The following people will do lookups as time permits. Remember, these people are VOLUNTEERS, so make sure you THANK THEM! If any service requires a charge, such as copy costs, please make arrangements with that person
I have two books at my home - "A Centennial History of Clear Lake"; and "Volume 2 of the Historical Collections of Deuel County". My Mother has Volume 1, which is out of print.
I also have access to the library at the University of Nebraska where they have the 34 volume set of the "History of South Dakota". Contact Diane Doyle
Historical Collections of Deuel County, Volumes 1 and 2(1983)
Copyright Deuel County History Book Committee; Co-Editors Dr. Maynard Cochrane, Dr.
Eleanor Cochrane; Co-Chairpersons: Mrs. Marjorie Dennis, Mrs. Agnes Uckert. Contact Curt
A Precious Legacy, 1884 - 1984 Clear Lake
Ted Burgess Editor, also Gerry Koenecke, and Florence Miller of the history
book committee The Clear Lake Centennial Book Committee. Contact Diane Doyle or Curt
"Gary, South Dakota; 1872 - 1997", from the Gary History Book Committee. Contact Steve Gilchrist
Please note that at present WE NEED LOOK-UP VOLUNTEERS!
If you can help in any way, it would be most appreciated - contact Diane Doyle, County Coordinator
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