Edwin Martin Larson

Vivian, Lyman County, SD August 5, I9I7-
June I5, I944
wounded near Pont l Abbe, France on June 14; Supreme
sacrifice June 15
Edwin Martin Larson was born August 5,
1917. He was the first of ten children, and raised
on a farm north of Vivian. He enjoyed a good life,
including dancing on Saturday nights and living in
for about five years. Before the war,
Edwin worked as a ranch hand and greased
construction equipment at night.
My grandfather Olaf
remembers his brother Edwin writing in one of his
letters home, "If you keep the wheels turning on the
farm, I will keep the bullets flying over here."
In February 1942,
Edwin was Inducted into the service. At Staff
Sergeant Camp in Barkley, Texas,
he drilled recruits until February 1944. The 90th
Division. which Edwin served in, was activated in
March 1944.
On June 7th and 8th,
the 357th and 358th infantry regiments landed on
Utah Beach, Normandy. The 90th Infantry began to
organize themselves in preparation for moving
inland. On June 10th, the 90th Infantry Division
made its first attack as a division.
The regiments of the
90th met with heavy German resistance in and around
the towns of Picanville, Cauquingy , and Pont I'
Abbe. During the first six weeks after D-Day, the
90th Division participated in some of the most
difficult, demanding, and bloodiest battles of the
war. On June 14 , the 90th Division got orders to
lead an attack on a road junction west of Pont I'
Edwin's infantry led
the attack, and he was seriously wounded. On June.
15, Edwin paid the supreme sacrifice, giving his
life for his country.
The 90th Division's
efforts did not go unnoticed. They were recommended
for the Presidential Unit Citation Award by General
George Patton; the only division that Patton
officially recommended for this award.
Edwin's body
was returned and following his memorial service, he
was laid to rest in the Vivian Cemetery. Edwin
received a purple heart for his heroic
actions. The Webster-Larson American Legion
Post of Vivian was named after my great-uncle for
being the first from Vivian to give his life in
WWII. From all your relatives, Thanks, Eddie.
This report was respectfully
submitted by Ryan Larson, (great-nephew of Eddie
Larson) junior at Lyman High
School, Presho SD, on February 25, 2002.
The information for this
entry was obtained from Edwin's brother and
sister-in-law, Olaf and Julie Larson.