WWII Lets -House, Alden

Lyman County, South Dakota  Genealogy

 Military Letters, WWII

As found in old newsletters.
Transcribed by barbara stallman-speck

Restored   Thursday, March 04, 2010  

  House, Alden    Camp Wichita Falls, Texas

I have 13 days to wait until I start on my Christmas leave. The news doesn't sound very good, but I still have hopes of getting my leave. About 30,000 other guys on the base are also hoping.
   So, they say it doesn't get cold in Texas, huh? Tuesday we had a big storm with high winds and snow. The temperature  dropped down to seven above, but that's cold down here because it's so damp it goes right through everything you have on. The next morning quite a few people were sitting and looking at broken blocks in their cars. I felt lucky when I saw mine was still in one piece. It was frozen some, but not enough to break it.

    I finish school in March or April so i may get out of Texas someday yet. I don't know where I will go from here; it may be B-29, B-36 or jet school or even overseas. I am just going to have t o wait and see.

    In closing I want to say hello to the people in Chamberlain and wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Yours truly,
    Alden L. House