Mitchell City Directory 1898-99 H-Y
Lname Fname Occup Address
Hacket Mrs Jennie 1103 N Main
Hackett R A mason 1103 N Main
Hager A B attorney 411 N Rowley
Hager Arthur student 411 N Rowley
Hager C E minister 400 W 4th
Hager Mrs C E 400 W 4th
Hager Nina student 400 W 4th
Hager Eugene student 400 W 4th
Hager Mrs Carrie 411 N Rowley
Hager Maud stenographer 411 N Rowley
Heigh Mrs M A nurse 211 E 11th
Hall R P contractor 410 N Main
Hall Mrs Mary J 410 N Main
Halfhill Alice P student 620 Main
Halfhill Mrs C 620 Main
Halfhill Elsworth E student 620 Main
Halfhill John lunch counter 620 Main
Halfhill Lilly student 620 Main
Halfhill Ruth E student 620 Main
Halfhill W J student 620 Main
Halphide Clarence C express agent 200 E 3rd
Halphide Mark oculist 309 E 1st
Halphide Mrs M 309 E 1st
Halphide Mrs Nellie 200 E 3rd
Halverson Mrs Carrie 406 S Sanborn
Halverson Christ laborer 406 S Sanborn
Halverson Harry student 406 S Sanborn
Halsted Mrs Agusta 303 S Edmunds
Halversted Hans laborer 303 S Edmunds
Halsted Miss Regina 303 S Edmunds
Hammer Alice dressmaker 208 E 4th
Hammer Mrs D widow 208 E 4th
Hammer F M druggist 500 E 4th
Hammer Mrs Stella 500 E 4th
Hamilton D V 270 W 1st
Hamilton Sarah (colored) laundry 206 E 1st
Hannett Bessie student 504 W 4th
Hannett Edward student 504 W 4th
Hannett J L attorney 504 W 4th
Hannett Mrs Martha 504 W 4th
Hannett Nell 504 W 4th
Hannett Ray clerk 504 W 4th
Hannett William student 504 W 4th
Hauert Jacob exps messenger 704 W 4th
Hauert Mrs Mary 704 W 4th
Hardesty Mrs A C widow 209 E 4th
Hardesty Carl student 209 E 4th
Hardesty Emil student 209 E 4th
Hardesty Frank student 209 E 4th
Hardesty Percy B bootblack 209 E 4th
Hare Fred farmer 206 E Hanson
Hare Lepha 206 E Hanson
Harker Mrs Elizabeth 402 E 6th
Harker Emma teacher 402 E 6th
Harker George student 402 E 6th
Harker Joseph 402 E 6th
Harker Joe grocer 402 E 6th
Harker Nora student 402 E 6th
Harker Pearl 402 E 6th
Harker William grocer 402 E 6th
Hauck Katie student 209 S Kimball
Havlatko Charles laborer 306 Aurora St
Havlatko Frank laborer 306 Aurora St
Havlatko Jno laborer 306 Aurora St
Havlatko John laborer 306 Aurora St
Havlatko Mrs Mary 306 Aurora St
Haynes Annie 604 W 3rd
Healey Mrs Anna 309 E 3rd
Healey Mildred student 309 E 3rd
Healey William J hardware 309 E 3rd
Helgeson Stena domestic 507 E 3rd
Helwig Bertha L student 202 W 4th
Helwig Eugene C 202 W 4th
Helwig J G 202 W 4th
Helwig Phebe S 202 W 4th
Helwig William H attorney 202 W 4th
Herbert Joe clerk 411 E 3rd
Hill Abraham real estate 305 E 6th
Hill C 801 W 2nd
Hill Elton 305 E 6th
Hill Eugenia student 801 W 2nd
Hill Mrs E H 305 E 6th
Hill Mrs M laundress 801 W 2nd
Hinkley G W 1st & Rowley
Hitchcock A E attorney 310 W 4th
Hitchcock Mrs A E 310 W 4th
Hitchcock Herbert traveller 504 E 5th
Hitchcock Mrs Mabel 504 E 5th
Hooker George farmer 110 E Hanson
Hooker Lulu 110 E Hanson
Hooker Mrs Myrtle 502 E 4th
Hooker Mrs Sarah 110 E Hanson
Hooker Walter I book keeper 502 E 4th
Hoon Charles W confectioner 306 E 3rd
Hoon Mrs Fanny 306 E 3rd
Hoon Helen student 306 E 3rd
Hooper Beryl 604 E 3rd
Hooper Harry J 604 E 3rd
Hooper Mrs J C 604 E 3rd
Hooper J W farmer 604 E 3rd
Hogan Rev J F Holy Family Church 311 E 2nd
Holden K engineer-C St PM&O bds 410 Main
Holshire Harry 510 E 1st
Holshire Henry farmer 510 E 1st
Holshire Mrs M J 510 E 1st
Holshire Myrtle domestic 604 E 2nd
Holt Annie 300 W Bowdle
Holt Benjamin boilermaker 300 W Bowdle
Holt Benjamin student 300 W Bowdle
Holt Mrs Harriett 300 W Bowdle
Holt John wiper Mil round house 300 W Bowdle
Holt Maud student 300 W Bowdle
Holt Florence student 300 W Bowdle
Hopkins Anna book keeper 509 N Edmunds
Hopkins Glen printer 509 N Edmunds
hopkins Mrs Harriett 509 N Edmunds
Hopkins L drayman 509 N Edmunds
Horton Edward brakeman C St P M&O bds 410 Main
Hough Mrs J J widow 506 W 3rd
Hough M J 506 W 3rd
Hough M L clerk 506 W 3rd
Hough M S student 506 W 3rd
Hover E O photographer 410 E 2nd
Hover Karl misic teacher 204 E 2nd
Hover Mrs Louise 204 E 2nd
Hover Mrs Marie L 410 E 2nd
Hover W W engineer 204 E 2nd
Hover Zella student 204 E 2nd
Hughs Mrs Hilda (colored) 206 E 1st
Huntly Aurilla 410 W 1st
Huntly Chauncy 410 W 1st
Husby J tailor 406 E 1st
Huyck Edgar student 410 N Edmunds
Huyck Ethel student 410 N Edmunds
Huyck Mrs Mary 410 N Edmunds
Huyck O T traveling man 410 N Edmunds
Huyck Ralph student 410 N Edmunds
Huyck Willard book keeper 410 N Edmunds
Indra Mrs Alma 411 E 3rd
Indra Ella student 411 E 3rd
Indra L clothier 411 E 3rd
Indra Leo student 411 E 3rd
Irvin George CM & St P bds American House
Iverson Bessie widow 401 S Sanborn
Iverson Robert student 410 S Sanborn
Jackson Clair student 507 N Edmunds
Jackson Mrs Jane 507 N Edmunds
Jackson Jno agent 507 N Edmunds
Jackson Mabel teacher 507 N Edmunds
Jackson Pearl 507 N Edmunds
Jackson Robert student 507 N Edmunds
Jacobson Andrew 608 W 1st
Jacobson Mrs Mary 608 W 1st
Jacquemai M L travelingman 211 E 3rd
Jacquemai Mrs Margaret 211 E 3rd
Jensen Mrs Jane 1104 N Lawler
Jenson Frank student 1104 N Lawler
Jensen Nels farmer 1104 N Lawler
Jensen Russell student 1104 N Lawler
Jewett Ethel student 310 E 7th
Johns Clark student 706 Rowley
Johns Rev 706 Rowley
Johns Mrs 706 Rowley
Johnson Alfred blacksmith 406 E 4th
Johnson Mrs Christie 606 S Sanborn
Johnson Christina 810 W 2nd
Johnson Clarence 606 S Sanborn
Johnson Clifton student 606 S Sanborn
Johnson Fred painter 810 W 2nd
Johnson Mrs Huldah 406 E 4th
Johnson John stone mason 606 S Sanborn
Johnson Oscar mason 606 S Sanborn
Johnson Sade 609 S Sanborn
Johnson Will laborer 810 W 2nd
Johnston George A attorney 200 W 4th
Johnston Mrs Clara 200 W 4th
Johnston Lucile student 200 W 4th
Johnston C W Prop,Mitchell House res same
Johnston E S editor-Gazette 706 W 3rd
Johnston George student 706 W 3rd
Johnston Gilbert barber bds Mitchell House
Johnston Lillian student 706 W 3rd
Johnston Marie student Mitchell House
Johnston Mrs Mary Jane widow 307 W 4th
Johnston Mrs Nellie 706 W 3rd
Johnston Ralph student 706 W 3rd
Johnston Tom student 706 W 3rd
Jones Alice student 509 W 3rd
Jones Edward V clerk 206 E Hanson
Jones Mrs Emma M 509 W 3rd
Jones Frank student 509 W 3rd
Jones Mrs Hattie 206 E Hanson
Jones S E traveling salesman 509 W 3rd
Jones Warren student 509 W 3rd
Jordan Grace teacher 411 Ladue St
Jordan Mrs Isabelle widow 411 Ladue St
Kamley Ernest student 509 N Wisconsin
Kampshaw Mary housekeeper 602 E 6th
Kane Sadie housekeeper 509 Van Eps
Kanger Bertha A domestic 510 W 2nd
Kanger Sophie domestic 508 W 3rd
Kanouff George prop American House cor 1st & Rowley
Kanouff Oscar prop American House cor 1st & Rowley
Kearney Mrs Anna 603 E 5th
Kearney Edward A blacksmith 603 E 5th
Kearney Edward student 603 E 5th
Kearney Genevieve student 603 E 5th
Kearney William student 603 E 5th
Keating Miss J dressmaker res over 201 Main
Keith Mrs Cynthia 504 W 3rd
Keith Merritt contractor 504 W 3rd
Kelsey A B res Plotner House
Kelso Mrs Agusta 105 S Sanborn
Kelso Joseph E minister 105 S Sanborn
Kenyon Benjamin engineer bds 410 Main
Kerstine Mary domestic 502 E 3rd
Keyes Annis dressmaker bds Central House
Keyes Jennie student bds Central House
Kibbee Mrs Hellen M 102 E 6th
Kibbee C H 102 E 6th
Kibbee H R Com Savings Bank 211 W 3rd
Kibbee Mrs Julia 211 W 3rd
Kincel Margia student 510 W 2nd
Kincel William student 510 W 2nd
Kindelan Emma student 305 Hanson
King Alex student 508 E 2nd
King Andrew contractor 508 E 2nd
King Emily student 508 E 2nd
King Mrs M E 508 E 2nd
Kinney Ellen 106 S Lawler
Kinney John hostler 106 S Lawler
Kinney Mamie student 110 S Lawler
Kinney Mrs Mary 106 S Lawler
Kinney Mary 106 S Lawler
Kinney Nora 106 S Lawler
Kinney Patrick laborer CM & St P 110 S Lawler
Kinney Thomas section boss CM & StP 106 S Lawler
Kinney Willie student 110 S Lawler
Kintigh Frankie 100 Hanson
Kintigh J E carpenter 100 Hanson
Kintigh Mrs O E 100 Hanson
Kirfel Frank bartender rms over 119 Main
Kirschbaum C shoemaker 205 E Hanson
Kirschbaum C Jr barber 205 E Hanson
Kirschbaum Caroline waiteress 205 E Hanson
Kirschbaum Elizabeth 205 E Hanson
Kirschbaum Mrs M 205 E Hanson
Kjelmyr Mrs Emma 810 W 3rd
Kjelmyr Ole tailor 810 W 3rd
Kneeland Elder 705 N Sanborn
Kobes Albert mason 304 Aurora St
Kobes Carrie bds 304 Aurora St
Kobes Charles student 304 Aurora
Kobes Mrs Hattie 304 Aurora
Kobes Jno boilermaker 304 Aurora
Kobes Lizzie student 304 Aurora
Kobes Walter student 304 Aurora
Koch Albert student 301 Hanson
Koch Belle 270 W 1st
Koch Mrs Christina 301 Hanson
Koch George student 301 Hanson
Koch Mrs Gertrude 300 E 1st
Koch Gerty clerk 301 Hanson
Koch H general store 300 E 1st
Koch Henry student 301 Hanson
Koch Irene 270 W 1st
Koch Jos general store 301 Hanson
Koch Joe clerk 300 E 1st
Koch Kathrine 270 W 1st
Koch William merchant 270 W 1st
Koster Hannah domestic 500 E 6th
Kratz Fred 209 W 4th
Kratz Mrs 209 W 4th
Kratz Rev R N minister 209 W 4th
Kraus Mrs M bds Merchants Hotel
Kreidler Louis 511 E Hanson
Kreidler L W printer 511 E Hanson
Kreidler Mrs Mary 511 E Hanson
Kress Mrs Annie 403 E 2nd
Kress Mrs E A 203 E 9th
Kress Horace student 403 E 2nd
Kress H W 203 E 9th
Kress John D harness maker 403 E 2nd
Krug Maggie domestic 300 W 4th
Kuhns Mertie teacher 408 E 3rd
Kunney P 270 E 1st
Labinskie William laborer 606 W 1st
LaFortune Julia student 310 E 7th
Laidlaw Bert student 310 Rowley
Laidlaw Flora 310 Rowley
Laidlaw John merchant bds 310 Rowley
Laidlaw Mrs J artist bds 310 Rowley
Laidlaw Walter 310 Rowley
Lang Alice student 210 S Davison
Lang Annie student 210 S Davison
Lang Mrs Eva 210 S Davison
Lang Gerty student 210 S Davison
Lang Henry student 210 S Davison
Lang Lena student 210 S Davison
Lang Lizzie works Mitchell House res same
Lang Minnie works Mitchell House res same
Lang William laborer 210 S Davison
Lang Willie student 210 S Davison
Larkin George clerk bds Central house
Laurson Mrs J P widow 400 Van Eps
Laurson Ella student 400 Van Eps
Laurson Emil student 400 Van Eps
Laurson Phillip student 400 Van Eps
Lawrence Amanda student 121 W 7th
Lawrence Charles laborer 210 W 7th
Lawrence Mrs C 210 W 7th
Lawrence John retired farmer 121 W 7th
Lawrence Mrs Katherine 121 W 7th
Lee Mona M teacher 308 W 1st
Lee Myrtle P teacher 308 W 1st
Lee Mrs M N music teacher 308 W 1st
Lee rosa M teacher 308 W 1st
Leehan E W traveling salesman 311 N Duff
Leehan Mrs Nellie 311 N Duff
Lehman J C agent 702 N Sanborn
Lehman Mrs Jennie 702 N Sanborn
Leslie James Prop, feed store 311 Main
Leslie Mrs M A milliner 311 Main
Levinger Mrs Anna 601 W 3rd
Levinger Joseph Prop, department store 601 W 3rd
Levinger Lee student 601 W 3rd
Lewis Anna student 410 N Sanborn
Lewis L W grain 410 N Sanborn
Lewis Mrs L W 410 N Sanborn
Lewis Laura student 410 N Sanborn
Lewis May student 200 W 7th
Lewis Minnie teacher 200 W 7th
Lewis Mrs R 200 W 7th
Liddell Tom foreman CM & St P bds Raymond House
Liko George Prop, Merchants Hotel res same
Liko Mrs J H Prop, Merchants Hotel res same
Liko Lillie res Merchants House
Liko Mary res Merchants House
Limbo Carrie works over 312 Main res same
Lindahl Aaron 405 S Sanborn
Lindahl Celia 405 S Sanborn
Lindstrom Mrs A widow 505 Lawler
Lindstrom Clara domestic 400 W 5th
Lindquest Mrs Annie 301 S Edmunds
Lindquest Oscar hostler round house 301 S Edmunds
Litchfield Mrs Anna 305 S Sanborn
Litchfield O T bookkeeper 305 S Sanborn
Litsey Jessie student 502 W 2nd
Litsey Mrs M J widow 502 W 2nd
Litsey Sarah milliner 502 W 2nd
Lockhart Miss G M 401 Main
Loevinger Mrs Anna 404 E 1st
Loevinger Gus student 308 Hanson
Loevinger Joseph clerk 404 E 1st
Loevinger Leonhart 308 Hanson
Loevinger Louis student 404 E 1st
Loevinger Morris bds Mitchell House
Loevinger Sophia student 404 E 1st
Lofswold Albert student 206 W 2nd
Lofswold Andrew wiper CM & St P 206 W 2nd
Lofswold Edwin student 206 W 2nd
Lofswold Mrs Nettie 206 W 2nd
Logan George furniture 503 E 3rd
Logan George Jr student 503 E 3rd
Logan Gwyneth 503 E 3rd
Logan Mrs Jessie student 503 E 3rd
Loomer Mrs Ida S 607 N Rowley
Loomer W F baker 607 N Rowley
Lord Mrs Jennie widow 202 E 8th
Lott W E blacksmith 207 E Lawler
Lowrie C C insurance 106 1st
Lowrie Lysle cook 106 1st
Lukens Mrs C 201 Main
Lyons James grocer 210 E 3rd
Lyons Mrs Lizzie 210 E 3rd
Lname Fname Occup Address
McBride Robert correspondent 308 Main
McCartney Dr. J G Mitchell Dental Parlors 209 N Duff
McCartney Mrs Retta 209 N Duff
McConkey Mrs Barbara widow 105 Hanson
McConkey Faye teacher 105 Hanson
McConkey Grace 105 Hanson
McConkey Henry agent 105 Hanson
McCormick Fanny student 610 W 2nd
McCormick H book keeper 610 W 2nd
McCormick Mrs Mary 610 W 2nd
McCurdy Mrs Anna 608 W 3rd
McCurdy L traveling man 608 W 3rd
McCurdy Roy L clerk 608 W 3rd
McDermott John driver,works Dix House cor 3rd & Rowley
McDonald Harry 603 S Sanborn
McDonald Dr G G physician 308 E 4th
McDonald M M 603 S Sanborn
McDonald Mrs R J 308 E 4th
McDonald Sarah E 603 S Sanborn
McDougall Ethel student 511 W 2nd
McDougall Frank student 511 W 2nd
McDougall George student 511 W 2nd
McDougall Jno machinest 511 W 2nd
McDougall John Jr student 511 W 2nd
McDougall Mrs Nellie 511 W 2nd
McGovern Mrs Anna 402 E 2nd
McGovern Cecelia student 402 E 2nd
McGovern Edward clerk 402 E 2nd
McGovern Eugene clerk 402 E 2nd
McGovern Frank clerk 402 E 2nd
McGovern Louise 402 E 2nd
McGovern Mary teacher 402 E 2nd
McGovern P T dry goods 402 E 2nd
McKinley Elton 418 Main
McKinley Irma 418 Main
McKinley James justice of peace 418 Main
McKinley Mrs Josephine 418 Main
McKinley Leland student 418 Main
McKinley Mrs Mattie 418 Main
McKeel A B book keeper 311 W 4th
McKeel Mrs E S 300 W 3rd
McKeel Mrs Florence 311 W 4th
McKeel L H bds 300 W 3rd
McKeel W H 300 W 3rd
McLean Cora dressmaker over 312 Main
McLain F I soldier 500 W 3rd
McLain J C druggist 500 W 3rd
McLain H N clerk 500 W 3rd
McLean Pearl student res over 312 Main
McLaughlin Joseph Prop, Columbia House 104 S Lawler
McLaughlin Mrs Lizzie 104 S Lawler
Maguire Anna teacher 402 E 7th
Maguire Agusta M teacher 402 E 7th
Maguire Bessie student 402 E 7th
Maguire Ellen teacher 402 E 7th
Maguire Frances teacher 402 E 7th
Maguire Francis farmer 402 E 7th
Maguire Mrs Margaret 402 E 7th
Maguire Mary J teacher 402 E 7th
Maiers Mrs Gertrude 308 E 1st
Maiers Jessie student 308 E 1st
Maiers John engineer 308 E 1st
Markham Mrs Nannie dressmaker 402 E 3rd
Martinson Mrs C 306 S Langdon
Martinson E section foreman 306 S Langdon
Martinson Ella student 306 S Langdon
Martinson Mary student 306 S Langdon
Manchester Mrs Ada 304 E 5th
Manchester Haskell student 304 E 5th
Manchester Howard student 304 E 5th
Manchester Thomas S engineer 304 E 5th
Manley Delia student 607 Lawler
Manley Helen student 607 Lawler
Manley John works Lyon's store 607 Lawler
Manley Kate student 607 Lawler
Manley Patrick stone mason 607 Lawler
Mark Grace 423 Main
Maughan Cluade student 408 W 1st
Maughan Grace student 408 W 1st
Maughan Mrs Irena 408 W 1st
Maughan Lida 408 W 1st
Maughan Olive student 408 W 1st
Maughan Pearl student 408 W 1st
Maughan W I car foreman 408 W 1st
Mauvering Mrs Samantha 305 S Duff
Maxon Blanche student 310 W 1st
Maxon E D stockman 310 W 1st
Maxon Emery G student 310 W 1st
Maxon Mrs Nettie S 310 W 1st
Mayes Frank Gazette office bds Raymond House
May John May & Suchy tailors 106 Main
Meisenholder Lena seamstress 200 W 1st
Merwin Aran CM & St P ry bds American House
Merwin Oscar bds American House
Michels Mrs C 407 E 1st
Michels John Saloon 407 E 1st
Michels Joe student 407 E 1st
Michael James T 208 W 2nd
Meilenz A W drayman 305 E 1st
Meilenz George student 305 E 1st
Meilenz Jeanette student 305 E 1st
Meilenz Mrs Kate 305 E 1st
Meilenz Maud student 305 E 1st
Meilenz Walter student 305 E 1st
Mizener Zellah J 400 W 5th
Mizener Logan student 400 W 5th
Mizener Mark student 400 W 5th
Mizener Buema student 400 W 5th
Mizener Claude student 400 W 5th
Mizener D A real estate, ins 400 W 5th
Miles Benjamin printer 504 E 4th
Miller Clem student 600 E 6th
Miller D B farmer 600 E 6th
Miller Edith student 600 E 6th
Miller Mrs Elva 600 E 6th
Miller Eva 600 E 6th
Miller Ralph student 600 E 6th
Millborne Charles B student 311 S Edmunds
Millborne Mrs Minnie A 311 S Edmunds
Millborne Wilmot student 311 S Edmunds
Millborne W R traveling man 311 S Edmunds
Miltimore C I farmer 405 E 4th
Miltimore Edith student 405 E 4th
Miltimore Mrs Ruth L 405 E 4th
Miner Burt student 610 E 1st
Miner Mrs cora 610 E 1st
Miner Cora teacher 610 E 1st
Miner George H traveling man 610 E 1st
Mineria N fireman bds 410 Main
Moore D V operator 310 W 3rd
Moore Mrs Minnie 310 W 3rd
Moore Mrs S J 310 W 3rd
Moore Dr S J dentist 310 W 3rd
Mohr Mrs Eva 510 E 2nd
Mohr H J attorney 510 E 2nd
Montague Carrie 206 E 2nd
Montague Vernon soldier 206 E 2nd
Morriarty James engineer CM & St P rms over 1st Nat'l Bank
Morrow Mrs Florence 507 E 3rd
Morrow J T banker 507 E 3rd
Morrison Lottie 806 W 3rd
Morrow Mary student 507 E 3rd
Morrall Mrs M E 305 E 4th
Morgan Burton H butcher 302 E 7th
Morgan Mrs Irene 302 E 7th
Morgan Jennie teacher 607 Main
Morgan Mrs S 607 Main
Morgan S H butcher 607 Main
Morhan Mamie dressmaker 104 S Lawler
Morse B wagonmaker 504 E 4th
Morse Mrs Sarah 504 E 4th
Mowder Frank engineer 604 W 2nd
Mowder Mrs Louisa 604 W 2nd
Mowder Louis student 604 W 2nd
Mowder Martha student 604 W 2nd
Moyer Charlotte teacher 307 W 2nd
Moyer Frank L livery 307 W 2nd
Meuters Mrs Fannie 401 E 2nd
Meuters George telegraph operator 401 E 2nd
Munger Mrs Julia L 508 W 2nd
Munger George printer 508 W 2nd
Murner George 270 E 1st
Murphy Bessie student 301 E 11th
Murphy Mrs Elizabeth 301 E 11th
Murphy James clerk 301 E 11th
Murphy William 308 S Sanborn
Murphy William student 301 E 11th
Mutziger Anna domestic 504 E 5th
Myers Alice student 304 W 1st
Myers Charles messenger 304 W 1st
Myers Clarence driver 304 W 1st
Myers Eliza widow 304 W 1st
Myers Lizzie domestic Plotner Hse cor 2nd & Lawler
Myers Ray student 304 W 1st
Mylan Agnes student 611 N Wisconsin
Mylan B I laborer 611 N Wisconsin
Mylan Mrs Carrie 504 E Hanson
Mylan Eddie student 611 N Wisconsin
Mylan Fanny student 611 N Wisconsin
Mylan Frank student 611 N Wisconsin
Mylan Mrs Kate 611 N Wisconsin
Mylan Thomas restaurant 504 E Hanson
Mylan William student 611 N Wisconsin
Nabinger A clerk Central House 509 Main
Nabinger Francis bds Central House
Nabinger Mrs L H Prop, Central House 509 Main
Nation Ella student 210 E 1st
Nation Emma student 210 E 1st
Nation R A insurance 210 E 1st
Nation Mrs Tena 210 E 1st
Needham Mrs M widow 504 E 1st
Neilly Miss Georgia dressmaker 207 E 3rd
Neilly Miss Lizzie dressmaker 207 E 3rd
Nelson Mrs Anna C 612 W 1st
Nelson C laborer 612 W 1st
Nesmuth Ella Bible worker 705 N Sanborn
Newberry E C Prop,green houses W Dakota University
Newberry Corlsss florist Mitchell Green Houses
Newberry Mrs L A Mitchell Green Houses
Nichols A E carpenter 708 W 4th
Nichols Anna student 708 W 4th
Nichols Clara student 708 W 4th
Nichols George student 708 W 4th
Nichols Harry G jeweler & music 504 E 5th
Nichols Mrs Kate 708 W 3rd
nichols Mrs Maude 504 E 5th
Nichols Troy student 708 W 4th
Nichols William student 708 W 4th
Niece Henry brakeman C ST PM & O 410 Main
Nielson Mrs Marie 407 E 2nd
Nielson N J weighmaster 407 E 2nd
Nicholson Cora May student 204 E Hanson
Nicholson Mrs Jennie 204 E Hanson
Nicholson W E horsetrainer 204 E Hanson
Noahr Mrs M 601 Main
Noehr William laborer 601 Main
Nobis Miss Clara teacher 608 E 1st
Nohr William laborer 905 N Main
Nohr Mrs N wk 905 N Main 905 N Main
Nolt Albert student 600 W 1st
Nolt Florence student 600 W 1st
Nolt J H farmer 600 W 1st
Nolt Mrs Julia A 600 W 1st
Nolt Rimie student 600 W 1st
Nolt Solomon student 600 W 1st
Nolt Walter student 600 W 1st
Nordaker H E general store 101 S Sanborn
Nordaker Lulu M 101 S Sanborn
Obland C H traveling man 206 E 9th
Obland Mrs Mabel H 206 E 9th
O'Brian Miss Kate housekeeper 311 E 2nd
Odell Mrs Adah 511 N Wisconsin
Odell Belle student 511 N Wisconsin
Odell Dennis student 511 N Wisconsin
Odell Hazel student 511 N Wisconsin
Odell Pearl student 511 N Wisconsin
Odell William brakeman 511 N Wisconsin
O'Donnell Hattie domestic mitchell house res same
O'Donnell Mary domestic 104 Rowley
Oleson Benjamin railroad conductor 503 E 1st
Oleson Mrs Nellie E 503 E 1st
Oliver Mrs B 409 Main
Oliver Edith 409 Main
Oliver Eva 409 Main
Oliver Myrtle 409 Main
Oliver William M captain Salvation Army 409 Main
Olmstead Charles con C St P M & O bds 410 Main
Olson Alvid student 409 S Sanborn
Olson Emma C student 409 S Sanborn
Olson Mrs Hilda 409 S Sanborn
Olson Nels shoemaker 409 S Sanborn
Orswell Mrs Allie V 103 N Sanborn
Owen Mrs Inez N 407 E 4th
Owen George R legal blanks 407 E 4th
Owen Reed student 407 E 4th
Palmer C H farmer 111 E 10th
Palmer Mrs Maud 111 E 10th
Palmer Nettie student 111 E 10th
Palmer Roy farmer 111 E 10th
Parks Frank clerk bds Central House
Parshall A J printer 505 E 1st
Parshall E L clerk 505 E 1st
Parshall H L student 505 E 1st
Parshall Mrs Mary V 505 E 1st
Parry Mrs E 708 W 4th
Patterson William (colored) 206 E 1st
Paullin Mrs Bertha 700 E 1st
Paullin Gay student 700 E 1st
Paullin Joseph brakeman 700 E 1st
Paullin Lethia student 700 E 1st
Paullin Robert student 700 E 1st
Peck C M sunday sch organist 611 W 3rd
Peck Clark 611 W 3rd
Peck Mrs Emma 611 W 3rd
Peck Orwin student 611 W 3rd
Pehrson A H jeweler 500 E 2nd
Pehrson Carl student 500 E 2nd
Pehrson Mrs Esther M 500 E 2nd
Pehrson Fred student 500 E 2nd
Powers F D pension attorney res over 220 Main
Perry Charles E mason con 111 W 11th
Perry Mrs Mary E 111 W 11th
Perry O H Mitchell Steam Laundry 104 Rowley
Perry Pearl P student 104 Rowley
Perry May student 111 W 11th
Perry Roy soldier 111 W 11th
Perry William mason 708 W 4th
Peterson Annie 609 Rowley
Peterson Axel engineer 302 S Sanborn
Peterson Mrs Cecelia 410 E 7th
Peterson Mrs Gerty 302 S Sanborn
Peterson Gus 609 N Rowley
Petruskey Gust printer 107 E Hanson
Peterson Hannah domestic 309 N Duff
Peterson Hans laborer 905 N Main
Peterson Hans laborer 410 E 7th
Peterson Mrs J 905 N Main
Peterson Jennie domestic 211 W 3rd
Peterson Jennie E domestic 604 W 3rd
Peterson S J laborer 609 N Rowley
Petruskey Mrs Edith 109 E Hanson
Phelps Bertie student 707 N Rowley
Phelps Mrs Maud widow 707 N Rowley
Phelps Nina student 707 N Rowley
Phelps Ray student 707 N Rowley
Pingree Sadie W domestic 104 S Lawler
Plotner W Plotner Hotel Prop. cor 2nd & Lawler
Plotner Mrs W cor 2nd & Lawler
Pine Bertha student 601 Pennington St
Pine Clark student 601 Pennington St
Pine Mrs Eliza 601 Pennington St
Pine G W farmer 601 Pennington St
Pine L A teacher 601 Pennington St
Pine Stella teacher 601 Pennington St
Pollard A C miller 304 E 3rd
Pollard Mrs Clara 304 E 3rd
Porter Albert student 611 N Duff
Porter Frank student 611 N Duff
Porter Fred student 611 N Duff
Porter Mrs L works Dix House 611 N Duff
Porter Pearl student 611 N Duff
Post Carrie domestic 207 W 3rd
Potter Dennis P clerk 206 W 2nd
Potter E L farmer 909 S Sanborn
Potter George student 909 S Sanborn
Potter Mrs Louisa 909 S Sanborn
Powers Jno W drug clerk 701 W 4th
Powers Mrs Nellie 701 W 4th
Prescott R D real estate & abstracts 320 Main
Prescott Mrs R D 320 Main
Priest Charles barber 504 E 2nd
Priest Mrs Eva 504 E 2nd
Priest Ethel student 504 E 2nd
Priest Hattie student 504 E 2nd
Proctor Mrs Ida 705 N Sanborn
Procter L H minister 7th Day Advent 705 N Sanborn
Purdy Mrs B A 305 S Edmunds
Purdy F J painter 806 W 3rd
Purdy J C carpenter 305 S Edmunds
Purdy Mrs Mabel 806 W 3rd
Purdy Mrs Maggie 608 Van Eps
Purdy Milton drayman-mail messenger 608 Van Eps
Putnam Ethel student 308 E 5th
Putnam Mrs Sybil B 308 E 5th
Putnam Ulmen J harness maker 308 E 5th
Quirk John real estate bds Raymond House
Quigley Mrs Julia 508 E 4th
Quigley Maria L 508 E 4th
Quigley E J supt of schools 508 E 4th
Redford Frank manager creamery 301-3 Main
Ralston Belle student 305 S Duff
Ralston Charles 305 S Duff
Ralston Emma 305 S Duff
Ralston George W carpenter 305 S Duff
Ralston Hulda 305 S Duff
Ralston John student 305 S Duff
Ralston Olive student 305 S Duff
Ralston Samantha dressmaker 305 S Duff
Rasmeson Carl fireman C St P & O 410 Main
Rasmussen Andrew student 203 Hanson
Rasmussen Mrs E 203 Hanson
Rasmussen Hans section hand 203 Hanson
Rathbun C G grocer 508 W 3rd
Rathbun Mrs C G 508 W 3rd
Rathbun Eliza J 701 W 2nd
Rathbun Nina 701 W 2nd
Rathbun Rex student 508 W 3rd
Rathbun Ross student 508 W 3rd
Rathbun W E clerk 701 W 2nd
Reed Ella student 106 N Lawler
Reeves Joannah seamstress 403 Van Eps
Reed John clerk 106 N Lawler
Reed Mrs 106 N Lawler
Reierson Arthur student 402 Van Eps
Reierson Clara student 402 Van Eps
Reierson John chief of police 402 Van Eps
Reierson Oscar 402 Van Eps
Reimers Peter works Dix House bds same
Reierson Caroline student 210 W 7th
Reierson Christena student 210 W 7th
Reierson Mrs Georgiana 704 W 3rd
Reierson Mrs Louisa widow 210 W 7th
Reierson Rilla student 402 Van Eps
Reierson R N traveling salesman 704 W 3rd
Reierson Robert 402 Van Eps
Reierson Tilda student 402 Van Eps
Reierson Mrs Tilda 402 Van Eps
Rew Mrs Emma 501 W 3rd
Rew George H traveling salesman 501 W 3rd
Rew Howard student 501 W 3rd
Reynold John student 504 Van Eps
Reynolds Mrs Julia A widow 600 E 3rd
Richards Mrs Esther 407 W 2nd
Richards Esther student 407 W 2nd
Richards Luke shoemaker 407 W 2nd
Richards Pearl student 407 W 2nd
Richards Ruth student 407 W 2nd
Richardson Maud 504 E 1st
Rieger Rebecca waitress Dix House bds same
Risty Emma Bible worker 705 N Sanborn
Robinson E Dot 605 E 5th
Robinson Mrs Emma F 605 E 5th
Robinson Lawrence student 605 E 5th
Robinson Mabel J teacher 605 E 5th
Robinson R T traveling man 605 E 5th
Rogan Barbara student 411 W 2nd
Rogan James tinner 411 W 2nd
Rogan Jno section hand 411 W 2nd
Rogan Kate teacher 411 W 2nd
Rogan Maggie teacher 411 W 2nd
Rogan Mrs Mary 411 W 2nd
Rogan Mary dressmaker 411 W 2nd
Rogan Patrick 411 W 2nd
Rogan William student 411 W 2nd
Rogers H B farmer 705 W 2nd
Rogers Julia B teacher 705 W 2nd
Rogers May teacher 705 W 2nd
Rogers Retta student 705 W 2nd
Rogers Mrs Sarah 705 W 2nd
Rolston Carl clerk 405 W 2nd
Rolston Mrs Elizabeth widow 405 W 2nd
Rolston Gerty clerk 405 W 2nd
Rolston William student 405 W 2nd
Rombulz Rieka domestic 308 E 4th
Roth Anthony plumber 505 E 5th
Roth Barbara student 404 N Burr
Roth Mrs Barbara 503 E 5th
Roth Charles painter 404 N Burr
Roth Edward student 404 N Burr
Roth Mrs Elizabeth 404 N Burr
Roth John C city engineer 505 E 5th
Roth John student 404 N Burr
Roth Lucy 505 E 5th
Rowland H S fireman CM & St P res Mitchell House
Rawley Blanche 501 N Rowley
Rowley Ella 501 N Rowley
Rowley George M clerk 304 E 4th
Rowley Glen student 304 E 4th
Rowley Mrs Jessie 304 E 4th
Rowley Mrs 501 N Rowley
Rowley M H 501 N Rowley
Rowley Myron student 304 E 4th
Rubin Fred student 704 W 4th
Rumbolz Carrie cook bds 104 Main
Ruth Chester student 507 W 3rd
Ruth Edgar student 507 W 3rd
Ruth Erwin student 507 W 3rd
Ruth Karl student 507 W 3rd
Ruth Marjorie student 507 W 3rd
Ruth Mrs Minnie 507 W 3rd
Ruth R E traveling salesman 507 W 3rd
Russ Alla student 111 W 6th
Russ Lettie bookkeeper 111 W 6th
Russ W C 111 W 6th
Russ Mrs W C 111 W 6th
Russ William 111 W 6th
Russell J C Restaurant 206 W 2nd
Russell Myrna J 302 E 4th
Lname Fname Occup Address
Sampson Mrs Homer A bds Raymond House
Sandidge Mrs Clara 104 S Edmunds
Sandidge George student 104 S Edmunds
Sandidge James laborer 104 S Edmunds
Sandidge Jessie 104 S Edmunds
Sandidge Jay student 104 S Edmunds
Sandidge Stella student 104 S Edmunds
Sanford Bessie over 103 S Main
Sanford W J store keeper 103 S Main
Sanford Mrs William over 103 S Main
Saul Laura student 303 E 1st
Saul Mrs Lizzie 303 E 1st
Saul Lizzie domestic 304 E 5th
Saul Nellie student 303 E 1st
Saul R R farmer 303 E 1st
Sayles Alice student 707 N Main
Sayles Cyrus mason 707 N Minnesota
Sayles Edna teacher 707 N Minnesota
Sayles Frank soldier 707 N Minnesota
Sayles Mrs Mary 707 N Minnesota
Sayles W B farmer 707 N Minnesota
Sayles William student 707 N Minnesota
Scallin Mrs Anna 800 W 3rd
Scallin Mrs Beulah 800 W 3rd
Scallin S H druggist 800 W 3rd
Scallin Sarah L 800 W 3rd
Scheurenbrand Adolph mason 202 Hanson
Scheurenbrand Charles student 411 Hanson
Scheurenbrand Mrs Fredricka 411 Hanson
Scheurenbrand Gottleib cement walks 411 Hanson
Scheurenbrand Henry student 411 Hanson
Scheurenbrand Lillian student 411 Hanson
Scheurenbrand Mrs Louisa 202 Hanson
Scheurenbrand Sophia student 411 Hanson
Schirmer Mrs Augusta 404 S Duff
Schirmer Fred student 404 S Duff
Schirmer F S tailor 404 S Duff
Schirmer George 404 S Duff
Schirmer Henry student 404 S Duff
Schirmer Minnie 404 S Duff
Schirmer Sigmond clerk 404 S Duff
Schirmer William student 404 S Duff
Schlimgen Ambrose 505 Main
Schlimgen Mrs Barbara 712 N Main
Schlimgen E prop grocery 505 Main
Schlimgen Edward 505 Main
Schlimgen Mrs E 505 Main
Schlimgen Henry student 712 N Main
Schlimgen Joe drayman 712 N Main
Schlimgen Tillie 505 Main
Schminnes Katie works Dix House bds same
Schneider Annie 711 Pennington
Schneider Frank student 711 Pennington
Schneider Gerty 711 Pennington
Schneider John 711 Pennington
Schneider Lena student 711 Pennington
Schneider R widow 711 Pennington
Scott Alice student 101 N Duff
Scott Alvin agent 101 N Duff
Scott Mrs Alta 101 N Duff
Scott Cora student 206 E 6th
Scott Mrs Eva L 206 E 6th
Scott E D traveling man 206 E 6th
Scott Heber student 101 N Duff
Scott John student 101 N Duff
Scott Lulu domestic 101 N Duff
Scott Myrtle student 101 N Duff
Scott Raymond student 206 E 6th
Scoville Mrs E 101 Hanson
Scoville Sheldon printer 101 Hanson
Scriber Mrs H C widow 410 S Sanborn
Scriven Blaine student 607 N Edmunds
Scriven Clara student 607 N Edmunds
Scriven J H traveling man 607 N Edmunds
Scriven Mrs Mary 607 N Edmunds
Scriven May student 607 N Edmunds
Scriven William student 607 N Edmunds
Seaman Ally student 705 S Sanborn
Seaman Mrs Bernie 705 S Sanborn
Seaman Bernice student 705 S Sanborn
Seaman Hazel student 705 S Sanborn
Seaman Howard student 705 S Sanborn
Seaman I W stockman 705 S Sanborn
Seaman Mrs S M widow 702 Pennington
Seaman Walter student 705 S Sanborn
Seaton Mrs A 510 W 3rd
Seaton A B fruit grower 510 W 3rd
serey Mrs K P widow 207 E 2nd
Sethne Olive 705 N Sanborn
Shank Mr bds Raymond House
Shaw Martha A widow 507 W 4th
Sheeley Thomas engineer bds 410 Main
Sheaphard Frank 604 E 2nd
Sheaphard Harry 604 E 2nd
Sheaphard Mrs L 604 E 2nd
Sheaphard M W bridge const 604 E 2nd
Shehee Owen laborer 307 S Wisconsin
Shehee Maggie 307 S Wisconsin
Shell D G carpenter 701 N Wisconsin
Shell Mrs Margaret 701 N Wisconsin
Sherman Ella 507 Lawler
Sherman J B clk land office 507 Lawler
Sherman Joseph 507 Lawler
Sherman Joseph 507 Lawler
Showers M B traveling salesman 103 N Sanborn
Silsby Mrs Emma 504 E 5th
Silsby George A comm traveler 504 E 5th
Simpson Francis S 301 S Duff
Simpson J H prop, S.Side House 301 S Duff
Skinner Mrs Mary stenographer 508 E 3rd
Skinner Ray student 508 E 3rd
Skovgaard Anna laborer 704 S Sanborn
Skovgaard Lois laborer 704 S Sanborn
Skovgaard Mrs Mary 704 S Sanborn
Skovgaard William student 704 S Sanborn
Slade Bertha student 210 E 2nd
Slade Carrie student 210 E 2nd
Slade Harry student 210 E 2nd
Slade Kathrine student 210 E 2nd
Slade Matthew railroad man 210 E 2nd
Slade Mrs Sarah 210 E 2nd
Slade William clerk 210 E 2nd
Slater George laborer 601 W 1st
Sloan William 106 E Hanson
Smith Arthur F student 502 E 3rd
Smith Agnes student 310 W 7th
Smith Mrs Carrie 302 W 3rd
Smith Cuthbert student 112 W 11th
Smith Dick clerk 302 W 3rd
Smith Eva student 302 W 3rd
Smith Everett 207 Main
Smith Edith student 112 W 11th
Smith Frank B district judge 203 E 4th
Smith Grace student 310 W 7th
Smith Henrietta 308 W 2nd
Smith J K city auditor 211 W 4th
Smith James T tailor 310 W 7th
Smith Jeanette student 502 E 3rd
Smith Laura student 112 W 11th
Smith Lawrence student 112 W 11th
Smith Mrs Luella 203 E 4th
Smith Marvin student 302 W 3rd
Smith Mrs M 211 W 4th
Smith Mrs Mathilda 112 E 11th
Smith Mrs Olive 502 E 3rd
Smith S M veterniary surgeon 112 W 11th
Smith Sidney traveling salesman 204 W 2nd
Smith Sidney student 112 W 11th
Smith Una student 203 E 4th
Smith William M banker 502 E 3rd
Snow Martha 200 W 7th
Snow Willard farmer 200 W 7th
Sopher Fred student 606 E 2nd
Sopher Louis carpenter 606 E 2nd
Sopher Lottie student 606 E 2nd
Sopher Mrs Tille 606 E 2nd
Spangler Alice bookkeeper 206 E 6th
Spangler Mrs Ella 206 E 6th
Spangler Elijah street sprinkler 206 E 6th
Spangler Timon J city attorney 206 E 6th
Spangler Willie student 905 N Main
Spears Anna 905 N Main
Spears Annie 905 N Main
Spears Florence 905 N Main
Spears Isaac prop brick yard 905 N Main
Spears James prop bottling works 905 N Main
Spears James Jr 905 N Main
Spears Mabel 905 N Main
Spears Maggie 905 N Main
Spears Margaret domestic Amer.House 1st & Rowley
Spears Mary 905 N Main
Spears Sarah 905 N Main
Spink Belle student 200 E 8th
Spink John farmer 200 E 8th
Spink Mrs Jno 200 E 8th
Spissman Lizzie domestic 206 E 9th
Spooner Addie 209 W 2nd
Spooner Agusta student 209 W 2nd
Spooner Mrs Alice 209 W 2nd
Spooner Delia clerk 209 W 2nd
Spooner M E merchant 209 W 2nd
Spooner Roland student 209 W 2nd
Spooner Roy student 209 W 2nd
Sprague H C farmer 505 Van Eps
Sprague Mrs H C 505 Van Eps
Sprague Lister student 505 Van Eps
Sprague Mrs Louisa 310 W 2nd
Sprague Rose student 505 Van Eps
Sprague W engineer city mills 310 W 2nd
Spry Eliz 510 S Sanborn
Spry George student 510 S Sanborn
Spry James student 510 S Sanborn
Spry John machinist 510 S Sanborn
Spry Mabel 510 S Sanborn
Spry Sarah student 510 S Sanborn
Stevens Rev A C minister ME church 501 N Edmunds
Stearns Elizabeth student 509 W 4th
Stearns Frank insurance 509 W 4th
Stevens Gertrude 501 N Edmunds
Stevens Mrs Irene 509 W 4th
Stevens Mamie 501 N Edmunds
Stiles Rev B F United Brethren Church cor Ladue & 3rd
Stiles Charles student cor Ladue & 3rd
Stiles Mrs Emma cor Ladue & 3rd
Stiles Lee student cor Ladue & 3rd
Stair L E photographer 110 Main
Starkweather Angeline widow 400 S Sanborn
Starkweather Mrs Mollie 400 S Sanborn
Stevens Estella domestic 204 E 4th
Stowell Mrs Huldah 406 E 7th
Stowell Paul R sexton 406 E 7th
Stowell Stanley student 406 E 7th
Sturgis John jockey 410 S Sanborn
Strong G H stockman 605 N Sanborn
Strong Mrs L A 605 N Sanborn
Suchy Miss Mary A teacher 601 W 2nd
Suchy Mrs Mary 601 W 2nd
Suchy Matilda student 601 W 2nd
Suchy Peter tailor 601 W 2nd
Suchy Peter Jr student 601 W 2nd
Summers Frank machinest 270 W 1st
Summers George Sr machinest 270 W 1st
Summers George Jr 270 W 1st
Swanson Charles laborer 301 S Duff
Swerstie Mrs barber bds Raymond House
Swernson Olive domestic 800 W 3rd
Swindler Mrs Elizabeth 102 S Edmunds
Swindler Henry tinner 102 S Edmunds
Swift Mrs Frances 506 N Edmunds
Swift Joseph insurance 506 N Edmunds
Swift Joseph Jr butter worker 506 N Edmunds
Tannehill Mrs Amelia 508 N Burr
Tannehill Carl M butcher 508 N Burr
Tannehill John butcher 508 N Burr
Taylor C W assessor 106 N Lawler
Tenney Mrs Mary teacher 106 N Lawler
Tenney D L drayman 403 E 1st
Tenney Lou brakeman 403 E 1st
Tenney Lottie student 403 E 1st
Tenney Mrs S L 403 E 1st
Thomas Cora student 311 E 4th
Thomas Mrs Emma 311 E 4th
Thomas Ethel student 311 E 4th
Thomas Juliet student 311 E 4th
Thompson L C traveling man 311 E 4th
Thompson Mrs Anna widow 200 E 6th
Thompson Carrie student 306 W 1st
Thompson Daniel student 611 W 4th
Thompson Elizabeth teacher 200 E 6th
Thompson Eunice teacher 200 E 6th
Thompson George student 306 W 1st
Thompson Lucy student 200 E 6th
Thompson Mrs Mathilda 306 W 1st
Thompson Norman student 200 E 6th
Thompson Paul painter 306 W 1st
Thompson Paul student 306 W 1st
Thompson William cook 306 W 1st
Tobin Mrs Alice 509 N Wisconsin
Tobin Edward deputy sheriff 509 N Wisconsin
Tobin Edward W student 509 N Wisconsin
Tobin John student 509 N Wisconsin
Tobin Mary E student 509 N Wisconsin
Tremaine Clara A student 306 W 5th
Tremaine Jessie R student 306 W 5th
Tremaine Mrs Mary 306 W 5th
Tremaine R L hail insurance 306 W 5th
Tremaine Silas P student 306 W 5th
Turneaure Addie 511 W 4th
Turneaure Archy student 511 W 4th
Turneaure Blanche 511 W 4th
Turneaure Clifton student 511 W 4th
Turneaure Hally student 511 W 4th
Turneaure Mrs Louise 511 W 4th
Turneaure W H carpenter 511 W 4th
VanAlstine Guy student 311 S Wisconsin
VanAlstine Mrs Carrie 311 S Wisconsin
VanAlstine E B implements 311 S Wisconsin
VanAlstine Roy student 311 S wisconsin
Vandenburg Annie 200 W 1st
Vandenburg Mrs M J widow 200 W 1st
Vandenburg W G mail clerk 507 E 1st
Vandenburg Mrs Jennie 507 E 1st
Vanderbogart J S cooper 505 W 2nd
Vanderbogart Mrs O E 505 W 2nd
Vanderbogart Blanche teacher 505 W 2nd
Vass Agusta 107 E Hanson
Vermilyea C E merchant 700 W 3rd
Vermilyea Mrs Eliza N 409 Davison
Vermilyea Eliza student 404 E 4th
Vermilyea Joseph soldier 404 E 4th
Vermilyea Isaac 409 Davison
Vermilyea Mrs Josephine 700 W 3rd
Voien Christ mason front 402 E 1st
Voien Mrs Lena front 402 E 1st
Voien Martha student front 402 E 1st
Wadson Henry CM & St P bds American House
Wallace Alice student 205 E 6th
Wallace Lavina widow 103 S Sanborn
Wallace Marguerite student 205 E 6th
Wallace Mrs S Victoria 205 E 6th
Wallace T M bkpr Fullerton Lumber 205 E 6th
Wallis Mrs Anna widow 208 W 2nd
Wallis Harry student 208 W 2nd
Walpole A W drayman 308 E 10th
Walpole Bessie student 308 E 10th
Walpole Mrs Grace 308 E 10th
Walrath C W market 211 W 2nd
Walrath Mrs E M 211 W 2nd
Walrath Jessie student 504 E 6th
Walrath Jno O hardware 504 E 6th
Walrath Melissa student 211 W 2nd
Walrath Mrs S J 504 E 6th
Walstrom Anna widow 406 W 3rd
Walsh Katie wks Mitchell House res same
Walston Charles CM & St P bds American House
Walters Harry brakeman bds 410 Main
Ward Peter F mason 402 E 3rd
Ward Mrs C A bds Merchants Hotel
Ward Frank R student 306 1/2 E 3rd
Ward Loretta student 402 E 3rd
Ward mary student 402 E 3rd
Ward Mrs Nellie clerk 306 1/2 E 3rd
Warfield Addie S 211 E 2nd
Warfield Mrs Bertha 405 Van Eps
Warfield Mrs Eliza 211 E 2nd
Warfield Mrs Hannah 211 E 2nd
Warfield Herbert M Colvin's carriage factory405 Van Eps
Warfield Mrs Lucy 211 E 2nd
Warfield O insurance 211 E 2nd
Warfield Oscar E insurance 211 E 2nd
Warne Mrs Ada 609 W 3rd
Warne Cyrus clerk 609 W 3rd
Warne George drives oil wagon 609 W 3rd
Warne Mrs Mabel 609 W 3rd
Warne R C physician 609 W 3rd
Washburne Mrs Harriet widow 306 1/2 E 3rd
Waterbury Mrs Adelia 410 W 1st
Waterbury E S agricultural implements 410 W 1st
Wattne John laborer 406 E 1st
Webber Charles student 306 W 3rd
Webber Loren student 306 W 3rd
Webber Mrs M J 306 W 3rd
Webber Samuel restaurant 306 W 3rd
Webster Ella student 406 Hanson
Webster Lenard clerk 406 Hanson
Webster Mrs Mary 406 Hanson
Webster W H feed & hardware 406 Hanson
Webster Wilton oil wagon 406 Hanson
Wedehase Clara teacher 309 W 2nd
Wedehase Dell bookkeeper 309 W 2nd
Wedehase Mrs F 309 W 2nd
Wedehase F Sr harness shop 309 W 2nd
Wedehase Fred Jr harness maker 309 W 2nd
Weflin Arthur student 108 Hanson
Weflin Mrs Emma 108 Hanson
Weflin Lilly student 108 Hanson
Weflin Thomas shoemaker 108 Hanson
Weflin Walter student 108 Hanson
Welch Mrs Anna widow 401 E 1st
Welch John student 401 E 1st
Welch Louis student 401 E 1st
Welch May student 401 E 1st
Welch Paul student 401 E 1st
Welch Richard student 401 E 1st
Weller Charles S farmer 404 W 4th
Weller Doty student 404 W 4th
Weller Frank real estate, loans 404 W 4th
Weller Mrs Frank 404 W 4th
Wellman Katie 607 E 1st
Wells Earl student 608 E 1st
Wells Mrs fanny 608 E 1st
Wells Fred student 608 E 1st
Wells J E insurance 608 E 1st
Wells Ora student 608 E 1st
Wells Nettie stenographer 204 E 5th
Wells Mrs S E 204 E 5th
Wells Warren janitor 204 E 5th
Welsh Mrs Emily R 111 3rd
Welsh W H wiper Mil round house 111 3rd
Wendleboe Agnes domestic 211 E 3rd
Weston Miss Nellie works 311 Main 311 Main
Weyman Berry 603 E 4th
Weyman Mrs Eliza 603 E 4th
Weyman John farmer 603 E 4th
White Mrs Alice 106 E Hanson
White Samuel butter and eggs 106 E Hanson
White F L butter and eggs 106 E Hanson
White Florence 211 S Sanborn
White Frankie student 106 E Hanson
White Mrs Gertrude 212 W Bowdle
White Ida stenographer 106 E Hanson
White Mabel student 106 E Hanson
White Maud student 106 E Hanson
White Mrs M J widow 211 S Sanborn
White Rachel student 106 E Hanson
Widmann Fred agt Val Blatz Brewing Co 119 Main
Widmann Fred Jr prop billiard hall over 119 Main
Williams Mrs Anna M widow 310 E 9th
Williams D T mason 609 N Sanborn
Williams F J stockman 310 E 9th
Williams Jennie teacher 607 N Sanborn
Williams John 607 N Sanborn
Williams Kate photographer 607 N Sanborn
Williams Mrs Katherine 607 N Sanborn
Willison Belle student 207 E 2nd
Willison Florence student 207 E 6th
Willison Freeman cigar maker 207 E 6th
Willison Edith student 207 E 6th
Willison Luther printer 207 E 6th
Willison Nellie student 207 E 6th
Willison S stripper 207 E 6th
Willison Mrs Sarah Ann 207 E 6th
Willkomm Mrs Anna 409 E 1st
Willkomm J harness maker 409 E 1st
Willkomm Josie student 409 E 1st
Wilson William CM & St P bds American House
Wilt C B agent C St P M & O 209 E 9th
Wilt Mrs Cora B 209 E 9th
Wiltse Mrs J 402 E 3rd
Wiltse Jerome photographer 402 E 3rd
Winchell Fred conductor bds 410 Main
Windle I physician 509 N Sanborn
Windle Mrs I 509 N Sanborn
Windle Mary teacher 509 N Sanborn
Windle Tod clerk 509 N Sanborn
Winnebo Sena Mitchell Steam Laundry bds 410 Main
Winsor Florence student 600 W 4th
Winsor Frank attorney 600 W 4th
Winsor Frank Jr student 600 W 4th
Winsor George student 600 W 4th
Winsor Mrs 600 W 4th
Wright Ada stenographer & notary cor W 5th & Wisconsin
Wright Arthur drayman 511 W 5th
Wright Mrs E J 905 N Lawler
Wright Mrs 511 W 5th
Wright P J 905 N Lawler
Wolfe Julius clerk 300 W 4th
Wolgemuth J B insurance 311 W 3rd
Wolgemuth Mrs Jennie 311 W 3rd
Wood Ella student 211 E 6th
Wood Mrs Flora 211 E 6th
Wood Florence 211 E 6th
Wood James student 211 E 6th
Wood Joe traveling salesman 402 W 4th
Wood Mrs Joe 402 W 4th
Wood J D miller 211 E 6th
Wood William student 211 E 6th
Woodcock Katy domestic 270 W 1st same
Wooley Curtis painter 611 E 5th
Wooley Mrs Curtis 611 E 5th
Yorty O H stationary engineer 411 W 1st
Young Clayton 110 Main
Copyrighted 2001 for Davison county South Dakota by:
Davison County Genealogical Society.