Welcome to Hughes County SDGenWeb




Pierre SD circa 1900

 My name is Bob Jenkins
and I created this website to provide genealogy
 information and links to genealogy information  to assist people in researching
 their Hughes County South Dakota ancestors.

 I would appreciate any contribution that you would like to make  to this site:
 biographies, obituaries, birth, marriage, death info,  grave info, photographs....etc

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 Brief History:
Hughes County is located in the approximate center of the state and of the North American Continent. Hughes
 County was organized in November of 1880 and named after Alexander Hughes.

 Mitchell disputed Pierre's selection as state capitol for several years, finally giving up the fight to have it changed
 about 1903. Due to its location on the river (Missouri), it was an early center of river trade. In 1863, the army
 established a post called Ft. Sully about four miles from what is now Pierre. It was active there until it was moved
 north on the river to Sully County in 1866. The very southern area of the county as set aside for the Crow Creek
 Indian Reservation.

 Some of the early settlers in the area were J. P. Laughlin, Joseph Reed, Burt Dickey and Eva Dix. Prior to these
 hardy people there were many trappers and hunters that came and went on the other areas, some stayed.

 In 1883, three small communities were organized in Hughes County to the east of Pierre. They were Blunt, Harrold
 and Canning. All had several businesses in their early years and schools and postal service. Blunt and Harrold still
 are active. In the 1890's Blunt had about 1,500 people with a decline to about 500 in 1935. Both Harrold and Blunt
 had newspapers in the 1800's, and for some years after that. Originally the site of Canning was called Paxton, and it
 was the little village of Paxton that in 1880 had the first official post office. The first school district in the county was
 formed in 1881 which started the operation of several area school houses. For about six years Pierre had
 "Pierre University" in operation but due to financial problems it was moved to Huron about 1898. In 1891, the
 "Pierre Indian Leaning Center" was started under the name of the "Pierre Indian School", and remains active to this

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