Pennsylvania to Lyman and Brule County, Dakota
By Lola M. Weber
October, 2003
As our
story begins, all that is known to date of John RUTAN,
the father of John, Charlena and Peter Rutan is that he
was probably born in Pennsylvania. Attempts to locate
possible Civil War records for him have not been
successful. The last child was born in 1863 in Iowa
City, Iowa and by 1865, Sarah Rutan was married to
George W. ARNEL and by 1870, the combined family was
living in Victor, Poweshiek County, Iowa.
Our limited
knowledge of Sarah is via her daughter, Minnie Arnel’s,
death certificate in which it is indicated that her name
was Swengan (this writer is pursuing the possibility of
Swearingen for a surname). Little is known of Sarah
except for a one line item in the Chamberlain
Register newspaper, Vol. X No. XXI, Chamberlain,
SD Nov 6,1890 which states, "Mrs. George Arnell, after a
long illness, died yesterday." However, pictures have
been located.
George W.
Arnel ( you may also see it written as Arnold ) was born
in Louisville, KY and much of his information is from
the Bureau of Pensions. His tombstone at Riverside
Cemetery, Chamberlain, gave me the information of his
Civil War service in Company D, 44th Missouri
Regimental Infantry. He enrolled the 9th of
Aug 1864 and was mustered out 15th Aug 1865.
A charge of desertion was given, he was arrested and
tried and later found not guilty. Probably about 1877,
the family went to Niobrara, Nebraska across the
Missouri river from Dakota. They were there in 1880 and
by 1882 were in Dakota Territory (in the Brule County
vicinity). There is a very good lithograph in the SD
State Archives at Pierre that depicts 1882 SD Cities –
“Birds Eye View of Chamberlain, Dakota”. The 1890 Dakota
special veteran’s census lists George W. Arnel of
Chamberlain, Brule County and by newspaper accounts, he
attended GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) meetings.
The three children born to
George W. Arnel and Sarah (Swengan/Rutan) were: Minnie
L. Arnel who married John A. “Jack” Jones and moved to
Kadoka, Jackson County, SD; James Arnel who married
Sadie C. Lorenz and is buried at Kadoka; and Orie Arnel
who never married and died at Westover, Lyman County,

“A Cemetery
Happening –
or what you might run into in a cemetery”
By Lola M.
It was a
clear, sunny and windy South Dakota summer morning
and we were heading west on the interstate when we
turned in at the little town of Kadoka….and I
spotted the cemetery where I KNEW one of my
ancestor’s sisters was buried. It was one of
those family lines that I hadn’t really “dug
into”. Although it was a small cemetery, I
hurriedly walked up and down the rows hoping to
spot her grave marker.
Across the road from the gate from
where we had entered was a farm. I was
intent on reading the gravestones when I looked up
to see a pretty black calf about 3-4 months old
galloping toward me. In an instant of panic
I wondered if I should try to run toward the car
or stand my ground and get trampled – or maybe I
could dodge him. He came through the gate
and disrespectfully stepped on grave sites and
dodged the headstones as he continued toward
me. I looked toward the car where I saw my
husband waving and laughing as he yelled, “he’s
coming to get you”! (a lot of help he was in
my moment of need)
As the calf continued to run straight
toward me, I thought, “Well, this is it. My
obituary will read – dedicated family researcher
trampled to death in cemetery by calf”. My
advantage was that he didn’t have horns – and I
was TALLER than he was. I reached my hands
out in front of me to brace myself as the calf
came to an abrupt halt with his head in my
hands. I quickly regained my composure and
talked soothingly to him as I scratched behind his
ears and rubbed his forehead.
I could hear my husband
laughing loudly as I determined to take side steps
in the direction of the car with the calf
following. My new hairy friend had been
someone’s pet and just came over to say hello and
receive a good scratch. Before we did
any damage to the cemetery I got in the car and we
headed toward the gate – the calf trailing along
behind. As we headed into town, the calf
meandered back across the road to the farm.
I hadn’t found the grave but I
was going into town to the courthouse in search of
information. I couldn’t help but chuckle as
I wondered what kind of critters I might run into
Other Rutan family members in
the Lyman/Brule County SD area related to
this line were the children of John Thomas Rutan
and Lena Caroline Olson: Carl married Frances
Zacek, Emil, Amos married Anna Geditz, Pearl
married Lewis S Nordby. Also, the children of
Peter Rutan and Lena C. Peterson: Jessie married
Ernest Becker, William married Helen Gangard, and
Eva Rose married Morris Eatherton. |
I think she should have allowed the
calf to direct her to the marker she was looking
for! barbara
having information on this family is asked to contact:
Lola M. Weber, 106 Victoria St., Longview, WA 98632,
phone 360-423-8359,