WWII Letters - Huston, Roscoe

Lyman County, South Dakota  Genealogy

 Military Letters, WWII

As found in old newsletters.
Transcribed by barbara stallman-speck

Restored   Thursday, March 04, 2010  


Local Boy Has Interesting Trip   
Roscoe Huston writes home               Camp Clairborne                                                           March, 1941

Dear folks,

We arrived here at 3:30 Monday afternoon and found it very muddy at present. The camp is going to be very nice when it is completed. It is just being built now.

We have electric lights and a gas stove in our barracks. We were issued two sheets, bed, three blankets, a heavy comforter, pillow cases, mattress, cover and still more to be issued yet.

In the kitchen they are fixed with a big gas stove and electric lights and two big electric ice boxes and running water. It sure is a nice looking place. The meals are just swell, we have two good cooks which have most of the credit along with our mess sergeant.

Our tripp from Pierre was a long, tiresome one although we saw a lot of country. Our train picked up the Brookings company at Huron and it picked up more companies all along the way. We got off the train at Council Bluffs, Iowa and took a hike which we all enjoyed after riding all night. Then Sunday afternoon we stopped in Kansas City and took another long hike. From there we rode all night and wound up at Shreveport, La. the next morning where we got off and took another hike. Then we were bound for camp where we landed at 4:00 Tuesday afternoon.

We marched to our company quarters and were assigned to our barrack and don't think for a minute that we didn't enjoy those sheets and mattresses after riding 47 hours on the train.

On our way here we were served our meals right in the pullman coach where we rode. It was cooked by our own cooks in the baggage car. I washed muskets Monday evening and stood guard Saturday night; was a guard two hours and off four hours to sleep or rest 24 hours.

As for myself, I think the army is doing a pretty good job of clothing, feeding and treating us the way they are and also have as good a bunch of officers as we have.