Letters, WWII
found in old newsletters.
Transcribed by barbara stallman-speck

Thursday, March 04, 2010
Raymond Stallman's
WWII Letters
These were found
in Aunt Victoria Stallman's treasures after she passed
away and I want to share them, too.
Posted Thursday, March 04, 2010
As you read these letters,
please remember he is full-blood German and many of
his words are spelled as they are spoken in the
family. As I read these,
I remember hearing the
German dialect so familiar to all of us who grew up
Stallman. In some instances I am making notes in Italics to eliminate any
confusion. barbara
interested in having a copy of these letters, please
feel free to copy and paste. barbara
Aberdeen Md July 30,
Dear Mother,
Well Ma, I
guess you’ll be surprised to hear where I am
at. I am way down on the east coast. I am in
the improving grounds. Got here
last night. We were 38 hours on the train and
it was a fast train. I’m feeling fine
and I think this army life is going to be
good. I gained
about 10 pound since I left home. I don’t know
where Clarence Kenobbie is or France Cullen.
France was supposed to leave the same day
I did, but I don’t know which way he went.
I’ve sure seen a lot of the country since I
left home. Well, we were put on detail
work this
morning. I think I’m going to school here for
13 weeks. I think I should be purty good on
machine work when I get let out of here. I
think I
am lucky to get in here. The Srg. just got
done saying that only the upper two percent of
the boys get here. That made me feel good.
My address is
Aberdeen, Maryland. You got to write my name,
Raymond C. Stallman. I will write more when I
through. It sure is a big camp.
The Ordnance Training Center Aberdeen
Proving Ground Maryland Aug.
6, 1942
Dear Sis and
Received your letters tonight and was
glad to hear from you. I am in good shape and
having a good time. I washed my fetigle clotd (fatigue
tonight. That is our everyday clotd. That is
the only thing I don’t like about the army.
There is six of us in a privet room. We can
keep the light on as long as we please and the
rest got to turn theirs off at 9 o’clock.
I can’t tell you everything we see or
do here, it’s against the rule. They sure are
putting us through the mills. We have to learn
more in three weeks than the rest of the camp.
They only put the best in here. The Corp. told
us that only the top 2% of the men get in
here, I think I get to go to school for
eight weeks and then I don’t know where
they’ll send me. Think it will be some
replacement center over X.
They are trying to learn
me how to march and I can’t keep in step. You
ought to see us in some of the marches. They
call off different steps like left march and
we have to turn left and we have to take maybe
10 steps that way and then they call right
march and we go to the right. Well there are
about 70 of us green horns in the platoon and
when they get done calling they cal halt and
we should all be straight in a row and you
should see the boys. They are like a bunch of
people together. Tonight they give us
exercises and we should do it by count and all
together. This was better than a circus the
way we try to keep time.
Here is one I forgot to tell
you about. We went on a 2 ½ mile hike and when
we got there it was in the woods. They had a
pen fenced off in there. They call it the
steeplechase and we should start out in there
and come out where it said and we didn’t know
which way to go. There was about 10 or 15 in
the first bunt (bunch), but the first
thing we had to go true water about 3 feet
deep and then they had log digger low fence.
We start out and we went like hell true the
water and some of them fell down in it. Me and
another kid was in the lead. Well we jump the
wooden fence and got out of the pen and
the rest followed. The Corp. seen it right
away and started to cal us back, but we did
not hear him but it didn’t take us long before
we knew we were lost so we turn around and
went back in and then we went the long way and
when we got back did the rest of the boys
laugh. Then the Corp took the lead in
the next bunt (bunch). He had his sun tans on.
That is our dress suit. He got wet too.
Well we are going on another
hike tomorrow with our bean gun. Well if I
write all I seen and done since I left home I
could write a book.
I am sure glad that you sent that
money to the S&M Finance. Say Albert, did
you get a check from the government for the
storage of the W.S. pickup. If I didn’t, see
Zeke King and tell him to put the last month
pay in my name to say I forgot to give Gaede
2.00 for resale taxes. If you will do it, I
would appreciate it. Say, how much did you
give Don Hamiel? I owe him $16.05 because he
got five gal of gas out of it. Well how
is the old Ford cooling? Did Albert get his
I think I will
close. It hard writing on my belly on my
bed. Your bro, Pvt Ray. My address
is on the envelope.
Dear Mother and all,
Just a few lines to let you know that
I’m still alive and feeling fine. I got a week
and a half of training to go yet. I’m laying
around and waiting for my name to be
call for caden school. That is for to see if I
am good enough to be a Corp.
Well I got back from Baltimore Sunday
night OK and that is a big town to most of the
town I was in. They sure treat the soldier
boys well and when I get my first check from
the army I think I go to New York City for a
weekend. I don’t know yet if I stay here or go
someplace else. I will let you know.
Well today is the 21st
of Aug and I didn’t have time to finish
this letter before we been going to lecture
the last few day. Last night we was to a auto
mechanic and I was going to see if I can get a
past for Saturday and Sunday again. A friend
of mine got out of the hospital today and he
want me to go along.
Well I got your letter today and was
glad to hear from you. Didn’t you get two
letter and a card from here and that packig?
Well I got a letter from Frances about two
week ago and she told me that you didn’t know
where I was yet. Well I took a some insurance
at Ft. Levenworth and band stand and I am
going to sent the paper as soon as I find out
if mail go through right. Say you said you got
my picture. Well there is three of them in
that frame. You can give one to Albert and Ann
and one to Fred or keep all of them. Well I
will close because we got to turn the light
off at eleven o’clock. With love your son, Ray
P.S. I’m going to sent my
letter by air mail from now on. We can’t get
stamp here but one of the Serg is going to
town tonight and get me some.
They sure are pounding a lot of stuff
in our heads and they tell the quite we learn
the better we’ll be off. But they are having a
hell of a time trying to learn me to march. I
take too big a step. We took a 2 ½ mile march
out to the wood then we had a steeplechase
that was like the old days but better. Every
night we get to put our sun tan suit on before
we eat. Well the Lt. Serg gave us a inspect
yesterday and when he was checking my clothes
he saw that my belt was getting too short and
he asked why they gave me a belt that was too
short in Leavenworth and I said it wasn’t too
short when they gave it to me. I said I gain
about 12 to 15 pound. So I got a new belt. I
wear a 36
now so I think I get a 40 in belt. They sure
got the stuff here. My address is on the
envelope. I made a mistake on the rest but it
get here anyway because I got the right
company on it. Your son, Raymond C.
Baltimore, Md. Sept 6, '42
Dear Mother and all,
Just laying around in the club room
this afternoon. Well I move last night to a
different part of the camp. I am in Co. B 7th
now. I start my school in the morning. I don’t
know how long they keep me in there but it
don’t make no difference on my address because
the company commander knows where I go. You
should see us move. We put everything in two
big bags and toss it on our back and start off
with it. It weighs about 120 pound. We carry
it about two mile but isn’t so hard. We was on
one trip last week and we had a lot of fun
there. We went swimming every night and I was
the lifeguard. There were six of us. The rest
go in for 30 minutes all them out and the life
guard go in, but we could stay in longer and
go out farther in the bay and we could take
the row boat too The only thing I didn’t
like about that trip was that we had to sleep
on the hard ground in our little pup tent and
the mosquitos was bad. About half of the guys
got poison Ivory when we went through the
wood. I think they could just about turn me
loose any place and I could find my way back
now. We learned how to get around in a strong
wood and hilly country.
Well I hear you got company from Iowa.
The Weber and aunts Soper (Sophie ?) is along. How
does she like Dak.? I suppose you is done
combine by now. They don’t have no farm
land in this country. I only saw two horse
since I left home, no chicken or cow. The
grass don’t do very good here either.
I got a letter from Frances and
she told me that you had the Iowa people there
and got a letter from Cyrill Reiling too. I
don’t know how she got my address. I will
close. This pen isn’t so good what they
give us. Here everybody used them. The
same as ever, Your son, Ray
Sept. 21, 1942
Dear Ma and all,
Just a note to let you know
that I am fine and still gaining waite. I
started out with a 36 in belt and that just
got too short so I got a 40 inch and I got
only a inch to go. I don’t know how much I
wait now. The last time I waite 165 pound but
I am sure I will beet 170 by now so that isn’t
Well it be two month tomorrow since I
left home but it don’t seem that long. The
time going fast since I started school. I am
in the Specially Velator, that is army car.
I’m sure glad I got in the Ord. Training
Camp. Don’t do no marching no more. Well
did you get the big Company picture and could
you fine me? My name is Raymond, S.C..
on it. I wrote it wrong on the card. When I
get home I’ll show you al of my friends on it.
So did you get any of my Deferr Bond
paper or stamp alot (yet?). They say they sent
it to you. I am senting the received (receipt) home and you can
put it in with the rest of my paper or
keep them yourself. Well what did Ben have to
say about being in the army? I bet he had a
line. Will close, the light is going out. Your
son, Raymond
P.S. Well the light went out
before I finit (finished) last night so I
tell you what I done today. We study the
difference kind of brake that are on car and
truck and how they work. I be here at least
three week yet anyway. Then I hope they sent
me to Calf. They got a new Ord. Camp there. If
they do I am going to see if I could get a few
day off to come home. But they don’t say
anything until the day before.
Dear Mother and all,
Received your letter today and was
glad to here that you are all well out there.
I’m feeling fine and is getting heaver
(heavier) every week. I wade myself the other
day and I wade 170 pound. That is I gain 21
pound since I got in the army. I got two
tooth pull Saturday. The one in front that was
loose and the one which was dekay for a long
I am sure doing good in my school
work. I got an average of 90 in my test and
like it. Went I get through with it there
won’t be a peace of a car that I won’t be able
to fix. We are learning about battise (batteries) and electrical
now. I got seven day left in back shop then we
go on another bevaioca (bivouac) for three days.
That will be two more night in our pup
tent. I don’t suppose they tell you
about the weather out here but today is the
first cool day we had and it was 45
above. It would be that cold, but they had
snow in Ill. The termoler (thermometer) drop to 20 above
and the wind was in the north west all day.
Well how is Ive O Tool now. Is
she alwrite again or is she still skinny. I
hope she is OK. I wrote her a letter
yesterday. Guess who was here to visit us
yesterday? None other that Mrs. Franklin
D. Roosevelt. She sure is a big lady and ugly.
And today we had another visitor, the Gov. of
Maryland and another big shot. I think there
was about 30,000 of us standing there to hear
the speech.
Well it take about 5 to 8 day for me
to get your mail. You see I am in a difference
company now. Well I got a surprise the
other day. Lawrence wrote me a letter. I guess
he want to know how the army is. Its OK ash
for ash. I’m getting a lot of fall education
which I wouldn’t got at home. Say is
Paul till using my car? If he want to
keep on using it I could make a deal with him.
So you can let me know what is what. Will
close, Your son, Ray As everly
Dec -2-42 Dear Sis and all,
Received the start of a book you
wrote to me. Well I am still fine but feel a
little stiff today. Was to a dance in
Baltimore last night. Had all of the eating
and drinking free but the dance ticket was
$2.00. and that was bad but on the way back on
the bus I went to sleep and when I woke
up my good Garrison hat was gone. They only
cost $3.50. Anyway we had a good time.
It been raining for the last two week.
Tonight it snow a little bit and turn cold. I
think I dig down to the bottom of my barrack
bag and get my G. I. longer (long
johns) in the
Well I got a letter from Tinnie (Teenie
Kenobbie) the
offer (other) day. He say he was in the hospital
but not what for.
Well I only got three week left after
this one and am I glad. They make the class
stuffer all the time. Was on the electrical
last week and this week we got carburetor, a
difference kind each day. Our instruck (instructor)told us today that
our class is good since we been here. You see
we really don’t fine out our grade but I was
sitting beside him when he put mind down. If
we get below 80 we have to go to night school
3 hrs ever night for a week. There is only 9
of us and he say we will all gragurlation (graduate) with good grade
and I think that I be a Sgt. then and then I
get ship out. I hope west. I mike get a chance
to stop at home maybe then.
I think I stay in camp the rest of
the month so if I do get a leave I have a
little money to go on. They held some of it
back last month. Well I got one war bomb
bought already and start on the next.
What do you mean about a nice Thanksgiving.
Don’t you know that I am till in the army. One
day is just like the after. Anyway we did have
a great turkey with ice cream and cupcake, a
glass of cider and cranberry and I don’t know
if I get off for Xmas. That be our last day of
school. They mike give us a test a day early,
I hope so. Well this life is like South Dakota
- alway living on hope.
Say I am sending a letter I got from
a girl in Ill. I don’t know her. She send some
stuff to me on my birthday so I thank her for
it and put a little bull shit with it
and I been getting a letter every week from
her. You should saw the answer I wrote to her
and I am going to get a picture of a huge girl
and put her name behind it and sent it and
tell her she don’t look so good. I used to go
with her sister-in-law back in Iowa in
1934. Love, Ray
Dec. 6, 1942 Dear
Mother and all,
Well I received your letter today
which you mail Nov. 14 and the after day I got
two letter that was mail Oct. 26. We got a
poor mail sivere (service) here. Well it cool
off here a little bit. It about 30 above or
more, but it feel like 10 above. And I
am doing OK in school so far. It is a pretty
stiff course but the next three week be
easier. It work which I’ve done before so I
think I will make it OK. Any way I am right in
there with the best. I got in one of the best
course in school.
Well I hear Hank made purty good
on his corn in Iowa. Say I am going to
sent a box of stuff home one of these day of
all my test paper and you can let Paul look at
them but I want to keep them and check over
some of the stuff when I get home which I
don’t think will be long. The time past pretty
fast here. It won’t be long before Christmas
and that the day I graguralate (graduate) from school, if
they don’t send me some place for more school
which I don’t care but I would like to get out
of this country. I seen all of the east I want
to. I
want to go wet but my chance will be slim.
They ship me to some place I don’t want to go
but I can take it. Well I don’t know of much
This is the third week I am staying in
just to save on my billfold just in case a
merle (miracle) happen after school is out. I been
back to Phillie a few time since but I didn’t
get to see Mrs. Bob Lowestuter. She is a
nice lady and they are a nice couple. He mike
have to go to the army too. Will close, Cpl. Ray, 7th
P.O.T.C Aberdeen Proving Gd,
Maryland p.s. Did you get those
pictures of me and the boy in basic
Dec - 19- 42 Transferring to
Texas Dear Sis Bro and all,
Thanks for the present. Received it
Wed. Would write sooner but I was waiting to
see what they was going to do with me when I
graduate and I heard the good news tonight.
Well you know the song “South of the Border
Down Mexico Way”. Well that is where I’ll be
Xmas. I’ll be way down and deep in the heart
of Texas. Ft. Bliss Texas will be my new home.
I won’t freezer the balls off there because I
can go over in Mexico. I bet I’ll be able to
do some fast dancing when I get back.
There is a lot of boy here and they
want to trade place with me. They say it is a
fine country. Well they can keep me in Texas
for three month then to Calf for three month
and then over to African and all through the
old country and then back home. That will be
all I want to see of the world.
Well did you get the picture I sent
you. I was going to take a bunt but when I got
back from church I got chow then I lay down
and fell asleep and didn’t wake up till it was
chow time again and it was too dark to take
picture but I am going to get a few of this
camp before I’ll leave. I was stay on the post
pretty good last month. Didn’t leave for four
week but if I get a past (pass)
tomorrow night I sure am going to raise
hell. It be the last time in this clold. And I
going to get the address of the camp in Texas
so you can write the next letter to me there.
And you can tell Ma that I am going to Texas
where the broon (?) is out of the casge (cage?) now. I will write as soon as I get there
and tell you what I can learn there.
I leave here Wed. noon. Graduate at 9
in the morn Wed. I’m invited out to a
home-cooked chicken dinner and don’t think I
am going to past it up. It will be a long ride
to Texas and just as far from home.
Say you can put this address on my
next letter and I will get it. Ass
37449183 Ord. Dept. 7th Cav. Div.
Ft. Bliss Texas and when I get station I
give you my correct to the company I’ll be. I
think it the 337 but I am not sure. Good
bye and love, Ray
Dec. 21, 42 Dear Mother,
Received your letter tonight and
thanks a lot. Well I foun out where and it is
a place I always want to see it, Ft. Bliss,
Texas, right on the line of New Mexico. I
leave Wed. noon and get down there Xmas night.
Three day and three night on the train. It
straight south of Denver, Col. It is nice and
warm there. It sure got cold here since
Saturday. It was about five above this
morning. There sure is a bunch here want to
trade place with me. I’m the only one in my
class who is going. The rest is staying on
this post. Someone told me that was the
biggest camp in the world. I’m sure getting a
lot of Xmas card this week.
Well I can’t write much till I get
there and I’m pretty busy tonight. Just got
done washing my clold and got to get a haircut
yet. Tomorrow night I got to pack the bag so
it is ready to ship. Well I can give you my
address now so I will get my mail down there.
It is Cpl. Raymond C. Stallman A55 374
49183 Ord. Dept. 1th Cov. Div. Ft.
Bliss, Texas. You put that on and I will get
it but I don’t know what the number of the
company is.
Jan 10 1943 Ft. Bliss Texas Dear
Mother and all,
Just a line to say that I am fine and
like it down here in Texas. Was over in old
Mexico last night and we had a good time. When
we were there we did need a radio because
evere place we went a Mexico [artiones] a
singing. I was down and saw the two-man
submarine this afternoon which they captured
in 1941 and took four picture of it.
I am taking a $10.00 a month bond
money now. Say did you get the package I sent
you of all my paper from Aberdeen. I got two
package coming from Aberdeen and didn’t
get it yet. I don know if it is lost or they
are slow in getting here. Well I am going to
sent the picture to Albert and Ann and they
can show it to you when I get them develop.
The weather is real nice out here. If I every
get back to S. Dak. And when it cold I freeze
to death. Even saw a little (?) the after day
but now it is all gone. Well if I don’t hafto
do anymore then I have been the last two week
I have an easy life here. Will close till the
next time. Your son, Ray
1-15-43 Dear Ma,
I rec your letter and was glad to
here from you. I till ok an like it here. I
got a bunt of picture I sending home and you
can let the rest of the folk see them. There
is to of the Japan submarine an a bunt of the
football game at the Sun Bowl near hear. They
walk from here to the game. And I will write
behind a few of them so you can know where it
was taken. Those that I don’t write behind is
take at the game. Maybe Paul can take them over to Fred
(Nissen) and let him and the kid see
them. Well I got a cartoon of cigarette from
Fred. It took nearly a month to get to me. He
send them to Aberdeen and they send it back
here. Will close, Ray
Feb. 4 – 43 Dear Mother and
Rec. your letter today and also one
from Iva O’Tool. She till work in the seed
store in Breda. They celetabrate John 25th
anniverd and was quite a party the way she
say. Well I feel fine out here. The
weather is real nice all the time. Don’t need
no coat and winter underwear here. I’m busy
working in the shop every day. We only put in
6 hr a day from five o’clock an we don’t do
anything though with supper and all.
Shure are quite a few baby born there
isn’t there. The first I got a letter from
Mrs. Doc Grimshaw about their kid then Mrs.
Don Hamiel she drop a letter and told me
about their boy Kent Lindley and now you wrote
about Albert and Ann (Pegge). We can’t take any more picture on the
past (I think this means while on pass or on post) so I
don’t know what I do with my camer now.
There sure a nice gang here. We
go to a show every night. There is a
difference picture and we are only about five
block from the theater. There is one on each
side of us. Will close until the next time.
Good as ever, Your son, Ray
Feb – 4 -43 Ft. Bliss, TX
Dear Mother and All,
Received your letter was glad to hear
from you. I sure enjoy my time here at this
post. Most of the boy here been here two year
or more and they are friendly. Say you don’t
need to send me anything because we get cake
or pie everyday and I hang around the kitchen
with the cook. We go to the show every night
together. I saw more show here than I would in
a year at home. I was figure on coming home in
April but I change my mind in a hurry because
they put up a notice that said all furlough
are cancelled so I don’t know when I get there
now. They are keeping me busy fixing up the
truck(s). I got a letter from my buddy in
Aberdeen. He say he wish they send him down
here with me but his company is full. They
sent a bunt of poor men out last week.
Its just like summer out here now. I
never had my jacket on for over two week. They
been irrigate the lawn and the grass is green.
I was always figuring on getting my picture
taken but never got around to it but in
Aberdeen they were too high. Two and a half
for one picture. Here it cheaper. Well I
know more but I can’t write it so will close
with good luck. Your son, Ray
Apr 22 1943 Dear
Received your letter and was glad to
hear from you. Well you think S. Dak. is
dry. You should live here for awhile. It only
sprinkle three time since I’ve been here but
its never cold. I never wore my jacket since I
was here.
Say did I tell you that Merlon Schelle
and the Bounhaunt (Bohnekamp?) girl are going
to get marriage in June. I think the will be a
double wedding. Two of the girl and one of the
Wagemen boy. I know it since Jan. but I keep
forget to tell you. I didn’t hear from Chas.
Schelle or Reiling for over two month but I
spose they are busy putting in there crop.
Well were out in the desert a few
weeks ago and stay there a week. We walk out
to it. It took us 5 hr 15 minute to make 23
miles. We took the cake on the fastest time in
every walk made. Well we haven been very busy in the
shop the last few week so we go there and lay
around till the next [wercke] (wreck) come in. Well so long till the next time. Your
son, Ray
May 12 1943 Dear Mother,
Received your letter the after day.
Been pretty busy the past few week. We are
move off this post. Going west I think. Let
you know later on. Say when my bonds come and
you need a little money just take it to the
bank and cash a few. I got them so you can
cash them an no one else beside me.
Clara Schelle wrote me that Grandma (Mary Bernadina) Stallman die. They
were to the [funture] at Carroll and she also
wrote about aunt Berning dieing. I get all the
new from Carroll from a girl name Terlisner. I
think you know her folks. You think S. Dak is
dry. You should live here. It only [sprinker] three times since
I been here.
Well I don’t know of much news only
that I’m till fine and hope to stay that way a
long time. I hear that Henry is figure on
going to the army. If he does he sure will
learn something. Well I will close. I got to
write a letter to Leona yet. Your son,
Ray p.s. They got more church on this
post then we got houses in Reliance. Easter
Sunday they had Mass out in the open about
8,000 soldiers was there.
No date
Dear Mother,
Received your letter a few day back
but I was waiting for my picture so I could
sent it along. Well I’m fine and it begin to
get hot here now. Around a 100 in the shade. I
took out another $5,000.00 insure so I think
you will get the polices one of these days and
I also am buying a bond a month now. I don’t
know if you receiver any of them yet. If you
did and you need some money you can cash one
in at the bank. Well I haven’t got much new
and it about show time so I will close. I’m
getting along fine.
When you see my picture you will see
that I am happy. I think they are good
picture. I’m going to get six more made and
sent a few extra. Good luck, your son, Ray
June 13 1943 Dear Mother,
Got back ok. The train was 7 hrs late
when it got to El Paso. There was 30 of us
that was late. They only put our name on the
broad and they didn’t do anything to us. I’m
on KP today. From Sioux City to Kansas City
nearly everything is under water. The river is
over the bank. I came back on an altogether
difference route than I did when I went home
on account of the flood between Omaha and
Kansas City. There were a few bridge wash out.
Got a letter from Phine. She said
everything is under water there too. I sure
sleep last night. I lay down on top of the bed
and felt asleep and when I woke up it was
morning so I didn’t have to dress to go to
work. Will close till the next time and the
gang is still the same old outfit. Your
son, Ray
Saturday – 43 (No month
given) Dear Mother and all,
Well I’m in California now and the
air is a lot frester here then it was in the
dust bowl. Well
I’m feeling good and didn’t get to go to town
yet. I was figure on going to the show tonight
but there is a big crowd out in front so I
guess I will wait till to morn (tomorrow) nite. The weather here is about the same
here as it was in home when I was there. You
may already got my new address from Albert. If
you haven’t it on the envel. Your son, Ray
June 12 – 43 Admirality Island Dear
Mother and all.
Received your letter of May 28. It
sure made good time. Well everything is till
ok out here in the jungle. The only thing is
we getting darn tire of living this way. No
place to go I’ve been all over this island So
I guess we got to waite till they tell us to
move. So Henry got his furlough already. What
does he think of the Navy. I know that
Lawrence Nanneman was coming out there a few
month ago. I receive those stamp ok and I got
plenty now. Got some from the post ofter here.
We are not doing much now days. Been
going to show every night to pass the time
away. I sent you a $80.00 money order about
two month ago. I also cancel my bond then to
but I don’t know how long it take for them to
stop them from coming so if you don’t receive
any more it because there isn’t any. I will
receive all my pay here.
Phine write that they got all there
corn in but it sure is wet out there and they
say they had a few storm near by. Will close
with good luck, Your Son Ray
July 25-1943
Australia Dear Mother and
Well I didn’t hear from you for a
long time an I guess you think the same of me.
I’m hear in Australia now an feel good all the
time. Got a letter from Frances and one from
Josephine Reiling today. I bet Frances will be
surprised the next letter she get from me. Say write me the letter in a V-Mail
like this one and I get it quiting (quicker?)
Everything is ass-back ward here.
Look like the sun get up in the west. It may
don’t for all of me. (?) Well have to close it
getting dark and I will write more the next
time. This as every, Your son, Ray
Aug 7 43 Dear Mother and all,
Just a line to let you know that I
till feeling fine. Well it won’t be long until
spring here in Australia. How was the crop out
there this summer. They close all the store
here on Saturday and Sunday so it don’t pay to
go to town then and weekday it close at 6:00.
Even the money is altogether difference here.
The house is built on pole about six or seven
feet above the ground. We have been keep
pretty busy.
I got a letter from Frances last week
and she thought I forgot her. And a few letter
from Iowa about two week ago. One said that
Mrs. Chas Schelle got a baby boy. But Phine
did say any think about it. Well I hope to
hear from you all pretty soon. Your son,
Aug 17-43 Dear Mother and all
Received your letter today. I till
feeling good but is working every day and
doing the same work. I been getting a little (letter
– he always writes little) from
Frances every week and she is wonder why I
don’t answer but she should know by now. I got
some little in less than ten day from her and
Celine (?). Frances say the grain wasn’t so hot
and also that Albert bought the Ludwig place.
Never did hear from them.
Got a few little from Kenobbie
and Renner the last few week. Say who sent the
card that put the APO number in wrong. It’s
A.P.O. 201 instead of 4552 but if you have
already mail it I will get it.
Well I spend the 4th just
like I spent xmas so you know what I was
doing. So Henry is figure on going back to
Iowa. You know where he is going to get his
machine from.
Well I will close an answer Wayne
Schelle little. He told me about his new son
Ronald Francis and they are getting ready to
cut grain. Good as every. Your Son Ray
Aug. 23 – 43 Dear Mother and all.
Just a line to say I till fine and
hope you are too. We’re till here in
Australia. I’m going up town to morn
(tomorrow) afternoon and look the town over in
the day time. I’m till doing the same work.
In another month it will warm up
quite a bit here. At night instead of look up
at the North Star or the Big Dipper we look at
the Southern Cross.
Where did Albert put his house at on
the farm. Down in the corner where the old one
was. I never did here from them the last three
month. I spose they are pretty busy getting
the place fix up. I’m number(ing) all of the little so you will know
if you are getting all of them.
I heard that dad went back to Iowa
for the summer. I will close. Hoping this
little will reach you in the best of health.
Your Son Ray
Aug 31 -43 Dear mother and all
Just a line to say I till fine. I
heard that you were in Iowa with Leone when
she was so sick. How is she getting along.
Frances say she was a little better when she
That was Aug the 12. Her mail got here in 10
to 14 day. We had quite a feed in our
ten the other night. A couple of the boy came
back from town and brought back a roast duck
and a chicken. We set up and eat it all but
none of us got up to eat chow the next
morning. I
only miss two night that I didn’t see a show
and it sure isn’t must (much) to write
about. And I will close and hoping that
Leona be ok when I hear from you. As every,
Your Son Ray
Sept. 19 – 43 Australia
Dear Mother and all,
Received your letter about a week ago
but I didn’t have a way to get it mail. We
were out at a propble (?) I’m till fine
and till feeling good. I got a letter from
Frances the 23 of Aug and she told me that
Leona was very sick and also say that she was
there. How is Albert coming with his farm
building. Mertver Schelle left for the army
the 18 of Aug.
I been out to a barn dance and had a
lot of fun. There was five of us and two
Australia soldier and the rest civilian. It
was just a accident that we run across the
place. .32 cent for the dance and supper
ticket. But whiskey cost $10.00 a quart. Too
high to drink very must of it.
I did sent $50.00 home the first of
the month so let me know if you get it so I
can tear up the receipt. And I also took out
another bond so you will get two $25.00 bond a
month. So you know I won’t drink too must at
that price. Air mail is fastest then U Mail.
Your son, Ray
Nov 14 – 43 Australia Dear
Mother and all.
Received your little today and one
yesterday. I only got four little from you
since I been home. Some time it take over a
month for a little to get here and some time I
get them in10 or 12 day. I guess it was a long
time since I wrote to you. I’ve been pretty
busy up in the shop. I’m feeling as good as
every. I got a little from the Legion boy and
they say a lot of the boy was home on
furlough. Well I hope my next furlough be for
ever and I hope it won’t be too long. Its kind
of look good.
Got a package from Frances today. A
couple carton of cigarettes. We get our
cigarettes cheap here. If Frances knew that we
only paid 4c a package for it she would sent
something else. Sure got a pretty package from
Chas and Mamie Schelle the after day. She sent
everything that we can't get here and a
picture of the hold family.
I didn’t tell you that I’m taking out
a $50.00 bond ever month now starting
Sept. and I will sent some more money next
month after I know it will get home ok. I
didn’t go no place this month but I think they
getting to give me a four day leave to a rest
camp [sponser] by the Red Cross.
I get to see Alven Mahekal (Michalek) once in awhile.
He is about five mile from us.
I got a package that I getting ready
to sent home and you pick out the thing you
want and give Ann the rest. Got a book that I
don’t know if I can sent you. I got to waite
till Lt, Burg find out for me. The weather
sure warm up lot since the 25th of
July and it rain a lot. We got our shop fix
prety good so we don’t have to work in the
rain. I have two little you wrote a month
apart and I got them a day apart. Well there
isn’t much to write about here and every thing
is OK. Your son Ray
Nov. 29 – 43 Australia
(On American Red Cross Service Club
stationery) Dear Mother and all.
Just a note to say I’m fine. I
final got my four day pass and it is out hear
on the beach where we can go swimming and
fishing. Going to a difference town to morn to
look at the soo (zoo?). I’m going to take my first
Australia train ride which will be quite a
trill. I was out looking at difference kind of
build that they raise here this morning. It is
a nice warm day here today. We’re having a lot
of wet weather.
I sent a package home about a week
ago. Don’t know how long it take to get there.
You can take what you want and give Ann the
rest. Say did you sent me a package or did
Ann. I know Ann sent one but it look like your
writing. I spose you know that Rich and Mary
got a baby girl last month. Iva O’Tool wrote
me about it. Will write more about my pass
after I get back to camp. Your Son Ray
Dec. 5 – 43 Australia Dear
Mother and all
Just a few line to say that I’m fine
and back at camp after my four day pass. We
went swimming in the ocean and also fishing. I
caught over 30 fish myself. We went out quite
a way. We spent one day just riding the bus
and the train. The train here is like riding
the freight train at home. We also look at the
difference kind of animal and bird that they
got in the soo and we also went though the
museum. We been having some pretty nice
weather the last few day. I got a Xmas card
from Victoria last night.
I sopose it get pretty cold at home
by now. Frances say that they sure got a lot
of snow in Iowa. Well it chow time now and I senting
you a calendal and a card of Australia and if
--- (the rest has
been cut out by the censor.) Your Son Ray
Dec 9 -43 Australia Dear
Mother and All.
Just a short letter to say I’m fine
and am writing this at noon hour. I’m enclose
a money order for fifty dollar to you. I saw in the Yanks magazine that Spike
Vogle and Alvin Morris had a
gun [batter] (battle) at Kennebec and Spike
got kill. Got a long letter from Ann last
night. She said there been a lot of wedding
there the last month. Well we are all pretty busy now. How
is the weather out there this winter. Have it
been very cold yet. It getting warming here
every day and more mosquitoes.
(It always amazes me that he misspells
so many words then comes up with the correct
spelling for mosquitoes, etc!) Well I ain got must new so will
close and let me no when you get this money
order. Your Son Ray p.s. We’re
having roasting ear for dinner today.
Apr 3 – 44 Admiralty Island Dear
Received your letter. The boys
brought it up from the after (other) island the after
night. This is the first letter I wrote since
I got here. Everything quiet down here now.
You can tell Windy Bill Cullen if he
want those thing he told me to get when I left
I can get them by the dozen for him. Ha ha. I
made me a couple of ring out of Jap bomber.
That is the only plane I saw out here.
They tell me the boy back at camp got
the place all fix up and got light and the
show starter (started?). I guess it won’t be
long till I go back. I’m out on a contract (?)
party fixing up the car and truck. I like it
here a lot better than I did in New Guinea. It
isn’t so hot and wet here. Only receive two letter in better
than a month but when they do get here it will
be a lot. One boy receive over forty the other
night Xmas card and all. Your letter got here
in 20 day. Your Son Ray
Apr 9 43 Admiralty Island
Dear Mother
Just a couple line to say I’m OK and
we got our shop all fix up now. We are on a
cement floor in a Jap warehouse which was full
of food. We got a good place to take a
bath. It’s a stream out of a mountain (I
think that’s what it says … b)
I receive Frances letter but did not
ans it because she said she was going to leave
the first of Apr and I got the letter the 2th.
So Henry got in the Navy. How did he get
transfer from the Army. I didn’t see the
company for nearly a month now. We are
detached over on a difference island to do the
work. They had the native to build a church
here out of palm leave and it sure look nice.
I’ve got some Jap sounerus (souvenirs?) and made a ring
out of some of the piece I got off a Jap
bomber. Well there wasn’t any Easter buffet
here last night so we didn’t get any eggs
today. Your package didn’t get here yet unless
they came on the ship the last few day. Every
move we make we get a little closer to home.
As always Your Son Ray
Apr 12 1944 Admiralty Island
Dear Mother
and all
I received your letter and package to
day. Sure was glad to get it. Now I can give
the boy back the blade I got from them.
They were the right kind. The Gem is the best
kind. They will last me a long time. I was
sure glad to get this paper. We just can’t get
tablet here at all. I found this pen the after
day and fix it up and is using it. It is
using Jap ink in it. It is not as dark as our
ink. My pen and stuff is on the after island.
I haven’t got much stuff here. Sure glad of
We’ve got the place all fix up now
with electric light and there is only twelth
of us and we get along nice. Been keeping us
prety busy the last few day. The way we got
this place clean up you would (n’t) think there every
was a Jap on it. The Lt. got a package to day too an
he just past it around to us boy. I don’t
think these envelop do much good unless I find
some stamp. Our mail is free by train from San
Francisco but not by air. Every thing is fine
here. Thank for the package. As all way Your
Son Ray
May 14 1944 Admiralty
Dear Mother
Just a few line to let you know I am
fine. Well how is everything out there. Didn’t
hear from no one the last two week. Only one
from Merlin Schelle. He over in England. He
like it OK over there. Well I’ve been
inspection vehicle the last few weeks now
after every thing else is done.
Well this the secent Mother day that
I’ve put in the army. I hope it the last
one. I’ve been on all of the islands
around here. We left Brisbane Aust on
the 18th of Dec. and spent 25th
at Corinas (?) on a boat. Got to Guinea on 29th
near Burma. We were there two month and two
week and here two month.
Say did Paul get [lison] (license) for my car this
year. If he did he mine be able to get me a
new tire. If he can he can take the money out
of my account. I got a Japnese tire here that
I would like to sent home but went I get time
I’m going to see the Capt about it. And I
think I will cancel my bond too. I sent the
cash home so I will have a little cash when I
get back. I suppose you folk got all the grain
and corn in by now. Well we haven’t start yet.
We have got all of the jungle clean out yet
and the coconut pick up. Well I don’t seem to
think of any thing more to write only that we
have a show here about three time a week. So I
will close. p.s. Say where did Frances
go to.
I didn’t hear from her since Feb the last time
she said she was leaving home but I didn’t
know where she was going. Your Son Ray
Received a letter from Frances tonite.
June 3 – 1944 Admiralty Island
Dear Mother and all
Received your letter and the stamp.
Thanks a lot for them and they were in good
shape but about two week ago I got about half
a pound worth at the [postaftice]. A half a
pound is $1.60 so I got quite a few left and I
can get some air mail [envolt] (envelope) here. Say I stop
all of my bond so if they stop coming it is
because there isn’t any more. I’m going to
sent the cash home from here so I will have
plenty of ready cash went I get back. I’m also
enclose $80.00 in money order in this letter.
Well in a few day it will be a year
since I been home and eleven month ago today I
left the state. It don’t seem that long. So
Henry was home on leave. How does he like the
navy. How long was he home. So Frances and
Lawrence Nanneman were out there to for a few
day. Lawrence sister Mary wrote that he figure
on getting a furlough and was going out to
Dakota. Well tell Paul that I be home next
year to celebrate his birthday so have him
save a few good bottle of whiskey for me. That
one thing that we don’t see out here. Well it
sound like you got plenty of rain out there
this year and it pretty wet around Breda too.
Well I can’t think of much to say that
every thing is all right with me and we all
are getting guten tire (good and tired) of this jungle
[lift] (life) but I guess we live through it OK. I always though that live out here in
the coconut grove would be nice but it isn’t
as cool and shady as it look in the
moves. Hoping you get this letter and
money order OK. As always and lot of
good luck Your Son Ray
July 12 – 1944 Admiralty
Island Dear Mother and all
Receive your letter of June 24 and
was glad to hear that every thing is all right
and the crop look good. I would of worte
sooner but I was gone. Was in New Guinea again
but is back. Spent the 4th like I
did last year. Took a plane down. It sure feel
good to get up where it cool. To get up. The
after day I got a Breda paper. The one were
Bill put the peace I worte and I
also see that Arthur Neiland is till alive in
the Philapine. It was over two year since they
heard of him.
Kate worte that Henry went to
Virginia to finish his training. I sure wish
that I was in the navy then here. It is more
of an enjoyment life then the army. I’ve
talk to a bunt of boy who came from that camp
were Henry is. They were there in April and
May. I met them in Guinea and rode back here
with them and the biggest kick I got was when
one of them ask how much they charge for steak
and beer out here in the town. They though it
be like in the US and I told them they had to
forget all that till we get back to the state.
It didn’t appear to them very good but the get
use to it like the rest of us. We got this
island fix up like a city but no place to go,
only show.
Well there is much left of the
Grimshaw family only Doc. Well I will close.
It just about time to back to work and some of
the boy is going to play ball with another
outfit. Your Son Ray p.s Didn’t you
receive the letter with the money order
in that I sent the first of June.
Aug 6 1944 Admiralty
Island Dear Mother and all
Just a few line to tell you I’m fine.
Well I suppose you are all though harvest by
now. Well we beat you through this year but we
harvest difference stuff then they do back in
the state. Now we’re waiting to go some place
else and start again. Ann worte to say Henry
is in the hospital in Virginia. I think it
mostly homesickness. It wasn’t as easy
out there as he had when he was at his
boots training camp. He has to do work when
they want him to eight hours night or day. He
get used to it.
Say I’m sending a box home with some
stuff in it. A P.38 plane that I build. It
made out of Jap shell the two back shell,
Aussie 30.cal. in the middle, our 50. clb in
front. The wing [speard] (spread) is a 75 mm
like the base of the big shell I got in the
box. I’m going to put the plane on it after I
get back. The rest is Jap equipment and quite
a bit of Australia money which I will made
some thing out of after I get back. There is a
ring in there that I made out of a [florin]
Say if Paul can run across a good 41
or 42 coupe and it price is pretty reasonable
he can trade my car in on it and the next
check I send home will be a big one or if he
can sell my car for a good price sell it.
Ann worte that all the girl was
home for the 4th but Herman had the
same old excuse that he couldn’t get a man. I
don’t know how long it take for the box to get
Say you can sent me some more razor
blade and after shave lotion. Well there isn’t
much news on this place. It only about 30 mile
around the outer edge so it is no big.
Your Son Ray
Aug 26 1944 Admiralty
Island Dear Mother and all
Receive your letter alright. Was glad
to hear from you. We are all allright but here
we are till fixing up the camp and cleaning it
up fill up the water hold (hole).
Well I’m sending a few picture. One of
the native village and their boat and one of
an air picture of a peace of this island and a
native girl holding a litter (little) pig. The
Jap had quite a few hog here and a few
cow and chicken.
I suppose you received the
letter about Paul to look for a 41 or 42
coupe. Well tell him to take his time and get
a good one cause it be quite a while before we
get back.
We got quite a way to get
to Tokyo. I wish I could go through there then
across China an come back across the Atlantic
Ocean. That would be going around the world
then. Well there is any news around here yet
so will close. Your Son Ray.
Sept 10 1944 Admiralty Island Dear
Mother and all
Just a few line to say every thing is
and there isn’t any more news only that the
coupe news sound good. I’m enclose two money
order in this letter, the amount to $160.00. I
was going to sent it last week but I been over
on a difference island inspection so didn’t
get it mail. I suppose you notion
that the bond quit coming. I’m getting the
cash here and senting it home in money order.
Well I don’t suppose Paul got much to do now
that harvest is over.
Well we had a pretty good week this
past week. It only rain a few time. It make up
for it one of these day. They cement the floor
in the mess hall to day and we put wooden
floor in out tent last week. I don’t know when
they will put cement sidewalk in to the shop.
Ha ha. Will close. Hope you get this.
Your Son Ray
Sep. 18 1944 – Admiralty Island
Dear Mother and all
Received your letter to-night. It
didn’t take long this time. Well every thing
is all right out here and the weather is
getting warmer. It must be getting spring. I’m
just going around inspection again. It isn’t
hard work but it sure is a tiresome job. We
only put in five or six hours a day here in
this climber (climate).
I hear that Victoria is going to
Mitchell to have her tonsils out. I suppose
she stay with Frances for a few day. Well I
got to let Paul decide on the price it was a
long time since I seen a paper and I don’t
know how they have been paying for that model.
So I will let him decide. It no hurry about
the coupe an they mike be having new one by
the time I get back so I just get a new one.
Alvin Machalek was over here to visit
me last week. First time I seen him since the
battle was over. I’m going over there some
time this week to inspect there truck so I
will see him again. Florence worte and said
Bernard Lippens is out in this country too
someplace. If I know his A.P.O. number I mike
run into him someplace.
You wouldn’t had to sent any paper or
envelope this time. We been get all we want
after we got away from Australia. But I will
use them any way. Well I been playing
cirbage (cribbage) all night and now it about time for
the light to go out. The last letter I worte I
sent $160.00 money order in it. Hope you get
it alright. So long. Your Son Ray
Oct 3 1944 Dear Mother and all,
Just a few lines to say I’m fine. I
didn’t receive the packet yet so I guess it
will take as long as the last one. Did you
receive the last money order of $16.00
that I sent the 6 of September? I’m sending
you another one today for forty dollar.
I saw Alvin Michalek a few days ago.
He look good yet. I hear that Henry is home
from the Navy. Do you really know what wrong
with him? Katy wrote that she was going to
write as soon as he get home. Do you know that
Leo Ros (????) Shot himself? You know him, he
marriage Mrs. Reiling, John sister. He
done it just before Cyril and his wife got
home on furlough. Will close for this
evening. Your Son Ray
Oct 27 1944 Philippine Island
Dear Mother
and all
Hear it is my birthday again and I
spend it in the Philippines. I suppose you
read about it already that we invaded it. Well
I didn’t receive the package yet. Well there
isn’t any mail coming in yet. Did you received
the two money order. One for $160.00 and one
for $60.00. And did that box I send you every
get home.
I suppose the work is all done out
there for this fall and the weather is getting
pretty cold by now. Well it till warm and
raining here on this island too. Well we got
where we were heading for a long time ago but
it sure took a long time. The old say is the
longest way home is the nicest but it isn’t in
this case.
Seen quite a few Jap plane shot down
that sure make the Philippine native feel good
when they come down. The Jap sure treed
(treated) them ruff. Run them out of their
home and move in. Took all of the clothes but
let them have a little bit. There cloth
is all patch up like Ancil (?) Hill use
to be. One old boy told me that is his only
pant and he wore them nearly three year. When
the native seen that we were coming this girl
say that they all ran for the hill so they
won’t get bomb and she say we dance and sing
“The Americans are coming.” They speak English
most of them that took schooling before the
Jap took over.
I think I know why they raise so much
rice around this part of the world. Because it
never get dry enough for any thing else. I got
some Jap invasion money and will sent some of
it home later. Everything is fine with me.
Will write more next time. Your Son Ray
Nov 9 1944 Philippine
Island Dear Mother and all
Received your letter last night. It
took a little longer to reach me this time. We
move up here and the last few day was the
first mail that got here. Well what do you
think of the stuff in the box. It took me a
long time to make that plane. I hear that
Cyril Reiling is in Montana now. His wife went
back to his folk for a few week until Cyril
found a place, and then she went out there. I
suppose she went through Reliance when out
there but she wouldn’t know any of you folks
any way.
These girl here come over every
morning an pick up some one clothes to wash so
now we don’t have
to do it our self. That was a
releafe for us. They get so grease
any way. I worte a few letter yesterday and
they got so wet from the rain that I got them
back to dry them out. It was a lot of wind
with the rain yesterday.
They raise some corn here and sweet
potatoes and quite a bit of rice. We are camp
near a rice patch and it sure is wet in there.
You go to your knee if you go out
there. You should see the water ox. They was
like for from the old day when we use ox in
the state. It is nice to day. I’m sent you a
Japanese paso that the Jap made
the Filipino use for money. It took the
Filipinos 200 of them to buy a small pant and
it took them a long time to earn it so they
could not get very must clothes. Well
it is about time to start work so I will
close. Tell Paul I hasn’t got any thing to
worries about. He till got places to go when
he want to. So long. Your Son Ray
Nov 28 1944 Philippine Islands
Dear Mother
and all
Received your letter of Nov. 12 and
was glad to hear from you. Also received the
package. I thought for awhile it never get
here. Frances
send me a package of
stationery and I also got stationery from a
girl in Carroll. She also sent me a lot of
after (other) toilet article. So now I got all
kind of writing paper and envelopes.
Phine worte and said she also send a package
and I don’t know what it is yet.
Every thing is coming along good over
here. Was the McKinzies boy home for his dad
furnel that came back from England and was in
the hosp at New York. Was
old Mac till running the Concal (Conoco) filling station.
So Albert isn’t going
to move his house then. He would be better off
to build a new house then try to make
one off of what he has.
Well another month and I have eighteen
month over sea. Then they will start to sent
so many men to go home for a month. They pick
out the men to sent each month
so if I have good luck I’ll mike (might) see you by the 4th
of July. So hear hoping! Thank the rest for the stuff they put
in the package. Well so long Mother, Your Son
Dec 3 1944 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Just a few line to said I’m OK and is
enclose a $100.00 money order which you can
take what you want out of it for a Xmas
Boy I thought it rain when we were at
New Guinea and the Admiralty Islands but I
found out that we were in dry country compare
with the Philippines. I wonder what
it will be like if we do get a wet season
here. The Jap raids quiet down a whole lot the
last week or so. We are getting so we don’t
paid much attention to them any
more. So I think it won’t be long and we will
start having show again. We only had a few
show then they quit on account of the air raid
and black outs.
Well there isn’t so much news only we
have been busy then every over here. The truck
get more tore up in this mud then they did on
the after islands. Hoping you
receive this before Xmas. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year. p.s. Give Paul a five dollar
out of this money order for Xmas. Ray
Dec 25 1944 Philippine Islands Dear
Mother and all
Well today is Xmas. I went to church
this morning and after we got back we work
till noon and they let us off this after noon.
They had a
phonograph to play in
church for the quial (scratched out,
probably going for choir) singer. It sure sound good. He gave
every one Holy Community even those that
didn’t go to confession.
He told them that when they go the next time
they should tell about it then. I was go last
night to Midnite Mass but we has a air raid
nerely every night and quite a few
went down then drove home in the black
out. We sure had a good dinner today. Turkey,
pumpkin pie, two kind of cake and cranberry.
We got a pretty good area to put our
shop in this time. It only rain two time
in the last few week. In the after place it
rain all the time. It sure got muddy where we
had to work. It is a lot nicer here where you
can get the girls to do your washing. It cost
us around forty cent a week and they sure do a
good job. Well there isn’t much
news around here. You can get more out of the
home paper and the radio than we can write. We
are getting along real good though.
Happy New Year. Your Son Ray
Jan 4 1945
Philippine Islands
Andy and Florence (Dirks)
Received your lovely package and
thank a lot. I don’t remember if I worte you
folks since we made the invasion or not, but I
guess you know. Well everything is
coming our way and it was coming fast. The way
our boys were knocking the Jap planes out of
the sky when we first came I didn’t thing they
last long but I seen one go
over this morning heading for the homeland
like a scared dog with his tail between his
legs. Couldn’t see if he got there or not.
We’re living a little more peaceful of
a life now again. They start having show Xmas
eve and we had them every after night
Friday night I got a letter from Mr.
and Mrs. Art Hodgin and she told me that
Kenneth was here and Kenneth got a letter one
night telling him that I was here. She
gave us each other’s address but didn’t say
what Div he was in only the 2a number. So
Kenneth was driving by our company Saturday
night in a convoy and he stop and
talked to me a few minute and told me
where he was at so I went over there
Sunday morn and visit him all day. He told me
that Ollie Swanson and Bernard Lippens
were here too. Ollie in the 32nd
and Ollie in the 96th. Didn’t get
to see Oliie, but he close by. Kenneth is only
a few miles and he sure look good. He
didn’t change a
bit. Well so long, A friend, Ray
Jan 8 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother
Received your letter and also the
package. I’ve got package after package for
the last week and a half. Well I don’t know if
I worte you and told you that I went over
and saw Kenneth Hodgin. He is only a few mile
away from me. Ollie Swanson and Bernard
Lippens is also here but I didn’t get to see
them yet.
Those picture that you sent sure look
good. The old home look the same yet. I got a
bunt from Iva O’Tool a few week back of them
so I’m getting quite a few picture
stack up again. Well I’m senting another
hunder dollar again this month. There won’t be
any next month because I won’t quite
have enough to make a hunder dollar so I
will wait until March. Kenneth Hodgin told me
about Harry Leclare getting kill. A log fell
on him. I wonder where his wife go. I suppose
she go out to the Peterson there
in Oregon.
Iff you can get France Cullen address
I could find out if he is here or not. If he
is around some place I will get to see if it
tae a couple day to get there and back. We
isn’t so busy now and we have show every after
night. I’m going over to see Alven Mickalak
and see how he is. He just came back from the
front. Every thing is over
with here on this island.
Joe Voss is going to start farming
this spring. He would be way ahead if he would
listen to me when we were together in Minn. I
want him to start farming with me
then but he thought he could make more by
working out but now he out of places to work.
So I think I will get a letter one of these
days from him where he want a letter
back. Will close for this evening. Your Son
Feb 25 1945 Philippine
Island Dear Mother and all
Received your letter to nite so will
ans it now. I didn’t think France was here in
the Philippines cause it would be a long way
around to get here. The weather sure
been nice on this island and we really getting
the Japs run way back and it is quite good
now. Last night we had our fist show but we
had our light going for some time
I don’t know if I wrote that I got a
letter from Norma Schelle and that she wrote
that Merlin is missing since the 12th
of Jan. They got the word the first of Feb,
after Joe had this party. We are close to a
big town and we are going to move on the after
side to morn. From there we can see the bay
and the town. The Japs sure burn
hell out of it which you already know from the
paper. We are not so busy now. We are pretty
well caught up with our work. It isn’t so hard
on the truck here because the
road are good and the ground is dry. I was up
through town the after night. It the secent
time this month. Didn’t stay very long the
first time.
The Filippine girl till do our
laundress yet. We give them a little bit of
something for it. They are sure some hungry
people here. Those out in the country are
pretty well off. They have plenty of rice to
eat. Well the news isn’t much so will close.
Your Son Ray
Feb 16 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Received your letter of Jan 12. was
glad to hear from you. I haven’t written to no
one in the last month. You see we move on up
to a difference island and when we
got here we kept right on move in so now we
are station and got a place to work. We got a
couple of big ware house. One we sleep in and
the after we use for the shop.
The shop got a cement floor. It sure feel good
to get out of the mud and dust. We spent a
week on the sea coming up here.
Say I got the package that Victoria
and all of you put something in a night before
last so I got both of your package now.
Dorothy worte that Ben and Joe is at it again.
Ben is going to sue Joe because he didn’t pay
him what he want for his oat. Bernard got
another boy so there be a lot of Weber when I
get back to Iowa.
this place is a lot difference than all the
rest we been in. Here we got good pave hiway,
train and the city even got street car but
they is (aren’t) in running condition
yet but I don’t suppose it be long and they
have it ready. They sure got some big field of
rice around here. They had it all in stack.
The Jap wouldn’t let them harvest it or
bring the rice to the city for the people to
Hodgin, Ollie and Bernard didn’t come up with
us. Kenneth done part way but stop at an
island. I went and had a hold (whole) day
visit with him the last day
of Dec. We figure on all of us get together
there on that island but we got ready and move
out in a short while. Ollie was across the
road from Ken but he was at his
company when I was there so didn’t get to see
him. Bernard was quite a way from us.
a letter from Fred some time ago. He say it
offer (awful) hard to get any one around
there to fix the car or tractor and Sonny did
get to go to the army or
navy. Say did Paul
every run across a buyer for my car. It outta
be pretty easy to sell now and get quite a bit
for it. My next paid I gong to put it in the
deposit so if I every get a chance to go home
I can draw it out for spent money. I could
keep it on me and carry it around. I mike lose
it. So I won’t sent any home
for a few month. Will close. Your
Son Ray
April 19 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
you letter and was glady to hear from you.
Well I’m OK. Got a few sore between my finger
from washing my hand in gas too much so I’m
staying out
of the shop for awhile. They got me on electic
now. The after (other) boy left for a
difference outfit in New Guniea and I took his
place. The weather is just like July
and Aug back home.
I received Ann Schelle and I write to
Rita about it. I don’t know if she receive the
letter or not. It a long time since I heard
from her. Well you can thank Ann for
it and ask Rita if she receive my letter
of January sometime. Hank and Ann didn’t get
to go to Iowa like they figure they did. I
hear that Marvin Weber is call to take
his exma for the army. That will
just about drive Ben crazy and they are taking
all boy that start framing so it will take Ben
too. I didn’t hear any more about it so
don’t know if he pass or not.
Now that Don Hamiel move on the
fram who is running the Standard gas
truck. Or don’t they have any now. Will close for this time being there
is (isn’t) much we
can say over here. You get more of the news
out of the paper then we do.
Alven Mahalakes, I didn’t seen him
since we left the Admiralty Island. I was up
to his outfit a month ago and he was in the
hosp. His leg gave out on him from walking
and I was back to his company since so I don’t
know how he is coming. As always, Your
Son Ray
May 20, 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Receive your letter a few day ago was
glady to hear from you. I heard that Frances
and Mary was out there the first of the month.
Who every told you that I got marriage
over here. You should take one of those
picture I sent you of the native girl of New
Guinea and show it to them and tell them that
she is my wife. I never seen anything
on this side of the ocean that I would stay
for. We are all set up in our new area and get
it all wire up with light now. Merlin only got
a slight wound in his leg. They
don’t know for sure yet about Al Tiefenthale
if he dead or a prisoner over there. They
don’t know if Richard Reiling and Mevlin Weber
have to go to the army or not.
Bud O’Tool didn’t pass on his eyes so he mike
not get call anymore. Did Babe Murphy have to
go to the army and I heard that Stanley Nissen
is in Louisiana in the army.
Have Shorty Swanson
got a good business in the station. Well did
you receive that $100.00 money order I sent
the first part of the month. Well I close and
go down an
help run the picture machine. We been having
some good show here lately. Your Son Ray
May 5 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Just a
few line to say that I’m fine. This is the
first letter I worte with a pencil for a long
time. When I first landed on this island and
got in the city of Manila a girl in the
prisin gave me this pencil and to nit a
friend had some lead in his box that was the
right size so I thought I would trid (tried) it out. Well I am not doing much right now.
I heard that Bob Black got killed. Never heard
any think from Ann or Albert for three month.
Florence worte me about it but she ready
didn’t know for sure. Norma is
going to sent me the paper of where they got
the picture of Merlin and the write up about
him. I got some sippit (?) about it from a
girl in Carroll.
Well I senting another $100.00
money order in this letter. The first I sent
up since I got my teeth fix. The weather was
very nice on this island. We had a few rain
this last
week. We got a Filippine Activity play
here in the mess hall to nite. We live in a big sheld (shed) like the one like
Fred sheep sheld but these got cement floor.
We got
four that size and a lot of our stuff is till
outside. Will close till the next time.
Your Son Ray
June 4 1945
Philippines Dear
Mother and all
Just a few line to say hello and I
till fine and not doing very much nowday. We
got our camp all fix up now and is doing shop
work. Did you get the $100.00 money order
I sent last month. Am senting another one in
this letter. It don’t rain as much on this
island as it did on the after one and we got
better living quarter. Here it all cement
Even the shop. There is a show over across the
road but I don’t think I go.
Did Alven Mahalik get home. I was
over to his outfit and they said he went to
the state on account of his leg. Well I think
I go over to the after shack and see if they
some coffee cook up. A few of us have a cup
every night. We also going to have Campbell
chicken soup to nite. Got a package from a
girl in Carroll. Your Son Ray
June 26 1945
Luzon P.I. Dear Mother and
Received your letter to nite and with
drop you a few line before the light go out.
Well I got your after letter a day after I
worte to you.
Well I was wonder if those money
order was getting home. I send one in May and
one in June. I’m going to sent another one in
July, maybe a two hundred dollar one
if I can collect the money I got borrow out. I
must get close to $1000 in cash when I get
there haven’t I.
way I hear that Merlin Schelle and Mildren
Baumhover is going to get marriage but maybe
he waite till he get a decent furlough. He
mike (might) have to come over
here yet. I didn’t think that Fred leave both
of his boy go so young. Well it too late to
keep them home now. Well if it keep on hailing
you won’t raise much of a crop out
there this year. The weather is prety fair
here yet not too must rain and we got a good
place to live. We work in the dry. Well so
long. Your Son Ray
July 6
1945 Luzon
P.I. Dear Mother and all
Receive your letter about a week ago
but I don’t remember if I ans it or not. I
sent a few more of our paper of our division
and it got more news then they let us write.
I made
a trip to Manila the after day and the
Filipinos is pretty busy in the field. Seen
some corn that is getting ear. Like to get
back there about the time they get fit to eat.
The rice field are getting green. It sure is a
hell of a job to pant (plant) the stuff the mud
is about a foot deep and it got about an inch
of water in those pot.
You can tell Ann that I seen a
picture of the landing and the place where Bob
got kill. I can’t tell about the picture in
the letter. I’m senting a couple of money
order in
this letter. I hope I be able to send this
must next month too. I will if I work a nite.
Well everything is going on fine around here
now. Not working too hard. Those day
are over now for a while. Will close. Your Son
Aug 4 1945
Luzon P.I. Dear
Motther and all
Receive your letter a few day ago and
was glady to hear from you. I’m till fine and
I waited till I got my money order back from
the mail man before I write so I will
sent another two money order this month and if
I can make three watch band this and I get
$30.00 a peace for them I be able to send the
same amount next month.
Well I suppose you folk is nearly all
done harvest by the time you get this letter.
It been pretty hot here all the time. We had a
couple of good shower this after noon
but it don’t cool off very mush. I sure would
like to get a good meal out of your garden but
I guess I won’t this year. They mike get the
point system low enough so they
will get the rest of us that came over sea
with the division.
Lawrence Nanneman brother is over
here now but Mary didn’t know his adress so I
won’t be able to look him up till I fine his
address. Ollie Swanson outfit is on this
island to but they is nearly 200 mile from us
and Kenneth Hodgin never came up this far so I
never got to see him since last Jan. We
are going to cook up some [oster]
stew to nite and one of these we going to have
Campbell chicken soup. Well I guess I
close for the evening. Your Son Ray
Sept 11
1945 Tokyo Japan Dear
Well Mother this is the letter I been
want to write to you for a long time and this
is the letter you don’t need to ans. I will
drop you a line before I leave. I figure on
leaving for the state some time this month so
I be home for my birthday. Don’t that sound
I receive your letter and also
receive the letter from Kate and you can tell
her that I’m not going to ans it that I be on
my way home pretty soon. So it won’t pay to
her. We got a place in Tokyo on a air
field and it is get pretty cool out here at
night. I got here yesterday. We left Manila a
little better then two week ago. We got here a
week after our div landing in Tokyo.
Well Paul can use my car until I get home and
I will see what I can do to get a new car.
So we waite till next month. So will
close for the evening. Your Son
Sept 25
1945 Tokyo Japan Dear
Mother and all
Just a line to say that I be on my
way home in two day but I don’t know how long
it take before I get to see you but any
way it sure feel good to know that I’m getting
to the state. Well this is going to be a
short letter to let you know that you won’t
hear from me until I hit the state.
So so long Mother until I hit the
state. Your Son Ray
Oct 20 1934
Ft Leavenworth Kansas Dear
Mother and all
Just a few line to say I’m back in
the state. I left Tokyo the 29th of
Sept and got in San Francisco the 10th
and they took us out to camp and there we
stay till the 13th then
we got on a troop train and come true Denver.
We got here in the evening of the 17th.
We turn our cloth in and got our (phusion?)
already. I don’t know how long it take
before we get our discharge. The boy that got
there took a week to 10 day. So I will be home
around the first of the month. I going to stop
in Carroll a few day then Ashton
it all on my way home. The time sure past slow
around here it seem. Well you can be looking
for me any time a week after this so don’t be
surprise when I drop in. You
are the only one I worte to since I got
back. So long. Your Son Ray
Dec 8 1945
Carroll Iowa Dear Mother
and all
Received your letter and also the
money. Didn’t have any trouble at all coming
back. Well I can’t fine any [fram] around here
to rent or buy so I guess I be back out there
by Xmas again. I been staying here with Jack
Reiling this week. He had a little work he
want me to do for him. I went out one day and
de horn some cattle and made
$6.00 that day. Everything is fine with me. I
bought me and overcoat last week.
The weather is real nice out here
this week. Hope it stay that way. Well be
seeing you. Your Son Ray
A.P.O. 201
20 June 1945
Mr. Clem A.
South Dakota .
Dear Mr.
I recently have had the great privilege of
awarding your son, Tec 4 Raymond C. Stallman.
27th Ordnance Company. the Bronze Star Medal.
Recently authorized by Congress, the Bronze
Star Medal is an award to those men who have
by heroic or meritorious achievements during
combat operations, distinguished themselves
above their comrades. In each case, the award
is made by the direction of the President.
You may be justly proud of your son for his
splendid service to his country.
\. .J / (J ih
General U.S. Army Commanding
to do it our self. That was a
releafe for us. They get so grease
any way. I worte a few letter yesterday and
they got so wet from the rain that I got them
back to dry them out. It was a lot of wind
with the rain yesterday.
They raise some corn here and sweet
potatoes and quite a bit of rice. We are camp
near a rice patch and it sure is wet in there.
You go to your knee if you go out
there. You should see the water ox. They was
like for from the old day when we use ox in
the state. It is nice to day. I’m sent you a
Japanese paso that the Jap made
the Filipino use for money. It took the
Filipinos 200 of them to buy a small pant and
it took them a long time to earn it so they
could not get very must clothes. Well
it is about time to start work so I will
close. Tell Paul I hasn’t got any thing to
worries about. He till got places to go when
he want to. So long. Your Son Ray
Nov 28 1944 Philippine Islands
Dear Mother
and all
Received your letter of Nov. 12 and
was glad to hear from you. Also received the
package. I thought for awhile it never get
here. Frances
send me a package of
stationery and I also got stationery from a
girl in Carroll. She also sent me a lot of
after (other) toilet article. So now I got all
kind of writing paper and envelopes.
Phine worte and said she also send a package
and I don’t know what it is yet.
Every thing is coming along good over
here. Was the McKinzies boy home for his dad
furnel that came back from England and was in
the hosp at New York. Was
old Mac till running the Concal (Conoco) filling station.
So Albert isn’t going
to move his house then. He would be better off
to build a new house then try to make
one off of what he has.
Well another month and I have eighteen
month over sea. Then they will start to sent
so many men to go home for a month. They pick
out the men to sent each month
so if I have good luck I’ll mike (might) see you by the 4th
of July. So hear hoping! Thank the rest for the stuff they put
in the package. Well so long Mother, Your Son
Dec 3 1944 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Just a few line to said I’m OK and is
enclose a $100.00 money order which you can
take what you want out of it for a Xmas
Boy I thought it rain when we were at
New Guinea and the Admiralty Islands but I
found out that we were in dry country compare
with the Philippines. I wonder what
it will be like if we do get a wet season
here. The Jap raids quiet down a whole lot the
last week or so. We are getting so we don’t
paid much attention to them any
more. So I think it won’t be long and we will
start having show again. We only had a few
show then they quit on account of the air raid
and black outs.
Well there isn’t so much news only we
have been busy then every over here. The truck
get more tore up in this mud then they did on
the after islands. Hoping you
receive this before Xmas. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year. p.s. Give Paul a five dollar
out of this money order for Xmas. Ray
Dec 25 1944 Philippine Islands Dear
Mother and all
Well today is Xmas. I went to church
this morning and after we got back we work
till noon and they let us off this after noon.
They had a
phonograph to play in
church for the quial (scratched out,
probably going for choir) singer. It sure sound good. He gave
every one Holy Community even those that
didn’t go to confession.
He told them that when they go the next time
they should tell about it then. I was go last
night to Midnite Mass but we has a air raid
nerely every night and quite a few
went down then drove home in the black
out. We sure had a good dinner today. Turkey,
pumpkin pie, two kind of cake and cranberry.
We got a pretty good area to put our
shop in this time. It only rain two time
in the last few week. In the after place it
rain all the time. It sure got muddy where we
had to work. It is a lot nicer here where you
can get the girls to do your washing. It cost
us around forty cent a week and they sure do a
good job. Well there isn’t much
news around here. You can get more out of the
home paper and the radio than we can write. We
are getting along real good though.
Happy New Year. Your Son Ray
Jan 4 1945
Philippine Islands
Andy and Florence (Dirks)
Received your lovely package and
thank a lot. I don’t remember if I worte you
folks since we made the invasion or not, but I
guess you know. Well everything is
coming our way and it was coming fast. The way
our boys were knocking the Jap planes out of
the sky when we first came I didn’t thing they
last long but I seen one go
over this morning heading for the homeland
like a scared dog with his tail between his
legs. Couldn’t see if he got there or not.
We’re living a little more peaceful of
a life now again. They start having show Xmas
eve and we had them every after night
Friday night I got a letter from Mr.
and Mrs. Art Hodgin and she told me that
Kenneth was here and Kenneth got a letter one
night telling him that I was here. She
gave us each other’s address but didn’t say
what Div he was in only the 2a number. So
Kenneth was driving by our company Saturday
night in a convoy and he stop and
talked to me a few minute and told me
where he was at so I went over there
Sunday morn and visit him all day. He told me
that Ollie Swanson and Bernard Lippens
were here too. Ollie in the 32nd
and Ollie in the 96th. Didn’t get
to see Oliie, but he close by. Kenneth is only
a few miles and he sure look good. He
didn’t change a
bit. Well so long, A friend, Ray
Jan 8 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother
Received your letter and also the
package. I’ve got package after package for
the last week and a half. Well I don’t know if
I worte you and told you that I went over
and saw Kenneth Hodgin. He is only a few mile
away from me. Ollie Swanson and Bernard
Lippens is also here but I didn’t get to see
them yet.
Those picture that you sent sure look
good. The old home look the same yet. I got a
bunt from Iva O’Tool a few week back of them
so I’m getting quite a few picture
stack up again. Well I’m senting another
hunder dollar again this month. There won’t be
any next month because I won’t quite
have enough to make a hunder dollar so I
will wait until March. Kenneth Hodgin told me
about Harry Leclare getting kill. A log fell
on him. I wonder where his wife go. I suppose
she go out to the Peterson there
in Oregon.
Iff you can get France Cullen address
I could find out if he is here or not. If he
is around some place I will get to see if it
tae a couple day to get there and back. We
isn’t so busy now and we have show every after
night. I’m going over to see Alven Mickalak
and see how he is. He just came back from the
front. Every thing is over
with here on this island.
Joe Voss is going to start farming
this spring. He would be way ahead if he would
listen to me when we were together in Minn. I
want him to start farming with me
then but he thought he could make more by
working out but now he out of places to work.
So I think I will get a letter one of these
days from him where he want a letter
back. Will close for this evening. Your Son
Feb 25 1945 Philippine
Island Dear Mother and all
Received your letter to nite so will
ans it now. I didn’t think France was here in
the Philippines cause it would be a long way
around to get here. The weather sure
been nice on this island and we really getting
the Japs run way back and it is quite good
now. Last night we had our fist show but we
had our light going for some time
I don’t know if I wrote that I got a
letter from Norma Schelle and that she wrote
that Merlin is missing since the 12th
of Jan. They got the word the first of Feb,
after Joe had this party. We are close to a
big town and we are going to move on the after
side to morn. From there we can see the bay
and the town. The Japs sure burn
hell out of it which you already know from the
paper. We are not so busy now. We are pretty
well caught up with our work. It isn’t so hard
on the truck here because the
road are good and the ground is dry. I was up
through town the after night. It the secent
time this month. Didn’t stay very long the
first time.
The Filippine girl till do our
laundress yet. We give them a little bit of
something for it. They are sure some hungry
people here. Those out in the country are
pretty well off. They have plenty of rice to
eat. Well the news isn’t much so will close.
Your Son Ray
Feb 16 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Received your letter of Jan 12. was
glad to hear from you. I haven’t written to no
one in the last month. You see we move on up
to a difference island and when we
got here we kept right on move in so now we
are station and got a place to work. We got a
couple of big ware house. One we sleep in and
the after we use for the shop.
The shop got a cement floor. It sure feel good
to get out of the mud and dust. We spent a
week on the sea coming up here.
Say I got the package that Victoria
and all of you put something in a night before
last so I got both of your package now.
Dorothy worte that Ben and Joe is at it again.
Ben is going to sue Joe because he didn’t pay
him what he want for his oat. Bernard got
another boy so there be a lot of Weber when I
get back to Iowa.
this place is a lot difference than all the
rest we been in. Here we got good pave hiway,
train and the city even got street car but
they is (aren’t) in running condition
yet but I don’t suppose it be long and they
have it ready. They sure got some big field of
rice around here. They had it all in stack.
The Jap wouldn’t let them harvest it or
bring the rice to the city for the people to
Hodgin, Ollie and Bernard didn’t come up with
us. Kenneth done part way but stop at an
island. I went and had a hold (whole) day
visit with him the last day
of Dec. We figure on all of us get together
there on that island but we got ready and move
out in a short while. Ollie was across the
road from Ken but he was at his
company when I was there so didn’t get to see
him. Bernard was quite a way from us.
a letter from Fred some time ago. He say it
offer (awful) hard to get any one around
there to fix the car or tractor and Sonny did
get to go to the army or
navy. Say did Paul
every run across a buyer for my car. It outta
be pretty easy to sell now and get quite a bit
for it. My next paid I gong to put it in the
deposit so if I every get a chance to go home
I can draw it out for spent money. I could
keep it on me and carry it around. I mike lose
it. So I won’t sent any home
for a few month. Will close. Your
Son Ray
April 19 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
you letter and was glady to hear from you.
Well I’m OK. Got a few sore between my finger
from washing my hand in gas too much so I’m
staying out
of the shop for awhile. They got me on electic
now. The after (other) boy left for a
difference outfit in New Guniea and I took his
place. The weather is just like July
and Aug back home.
I received Ann Schelle and I write to
Rita about it. I don’t know if she receive the
letter or not. It a long time since I heard
from her. Well you can thank Ann for
it and ask Rita if she receive my letter
of January sometime. Hank and Ann didn’t get
to go to Iowa like they figure they did. I
hear that Marvin Weber is call to take
his exma for the army. That will
just about drive Ben crazy and they are taking
all boy that start framing so it will take Ben
too. I didn’t hear any more about it so
don’t know if he pass or not.
Now that Don Hamiel move on the
fram who is running the Standard gas
truck. Or don’t they have any now. Will close for this time being there
is (isn’t) much we
can say over here. You get more of the news
out of the paper then we do.
Alven Mahalakes, I didn’t seen him
since we left the Admiralty Island. I was up
to his outfit a month ago and he was in the
hosp. His leg gave out on him from walking
and I was back to his company since so I don’t
know how he is coming. As always, Your
Son Ray
May 20, 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Receive your letter a few day ago was
glady to hear from you. I heard that Frances
and Mary was out there the first of the month.
Who every told you that I got marriage
over here. You should take one of those
picture I sent you of the native girl of New
Guinea and show it to them and tell them that
she is my wife. I never seen anything
on this side of the ocean that I would stay
for. We are all set up in our new area and get
it all wire up with light now. Merlin only got
a slight wound in his leg. They
don’t know for sure yet about Al Tiefenthale
if he dead or a prisoner over there. They
don’t know if Richard Reiling and Mevlin Weber
have to go to the army or not.
Bud O’Tool didn’t pass on his eyes so he mike
not get call anymore. Did Babe Murphy have to
go to the army and I heard that Stanley Nissen
is in Louisiana in the army.
Have Shorty Swanson
got a good business in the station. Well did
you receive that $100.00 money order I sent
the first part of the month. Well I close and
go down an
help run the picture machine. We been having
some good show here lately. Your Son Ray
May 5 1945 Philippine
Islands Dear Mother and all
Just a
few line to say that I’m fine. This is the
first letter I worte with a pencil for a long
time. When I first landed on this island and
got in the city of Manila a girl in the
prisin gave me this pencil and to nit a
friend had some lead in his box that was the
right size so I thought I would trid (tried) it out. Well I am not doing much right now.
I heard that Bob Black got killed. Never heard
any think from Ann or Albert for three month.
Florence worte me about it but she ready
didn’t know for sure. Norma is
going to sent me the paper of where they got
the picture of Merlin and the write up about
him. I got some sippit (?) about it from a
girl in Carroll.
Well I senting another $100.00
money order in this letter. The first I sent
up since I got my teeth fix. The weather was
very nice on this island. We had a few rain
this last
week. We got a Filippine Activity play
here in the mess hall to nite. We live in a big sheld (shed) like the one like
Fred sheep sheld but these got cement floor.
We got
four that size and a lot of our stuff is till
outside. Will close till the next time.
Your Son Ray
June 4 1945
Philippines Dear
Mother and all
Just a few line to say hello and I
till fine and not doing very much nowday. We
got our camp all fix up now and is doing shop
work. Did you get the $100.00 money order
I sent last month. Am senting another one in
this letter. It don’t rain as much on this
island as it did on the after one and we got
better living quarter. Here it all cement
Even the shop. There is a show over across the
road but I don’t think I go.
Did Alven Mahalik get home. I was
over to his outfit and they said he went to
the state on account of his leg. Well I think
I go over to the after shack and see if they
some coffee cook up. A few of us have a cup
every night. We also going to have Campbell
chicken soup to nite. Got a package from a
girl in Carroll. Your Son Ray
June 26 1945
Luzon P.I. Dear Mother and
Received your letter to nite and with
drop you a few line before the light go out.
Well I got your after letter a day after I
worte to you.
Well I was wonder if those money
order was getting home. I send one in May and
one in June. I’m going to sent another one in
July, maybe a two hundred dollar one
if I can collect the money I got borrow out. I
must get close to $1000 in cash when I get
there haven’t I.
way I hear that Merlin Schelle and Mildren
Baumhover is going to get marriage but maybe
he waite till he get a decent furlough. He
mike (might) have to come over
here yet. I didn’t think that Fred leave both
of his boy go so young. Well it too late to
keep them home now. Well if it keep on hailing
you won’t raise much of a crop out
there this year. The weather is prety fair
here yet not too must rain and we got a good
place to live. We work in the dry. Well so
long. Your Son Ray
July 6
1945 Luzon
P.I. Dear Mother and all
Receive your letter about a week ago
but I don’t remember if I ans it or not. I
sent a few more of our paper of our division
and it got more news then they let us write.
I made
a trip to Manila the after day and the
Filipinos is pretty busy in the field. Seen
some corn that is getting ear. Like to get
back there about the time they get fit to eat.
The rice field are getting green. It sure is a
hell of a job to pant (plant) the stuff the mud
is about a foot deep and it got about an inch
of water in those pot.
You can tell Ann that I seen a
picture of the landing and the place where Bob
got kill. I can’t tell about the picture in
the letter. I’m senting a couple of money
order in
this letter. I hope I be able to send this
must next month too. I will if I work a nite.
Well everything is going on fine around here
now. Not working too hard. Those day
are over now for a while. Will close. Your Son
Aug 4 1945
Luzon P.I. Dear
Motther and all
Receive your letter a few day ago and
was glady to hear from you. I’m till fine and
I waited till I got my money order back from
the mail man before I write so I will
sent another two money order this month and if
I can make three watch band this and I get
$30.00 a peace for them I be able to send the
same amount next month.
Well I suppose you folk is nearly all
done harvest by the time you get this letter.
It been pretty hot here all the time. We had a
couple of good shower this after noon
but it don’t cool off very mush. I sure would
like to get a good meal out of your garden but
I guess I won’t this year. They mike get the
point system low enough so they
will get the rest of us that came over sea
with the division.
Lawrence Nanneman brother is over
here now but Mary didn’t know his adress so I
won’t be able to look him up till I fine his
address. Ollie Swanson outfit is on this
island to but they is nearly 200 mile from us
and Kenneth Hodgin never came up this far so I
never got to see him since last Jan. We
are going to cook up some [oster]
stew to nite and one of these we going to have
Campbell chicken soup. Well I guess I
close for the evening. Your Son Ray
Sept 11
1945 Tokyo Japan Dear
Well Mother this is the letter I been
want to write to you for a long time and this
is the letter you don’t need to ans. I will
drop you a line before I leave. I figure on
leaving for the state some time this month so
I be home for my birthday. Don’t that sound
I receive your letter and also
receive the letter from Kate and you can tell
her that I’m not going to ans it that I be on
my way home pretty soon. So it won’t pay to
her. We got a place in Tokyo on a air
field and it is get pretty cool out here at
night. I got here yesterday. We left Manila a
little better then two week ago. We got here a
week after our div landing in Tokyo.
Well Paul can use my car until I get home and
I will see what I can do to get a new car.
So we waite till next month. So will
close for the evening. Your Son
Sept 25
1945 Tokyo Japan Dear
Mother and all
Just a line to say that I be on my
way home in two day but I don’t know how long
it take before I get to see you but any
way it sure feel good to know that I’m getting
to the state. Well this is going to be a
short letter to let you know that you won’t
hear from me until I hit the state.
So so long Mother until I hit the
state. Your Son Ray
Oct 20 1934
Ft Leavenworth Kansas Dear
Mother and all
Just a few line to say I’m back in
the state. I left Tokyo the 29th of
Sept and got in San Francisco the 10th
and they took us out to camp and there we
stay till the 13th then
we got on a troop train and come true Denver.
We got here in the evening of the 17th.
We turn our cloth in and got our (phusion?)
already. I don’t know how long it take
before we get our discharge. The boy that got
there took a week to 10 day. So I will be home
around the first of the month. I going to stop
in Carroll a few day then Ashton
it all on my way home. The time sure past slow
around here it seem. Well you can be looking
for me any time a week after this so don’t be
surprise when I drop in. You
are the only one I worte to since I got
back. So long. Your Son Ray
Dec 8 1945
Carroll Iowa Dear Mother
and all
Received your letter and also the
money. Didn’t have any trouble at all coming
back. Well I can’t fine any [fram] around here
to rent or buy so I guess I be back out there
by Xmas again. I been staying here with Jack
Reiling this week. He had a little work he
want me to do for him. I went out one day and
de horn some cattle and made
$6.00 that day. Everything is fine with me. I
bought me and overcoat last week.
The weather is real nice out here
this week. Hope it stay that way. Well be
seeing you. Your Son Ray
A.P.O. 201
20 June 1945
Mr. Clem A.
South Dakota .
Dear Mr.
I recently have had the great privilege of
awarding your son, Tec 4 Raymond C. Stallman.
27th Ordnance Company. the Bronze Star Medal.
Recently authorized by Congress, the Bronze
Star Medal is an award to those men who have
by heroic or meritorious achievements during
combat operations, distinguished themselves
above their comrades. In each case, the award
is made by the direction of the President.
You may be justly proud of your son for his
splendid service to his country.
\. .J / (J ih
General U.S. Army Commanding