Abstract & Title
P N Hanson sec,
abstracts, real estate and mining investments
Ackerman, Fred
justice of the peace
Adams, W E
Adams-Webster Co
wholesale grocers, 55 Sherman
Allen, Alfred G
physician, Black Hills Trust
& Savings Bank Bldg.
Anderson, Clark
milinery, 46 Sherman
Anderson, O. F.
saloon, 662 Main
Anderson, S E
tailor, 21 Lee
Arcade Rooming House
F Hill proprietor, Lee st.
Armour & Co
R Walker manager, Sherman and
Arnold Bros.
groceries, 53 Sherman
Ashcroft, Felix E
physicia, 210 Adams block
Ashley, Walter (Rev.)
pastor, Congregational Church
Ayres & Co, GeoV
hardware and mining supplies,
633 Main
Babcock, F V
dentist, Waite Block
Babcock, L F
physician, Waite Block
Baggaley Geo. F
city treasurer
Baggaley John
sec, New Iron Hill Mining Co.
Baggaley & Co. John
real estate, loans and
insurance, curios, 695 Main
Baptist Church
Barber & Co
saloon, 15 Lee
Burton F L
barber, 98 Sherman
see Jacobs & Bass
Beatrice Creamery Co.
J F Veale manager, 771 Main
Beckwith M. B.
livery, Gold and Broadway
Belding John P
deputy U S marshal
Benjamin E E
gen agent Chicago &
Northwestern Ry.
Benner Geo
livery, 539 Main
Bentley J L
commercial agent C. B. & Q.
Bently J L
secretary, Burlington Mining Co.
Bews M A (Mrs.)
proprietor Syndicate Hotel, Lee
and Main
Bischoff H
secretary, Lexington Hill Gold
Mining Co.
Black Hills Steam Laundry &
Dry Cleaning
R Flanders pres and mgr, 12 Pine
Black Hills Traction Co.
Franklin P Wood supt, Masonic
Black Hills Transfer & Fuel
C D Calhoun proprietor, 148
Black Hills Trust & Savings
R S Jamison pres, Burt Rogers
vice-pres, F S Strattan cashier, Arthur J West assistant cashier
Bloom Shoe & Clothing Co
661 Mawin
Bohn & Cessna
saloon, 669 Main
Bonham W H
publisher Daily & Weekly Pioneer-Times,
20 Lee
Booth B S
undertaker, 668 Main
Bower F W
mining, 17 Mullen & Munn
Bower F W
pres, Gold Dollar Mining Co.
Breeding E A
barber, 29 Lee
Brown C H
barber and bath, 628 Main
Brown & Gorum
saloon and restaurant, 649 Main
Brunswick, The
Frank Smith, proprietor,
furnished rooms, 671 1/2 Main
Bullock Seth
U S marshal
Burlington Mining Co.
J L Bently secretary
Burns John H
attorney at law, notary public,
Suite 1, Syndicate Block
Butler Geo M
mfg jeweler, 651 1/2 Main
Calhoun C D
proprietor Black Hills Transfer
& Fuel Co, Sherman st
Candy Kitchen
O H Colwell manager,
confectionary, 681 Main
Carney Coal Co
W A Ickes mgr, Franklin Hotel
Carr P N
proprietor The Mansion
Carvile J F
books and stationery, 52 Sherman
Casler C B
agent Adams Express, 52 Sherman
Catholic Church
Father Noeson priest
see Bohn & Cessna
Chase Isaac H
clothing and dry goods, 675 Main
Clinton Mining & Mineral Co
H S Vincent supt, Waite Build
Clover Leaf Gold M Co
R N Ogden secretary
Coburn G H
physician Mullen & Munn Bldg
Cochran S T
pres Hidden Treasure Mining Co
Coe Clara D
real estate and loans, 6-8-10-12
Syndicate Blk
Cohen H
cigars and confectionery, Main
and Gold
Cohen Morris
bakery, 46 1/2 Sherman
Columbus Consolidated Gold
Mining Co
Wm Sauntry pres, 704 Main
Colwell O H
manager Candy Kitchen, 681 Main
Congregational Church
Rev Walter Ashley pastor
Consolidated Power & Light Co
M M Maghee manager, 67 Sherman
Corrick C R
manager Cudahy Packing Co
Corum F B
county treasurer
Crist C H
groceries, 129 Sherman
Cudahy Packing Co
C R Corrick manager, 21 Pine
Cummings Margaret
stenographer, B H T & S Bank
Custer Peak Mining &
Millings Co
John H O'Brien supt, 15 Lee
Dague's Insurance Agency (inc)
Byron P Dague pres and mgr, 6
Syndicate Blk
& Weekly Pioneer-Times
W H Bonham publisher, 20 Lee
Danilson Oscar
proprietor Manhattan Hotel, 93
Dayton C L
representative International
Correspondence Schools
Deadwood & Roubaix Stage Line
Wm Fuller manager
Deadwood & Spearfish Stage
J S McClintock prop, 726 Main
Deadwood Business Club
N E Franklin pres, M C Kellogg
secretary, 701 Main
Deadwood Daily Telegram
Western Publishers Union, E L
Senn manager, basement 675 Main
Deadwood Grocery
Arthur Wolf manager, Main st.
Deadwood Homestake Mining Co.
C E McHugh manager, 21 Lee
Deadwood Public Library
Mrs. Elizabeth S Phelps
librarian, Williams st.
Deadwood Theatre Co. (inc)
M C Kellogg mgr, 801 Main
Deadwood Undertaking Co.
R W Lewis prop, 12 Carney
Deetken Julius
drugs, 659 Main
Deetkin J
secretary, Society of Black
Hills Pioneers
Demouth C F
mgr, Imperial Milling Co
DeMouth's Ark
C H Miller mgr, home
furnishings, 51 Sherman
Dexter Allen B
tailor, 32 Deadwood
Donegan Sadie
cigars and confectionery, 642
see Harnett & Donovan
Driver (Mrs)
proprietor Marinello Hair
Dressing Parlor, Hotel Franklin
see Young & Duchene
Early Bros
Proprietors Fairyland Theatre,
musical merchandise and phonographs, 674 Main
Echo Mining Co
W S Elder president
Elder W S
president, Echo Mining Co
Elder William S
attorney at law, B H T &S
Bank Bldg
Edward John & Mike
saloon, 638 Main
Episcopal Church
Rev M F Montgomery rector
see Nan & Ernst
Faehndrich C J
automobiles and supplies, 645
Fairyland Theatre
Early Bros proprietors, J W
Early manager, 674 Main
Fargo J W
general merchandise, 424 Lower
Farrell T H
proprietor The Holzner
First National Bank
N E Franklin pres, Harris
Franklin vice-pres, D A McPherson cashier, M M Wheeler asst cashier
Fish & Hunter Co, The
lumber, groceries, fuel and
feed, 104 Sherman
Fishel & Co
books, stationery, pianos and
phonographs, 663 Main
Flower & Neff
fire insurance, Adams Blk
Folstad Martin
tailors, 671 Main
Fowler J W
attorney and notary public,
209-10-11 Waite Blk
Fowler & Fowler
attorneys-at-law, general agents
Northwestern Surety Co., 209-10-11 Waite Blk
Frank, A. E.
attorney, 5 Syndicate Blk
Franklin, Harris
vice-pres First National Bank
Franklin, N. E.
pres. Deadwood Business Club
Franklin, N. E.
pres., First National Bank
Franklin Buffet
Franklin Hotel
Frawley, Henry
attorney-at-law, Smith Blk
Friendship Hotel
116 Sherman
Fuller, George S.
automobile garage, 711 Main
Fuller, Wm. A.
manager, Deadwood & Roubaix
Stage Line
Galer & Luger
Gandolfo, J. E.
cigars and fruits, 678 Main
Gantz, Fred M.
dentist, 670 Main
George, James A.
attorney-at-law, 303 Adams Bldg.
Gerard, J. H.
barber, 671 Main
Gerhardt, Louis
tailor, 637 Main
Gibson, Belle
public stenographer, 695 Main
Gillmore, J. T.
manager, Montezuma &
Whizzers Mines
Gillmore, The
C. H. Henderson proprietor,
Williams and Denver Ave.
Gold Dollar Mining Co.
F. W. Bower pres., Mullen &
Munn Bldg.
Goldberg, J.
groceries, 672 Main
Goldberg, J.
president, Society of Black
Hills Pioneers
Golden Crest Mining Co.
Edward Henderson secretary
Golden Reward Cons Mining &
Milling Co.
Gorder, C. O.
notary public, 695 Main
see Brown and Gorum
Graves, R. H. (Mrs.)
furnished rooms, 643 1/2 Main
Green Front Theatre
Quinn & Nelson props, 591
Grimshaw, R. E.
Gustafson, D. R.
county auditor
Haines, John C.
dry goods and furnishings, 691
Hanson, P. N.
ee Abstract & Title Co.,
notary public
Hargrave, F. W.
agent American Express Co.,
Smith Blk
Harman, John
pres, Maloney Blue Lead Copper
Mining & Smelting Co.
Harnett & Donovan
saloon, 509 Main
Harris, A. L.
pres, Lucky Strike Mining Co.
Harrison, D.
mgr Western Union Tel. Co.,
Martin & Mason Bldg
Hart, Nate
secretary, Hidden Treasure
Mining Co.
Hattenbach, J.
groceries, 79 Sherman
Hay, Hugh (Rev.)
pastor Methodist Episcopal Church
Hayes & Heffron
attorneys-at-law, Lee and Main
Heckart, Kate (Mrs.)
county superintendent of schools
Heffron, Jno. t.
states atorney
see Hayes & Heffron
Henderson, C. H.
proprietor The Gillmore,
Williams St. and Denver St.
Henderson, Edward
secretary Golden Crest Mining Co.
HiKee Co.
groceries and drugs, 560 Main
Hidden Treasure Mining Co.
S. T. Cochran pres, Nate Hart
Hill, F.
proprietor Arcade Rooming House,
Lee St.
Hing, Kee
laundry, 600 Main
Hix, Wm. P.
agent Standard Oil Co., 58
Hodgson, J. M.
attorney-at-law, Martin &
Mason Blk.
Hogarth, James
Holtorf, C. C.
train master C. B. & Q. Ry.
Holzner, The
T. H. Farrell, proprietor, 633
1/2 Main
Homestake Slime Plant
O. A. Reitz foreman
Homestake South Extension Mining
A. H. Oleson mgr
Hong Kee
laundry, 109 Sherman
Hooper, F. P.
mgr Lead-Deadwood Gas, Light
& Fuel Co.
Hoshier, G. W.
dealer in Black Hills Cineria
Water, cigars and tobacco, 654 Main
Hotel Franklin
M. C. Kellogg manager
Howe, Frank S.
physician, B. H. T. & S.
Bank Bldg.
Huff, A. Z.
restaurant, 642 Main
Hulvey, R. E.
county coroner
Hymer Co., J. P.
collections and real estate,
Adams Blk.
Ickes, Myrtle C.
stenographer and notary public,
Franklin Hotel corner
Ickes, W. A.
insurance, Franklin Hotel corner
Ickes, W. A.
mgr Carney Coal Co.
Imperial Gold Mining &
Milling Co.
Wm. S. Elder pres, R. S. Jamison
secretary, B. H. T. & S. Bank Bldg.
Imperial Milling Co.
C. F. Demouth mgr, whol flour,
18 Sherman
Inglis, Geo. W.
court stenographer, Waite nnex
International Correspondence
C. L. Dayton representative, 26
Jackson, E. T.
Black Hills Trust & Savings
Jackson, Geo. S.
mining, 6 Syndicate Blk.
Jacobs, S. B.
clothing, 630 Main
Jacobs & Bass
props, South Dakota Metal Co.
Jacobus, M. F. (Mrs.)
dressmaker, 21 Lee
Jacobson, R. S.
pres Black Hills Trust &
Savings Bank
Jamison, S.
secretary, Imperial Gold Mining
& Milling Co.
Jenkins, L. P.
manager U. S. Assay Office
Jennack, John
livery, Pine and Carney
Jensen, Martin
tailor, 629 Main
Jolitz, L. (Mrs.)
groceries, 7 Charles St.
Jolls, H.
cigars and confectionery, 87
Jones, John R.
real estate and loans, notary
public, 40 Lee
see Lerch & Jones
Kalen, Erik
saloon, 114 Sherman
Karcher, Geo.
shoemaker, 629 Main
Keller, Frank
feed and fuel, 407 Main
Keller, Gus
meat market, 650 Main
Kelleter, Paul D.
forest supervisor Black Hills
National Forest
Kellogg, M. C.
manager Hotel Franklin
Kellogg, M. C.
mgr Deadwood Theatre Co.
Kellogg, M. C.
secretary Deadwood Business Club
see Wilson, Kenny Co.
Kersten, Robert
tailor, 21 1/2 Lee
Kiemer's Delicatessen
H H Kiemer proprietor, 684 Main
Kiser, M. E.
cleaning and dye works, 614 Main
Kornemann, Henry
saloon, basement 665 Main
Lambert, James
chief police and street
Lawrence, Richard
register of deeds
Lead-Deadwood Gas, Light &
Fuel Co.
F P Hooper mgr, under B. H. T.
& S. Bank
see Macey & Leeman
Leech & Jones
barbers, 680 Main
Leslie, Chas A.
veterinary surgeon
Lesperance, Mose
saloon, 416 Main
Lewis, R. W.
prop Deadwood Undertaking Co.,
12 Carney
Lexington Hill Gold Mining Co.
C. E. Whiting pres, H Bischoff
List & McPherson
saloon, 596 Main
Loacks, E. L.
sales agent National Cash
Registers, Theatre Bldg.
Lowe, J.
department store, 679 Main
Lucky Strike Mining Co.
. L. Harris pres, Lee Swift sec
see Galer & Luger
Lutz, Carl
meat market, 65 Sherman
Macey & Leeman
saloon, 618 Main
Maghee, M. M.
manager Consolidated Power &
Light Co.
see Rothman & Mallett
Maloney Blue Lead Copper Mining
& Smelting Co.
John Harman pres, 28 Deadwood
Maltner, A. J.
secretary Victoria Gold M &
M Co.
Manhattan Hotel
Oscar Danilson proprietor, 93
Mansion, The
P. N. Carr proprietor, 628 Main
Marinello Hair Dressing Parlor
Mrs. Driver proprietor, Hotel
Martin & Mason
(Eben W. Martin & Norman I
Mason) attorneys-at-law, Martin & Mason Blk.
Mary Martina (Sister)
superior Benedictine SIsters,
St. Joseph Hospital
Mason, N. T.
city attorney
Mason, Norman T.
see Martin & Mason
Masonic Temple Development
J. G. Thomas secretary, 28
Mattson, H. M.
notary public, First National
Bank Bld.
McClintock, J. S.
prop Spearfish Stage Line, 726
McClintock, J. S.
prop Deadwood & Spearfish
Stage Line
McDonald, Edward
harness and saddlery, 651 Main
McHugh, C. E.
manager Deadwood Homestake
Mining Co.
McHugh, C. E.
mining, Mullen & Munn Blk.
McIntire, W. J.
wallpaper, mouldings and glass,
690 Main
McIntire, W. J. (Mrs.)
agent Singer Sewing Machine Co.
McLaughlin, W. L.
general manager Mogul Gold
Mining Co.
McLaughlin, W. L.
secretary Wasp No. 2 Mining Co.
McLaughlin & Ogden
attorneys-at-law, notaries
public, 677 1/2 Main
McPherson, D. A.
cashier First National Bank
McPherson, D. A.
president Wasp No. 2 Mining Co.
see List & McPherson
Mears, C. H.
yardmaster Chicago &
Northwestern Ry.
Medberry, F. W.
sec Reliance Gold Mining Co.
Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Hugh Hay pastor
Miller, C. H.
mgr DeMouth's Ark
Mincer, B.
furnished rooms, 638 1/2 Main
Minneapolis Brewing Co.
F. W. Twitchell agent, 34 St.
Moffitt, T. W.
physician, 659 1/2 Main
Mogul Gold Mining Co.
W. L. McLaughlin general
manager, 677 1/2 Main
Monarch Gold Mining Co.
A. D. Wilson pres, 18 Lee
Montezuma & Whizzers Mines
J. T. Gillmore manager
Montgomery, M. F. (Rev.)
rector Episcopal Church
Morgan & Sullivan
clothing, boots and shoes, 668
Mullen & Rourke
contractors and builders, 131
Nan & Ernst
bakery, basement 675 Main
Naulteus, A. F.
physician, 681 Main
Nebraska Telephone Co.
G. W. Rutherford dist manager
see Flower & Neff
Neil, W. L.
dentist, Mullen & Munn Blk.
see Quinn & Nelson
New Iron Hill Mining Co.
John Baggaley sec, 695 Main
Nodler, E. A.
cigars and tobacco, Lee and Main
Noeson (Father)
priest, Catholic Church
Northwestern Surety Co.
Fowler & Fowler general
agents, 209-10-11 Waite Blk.
Novak, John L.
pres Safe Investment Gold Mining
O'Brien, John H.
supt Custer Peak Mining &
Millings Co.
Ogden, J. A.
Ogden, R. N.
secretary Clover Leaf Gold M. Co.
see McLaughlin & Ogden
Oleson, A. H.
mgr Homestate South Extension
Mining Co.
Oleson, A. H.
mining, 308 Waite Blk.
O'Neil, J.
proprietor Topic Dance Hall
Parker, L. M.
groceries, 606 Main
Parker & Henderson
wallpaper and paints, 46 Sherman
Parks, J. B.
cigars, pool and billiards, 652
Peek, Frank S.
city engineer
Penn, Lucile
dressmaker Haines' Store
Perry, Henry G.
attorney, Smith Bldg.
Peterson, C. F.
photographer, 650 Main
Phelps, Elizabth (Mrs.)
librarian Deadwood Public Library
Phillips, Kirk G.
wholesale and retail drugs,
wallpaper, paints and oils, 25 Lee
Phoenix Gold Mining Co.
J. G.Thomas sec
Plowman, Adoniram J.
attorney-at-law, First National
Bank Bldg.
Plunkett, Matt
county sheriff
Polley, Samuel C.
attorney-at-law, secretary of
state, 12-13 Olympic Blk.
Portland Mining Co.
H. S. Vincent superintendent
Purnell, Otto F.
manufacturers' agnts, Waite Annex
Quimby, W. A.
jeweler, 665 Main
Quinn & Nelson
propr Green Front Theatre
Quong Wing Chong & Co.
Chinese merchandise, 559 Main
Reeves, G. M.
local agent C. & N. W. Ry.
Regan, D. C.
agent Wyoming Coal Mining Co.
Reitz, O. A.
foreman Homestake Slime Plant
Reliance Gold Mining Co.
F. W. Medberry sec, 23 Lee
Rice, W. G.
judge Circuit Court
Ricker, Elmer A.
manager Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the U.S., 301 Adams Blk.
Robertson, W. T.
ticket agent C. B. & Q. Ry.
Robinson, D. A.
chairman Board County
Rogers, Burt
vice-pres Black Hills Trust
& Savings Bank
Rose, Elmer
justice of the peace
Rothman & Mallett
carpenters, rear 98 Sherman
see Mullen & Rourke
Russell, John R.
attorney-at-law, notary public,
cunty judge, 40 Lee
Russell, M. R.
saloon and billiards, 658 Main
Russell, S. W.
district superintendent Mutual
Life Insurance Co. of New York, Waite Bldg.
see Tierney & Russell
Rutherford, G. W.
dist manager Nebraska Telephone
Safe Investment Gold Mining Co.
John L. Novak pres, I. A. Webb
secretary and superintendent, Adams Blk.
Salinsky, I.
clothing, 639 Main
Sanderson, H. L.
painter, 63 Sherman
Sasse & Son
meat market, 686 Main
Sauntry, Wm.
pres Columbus Consolidated Gold
Mining Co.
Scenic Electric Theatre
643 Main
Schidle, P.
saloon, 100 Sherman
Schneerer, F. B.
physician, 665 Main
Schwarzwold, Sam
furniture, 620 Main
Senn, E. L.
sec-treas and gen mgr TheWestern
Publishers Union, pub Deadwood Daily
Telegram, 675 Main
Shalhoob, Carl
bowling alley and pool hall, 656
Shalhoob, W. M.
saloon, 660 Main
Shaw, Archibald
contractor and builder, 112
Siems, Olaf
lodging house, 722 Main
Simms, K. C.
millinery, 699 Main
Sing You
restaurant, 626 Main
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Mrs. W. J. McIntire agent, 690
Smith, A. M.
harness and saddlery, 65 Sherman
Smith, F. D.
feed and fuel, Smith Blk.
Smith, F. E.
furnished rooms, 639 1/2 Main
Smith, F. X.
saloon, 624 Main
Smith, Frank
proprietor The Brunswick, 671
1/2 Main
Smith's Flats
Van Buren St.
Smith's Orchestra
music furnished for any
occasion, complete library of classical and popular music
Society of Black Hills Pioneers
J. Goldberg president, J.
Deetkin secretary
Sofge, Harry (Mrs.)
lodging house, 654 1/2 Main
Sohn, Jhn
shoemaker, 5 Lee
South Dakota Metal Co.
Jacobs & Bass props, junk
dealers, 607 Main
Southmayd, Orville H.
civil engineer, U. S. mineral
surveyor, Martin & Mason Blk.
Spaniol, A. G.
mgr Swift & Co.
St. Joseph Hospital
Benedictine Sisters in charge,
Sister Mary Martina superior, Charles St.
Stannus, John
cigars and tobacco, 657 1/2 Main
Star, Sol
county clerk
Stearns Co.
building material, H. M. Stearns
president and manager, 737 Main
Stewart, Robert P.
attorney-at-law, notary public,
Martin & Mason Blk.
Strachan, Alex
superintendent of city schools
Strattan, F. S.
cashier Black Hills Trust &
Savings Bank
see Morgan & Sullivan
Swift, Lee
see Lucky Strike Mining Co.
Swift & Co.
A. G. Spaniol mgr, whol meats,
133 Sherman
Syndicate Hotel
furnished rooms, Mrs. M. A.
Bews, Lee and Main
Thomas, J. G.
real estate and loans, Whitaker
Thomas, J. G.
see Phoenix Gold Mining Co.
Thomas, J. G.
secretary Masonic Temple
Development Association
Thompson, Mose (col)
mining, 316 Waite Blk.
Thompson, N. J.
manager Wilson, Kenny Co.
Tierney & Russell
saloon and restaurant, 664 Main
Todd, Jerry
pool hall and shoe shining
parlor, Sherman and Lee
Topic Dance Hall
J. O'Neil proprietor, 627 Main
Treber, J. A.
drugs, opposite Burlington Depot
Treber, John
saloon, 670 Main
Trimble, K. W.
city auditor
Trubvasser, B.
cloaks and suits, 673 Main
Trucano, Peter
saloon, 19 Lee
Tuck, H. M.
restaurant, 24 Lee
Twitchell, F. W.
agent Minneapolis Brewing Co.
U. S. Assay Office
L. P. Jenkins assayer in charge,
P. O. Bldg.
Vallier, R. A.
osteopathic physician, 46 1/2
Van Meter, A. B.
confectionery, books and
stationery, 11 Lee
Veale, J. F.
manager Beatrice Creamery Co.
Victoria Gold M. & M. Co.
A. J. Maltner secretary
Vincent, H. S.
superintendent Portland Mining
Vincent, H. S.
supt Clinton Mining &
Mineral Co.
Wagner, C. R.
restaurant, Hotel Franklin
Waldschmidt, Wm.
bakery, 546 Main
Walker, R.
manager Armour & Co.
Wardman, H. B.
plumber, sheet metal works, 44
Wasmer Fruit Co.
wh fruits and vegetables, 69
Wasp No. 2 Mining Co.
D. A. McPherson president, W. L.
McLaughlin secretary
Webb, I. A.
secretary and superintendent
Safe Investment Gold Mining Co.
Weber, Anna
furnished rooms, 614 1/2 Main
see Adams-Webster Co.
Well, Arthur
manager Deadwood Grocery
Wells, Geo.
furnished rooms, 59 1/2 Sherman
Wertenberger, P.
water superintendent
Wertheimer & Bro., M. J.
dry goods and carpets, 653 Main
West, Arthur J.
assistant cashier Black Hills
Trust and Savings Bank
Western Publishers Union
pub The Deadwood Daily Telegram, E. L.
Senn secy-treas and mgr
Western Union Tel. Co.
D. Harrison mgr, Martin &
Mason Bldg.
Weyman, Mary (Mrs.)
ladies' furnishings, Syndicate
Wheeler, M. M.
assistant cashier First National
Whiting, C. E.
pres Lexington Hill Gold Mining
Whitmer, James
repair shop, 59 Sherman
Wilhelm, Harry M.
cigars and confectionery,
groceries, 111 Sherman
Williams, Claude
sporting goods and pool hall,
682 Main
Williams, Claude (Mrs.)
prop Keystone Lodging House,
over 682 Main
Wilson, A. D.
pres Monarch Gold Mining Co.
Wilson, Vernia
furnished rooms, 624 1/2 Main
Wilson, Kenny Co.
hardware, plumber, N. . Thompson
manager, 641 Main
Wing Tsue
Chinese and Japanese goods, 566
Winn, Edgar L.
livery, 724 Main
Wlder, Wm. S.
pres Imperial Gold Mining &
Milling Co.
Wood, Franklin P.
supt Black Hills Traction Co.
Wyoming Coal Mining Co.
D. C. Regan agent, Whitaker Blk.
Yee Gee
laundry and lodging, 18 Broadway
Yee Lee
laundry, 607 1/2 Main
Yee Sang
laundry, 89 Sherman
Young & Duchene
granite and marble works, 138
Zednik, Joe
barber, 654 Main
Zednik, Joseph
furnished rooms, 686 1/2
Zipp Shoe Co.
655 Main
Zoeckler, William
meat market, 101 Sherman
Zoellner Bros. Co.
clothing and men's furnishings,
645 Main