Faulk County Publications

Several books have been written about Faulk County including History of Faulk County South Dakota by Capt. C. H. Ellis, originally in 1909 it was reprinted in 1973 by the Faulk County Historical Society to avoid duplication of material. The Historical Society also published History of Faulk County, South Dakota, 1910-1982. It was printed in 1982 by the Mortiz Publishing, Jody and Jim Moritz, publishers, Box 68, Faulkton SD 57438. This is a very well documented county history book.

 Capt. Ellis's book, History of Faulk County, outlines several events and groups of interest including the first Memorial Day held on May 30, 1884 in Faulkton. Fifteen old soldiers were part of the parade including John H,. Shirk, Co. E., 19h Reg., Penn. Vol. Infantry; J. P. Sutton, Co. D, 34th Reg., Iowa Vol. Infantry; H. K. Hursh, Co. A., 89th Reg., Indiana Vol. Infantry; L. K. Parmenter, Co. A, 14th Reg., Illinois Vol., Infantry; J. W. Parker, Co. G, 45th Reg., Illinois Vol. Infantry; G. Niederaurer, Co. G 1st Reg., Michigan Vol. Infantry; Rev. C. Douglas, Chaplain, 18th Reg., Mo. Vol. Cavalry; W. H. DuBois, Co. D, 9th Reg., Indiana Vol. Cavalry; J. A. Pickler, Major, 3rd Reg. Iowa Vol. Cavalry; . Summy, Co. X, 9th Reg, New York Cavalry, H. A. Humphrey, Co. A, 8th Reg., Illinois Cavalry; Peter Hawn, Co. Q, 8th Reg., Illinois Cavalry; George J. Jarvis, 3rd Wisconsin Battery; P. B. Durley, Q.M. 124th Reg. Illinois Infantry; and J. S. Hamilton, U. S. Navy. Also mentioned is Capt. J. H. Wallace who was president of the day. The Grand Army Post was called the Phil H. Sheridan Post, No. 72, located in Faulkton. Over the years 108 Civil War veterans were members of the post. Commanders were J. A. Picler, M. S. McDearmon, M. Summy, Ernest Thiede, George J. Jarvis, John W. Hays, Charles H. Gardner, John H. Shirk, H. W. Bailey, A. P., Cavit, Joel Rush, John Pafford and A. J. Sprague.

 Many early settlers had passed away so that in 1909 the only ones remaining were John A. Pickler, John Swearngen, M. S. McDearmon, Geo. J. Jarvis, John W. Hays, A.A. Andrews, Thomas O'Neal, D. W. Pillsury, John A. Shirk, Robert Knapton, C. H. Derr, A. J. Sprague, John Pafford, Jasper Wakefield, Edwin McComb and Henry A. Wilkinson.

The book also mentioned that the graves of soldiers were decorated each Memorial Day for Levi Morse, Henry M. Metz, Adam Findeis, Joel Rush, A. A. Morse, James Carn, Henry Potter, Solomon Trude, and Clark Rice.

Other Faulk County History books

Diamond Jubilee, Orient, SD, 1963

 Diamond Jubilee Remembrance, Onaka, 1907-1982

 History of Seneca and Surrounding Area, 1984.

 One Community Under God: 100th Anniverisary of St. Mary's Parish and Zell, 1983

 Rockham Community, 1886-1986: Our first 100 Years.

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