letter from Paul Gerard to
parents Dec. 1941
The following is part of a letter
received by Theo Gerard from his son Paul
who enlisted in the US Air Corps about 18 months
ago and has been at Chanute Field, Rantoul,
Ill. About 20,000 men are now stationed at
the field, where technical instruction is given
to cover many phases of work relating to the US
air service. He writes as follows:
Boy is hell ever a popping
now. Looks like we have a big job on our hands
with Japan, German and Italy. We sure are going
to have to clamp down on things. Here at Chanute
they have armed guards watching everything.
I had to go out to the firing
range last week for pistol practice and i
scored 75 percent hits at 25 yards. We used Bob
targets. They are targets shaped like the human
body from the waste up and all the time you are
shooting, they are moving, which makes them
harder to hit. Between the moving target and the
jump of the 45s, I figure I did pretty good by
getting 75 percent. Any one of my hits, the
instructor said, would kill a man.
Sure wish I could get out of
this office so I could get a crack at those damn
bums. But instead of getting out, they made me
Sergeant Major of this personnel office and is
it ever a job. I have charge of 20 men who do
the biggest share of the paperwork for the
squadron, which consists of about 2000 men. I
catch hell for all of their mistakes and they
make plenty of them, the office force, I mean.
Some of the guys think I'm pretty tough because
when I catch it for their mistakes, I have to
turn right around and jack them up for making
the mistakes. But I guess that's life, at least,
that's life in the army.
Gerard Writes Letter From France
to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Gerard
Jan. 9, 1945
received your most welcome letter day before
yesterday, with all of the clippings from the
Advocate Leader and Gilbert Ross' letter. All in
all, it was a very nice newsy letter and I
enjoyed it very much. Was so sorry to hear that
you are not feeling so good though, Dad. I sure
wish I could be there to help you out so you
could take it easier. Can't you get someone to
do the heavy work? Boy, that will be the day
when I can return to the farm. The longer I am
away, the more I think I would like to be back
on the farm.
I have
written Josephine and asked her how she would
like to be a farmer's wife after this war is
over and she said she would go and do anything I
wanted, bless her heart. I don't know what you
think, but I think I really got a mighty sweet
gal when I married her. She has sure changed my
outlook on life to the better side. A good wife,
two good looking sweet babies, what more could a
guy ask for? You can't guess how much I want to
be home. I'm afraid that son of mine will be
fully grown before I get back if I'm not
careful. I was so sorry to hear that you
wouldn't be able to get down to see them this
winter, and I know there will be a lot of other
folks sorry that you couldn't get down to see
I had a
nice letter from Merle the other day. She seems
to be very happy about her new job. It really
ought to be better for her now that she is
working for the Civil Service instead of with
public hospitals in general. The work should be
easier, too.
reminds me, I owe her a letter. I also owe Dee
and Adeline so I guess I'll have enough to keep
me busy for a few evenings. You see, I write
Josephine every evening if possible, and if I
was to write to all of you as often as I should
I would have a full-time job. So if it seems a
long time between letters you will understand it
isn't because I don't think of you often.
By the
way, will you tell Jerry and Alyce I received
their nice Christmas card and letter, but that I
don't have time right now to answer it, but will
try a little later on. I'm not trying to ignore
them, but after all, they are close to you and
you can pass on what little news I send.
Dad, you
were saying that you had scratched your initials
on the Eifel Tower somewhere, some 44 or 45
years ago. Well, they have the gates locked on
it now so one can't get up inside, but if I'm
ever there again and the gates are open, then I
will try and locate them. It would be fun if I
could find them and scratch mine right under
yours, don't you think?
I was back
to Paris for two days just before New Year's
before I came back up here for duty with this
airborne Engineering Battalion. I think I told
you I was working and guarding German prisoners
of war. I don't mind it so much, but would
rather be up with the fellows that are taking
these Jerries. I'm not very far from the front,
but it is pretty quiet here most of the time.
Just before Christmas was the last time we were
under fire. A Jerry plane came over about
midnight and did a little strafing. There were
no casualties, although we did a little
sweating. Yes! Yes!
I missed
getting the Stars and Stripes during the
holidays, but I have saved a few I will send on
to you soon.
It seems I
am about run down now so I guess I might as well
sign off. Hoping this finds you all well. Write
when you can.