
Rosebud Landing



Established: Feb. 4, 1879 in Lyman County. Discontinued: March 6, 1879, re-established Sept. 16,
1879, into Gregory County- Feb. 5, 1890.

Discontinued: April 30, 1883, mail to Bijou Hills.

Location: Unsurveyed. West Bank of Missouri River, on north side of Rosebud

Postmasters: Feb.4, 1879- Jared J. Smith; Sept. 16, 1879- William Huston; Oct.2,
1879-Thomas E. Anderson; Dec. 17, 1878- Samuel Bay;

Feb. 5, 1880- Joseph C. Cowgill; May 24, 1880- Charles R. Jordan.

~Material provided by Betty Stevick