Reuer in States May 1945
Richard Reuer, who joined the navy from Lyman
County over a year ago and located in the east,
is back in the states. He landed in Boston,
Mass., recently with 4,000 or more Yank
soldiers, some with their brides, who are being
discharged from the service.
Richard is on the USS
Hermitage and one of the Boston daily
newspapers gave the landing of the
Hermitage and its cargo a big play and Richard
says in his letter:
I am sending you some papers
from a Boston paper. On the steamer are Richard
Reuer, S1/c Richard Reuer of Reliance; John
Paine, S1/c of Kennebec and Ray Van Pelt, S1c of
I am getting the Advocate
Leader regular now and enjoy reading the
hometown news. Kindly mail the clippings to
Chamberlain as i would like to save them as
We are all on a 48-hour
liberty looking over some of the city. It feels
sort of good to get your feet on land again
after a voyage at sea.
The following news item
appeared in one of the clippings: Almost
lost in a cheering, waving sea of khaki that
comprised 4,000 American soldiers home from
the wars in Europe. 100 hushed and wide-eyed
war brides arrived here today to make their
homes in the New World, sailing up Boston
Harbor on a huge three-decked transport. Tugs,
dwarfed by the big gray ship nosed into
Commonwealth Pier shortly after noon, while
police and fire boats carried out an order
from Mayor Kerrigan to split the skies with
whistles of welcome.
No wonder Richard
wants to keep the clipping for they make some
interesting reading.