and Lynda McCormick-Henke
As written by Lynda McCormick.
Submitted by Kay Masterson, grandniece to Lynda.


and Lynda McCormick-Henke
They were married 25 Dec., 1906, at
Oacoma, SD
Ulysses McCormick and Vena Jane Loyd.
They were married 2 Sep 1897 in
Sidney, Fremont Co, IA.
Lynda Franzetta McCormick-Henke
I was born
December 20, 1880 on a farm three miles southwest of
Sidney, Iowa, one-half mile north of Knox,
IA. I went to the country school one-half mile
from home, Lone Tree School until the eighth grade then
I entered the Sidney School after Christmas and finished
the eighth grade. Our eighth grade exercises were
held in the Court House. I wrote an essay on the
Benefits of Poverty. I took as my example the life
of Booker T Washington. I finished the tenth grade
then took one year normal course in Sidney High School.
When we were small we seldom
went to Sidney but we went to Knox every few days with a
pail of eggs. Everything was very cheap.
Eggs, five cents a dozen and calico three cents a
yard. Mother always put in a few extra eggs for
candy and that was real fun. We used to gather
wild fruit in the woods, gooseberries, strawberries,
raspberries and grapes and in the fall we would gather
nuts for winter. Hazel nuts, hickory nuts and
black walnuts. Every kid had his sack of
nuts. If you didn't gather any it would be just
too bad for you wouldn't get any.
We never had much money to spend but
at Christmas time we had a little to buy presents.
A day or so before the New Year father took us to Sidney
to buy our candy. What fun we had trading candy
for it was all different.
Father went to Nebraska City
with grain to have ground into flour. He always
took one of us little girls with him. He would buy
some cheese, bologna and crackers for our lunch and that
was a real treat.
Our recreation after we were
grown up was Croconole, Dominoes and Croquet. We
had play parties and ice cream and strawberry socials in
our homes, hay rides and bobsled rides. What fun
on a nice cold night to sleigh ride.
I taught school for eight years in
Iowa and South Dakota in the rural schools.
I came to South Dakota about 1904 and
took a homestead that joined my brother Frank's
homestead, then sister Edith came later and took a
claim, one mile west of mine and Clem's claim was in
between ours. We had to go back and forth to our
claim shanties every few days. Edith and I stayed
together of nights. One of the neighbors gave us a
big revolver to keep the prowlers away. We hung it
up on the wall but we never used it. We were more
afraid of it than the prowlers.
Edith and I bought a pony and
buggy to go to Presho after our groceries. Then
Clem used to go with us to dances and drive the pony for
us. We had real nice times while we were proving
up our claims. After Edith proved up on her claim
she went back to Iowa to teach school and I stayed in
Dakota and taught school.
Clem and I were married
Christmas night in the Methodist Church in Oacoma, S.D.
1906. Reverend Book of the Christian Church
officiated, the Methodist minister was out of town.
I finished my school in the
spring and Clem out from town and we started house
keeping and farming. Clem bought an old team and
wagon and with my saddle pony we started to get a little
ground broke up. Clem had about twenty acres broke
on his homestead and I had about five. We sowed
some wheat and planted some corn. We bought a
dozen chickens and two cows. Clem went down
on White River and bought an old lister to put in the
corn. We also bought another horse, and an old
mower to cut our hay. Pretty slim going for a time
but we kept gaining a little and were not discouraged.
I went to Iowa to be with my
mother and be close to a doctor about a month before
Lowell came to bless our home November 22, 1907.
On January 15, 1909, Wesley was born in our home.
When they were small I used to take them both on the
horse with me and we would ride the prairie looking
after the cattle and horses as it was free range.
We lived on our ranch
from the spring of 1906 to the fall of 1942. Then
we went to Lowell's in Osborne, Kansas and stayed a
month or more, then went to Long Beach,
California. Then we came back to Lyman County and
moved into Presho.
We took several nice trips
while we were living on the ranch. The first time
out through the Hills we took Wesley to Boulder,
Colorado to enter college. We went to World's Fair
in Chicago. We took a trip down through the
Ozark Mountains in Arkansas and fished for a couple of
weeks. Our last trip down in the South into Old
Mexico, a wonderful trip with Lowell, Louise and family.
We lived in Presho from
1943-1949 when in the spring we bought a trailer house
and started to look for a new location. We arrived
in California in March, drove around every day looking
at homes. At last we found one and it really is in
a very good location, no danger of high water or
mountain slides and on a quiet street. We both
enjoy our home and we have such good reception on
television which we both enjoy. We located
here in Arlington June 8, 1949.
Mother's Parents:
Franklin and Ester Kuhns were
born and lived near Pittsburgh, Pa. After mother
was married they came west and located near Beatrice,
Nebraska. There were three boys and two girls in
her family, Lee, Joseph, Frank, Elizabeth and Mary.
My father and mother were
born and reared near Pittsburg, Pa. Mothers
maiden name, Sarah Elizabeth Kuhns. Father's
name Humes Thompson McCormick. Mother was 18 years
old and father 31 when they were married. They and
a cousin of father's came west by covered wagon and
located near Sidney, Iowa where all of us children were
born, except sister Lucy who was born in Nebraska.
They bought a small farm of 40 acres and hauled their
lumber from Council Bluffs, Iowa to build their
house. They added to their farm 240 more acres.
We had just built a new home
when father died. Cause of death was neuralgia of
heart. He was sick just a few hours. Mother
was left with the help of brother Rufe to provide
for the family. I was 14 years old, Nellie 12,
Edith 10, Vina 8, Mearl 4.
There were eleven children in
our family, four boys and seven girls. Charley,
Rozell, Franklin, Lulua, Rutherford, Ordealia, Lynda,
Nellie, Edith, Vina, Mearl. Mother was very anxious for
us to have a good education. She sent us to Sidney
High School. We were brought up in a Christian
home and had a pleasant home life.
Father and mother belonged to
Methodist Church and most of the children. I
joined the church when quite young and was Baptized in
Berkby Pond.
My Grandparents, Father's family:
Grandpa was born in Ireland and
Grandma in Pennsylvania. Grandmother's
maiden name Polly Thompson. There were four
boys and one girl in their family, one pair of twin
boys, Sam, Bob, Jim, Humes and Kate.
Wesley Henke has the original
copy written by Grandma (Lynda) Henke and Dad (Lowell
Henke) has a copy also.
23, 2007: Linda (Lynda) was
my grandfather McCormick's sister, but I've especially
been interested in her as her story has been so helpful
in my research. Sisters Lynda and Edith each had
claims close to
Frank McCormick's south of Presho.
I did discover the one little girl was buried in
IA, not Presho. No wonder I didn't find her in the
Presho cemetery. I did find the other little
girl's grave in Chamberlain, Nellie McCormick. The
Riverview Cemetery link on the Lyman Co genweb
site was extremely helpful, took me right to her grave.
Here's hoping you do have the Masterson history.
My husband has done some research on his family.
His branch came from SW PA, down to Maysville, KY, then
to KS, eventually to NV. If you do find the
history we'd be interested in seeing a copy as there are
lots of loose ends. One of the Mastersons served with
Simon Kenton in KY. Kay
information received July 24, 2008
From: Peggy Akins
Subject: My great grandmother was Carrie Henke sister
to Clemens Henke
name is Peggy Akins. I was just looking at some
Henke family history information and realized that
Carrie Henke Peck,
my great grandmother, was Clemens older sister born
Sept 7, 1981. They were two of 14 children born to
John Henke, born 1832, Learnigan, Germany and Rena
Dantama born Aug. 16,1863 in Holland. John
Henke's parents were Christopher Henke and
Margaretha Walo Res-Germany. John had one
sister Elizbeth or Margaret, Bernard Antone Henke,
Henry Fredrick August Henke, Clements Henke who also
came to America.
Clemens Henke was born Dec. 7, 1882 at LeMars, Ia
and married Lynda McCormick on Dec. 25, 1906 at
Chamberlain, SD. Lynda McCormick was born on Dec.
29, 1880 at Sidney, Iowa. Clemens died Jan. 15, 1973
and Lynda Henke died July 20, 1962. They are both
buried in the Grand View Cemetery in Ft.
Collins,Colo. They had two children Lowell Clemens
Henke and Wesley Pearl
have more history on the Henke's if interested. Nice
reading your posting "The Story of My Life". My Mom
talks about when her Grandma Carrie Peck (Clemen's
sister) homesteaded out in the
badlands...Eventually, returning to SD to farm. My
parents live at Alcester, SD. My grandmother, Edna
Peck Nilson, married and they farmed between
Alcester, SD and Hawarden, IA.
Henke came across the waters from Germany to this
fair land of America and located at Illinois, at the
age of 21, and then
went to LeMars, Iowa, where he took a homestead.
While at Le Mars he married Miss Rena Dantama. They
spent several years at
LeMars and then came to Elk Point in Union County,
SD where he resided until his death on March 20,
My parent's farm is in Union County. If interested,
please let me know. Thanks. Peg Akins