Glaser Lawrence rms 119 W 2nd
Gleeson Celina b1101 E 3rd
Gleeson Harold R b1101 E 3rd
Gleeson John J r1101 E 3rd
Gleeson Linus S r1101 E 3rd
Glennon Anna b916 E 3rd
Glennon Edward b916 E 3rd
Glennan Mary b916 E 3rd
Glennon Walter r916 E 3rd
Gilsar Florence b822 N Main
Glynn Helen b Navin Hotel
Glynn L E r Navin Hotel
Godfrey Fannie G r315 E 4th
Goheen Emma r N Kimball abv 13th
Goheen Frank O rN Kimball abv 13th
Goheen Grant A rN Kimball abv 13th
Goheen Marshall rN Kimball abv 13th
Goheen May B b220 E 13th
Goldhammer Ernest H r713 E 4th
Goldie Charles M r500 S Sanborn
Goldie Philip R rms 500 S Sanborn
Goldy Gladys b609 E 3rd
Good Clarence R r301 E 11th
Goodlad Mildred rms 411 S Sanborn
Goodwin Harold b323 W 11th
Goodwin H R r401 W 11th
Goodwin J H, Mrs r218 N Main
Goodwin Leotta rms 218 N Main
Goodwin Thomas D r523 W 11th
Doodykoontz Sarah, Mrs r217 N Duff
Goold Charles r606 N Main
goold Harry b705 N Wisconsin
Goold John S r705 N Wisconsin
Gordon Grace b623 W 4th
Gordon James C rms 100 N Main
Gorham Olive b317 S Winsor
Gormley Anna T r417 E 3rd
Gormley Katherine b417 E 3rd
Gormley Nellie r417 E 3rd
Gorton Clyde A r812 E 2nd
Gosche Emil N r907 E 3rd
Gosche Irene b201 W 2nd
Gosche M H rms 101 N Main
Goss Edna May b900 E 1st
Goss Peter r900 E 1st
Gotbe Walter b313 E 1st
Gould Bertha J b705 N Wisconsin
Gould Emery rms 501 S Sanborn
Gould Erwin S r 501 S Sanborn
Gould Margaret b606 N Main
Gowling George W r912 E 2nd
Grace F J r518 N Wisconsin
Grace George r401 S Edmunds
Grace Gladys b712 W 3rd
Grace Harold b712 W 3rd
Grace John r423 S Montana
Grace J A r712 W 3rd
Grace Mamie b401 S Edmunds
Grace William J r219 S Montana
Graffius Thomas W Frick-Wittmann
Graham Esta, Mrs r1219 W 2nd
Graham Ivy, Mrs r120 E 10th
Graham Marie b1219 W 2nd
Grant James r200 W 1st
Grassel Joseph r611 N Wisconsin
Graves Bessie b620 W 3rd
Graves Irma b620 W 3rd
Graves J H r620 W 3rd
Gray Earl r510 E 2nd
Gray Mrs E r510 E 2nd
Gray Mary D b317 E 5th
Grebel Earl b1st Nat'l Bank Bldg
Grebel Mary r1st Nat'l Bank Bldg
Grebel Ruth b1st Nat'l Bank Bldg
Green Beulah rms hotel
Green A Curtis r220 E 10th
Green Ethel M rms 220 E 10th
Green Floribelle rms 712 E 4th
Green Julia L rms 220 E 10th
Green Vera M b220 E 10th
Greene Andrew rms 401 S Duff
Greene H C r701 N Lawler
Greene McDonald T b318 E 4th
Greene Samuel T r318 E 4th
Greene Walter T b318 E 4th
Greenwell Roscoe rms 122 E 1st
Greer Thomas r524 N Edmunds
Gregory Charles I b408 E 4th
Gregory Ruth rms 411 S Sanborn
Gregory W H r204 W 4th
Griffin C W rms 423 W 4th
Grigg Dan R r Beckwith Apts
Grinde Henry R r818 W 2nd
Grinde Sina r same
Grinnell Elisha T r601 S Sanborn
Groeber Albert b809 E 1st
Groeber August rms 700 E 3rd
Groeber A, Mrs r700 E 3rd
Groeber Carl r809 E 1st
Groeber Frieda rms 416 E 1st
Gross A rms Bunk Car
Grotta Bennett rms 717 S Sanborn
Grunland Harold b719 W 2nd
Grunland Sever M r719 W 2nd
Gubele Emil C r404 E 2nd
Gudeman Nettie E b208 E 3rd
Gullander Abraham G r404 W 4th
Gullander Agnes H b404 W 4th
Gullander Elsie M b404 W 4th
Gullander Linda G b404 W 4th
Gunn Peter rms 300 E 3rd
Gurius Fred C r508 E 3rd
Gurius Martin b508 E 3rd
Gurney Belle rms 421 W 4th
Gurtner C C r410 S Sanborn
Gust Peter rms Bunk Car
Guse Arthur H r601 E 1st
Guthrie John r 908 S Sanborn
Guynn Henry G r522 S Edmunds
Guzeman Melchor rms 900 S Edmunds
Gyles Earl S 401 E 9th
Gyles Mable 401 E 9th
Gyles Mary r401 E 9th
Hage Ludwig J. Lieut r304 W 1st
Hager Arthur r622 N Sanborn
Hager A B r215 W 3rd
Hahne Ernest H b324 McCabe
Hale William F r601 E 4th
Haliburton R M rms 200 N Main
Hall A B rms 323 W 4th
Hall Charles S r1009 E 4th
Hall Henry rms 304 W 1st
Hall James L r321 E 7th
Hall Leslie b321 E 7th
Hall Mamie b321 E 7th
Hall Olive r hosp
Hall Philanda r323 W 4th
Hall Roy E rms 123 W 3rd
Hall W T r207 W 10th
Halphide Mark r517 N Main
Halpin Etta, Mrs r616 N Minnesota
Halpin William r616 N Minnesota
Halsey George r Bidwell Flats
Halsted Frances B r215 E 10th
Halsted H B r309 S Edmunds
Halverson Carrie r508 S Duff
Halverson Harry b504 S Duff
Halverson Lawrence b512 S Duff
Hamiel James C r1100 N Main
Hamiel Leslie b1100 N Main
Hamiel Walter b1100 N Main
Hamilton Joseph H r205 E 4th
Hamilton Julia Frances b413 Capitol St
Hamilton H N rms 205 E 4th
Hammer Frank M r217 Duff
Hammer John D b700 N Lawler
Hammer John H rms 701 N Lawler
Hammer H C b701 N Lawler
Hammer Irwin b306 E 1st
Hammer Ivan V r309 E 1st
Hammer Louise R r701 N Lawler
Hammer William A b701 N Lawler
Hammerton Eva b422 E 1st
Hammerton Temple b422 E 1st
Hand Emmett b321 E 2nd
Hand John rms 321 E 2nd
hand Margaret 321 E 2nd
Hand Mary J 212 E 10th
Haner George H b617 E 5th
Haner Ollie b617 E 5th
Hanson Ida b Navin Hotel
Haney Dick r719 E 6th
Haney John D r804 W 3rd
Nanle Pauline work-415 N Lawler
Hanna Joseph P r822 E 6th
Hannemann Fred rms 117 S Lawler
Hanneman George b423 E 1st
Hanneman Helen b423 E 1st
Hanneman Herman r423 E 1st
Hannemann Tena b423 E 1st
Hansen Christ b604 E 2nd
Hansen Frederic r305 S Mentzer
Hansen Glen r b912 E 2nd
Hansen Henrietta r912 E 3rd
Hansen P G r316 N Rowley
Hanson Chris r923 S Sanborn
Hanson Chris r604 E 2nd
Hanson Elizabeth rms 400 E 3rd
Hanson Fletcher rS Iowa St
Hanson Ida b same
Hardie R E r421 N Duff
Hardie Vera b421 N Duff
Hardman H C r510 W 10th
Harges Fred rms 113 W 2nd
Harker Ward E rms 401 W 10th
Harkness Hazel b121 W 5th
Harkness J S r121 W 5th
Harkness Kenneth b121 W 5th
Harkness Ruth b121 W 5th
Harmon Albert J r700 E 2nd
harrington C rms 113 W 2nd
Harrington Charlotte A r313 W 2nd
Harris A A 623 N Wisconsin
Harris H L rms 622 N Main
Harris Mark L r601 W 3rd
Harris Nellie rms 913 S Sanborn
Harrison Charles D r424 W 4th
Harrison Nellie work 219 E 4th
Harrison Robert J r808 E 5th
Harrison Ross H r415 S Wisconsin
Harrod H N r1119 N Main
Hart Father r St Joseph hospital
Hartman William A r323 S Sanborn
Hartman Wyatt A b323 S Sanborn
Hartund Fred S rms 1111 W University
Hartwick Clinton P
Harvey Carl rms 717 S Sanborn
Harvey Horace b900 W 5th
Harvey Irene b900 W 5th
Harvey Mary b900 W 5th
Halsey John r417 E 5th
Halsey Lucille M b417 E 5th
Hatch J G, Mrs r401 E 5th
Hathaway Eiliott H b901 S Edmunds
Hathaway George P r901 S Edmunds
Hauert Jacob r111 S Main
Haugan Alice rms Graham Hall
Haut Adolph r822 W 2nd
Havdahl B L r123 W 7th
Havhshl William rms 123 W 7th
Havens Harry rms Koch Flats
Havlatko Frank r512 E 3rd
Havlotko John r512 E 3rd
Havlotko J F r512 E 3rd
Hawkes Charles R r500 E 4th
Haynes Anna b505 W 4th
Haynes E J, Mrs r411 W 4th
Haynes Harold T b411 W 4th
Haynes Jane J, Mrs r505 W 4th
Hayward L E rms 113 W 2nd
Hazen Richard H r501 E 6th
Head William rms 123 W 1st
Heather Oral M r 400 S Minnesota
Heather Oscar M b400 S Minnesota
Hebron J S r710 S Sanborn
Hebron Pearl b710 S Sanborn
Hedden Clarence R r312 S Minnesota
Hedeen Henry W rms 123 N Main
Hedge Stephen rms 508 E 7th
Hedge William A r508 E 7th
Heimberger W A r313 N Rowley
Heles Peter L r704 E 1st
Helligso Christian r412 S Edmunds
Heelgso Marion rms 412 S Edmunds
Helma Vincent rms 1108 E University
Hendrickson Ole r322 W 1st
Heuremann Jennie rms 202 N Main
Henerman William rms 222 W 1st
Henke C rms 113 W 2nd
Hennegar Andrew r824 W 4th
Henegar Lee L r New Koch Flats
Henegar Russel D rms 201 W 2nd
Hanzlik J M r615 W 5th
Herberg Edward W r222 W 4th
Herbert William M r800 W 3rd
Herkenheim Walter rms 417 W 2nd
Herman Henry r721 W 2nd
Herman John r700 W 7th
Herman Sadie Moffat, Mrs r712 W 4th
Hernimann C E r608 N Duff
Herrick Agnes rms 822 N Main
Herrick Hattie rms 811 N Main
Herrick Frank J r210 W 4th
Hersey Harry B r1st Natl Bank Bldg
Hersey Thomas T r919 Court Merrill
Herzog Louis r204 W 1st
Herzog William J r510 E 4th
Heskett Marcus b1008 E 1st
Hetland Setona, Mrs r103 N Minnesota
Hetland Jeanette rms 103 N Minnesota
Hetland Tilden rms 103 N Minnesota
Heuermann Jennie, Mrs b202 N Main
Hews Alice I rms 812 E 2nd
Heyler E W r222 N Main
Hickok Miles W r216 E 9th
Hicks Fred C r1022 Court Merrill
Hicks Katherine M, Mrs r1022 Court Merrill
Hicks Sampson r817 W 2nd
Higgins Agnes b508 E 3rd
Higgins Elisha r901 E 5th
Higgins Fay b508 E 3rd
Higgins Fay M r924 E 2nd
Higgins Orie r508 E 3rd
Higgins Phoebe L r304 E 7th
Higgins Woodberry r508 E 3rd
High Mabel G b122 N Main
High Nettie I r122 N Main
High Paul Q r122 N Main
Hill Abraham N r310 E 6th
Hill W Braden b520 E 6th
Hill D C
Hill F Elton r310 E 6th
Hill Emory K b520 E 6th
Hill Joseph L b520 E 6th
Hill William S r520 E 6th
Hillery Alice rms 421 W 4th
Hillman A L C rms 916 W 5th
Hillman Belle 916 W 5th
Hinchliffe Thomas E r1108 E 2nd
Hinders Edward r220 W 7th
Hinders Jane r710 N Main
Hinders Thomas r821 E 7th
Hinders Tillie b821 E 7th
Hinders William W b821 E 7th
Hitchcock A E r223 W 4th
Hitchcock Bessie M b619 S Minnesota
Hitchcock Harry b619 S Minnesota
Hitchcock Herbert E r509 E 6th
Hitchcock Mary L rms Graham Hall
Hitchcock William A r619 S Minnesota
Hoagland Henry 413 W 4th
Hoagland J S r413 W 4th
Hoague Charlie, Mrs b717 E 1st
Hockett Roy r1109 N Main
Hoelscher Charles r622 S Minnesota
Hoelscher John T r508 S Edmunds
Hoff C A r218 E 3rd
Hoffman F C r521 N Rowley
Hoffman Michael rms 401 S Duff
Hoffman Gertrude 521 N Rowley
Hoffman Minnie b521 N Rowley
Hoffman Ruth b521 N Rowley
Hohfeldt Ewald rms 200 W 4th
Hohn Margaret b413 W 2nd
Holden C L rms same
Holden Margaret rms same
Hollafield Luther rms 113 W 2nd
Holland Hiram S rms 415 W 11th
Holleran George G r105 S Edmunds
Holleran William P rms 118 E 1st
Holley Alex rms Widman Hotel
Hollister Margaret, Mrs r623 W 1st
Holmes Archie b316 E 2nd
Holmes Clara, Mrs r720 S Edmunds
Holmes Edith b720 S Edmunds
Holmes H B r114 N Kimball
Holmes Louis b316 E 2nd
Holmes Milton B r316 E 2nd
Holsaple Helen b901 E 6th
Holsaple Roland N r901 E 6th
Holshire Charles I r1323 S Pennington
Holshire Daisy b1000 E 1st
Holshire Ernest J b1000 E 1st
Holshire Fred C r1000 E 1st
Holshire Harold rms 1323 S Pennington
Holshire Henry 1123 S Sanborn
Holshire Myrtle b1000 E 1st
Holst Elma M b800 E 5th
Holt Benjamin r423 W 4th
Holt Benjamin S rms 423 W 4th
Holt Emmett r223 E 9th
Holt Florence C b423 W 4th
Holt Harriet A b423 W 4th
Holt John b205 W 3rd
Hoon A U r609 W 3rd
Hoon Charles W r715 N Main
Hooper Harry J b608 E 3rd
Hooper Joseph J r608 E 3rd
Hoover William S r1219 S Sanborn
Hopkins Annie rms 321 W 2nd
Hopkins Glen R r310 N Main
Hopkins Lemuel r321 W 2nd
Hopkins Roy b622 N Main
Hopkinson E rms 113 W 2nd
Horning Orlando b821 N Lawler
Horton Katharine 122 E 1st
Hossack Ivan W rms 305 N Rowley
Houser Walter rms 113 W 2nd
Houston O G b100 N Main
Hovda Carrie r902 E 3rd
Hovda Olaf b902 E 2nd
Howard Frank M b412 E 2nd
Howland Clarence r415 W 11th
Hughart Armstrong b401 W 11th
Hughart Florence b401 W 11th
Hughart George R r401 W 11th
Hughart H H b401 W 11th
Hughart Loren G r800 W 3rd
Hughes A J r115 W 5th
Hughes Glen b115 W 4th
Hughes Roy Y r608 N Minnesota
Hughes W H, Mrs r115 W 4th
Hull Daniel r208 E 7th
Hull Myrtle r208 E 7th
Hum Sing same,110 E 4th
Humbert Glen rms 211 E 2nd
Hunt Emerson E rms 422 W Natl Bk.Bldg
Hunt Fannie, Mrs 125-7 E 2nd
Hunt George rms 418 E 3rd
Hunt Louis r125-7 E 2nd
Hunt Racheal rms 901 S Edmunds
Huss Frank C r504 W 2nd
Hyde Aletha M b216 E 5th
Hyta William F r705 E 2nd
Iback Joe rms 113 W 2nd
Imbs Gala 717 W Havens
Imbs Olusa r717 W Havens
Irwin Abbey, Mrs b223 W 11th
Irwin Fred r214 W 9th
Irwin Howard J b709 E 5th
Irwin Miner r223 W 11th
Irwin William E r709 E 5th
Isaacson Clara rms 300 E 3rd
Isaacson Hannah rms 300 E 3rd
Jackson A C b622 N Main
Jackson Beulah b513 N Edmunds
Jackson Elbert b520 N Wisconsin
Jackson Ida M b714 S Sanborn
Jackson Mabel b513 N Edmunds
Jackson Olin D b714 S Sanborn
Jacobs Hiram A r900 N Main
Jacobsen Anna b708 E 5th
Jacobson Edward b1023 N Gamble
Jacobson Fenton L b1023 N Gamble
Jacobsen Julius E r1023 N Gamble
Jacobson Lawrence b1023 N Gamble
Johns Lorenzo H r908 W 2nd
James Elizabeth b812 W 4th
James Frank r150 W 3rd
James James E r812 W 4th
Jamison George H b413 E 9th
Jamison Robert W r413 W 9th
Jay Amanda 212 E 9th
Jay James P r601 E 2nd
Jay Joe b122 E 1st
Jay William E r609 E 2nd
Jayne Nina b1018 Court Merrill
Jebsen Albert r620 E 4th
Jelmeland Berger b218 W 4th
Jenkins Frank r508 W 2nd
Jenkins John P r320 McCabe
Jenks Doris b506 W 3rd
Jennings Alva J r415 E 9th
Jensen Alice H b207 E 5th
Jensen Andrew b1021 E 3rd
Jensen H J rMitchell Blvd
Jensen Jens C r207 E 5th
Jensen Nels r421 W 4th
Jewell Faye b1008 E 1st
Johansen H r1009 W 4th
Johnson Alfred A r415 S Duff
Johnson Alfred r415 S Duff
Johnson Arthur C b216 E 9th
Johnson A V rms 113 W 2nd
Johnson Charles E b201 E 1st
Johnson Emma work.700 E 3rd
Johnson Erastus R r1217 W 4th
Johnson Florence E b421 E 4th
Johnson C Forrest r908 E 7th
Johnson Fred M r618 E 1st
Johnson Fred W r701 S Wisconsin
Johnson Gust r705 E 1st
Johnson Ida b1016 S Sanborn
Johnson Isabelle b622 W 1st
Johnson J G r1016 S Sanborn
Johnson John G b1016 S Sanborn
Johnson Karl A r421 E 4th
Johnson Lotie E b601 E 6th
Johnson Martin b408 E 1st
Johnson Mary K b216 E 9th
Johnson M Z b622 N Main
Johnson Oscar b103 N Sanborn
Johnson Raymond b216 E 9th
Johnson Ruth E b421 E 4th
Johnson Samuel b1217 W 4th
Johnson Victor W r824 W 5th
Johnson Wendle b307 Milan
Johnson William r807 W 2nd
Johnson William b805 W 2nd
Johnson Will, Mrs r615 N Main
Johnston Anna b623 W 1st
Johnston C D rms 717 S Sanborn
Johnston Florence r215 W 4th
Johnston George A r200 W 4th
Johnston Henry K r623 W 1st
Johnston James T b937 E 4th
Johnston Mary r937 E 4th
Johnston Sarah b937 E 4th
Jonathan Isabelle 518 N Main
Jones Charles H
Jones Charles W r207 N Main
Jones Charlotte b500 W 2nd
Jones Eldred L b211 E 2nd
Jones E W r222 W 4th
Jones Frank W r1012 E 2nd
Jones George L r314 W 2nd
Jones Hilton Ira r315 Milan
Jones Lotie M b500 W 2nd
Jones Lyle b211 E 2nd
Jones Mary Ellen b512 S Sanborn
Jones R E r512 S Sanborn
Jordahl Edward r709 S Wisconsin
Jordan James A r401 W 4th
jorgenson Andrew r918 W 4th
Jorgenson Arthur 210 E 2nd
Jorgenson Eleanor b210 E 2nd
Jorgenson George b918 W 4th
Jorgenson Harold r112 W 1st
Jorgenson John T r600 E 1st
Jorgenson Jorgen r210 E 2nd
Joyce Mark b317 E 2nd
Judge George W r404 1/2 N Main
Judge George W, Mrs 404 1/2 N Main
Judge G Louis b404 1/2 N Main
Judge James E r415 E 5th
Judson Hazel b512 N Duff
juell J rms 113 W 2nd
Julian Guy r12 Champney Bldg
Julian John W r809 E 2nd
Julian Melissa rms 12 Champney Bldg
Just Catherine r900 W 3rd
Just E E r1323 W 4th
Just George J r915 W 3rd
Juul Marie work-207 W 1st
Kaifetz Abraham r715 W 2nd
Kaifetz Hattie b715 W 2nd
Kampshoff Ottilia r313 E 1st
Kane Michael T b223 S Wisconsin
Kane Phillip r416 N Main
Kanouff George, Mrs r510 W 4th
Karaga John rms Bunk Car
Karaga Thomas rms Bunk Car
Karapachy George rms Bunk Car
Kaufmann William rms 112 E 1st
Kauken J H b2001 E 2nd
Kaye Florence rms Graham Hall
Kaye William rms 807 S Sanborn
Kearney Edward b605 E 5th
Kearney Genevieve b605 E 5th
Kearney William B rms 109 S Main
Kearney William M b605 E 5th
Keaton Fred rms Blenkiron Bldg
Keen E S r808 E 3rd
Keen James rS Iowa,S of 8th st
Keen James Jr b S Iowa, S of 8th st
Keen Jessie 808 E 3rd
Keen Laura b S Iowa, S of 8th
Keen Lenora b S Iowa, S of 8th
Kehler Charles r701 N Main
Hehm Lila rms Mitchell Blvd
Keller C T r421 W Av
Keller Florence rms 621 W 3rd
Keller George b122 E 1st
Keller Ruby rms 621 W 3rd
Kelley Anthony J
Kelley Bert r316 N Main
Kelley E r700 S Sanborn
Kelley Ella, Mrs r316 N Main
Kelley GEorge H rms 522 N Main
Kelley M, Mrs b407 E 3rd
Kelley P H r218 W 4th
Kelley Robert Lincoln r407 E 3rd
Kelley Ray A r1038 E 3rd
Kelley Richard J r500 E 2nd
Kelso F C r112 N Rowley
Kelso Fay, Mrs b112 N Rowley
Kelso Fannie E, Mrs b520 E 6th
Kempel C H r718 S Duff
Kempel Edwin G r903 E 3rd
Kempton Earl b cafe, 305 N Main
Kempton David r305 N Main
Kempton Warren b305 N Main
Kendall Mary M b216 E 5th
Kennedy Charles F r715 E 3rd
Kennedy C L r109 N Lawler
Kennedy Charles r715 E 3rd
Kennedy Fred rms 401 S Duff
Kennedy George W r316 W 5th
Kennedy William A r804 E 1st
Kenton Chloe b212 E 2nd
Kenyon Benjamin rms 322 E 9th
Kenyon Judd R r703 N Lawler
Kerkvliet Arthur C r817 E 2nd
Kerns Stephen I r613 E 6th
Keason A A, Mrs b313 E 1st
Kibbee Charles H r122 E 6th
Kibbee Howard R r415 N Lawler
Kibbee Mary H r415 N Lawler
Kibbee Howard Ryland, Jr b415 N Lawler
Kilburg Leo M r1008 N Rowley
Kimball G G r421 N Wisconsin
Kimble Clyde M r513 E 4th
Kimble Minerva J r521 E 4th
Kincel Marjorie A b315 E 4th
King Ellsworth E r312 W 5th
King Keo rms 709 S Sanborn
King Leland M r717 E 1st
King Mary A r218 E 3rd
King Ora F b412 E 6th
King Susan L b218 E 3rd
KIng William H r709 S Sanborn
Kings Albert G r928 E 5th
Kings Alex b902 E 2nd
Kings Andrew J r902 E 2nd
Kings Floyd b902 E 2nd
Kings Lora b902 E 2nd
Kinkead J L r516 N Edmunds
Kinman Thomas r928 E 2nd
Kinney David rms 504 E 2nd
kinney Edward b504 E 2nd
Kinney Irene rms 515 E 1st
Kinney John b504 E 2nd
Kinney Katherine rms 504 E 2nd
Kinney Mary rms 504 E 2nd
Kinney Mary rms 310 S Edmunds
Kinney Nellie rms 504 E 2nd
Kinney Patrick b304 S Davison
Kinney Pat r515 E 1st
Kinport E Lyle b306 E 6th
Kinport M Guy b306 E 6th
Kinport Sallie A r306 E 6th
Kinsey Maude, Mrs rms 424 W 4th
Kinyan Judd b705 N Lawler
Kipp Effie b921 W 5th
Kipp Ida r921 W 5th
Kirch Edward H r405 S Montana
Kirlel Anna M b600 E 7th
Kirfel Rose b600 E 7th
Kirkpatrick Arthur L r108 N Montana
Kirschbaum Christian b321 E 2nd
kissler Henry rms 1103 W 2nd
Kittleson Harvey H r114 N Sanborn
Kittleson Halvor O r420 E 6th
Kittleson Lawrence W r312 E 3rd
Kjelmyr Della b309 S Wisconsin
Kjelmyr Laura b309 S Wisconsin
Kjelmyr Ole r824 W 3rd
Kjelmyr r309 S Wisconsin
Klatt Maude rms Graham Hall
Kludt Anna b1025 E 3rd
kludt August A r1034 E 3rd
Kludt Carl A b1034 E 3rd
Knapp Ora W r304 W 1st
Knappen Carrie, Mrs r207 E 7th
Knowles Mary E b521 E 4th
Knowles Ruth E b412 N Duff
Knutson H , Mrs b321 E 1st
Knutzen Edwin C r901 S Edmunds
Kobes Albert r901 E 2nd
Kobes Alta r312 S Winsor
Kobes Hattie b312 S Winsor
Kobes Henry r1022 E 2nd
Kobes John, Mrs r312 S Winsor
Kobes Walter b1100 E 2nd
Koch Anna, Mrs rms 521 E 1st
Koch Ethel b521 E 1st
Koch George r213 E 7th
Koch Gertrude r305 E 1st
Koch Joseph H r113 N Rowley
Koch Mamie b521 E 1st
Koch Sophia r117 S Lawler
Koch Mary r201 W 2nd
Koepke Viola b409 S Montana
Koepp Charles H r600 W 1st
Kolbach Rose b516 E 3rd
Konechne James H r412 E 3rd
Kontz Rose b701 N Lawler
Koop August Jr b500 W 10th
Koop August Sr 522 W 7th
Koop Lillie b500 W 10th
Koop Oscar b500 W 10th
Koros Nicholos rms 503 E 2nd
Kotrba Ershul rms 301 W 2nd
Dramer Anna M b721 S Edmunds
Kramer Edward B r702 N Main
Kramer M J r721 S Edmunds
Kratz Carl S b508 E 3rd
Kratya John rms Bunk Car
Kreidler Herbert D b922 N Rowley
Kreidler H D 922 N Rowley
Kreidler Lewis r922 N Rowley
Kreitzenger Minnie rms 421 W 4th
Krell Fred H r1025 E 1st
Kremer Herbert b502 E 3rd
Kremer Mike b502 E 3rd
Kremer Nick 502 E 3rd
Kremer Sophie 502 E 3rd
Kress Anna A rms 317 E 5th
Kress Horace rms 317 E 5th
Kreuger Charles rms 100 N Main
Krier Sophia rms same
Krinke G L, Mrs 510 W 4th
Krinke G L r510 W 5th
Krom Charles H r914 E 2nd
Krom C Leonard r608 E 2nd
Krouse Edna G b1110 N Main
Krouse Esther b300 S Minnesota
Krouse Lewis P r300 S Minnesota
Krouse Minnie r1110 N Main
Krouse Minnie E b1110 N Main
Krouse Theodore C 1110 N Main
Kurg Fred S Sr r1020 E 1st
Kruger Charles rms 100 N Main
Kruse Edith b1001 W 4th
Kueken John H r1001 E 2nd
Kugler Lydia r same
Kunkle Charles r721 S Edmunds
Kunkle Frank J r404 E 4th
Kunkle Lillie rms Graham Hall
Kunkle Olga b721 S Edmunds
Kunzman Atlanta, Mrs r1122 W 3rd
Kursten Martin T r616 W 4th
Kurvink John r519 N Wisconsin
Kuzmat Tony b same
Kvick Gus b805 W 2nd
Copyrighted 2001 for Davison county South Dakota by:
Davison County Genealogical Society.