Faulk County Newspapers

These are the newspapers available on microfilm from the South Dakota State Archive, 900 Governors Drive, Pierre SD 57501. There is a $5.00 per roll cost of having these microfilms sent to your local library through InterLibrary Loan. Please be sure to mention the dates you are looking for, some years are divided on two rolls.



Gazette one issues only - Jan. 14, 1908.


Advocate - 29 Oct. 1898 to 29 Feb 1919

 Faulk County Democrat - 23 Oct 1886 to 31 May 1894 (became Faulk County Republican on 26 Apr 1890)

 Faulk County Record - 1 Mar 1888 to 31 May 1894 (became Republican Record then back to Faulk County Record) Contact: Jody and Jim Moritz, publishers, Box 68, Faulkton SD 57438. In 1993 subscription were $16.00 for Faulk, Spink, Edmunds, Potter, Kyde, Hand and the Mansfield postal zip code of 57460. All other areas were $18.00 in state and $20.00 out of state.

 Faulk County Times - 21 Dec. 1882 to 21 Dec. 1899

 Herald - one issue only - 6 Nov 1883

 Republican - Record - 7 Jun 1894 to present, missing issues between 2 Jan 1900 to 3 Apr. 1904, (was Faulk County Record prior to 7 June 1894)


Radiator - 12 Jan 1884 to 14 Nov. 1885, missing 17 May 1884 to 27 Dec. 1884


Record - 24 Feb. 1883 to 1888, some issues missing


Weekly Pioneer - 1887 to 1888, some issues missing


Argus - 17 Mar 1904 to 29 June 1939

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