MENU of COUNTY DATA - Links are forthcoming

Homesteading Bros -- Tipperary Bronc Birth Records Cemeteries
Churches County History Death Records

Family Photo Albums

Maps Marriages
Military ServiceMen & Women Newspaper Stories Obituaries
Photographs of County Look-Ups Resources
Harding County Courthouse Harding Co. Historical Society Towns
Harding County SDGenWeb Archives Early SD Birth Records

Tri-State Museum & Visitor Center

Early History: In June, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the SDGENWEB (The South Dakota Genealogical Website Project). The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in South Dakota, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, these databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index. At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web sites.

 This county website is Under Construction. Please Check Back Often!
Volunteer County Coordinator, Mary Buchholz  (2022)

Send your suggestions for this site to Linda Ziemann (see email below)

SDGenWeb State Coordinator - Linda Ziemann

Harding County © 2022-2025 SDGenWeb

“A Proud Part of the USGenWeb”
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