Betts, Davison, SD (1921 Mitchell City Directory,
Mitchell Public Library
Archives, Davison County Historical Society)
Population 20, a station on the C M & St P Ry,
6 miles west of Mitchell.
Mail by R F D #3 from Mitchell.
LName F/M Name Occup Address
Ivey Warren T agt Farmers Co-op RR 3 Mitchell
Union Elevator
Konze Nich r esp & tel agt RR 3 Mitchell
Lassagard Thomas mngr Robt.Burns RR 3 Mitchell
Lumber Co
Link Oscar R groceries RR 3 Mitchell
Medworth Medworth blksmith RR 3 Mitchell
Schneider Dominick R live stock buyer RR 3 Mitchell
Ethan, Davison, SD 1921 (Mitchell Directory 1921,
Mitchell Public Library
Archives, Davison County Historical Society)
Population 450, an incorporated village on the
C M & St P Ry, 12 miles south of Mitchell, is
governed by a board of trustees: pres M J Coyne;
members H T Zehnpfenning, Charles Donk; clerk
J H Hohn; treas J J Walter. Has two banks, two
elevators, creamery, good schools and Methodist
Episcopal and Catholic churches. A weekly newspaper
The Ethan Enterprise is published. Express, American
Railroad, Telegraph, Western Union, mail daily,
postmaster J L Donahue.
LName F/M Name Occup
Aldridge Alb mngr Hanford Produce
Annis A Judson . . .
Bauer Alois meats . .
Bauer Dora clk Geo Bauer
Bauer Edward clk Geo Bauer
Bauer George gen store
Bauer Katherine clk Geo Bauer
Bauer Lena Mrs Widow of Anton, milliner
Bauer Mary clk Geo Bauer
Bauer Walter clk Alois Bauer
Biscenius Matilda housekpr Rev G J Heinen
Breckenridge Clyd L cashr Security St Bank
Breckenridge Fred C asst cashr Security St Bk
Burger Gertrude tchr public school
Carlow Albert . . . .
Carlton William mngr grain dept -farmers elevator
Childs George E groceries
Clement Alfred agt S D Grain Co
Clement Earl V mngr F M Hammer (est)
Cole Lillian clk F R Jones
Comstock Charles T . . . .
Comstock Clifford laboratory
Comstock Edity waiter F C Fix
Cook Edward . . . .
Coyne Leo clk J C McDonnell
Coyne Michael J . . . .
Coyne William helper Farmers Elev Co
Craig William . . . .
Crampton Anna widow of Thomas
Crampton August framer
Crampton Carl chainman
Crampton Jno . . . .
Crampton Leo P laboratory
Crampton Rose . . . .
Crampton Thomas laboratory
Cremer Gerhard mngr lumber dept-Farmers Elevator
DeJong Garrett G propr Comm Hotel,mng Burns Lmbr Co
Donahue Jno L postmaster
Donahue Elizabeth T, Mrasst postmaster
Donk Charles . . . .
Dunlavey Jno carpet
Erpenbach William . . . .
Faust Hubert B clk F M Hammer (est)
Finkenbiner Ira C carrier R F D #2
Fix Francis C restaurant
Germscheid Philip farmer
Giesen Fred retired farmer
Grady Charles F farmer
Green Orange F (Green & Wittstruck) restaurant
Green Robert farmer
Green Warren R laboratory Green & Wittstruck
Gross Gotfried P blksmith
Hammer Frank M (est) Earl V Clement mngr, drugs
Hanson Magnus (Magnuson & Hanson)
Harrington Susan widow of Jno
Heiner George J, Rev pastor Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Helvik Bert r r exp & tel agt
Henderson O E agt Standard Oil Co
Hilgendorf August C laboratory
Hohn Jno H sec,treas Davison Co Coop Tel Co
Holt Henry H sec, treas Framers Union Produce co
Isaacson Esther clk Geo Bauer
Isaacson Ingrid, Mrs . . . .
Jenks George E . . . .
Jones Ethel clk Bauer
Jones Fred R gen store
Jones William W farmer
Kerkvliet A C Mrs . . . .
Klotz Frank live stock dealer
Larson Herman A mngr Farmers Union Produce Co
Lassegard Harry S hardware
Laufenberg Benjamin laboratory
Laufenberg Frank carpet
Laufenberg Josepha . . . .
Laufenberg Severin . . . .
Lawrence A Lloyd asst Cashr Ethan State Bank
Leven Matt farmer
Lynch Agnes, Mrs cook O F Green
Lynch Edward R cook O F Green
McDonnell James E drugs
Magnuson Nels (Magnuson & Hanson)
Mahan Leo C furniture & harness
Malone Edward laboratory
Marking Jno H mngr Davison Co Co-op Tel Co
Maywald Charles harness; justice of peace
Moore Esley . . . .
Mutziger Catherine widow of Nichooas
Muting Henry laboratory C M & St P Ry
Mutziger Henry T plasterer
Mylan Genevieve tchr Public Schools
Nearhood Ezra v pres Farmers Union Produce Co
Nortwed Charles laboratory
Nortwed L H . . . .
O'Rourke Daniel . . . .
Palmer Bert laboratory C M & St P Ry
Palmer Edward barber T M Tiff
Parks W Kenzie mngr hardware dept,Farmers Elev Co
Rabe Joseph . . . .
Reeves Silas . . . .
Reichert Charles laboratory C M & St P Ry
Reichert Frank janitor Public Schools
Reuland Anne tel opr Davison Co Co-op Tel Co
Rinearson Arthur, Rev pastor Methodist Episcopal Church
Rogers Charles laboratory Framers Elev Co
Rosenquist Eva widow of Ole
Rosenquist Herman laboratory
Rumbolz David . . . .
Schurz Clara bkpr Ethan State Bank
Schurz Conrad hardware & farm impts
Setterstrom Livert W blksmith & Machinist
Sheeder Isaac . . . .
Smith Miss prin Public Schools
Smith Charles A laboratory
Smith George O sec foreman C M & St P Ry
Smith William laboratory
Sprinkel Clarence laboratory Farmers Elev Co
Stainbrook Alice waiter F C Fix
Stainbrook Columbus laboratory
Stockdale P Charles physicianician
Stopfer Henry live stock dealer
Stopfer James clk Conrad Schurz
Strand Swan G . . . .
Sullivan Daniel farmer
Sullivan May V tchr Public Schools
Tiff Thomas M barber
Titze Alfred H shoemaker
Tobey Fred mach Magnuson & Hanson
Trow Helse laboratory
Turner Henry R pres Farmers Union Produce Co
Walter Jacob J v pres Security State Bank
Weepie Fred Weepie Bros automobiles & garage
Weepie Joseph (Weepie Bros)
Weepie Josephine tel opr Davison Co Co-op Tel Co
Weepie Neil laboratory
Weiland George painter
Welch Frank J cashr Ethan State Bank
Williams Lester H pub Ethan Enterprise
Willis George W carrier R F D #1
Wittstruck Chester (Green & Wittstruck) clk F R Jones
Wittstruck Lloyd L laboratory Green & Wittstruck
Zehnpfenning Frank retired farmer
Zehnpfenning Edward billiards
Zehnpfennig Eleanor clk Geo Bauer
Zehnpfennig Estella tchr Public Schools
Zehnpfennig Harry F automobiles
Loomis, Davison, SD 1921 (Mitchell Directory 1921,
Mitchell Public Library
Archives, Davison County Historical Society)
Population 100. A station and village on the
C M & St P Ry, 7 miles north of Mitchell. Has a
bank, Congregational and Nazarene Churches and good
schools, express, American Railroad, Telegraph
Western Union, mail daily, postmaster Otto Runestad.
Barker Theodore S farmer
Barthold Mary Mrs dressmkr
Betts A H Jas Grace mngr grain elevator
Brown Edwin, Rev pastor Congregational Church
Buck Godfrey F mngr Farmers Elevator Co
Collar L W, Rev pastor Pentacostal Ch of the Nazarene
Driver Les farmer
Dumek Frank laboratory C M & St P Ry
Grace James mngr A H Betts , r Mitchell
Kidd Florence A, Mrs(Kidd & Son)
Kidd Jesse A (Kidd & Son)
Loghry Loren L billiards, restaurant
McClintock Emma prin Public Schools
Myers Emmitt M mngr Thompson Yards, Inc
Potter Frank M blksmith & machinist
Runestad Otto gen store; postmaster
Scanlan Thomas M r r exp anr tel agt
Taylor Frank A sec foreman C M & St P Ry
Thompson Harry P farmer
Thrift William N hardware
Watkins Ora B cashr Loomis State Bank
Wells Genevieve tchr Public Schools
Young George S laboratory C M & St P Ry
Mount Vernon, Davison, SD 1921
(Mitchell City Directory, 1921, Mitchell
Public Library Archives Davison County
Historical Society.
Population 650. An incorporated town on the
C M & St P Ry 12 miles west of Mitchell. Is
governed by a mayor and town council.
Mayor Grant Potter; councilmen, T B Haynes,
G W Lawrence, L H Truax, Ludwig Ottem, M C Betts,
E G Williams; clk, R L Cottingham; treas,
J M Newell. Has two banks, three elevator
companies, Catholic, Methodist and Norwegian
Lutheran churches, good schools and electric
lights. A weekly newspaper, the Mt Vernon News
is published. Express, American Railway, Telegraph,
Western Union. Mail daily.
Postmaster, Michael J Dougherty.
LName F/M Name Occup/ Misc
Allen James L laboratory
Altenow Fred A gen store
Anderson Charles laboratory
Anderson Orville laboratory
Anderson William D mngr Weller-Anderson Merc Co
Andrews Herb plumber
Anshutz Homer M roadworker
Arney Jno L agt Standard Oil Co
Asmussen Hannah widow of Jno, (Olson & Asmussen)
Atkinson Charlotte widow of William
Atkinson Letha . . . .
Avery William . . . .
Bailey Isabel, Mrs furn rooms
Bailey Jno J barber
Baker Walter J agt Reliance Elevator Co
Barks G Earl teller First Natl Bank
Betts Martin C . . . .
Biefeldt Fred . . . .
Black Harvey W retired farmer
Borsen Charles . . . .
Boisen Charles A automobiles
Boisen Clarence A chf eng C B Woodard
Boisen Clifford A garage
Boisen Mabel, Mrs tel opr Mt Vernon Tel Co
Brainard Claude L restaurant
Brelend Ole farmer
Brennan Ed pres Farmers Elevator Co'
Bromwell Addie bkpr Western State Bank
Bromwell James E . . . .
Bromwell Mary teacher
Bromwell Myrtle clk Dr T B Smiley
Brotten Iver O contr & builder
Brotten Opal student
Brown Jno F laboratory
Brown William E clk R E McPhee
Bucholz G Adolph mngr Farmers Union Mercantile
Bunt Richard H supt Public Schools
Burnett Emanuel b laboratory C M & St P Ry
Burns Grace waiter G W McDonough
Cain Charles W . . . .
Cain Hattie, Mrs . . . .
Carley Percy W road overseer
Charlesworth Lillian tchr Public Schools
Cherry Hubert L farmer
Cherry Samuel T farmer
Christianson Joseph C vet surgeon
Christianson Samuel (Christianson & Sanders)
Christopher Elsie . . . .
Christopher Katherine widow of Jno
Comfort Earl E ladies ready to wear
Comfort Jay M gen store
Cooley Lowine tel opr Mt Vernon Tel Co
Cooley William H farmer
Cooper Arthur T painter
Corbett Edward janitor Public Schools
Cottingham Erwin D teller Western State Bank
Cottinghamj Russell A mngr Robt Burns Lumber Co
Dale Jno laboratory
Darmer Alvin M helper T H Darmer
Darmer Sarah e widow of Alex
Darmer Thomas H blksmith
Dercheimer Jno painter
Dexheimer Mattie tchr Public Schools
Dickinson William M road overseer
Dixon Oness H feed stable
Dougherty James B barber
Dougherty George W billiards
Dougherty George W Jr carp
Dougherty Michael P postmaster
Downs George W real est
Earl Reuben H auctioneer
Egge Martin . . . .
Egge Ole K . . . .
Egland Jasper agt Kirschbram & Sons
Eilert Amanda Mrs pantatorium
Eitreim Henry T ydman Robt Burns Lmbr Co
Ferber Alb H billiards
Fitch Charles C town marshal
Freeborn Elizabeth widow of Jas
Fridley Cilbert H eng Pure Ice Co
Furland Jno E pres Farmers Union Merc Co
Gassman Mercedes clk F A Altenow
Gibson Archie . . . .
Gilfillian Eva tchr Public Schools
Godsave William A Rev pastor Methodist Episcopal Ch
Graff Paul . . . .
Griffith Jeanette Mrs . . . .
Gullickson Lawrence dray line
Hanson Frank L clk F A Altenow
Harris Angelina Mrs . . . .
Harris Ray E cashr First Natl Bank
Harwick Clinton H contr and builder
Harwick Robert M carp
Haynes Thomas B farm impts, coal, harness
Hedden Richard thresher
Helgerson Benny . . . .
Helgerson Millard E asst cashr Western St Bank
Hemmenway Forest thresher
Hemmenway Hattie Mrs tel opr Mt Vernon Tel Co
Herbst William . . . .
Herring Bonnie widow of William A
Geuerman Charles cutter C G Johnson
Hoffmann Margaret housekeeper Rev J A Reilly
Holmes Bertha dom G W McDonough
Holtel Edward cutter C G Johnson
Hommersand Alf . . . .
Hoppock Clinton A carrier R F D #4
Hoppock Irene clk P O
Hoppock Lois clk W H Ryan
Iliff Charles H clk Farmers Union Merc Co
Iliff Lewis C clk C M & St P Ry
Irish Charles A real estate
Johnson Carl G meats
Johnson Edward retired farmer
Johnson Ernest J harness
Johnson Jacob bee culture
Johnson Jno A sec,treas Farmers Union Merc Co
Keiser Oliver K carpet
Kelsey Edmund T auto supplies & storage
Kent Fred H farmer
King Theodore F . . . .
Kittleson Otie H photogr & jeweler
Klungtvedt Nels, Rev pastor Norwegian Lutheran Ch
Knappe Carl sec Farmers Mutual Ins Co
Knudsen Jno clk J M Comfort
Jonze Jno . . . .
Langford Thomas baker
Lawrence C Howard mech G W Lawrence
Lawrence George W automobiles
Lee James O physician
Lee Katie widow of Edward,helper G W Lawrence
Lewis Grant E laboratory
Lorang Frank G farmer
Lord Edith Mrs . . . .
Lowe Homer laboratory
Lowe Lena clk Farmers Union Merc Co
Luglan Verne laboratory
Lungren Peter M painter
Lybarger Robert S carrier R F D #2
Lyman Alb T carrier R F D #2
McDonough Adrian student
McDonough George W propr Star Restaurant & Bakery
McDonough Opal D student
McEwen Elbridge O . . . .
McPhee Roy E drugstore
Machlan J Howard, Rev . . . .
Magness Ben F clk F A Altenow
Marble Lorenzo laboratory
Marcy Fred H carrier R F D #1
Martin Harry agt Hanford Produce Co
Meekins Frank W (Meekens & Ottem)
Meink Otto sec foreman C M & St P Ry
Metgger Gottlieb farmer
Moller Fred treas Farmers Mutual Ins Co
Morris Stanley E cashr Western State Bank
Newell James M pres First Natl Bank
Newton Alberta appr Mt Vernon news
Newton Bert mach W H Wagner
Newton George clk Farmers Union Merc Co
Newton Jno laboratory
Nicolasen Peter P, Mrs . . . .
Oakley Fred rancher
Olson Arthur H (Olson & Asmussen)
Olson Christina widow of Erick E
Olson Halvor H . . . .
Onstott Loraine teacher
Onstott Samuel W carpet
Ottem Ludwig (Meedins & Ottem)
Owens William L blksmith
Peterson Walter A mngr Scenic Theatre
Peterson William A r r exp & tel agt
Petrie Elizabeth, Mrs . . . .
Pilmer William . . . .
Pollard Alb E clk Jos Pollard
Pollard Joseph billiards
Pollard Susie clk J M Comfort
Porter Howard mech C A Boisen
Potter Grant . . . .
Powell Jason G . . . .
Redick Emerson G mngr Fullerton Lmbr Co
Reed Amy . . . .
Reed Marion . . . .
Reier Chris H laboratory
Reier Edward agt Turner Creamery Co
Reier Julius . . . .
Reier Walter H helper Turner Creamery Co
Reilly James A, Rev pastor St Michaels Catholic church
Reynolds Frank J . . . . .
Rich Verne plumber & sheet metal works
Riesch Jno T clk Weller-Anderson Merc Co
Rogers Warren L mngr Meekins & Ottem
Romanek Adolph R barber
Roos A Leonard laboratory Reliance Elev co
Roos Jno R drayman
Ruhberg Thomas (Ruhberg & Sorvaag) contr & builders
Ryan William H drugs
Sanders Bert (Christianson & Sanders)
Schrader Alvine M clk O H Kittleson
Schrader Bertha widow of Fred
Scott Louis farm impts
Seidlinger Hazel stengr First Natl Bank
Shone Peter A . . . .
Shane Samuel J . . . .
Sibley Cyrus G laboratory
Sibley Earl ydman Fullerton Lumber Co
Sibley Fay laboratory Farmers Elev Co
Smiley Thomas B physician
Smith Guy H pub Mt Vernon news
Smith William R mngr Framers Elevator Co
Snell Vera, Mrs . . . .
Snook Fred C laboratory
Snowden Ora H roadworker
Sorvaag Ole G (Ruhberg & Sorvaag)
Sparrow Ira baker G W McDonough
Sparrow William W . . . .
Strombeck Perry F salsn T B Haynes
Studer Edgar A dairy
Studer Jno E laboratory E A Studer
Sunde Peter A . . . .
Swanson Hulda tchr Public Schools
Swanson Nels . . . .
Teesdale Matilda E, Mrs . . . .
Thompson Oscar L undertaker Olson & Asmussen
Thorne Lizzie, Mrs cook G W McDonough
Thorne Lloyd laboratory Grant Williams
Tjomsland Ben R v pres Farmers Union Merc Co
Trotter Jno G asst cashr First Natl Bank
Trotter Nettie librarian Free Public Library
Truax Lloyd H mngr A A Truax grain elevator
Uehle Matt clk F A altenow
Wagner Gerald mach W H Wagner
Wagner William H garage & machine shop
Way Carol tchr Public Schools
Westfall Cyrus laboratory
Wheeler T Alb laboratory
Wildman Clinton C . . . .
Williams David T mason
Williams E G . . . .
Williams Grant live stock dealer
Williams Mabel bkpr Farmers Union Merc Co
Williams Martha tchr Public Schools
Williams Ray T cement contr
Wittig Augusta bkpr Olson & Asmussen
Wittig William farmer
Woodard Charles B electric light plant,propr M V Tel Co
Zeal Frank A road contr
Zeal Jno . . . .
Copyrighted 2001 for Davison county South Dakota by:
Davison County Genealogical Society.