Memory Lane surname data Chamberlain/Oacoma Register Posted Sept. 8, 2000 |
Some Brule County data is also included since many Lyman County residents use Wevik Mortuary, cemeteries, land office records, etc. in Brule County. Genealogical data is posted on these pages for your free use. In the event you find someone and need additional searches contact me. Certified copies of birth, death and marriages now run $10 each in all counties in the state of South Dakota.. Codes: b - born; c-cemetery; d - died; f - final proof on homestead; g - general stuff (odds & ends); h - family histories in Lyman County History Book; m - married; a-anniversary; v - vet; son/dau/fa/mor - son, daughter, father or mother born or died; mil-military (Page numbers refer to my personal notebooks. Barbara) |
* = brief info in article ** = much more info available
Adamson, Henry | M | Helen Jensen June 16 in Miller |
**194 |
7-7-49 |
Allen, Ethel | M | Geo C. Kropanske at Chamberlain New Year's Day |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Andrews, George W. | M | Alice Lockwood Sept 2. Left to live in New York |
**176 |
9-4-24 |
Ashley, Wm. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | First son born May 21 |
179 |
6-1-1899 |
Atkinson, Lola | M | Louis Haupt Saturday at Zion Lutheran |
185 |
10-13-49 |
Auld, Emily Louise | M | Merrill Q. Sharpe Wed. at Oacoma (Argus) |
**180 |
12-19-18 |
Baascom, Mabel | M | Nick Miller in time to celebrate the Fourth |
193 |
7-6-1899 |
Baatz, Merle (13) | D | Drowned in Crow Creek Sun. par- A.F. Baatz, |
*199 |
7-17-30 |
Baker, George S. | D | Angel of death entered and wafted him away Thurs |
**402 |
8-28-24 |
Baker, Herbert F. | D | Jan. 4 at Cheboygan, Mich. Former Brule Co res |
*401 |
3-27-30 |
Bakormy, Ina Mrs. | M | W.C. Balfany. Both of Winner |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Balfany, W.C. | M | Mrs. Ina Bakormy. Both of Winner |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Ballatta, Frank Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Saturday afternoon. Usual weight |
194 |
7-6-1899 |
Ballingal, Lyndsay D | M | Grace E. Iseminger 9-16 (Argus) |
*190 |
9-18-19 |
Banks, Lou Mrs | Celeb 80th birthday Sun. |
177 |
9-1-49 |
Bates, C.L. | M | Antoinette Conley Sunday at Pukwana |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Beach, Lawson Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Arrived at their Brule Twp home last Friday |
180 |
12-15-1888 |
Benedict, Florence | M | Wm. A. Collins last Saturday at Chamberlain |
198 |
1-15-20 |
Benson, Mae Ella | D | Sept. 17. Was b. 9-7-1894 & hmstded in Lyman Co |
*189 |
9-29-49 |
Benson, Mrs | D | Called to her reward Sat. Mor of Tom Merritt, Oaco |
188 |
9-22-39 |
Bice, Joseph | Mil | Returned Saturday from service overseas |
179 |
6-4-1919 |
Blevins, Carl | M | Gertrude Harding of Platte last Thursday |
186 |
10-23-24 |
Block, Henry | D | Body found along shore of Mo. Riv. |
401 |
3-22-1900 |
Boal, Elmer C. | M | Mildred Snodgrass Saturday at Presho |
180 |
12-19-18 |
Bode, Walter | M | Lois Thompson June 1 at Chamberlain |
*175 |
6-2-49 |
Bohannan, W.H. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Sept. 30. Named Melba Gale (Argus) |
186 |
10-16-19 |
Bolton, Mrs. Jack | Fa | Her father, Jack Packover .d. Sun. in Fla. (Argus) |
*184 |
10-30-19 |
Bond, Norman | M | Sara Rose June 14. To live on his claim, White Riv |
193 |
7-17-19 |
Boudrou, Edward (16) | D | Drowned in Mo. Riv at Iron Nation Sat. |
**199 |
7-17-30 |
Bowman, Hulbert D. | M | Jennie V. Rohr of Reliance Saturday |
186 |
10-23-24 |
Bradfield, Catherine | D | July 22. From Lyman Co. bur in Worthing, SD |
**402 |
7-26-1900 |
Bridge, John D. | M | Inez L. Ham Jan 2 at Chamberlain |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Briggs, T.R. | Made final proof on his hmstd in Wilbur Twp Sat. |
400 |
7-5-1900 |
Brigs, Lucy | D | From anesthesia by agency phys the 5th inst. |
*190 |
9-14-1899 |
Brookens, Lester Mr. and Mrs. | Son | At Kennebec |
178 |
6-26-19 |
Brown, Meda Nell | M | Ed O'Neill Dec 31, Chamberlain |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Burger, Armina Stella | D | Monday eve. Bur. At bijou Hills |
181 |
1-11-50 |
Burian, John | M | Blanche Talich Monday in Chamberlain |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Burr, Harvey C. Mrs | D | July 16. Funeral July 19 at Bijou Hills |
**402 |
7-27-50 |
Busack, Charles | M | Enid Wennigar of Watertown last Wednesday |
183 |
Oct-29 |
Cable, E.L.Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born at Brule Twp home last Thursday |
400 |
7-12-1900 |
Cameron, Lizzie (84) | D | At Dubuque, Iowa Sat. Was Mrs. John Hilton's mor |
186 |
10-12-1899 |
Campbell, James | Life sent./murd. Vienna Rohrer's sister, Highmore |
**195 |
6-29-1889 |
Cannon, Blanche | M | August Kaufman of Hamill June 4 |
187 |
6-19-19 |
Carlson, Olga M. | D | Was b. 1-5-1885, Yankton Co. Hmstd Hamill 1909 |
**194 |
7-24-24 |
Casey, Gertrude | M | H. Boyd Holmes June 3 at Atlantic, Iowa |
*175 |
6-12-19 |
Casey, J.F. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born Sunday, Vivian |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Church, Hannah Coursin | D | At son Alvah's home, Ruthven, IA Jan 5. B. 1842 |
**181 |
1-8-25 |
Church, Hannah Coursin | d | At son's home, Iowa. B. 1827, Pa. Came here 1883 |
**198 |
1-12-1900 |
Clark, Stephen | D | Body found Sat, indentified. Delmont murderer |
*194 |
7-6-1899 |
Clark, Stephen | Body found.. Murd. Wife & dau. Suicide |
195 |
6-29-1889 |
Cole, Jane | M | Virgil Gust Aug 4 at Big Timber, Mont. |
182 |
8-18-49 |
Cole, Naomi | M | Morris M. McColley June 15 at Yankton |
**179 |
6-5-24 |
Collins, Wm. A. | M | Florence Benedict last Saturday at Chamberlain |
198 |
1-15-20 |
Colvin, James | M | Hattie McCready at kimball last week |
186 |
10-12-1899 |
Conley, Antoinette | M | C.L. Bates Sunday at Pukwana |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Cook, Harley Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born Oct 20 |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Cotton, Marie | M | Earl Halligan of Iona July 5 at Burke |
*193 |
7-17-19 |
Creamer, Charlie Mr. and Mrs. | Ann | Celeb 50th anniv at home south of Chamberlain |
**179 |
5-26-49 |
Crown, Paul Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Oct 1 |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Cruson, Arthur A. | M | Sophia Thompson Tues. Both from Kimball |
402 |
7-29-20 |
Cundiff, Bill | D | Heart attack. B. 8-5-1877, Hanover. |
**197 |
8-4-49 |
Cyclone at Bijou Hills | Half-page article |
179 |
6-1-1899 |
Davis, Bud Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born at Iona Friday night |
187 |
10-2-24 |
Davis, Will | To publish 1st issue of Pukwana Press this week |
192 |
7-27-1899 |
DeSmet, Moses Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Came to gladden their Fort Hale home |
193 |
7-17-19 |
Dillon, Gladys | M | Earl Risher few days ago at Casper, Wyo. |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Dobbin, Vincent | Mil | Returned home after 2 years in France |
192 |
7-31-19 |
Donelan, Lyle | M | Helen Zelen Tuesday at Rapid City |
179 |
5-26-49 |
Douglas, Mary | M | Leo Schmidt in Mitchell last month |
199 |
7-17-30 |
Drew, Allen | D | At Custer Monday. |
**199 |
7-17-30 |
Dunbar, J.H. | D | July 13. Fa of Mrs. Elsie Bressler of Kimball |
402 |
7-27-50 |
Duncan, Dr. | D | At his home yesterday. B. 8-12-1851 |
*186 |
10-23-24 |
Duvall, Wallace | M | Charlotte Duvall of Pukwana |
401 |
3-19-25 |
Eastman, Charles | M | Meta Manz in Mitchell last week |
193 |
July 39 |
Ebright, R.J. Mrs | D | Last Saturday. At Pukwana |
178 |
6-26-24 |
Eckman, Marybelle | D | May 23 at Chamberlain . Bur Sweet Sprgs, MO |
*175 |
6-12-24 |
Eleeson, Julia | D | Jan 10 |
181 |
1-11-50 |
Ellwood, Rev. W. | M | Lena Wadsworth at Springville, NY recently |
186 |
10-12-1899 |
Emster, Fred Mr. and Mrs. | D | Last week. She d. at Pierre; he at Sanator |
179 |
5-26-49 |
Engel, Lee | M | Lucille Hegglund of Sioux Falls June 28 in Sioux F |
*400 |
7-3-30 |
Erwin, Elmer Harry | M | Lola Veneta Fox Wednesday afternoon |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Essean, Arthur Mrs | D | Thursday at St. Paul. Sis to H. Douville |
175 |
6-12-24 |
Evans, Doris | M | Ralph Harless at Chamberlain Dec 30 1929 |
181 |
1-2-30 |
Fire, Joseph | D | Of paralysis. Oldest son of Louis & Minnie Fire |
194 |
7-24-24 |
Ford, Leta | M | Sven Svenson, Ford home SW of Oacoma (Argus) |
182 |
8-14-19 |
Forell, Oscar Fred (72) | D | At home of sis, Mrs. Chas. Crane, at Reliance |
**400 |
7-6-50 |
Forked Butte, Lot | Mil | Returned to Fort Hale from overseas duty |
175 |
6-12-1919 |
Forrell, Ora Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | b. June 3, Oacoma |
175 |
6-12-19 |
Foster, J.B. | Granted divorce from Marian B. Foster (Argus) |
180 |
12-19-18 |
Fox, Lola Veneta | M | Elmer Harry Erwin Wednesday afternoon |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Francis, J.R. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born |
185 |
10-23-19 |
Frazier, fred Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Sept 26, Fort Hale |
187 |
10-5-19 |
Fry, Lemuel | D | At his home in Sioux City, Iowa on the 20th |
176 |
8-31-1899 |
Gabrielson, Gurrine Miss | D | Last Friday afternoon. |
194 |
7-6-1899 |
Gaden, Willie A. | M | Mamie Baker at Chamberlain New Year's day |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Gammon, George | M | And bride arrived at Dupree from France. M. 9-23 |
*186 |
10-16-19 |
Gammon, George E. | M | Marie Sondergard Sept 23 at bride's parents' home |
188 |
9-25-19 |
Gearhart, Charlotte | M | Wallace Duvall this past week |
401 |
3-19-25 |
Gilbert, Eben | M | Helen Wilson June 21 at Deadwood |
**194 |
7-7-49 |
Glaus, John | M | Florine Lee June 8 |
*178 |
6-16-49 |
Godager, Carl | Mil | Returned to Iona from 2 years overseas |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Gooder, Ray | M | Honor Elizabeth Stevens last Tuesday |
**179 |
6-1-1899 |
Gray, Charles Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born Tuesday morning |
182 |
8-17-1899 |
Griffin, Margaret Mrs (67) | D | Sat at her home. B 1832, Canada. Funeral at Kimb |
**184 |
10-26-1899 |
Griswold, F.H. | D | At Mason City, Iowa . Cancer of stom. Bur at Kimb |
*193 |
7-17-24 |
Groper, Elaine | M | Warren Novak at Eagle Tuesday |
188 |
9-22-39 |
Grosse, Herman Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born at their West Point twp home |
180 |
12-15-1888 |
Gruenig, Rube | M | Lizzie Maheny of Gann Valley |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Gunderson, Nels | D | At Venice. Mor bedridden. Bro of Peter. (Letter) |
**193 |
7-17-24 |
Gunderson, Peter Mr. and Mrs. | New baby at their home, America Twp. Aug 15 |
176 |
8-31-1899 |
Gust, Virgil | M | Jane Cole Aug. 4 at Big Timber, Mont. |
182 |
8-18-49 |
Halligan, Earl | M | Marie Cotton July 5 at Burke. Both from Iona |
*193 |
7-17-19 |
Halligan, John Richard | D | July 28. B. 1-1-1860, Peoria, Ill. m Sarah McCrady |
*197 |
8-2-19 |
Hansen, Jette Mrs. (84) | D | Sept 3. Lyman Co resident. B. 8-5-1865, Norway |
*183 |
9-15-49 |
Harding, Gertrude | M | Carl Blevins last Thursday |
186 |
10-23-24 |
Harless, Ralph | M | Doris Evans at Chamberlain Dec 30, 1929 |
181 |
1-2-30 |
Hart, Chas. Benjamin | D | At Lyle, Minn Mon. Was b. 3-21-1836, PA |
*191 |
9-7-1899 |
Harter, J. LaVerne | M | Florence Hill of Chamberlain |
**182 |
8-14-24 |
Harty, John | D | Shot and killed by Reliance town marshal last week |
**187 |
10-2-24 |
Haupt, Louis | M | Lola Atkinson Sat. at Zion Lutheran |
185 |
10-13-49 |
Hay, Nancy | M | Mr. Jones last Sunday |
180 |
12-14-1883 |
Hayes, Scott Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Six months old, died yesterday of illness of 2 days |
184 |
10-26-1899 |
Hegglund, Lucille | M | Lee Engel of Huron, June 28 in Sioux Falls |
**400 |
7-3-30 |
Heine, Pearl | M | Leo R. King at Fairbault, Minn |
**191 |
9-11-24 |
Helleckson, John | Sentenced to 2 yr 3 mo. For cattle rustling |
194 |
7-27-1899 |
Heminger, Julia | M | Garrett Ortley last week. Bride returned to. school |
*401 |
3-22-1900 |
Henegar, Sam (39) | D | At Pukwana Sunday last. Typhoid fever |
**179 |
6-1-1899 |
Henry, Isabel | M | Geo. J. Johnstone Sat. at Rochester, Minn. |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Hepworth, George | D | Sept 18, Haver, Mont. Bur. Burlingame, Kans |
*189 |
9-29-49 |
Hill, Florence | M | J. LaVerne Harter of Bloomfield, Iowa |
**182 |
8-14-24 |
Hixson, Robert Harold | M | Mary P. Willrodt June 15 |
**178 |
6-16-49 |
Hockersmith, Frank | Son | Born at his home last Friday |
195 |
6-29-1889 |
Hodgin, A.A. | D | At Monrovia, Calif. May 27. B. at Vermillion 1866 |
**179 |
5-26-49 |
Holmes, Calvin | Mil | Returned from France Sunday. With 89th Div |
179 |
6-4-19 |
Holmes, Frank Mrs | D | At 2 p.m. today at Chester Rosencrance home |
192 |
7-31-19 |
Holmes, H. Boyd | M | Gertrude Casey June 3 at Atlantic, Iowa |
*175 |
6-12-19 |
Honey, Virginia | Granted divorce from Andy. Will rec. $250 mo. |
180 |
12-13-23 |
Horton, Harry | M | Zella M. Rush yest at home of bride's parents |
*402 |
7-26-1900 |
Houska, Raymond | M | Hazel Potter Monday at Chamberlain |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Hubbard, Rev & Mrs | Dau | Arrived at their residence Monday last |
180 |
12-14-1883 |
Huber, Wilhelm | M | Elsie Schelske of Reliance |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Hullinger, Harvey | Mil | Discharged. Arrived at Vivian Sunday night |
176 |
9-4-19 |
Iseminger, Gordon | Mil | Returned from France Sunday. With 89th Div |
179 |
6-4-19 |
Iseminger, Gordon | Mil | Two letters to his mor from France published |
180 |
12-15-1888 |
Iseminger, Grace E | M | Lyndsay D Ballingal 9-16 (Argus) |
*190 |
9-18-19 |
Issac, Bethel | M | Clifford Fletcher at St. Mary's, Reliance Tuesday |
175 |
6-2-49 |
Jackson, M. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Died suddenly Sunday from congest of bowel |
190 |
9-14-1899 |
Jacobsen, Ingeborg (73) | D | At her home, Vermillion Sat. mor to Mrs Eleeson |
192 |
7-31-19 |
Jensen, Helen | M | Henry Adamson June 16 in Miller |
*194 |
7-7-49 |
Johnson, Clara | M | Cecil Peterson of Lucas in Chamberlain Saturday |
*401 |
3-27-30 |
Johnson, Ed Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | 15 mo. old child died Sunday. America Twp. |
197 |
8-3-1899 |
Johnstone, George J. | M | Isabel Henry Saturday at Rochester, Minn. |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Jones, Mr. | M | Nancy Hay of kimball last Sunday |
180 |
12-14-1883 |
Kaufman, August | M | Blanche Cannon June 4 at Hamill |
187 |
6-19-19 |
Keihn, Henry Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | May 26 |
179 |
6-5-24 |
Keith, W.O. | Charged with shooting chickens. Fines $10/costs |
176 |
8-31-1899 |
Kendall, Grandma | D | Sun. at home of son, John. Early Brule Co pioneer |
*193 |
7-17-24 |
Kendall, Sylvia (83) | D | Was b. 10-4-1869, Dodge Co., Wis. M. O.P.Kendall |
*183 |
10-20-49 |
Kenobbie, Neda | M | Edwin LeClair Wednesdat at Chamberlain |
178 |
6-26-24 |
Kettelson, Carl Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born at Vivian Saturday |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Kimball, F.W. (89) | D | At his home, Austin, Minn. Kimball named for him |
*184 |
11-6-24 |
King, Don | Mil | In Fla. After 42 months overseas. From Reliance |
*196 |
7-19-45 |
King, Henry | Mil | Returned Saturday from France |
179 |
6-4-1919 |
King, Leo R. | M | Pearl Heine at Fairbault, Minn |
**191 |
9-11-24 |
Kinney, A., Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Little baby girl died last Wednesday. |
197 |
8-3-1899 |
Kirkpatrick, R. Mrs. | D | At hosp. In Mitchell following an appendectomy |
**400 |
7-10-30 |
Knippling, John (92) | D | May 19, Buffalo Co. B at New Vienna, Iowa 1857 |
**179 |
5-26-49 |
Knutson, Victor | M | Anna Reynolds |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Kolbrek, Ben | D | Funeral at Torrey Lake Monday |
197 |
8-4-49 |
Kott, Louis V. | M | Charlotte Woodraska this past week |
401 |
3-19-25 |
Kropanske, George C. | M | Ethel Allen at Chamberlain New Year's Day |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Kuhns, Harry | D | At drug store in Sioux Falls, heart attack |
183 |
9-15-49 |
Langdeau, Harvey | Mil | Returned to Fort Hale Thurs. from service overseas |
175 |
6-12-19 |
LaRoche, Lyle | d | Ed Long Turkey sentenced to life for killing him |
188 |
9-22-39 |
Laughlin, L.B. Mr. and Mrs. | Ann | Celeb. 50th. To Chamberlain in 1891. Long history |
**184 |
11-6-24 |
Lawless, Beatrice Miss | D | At Seattle. Was about 20, dau of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. |
198 |
1-12-1900 |
LeClair, Edwin | M | Neda Kenobbie Wednesday in Chamberlain |
178 |
6-26-24 |
Lee, Florine | M | John Glaus June 8 |
*178 |
6-16-49 |
Lee, Ruby Mrs | Remembers her childhood. Published this issue |
188 |
9-22-49 |
Leiferman, Clement | D | Funeral Fri. at Estelline |
199 |
7-22-20 |
Lembke, Elizabeth | M | Edison Burns Taft Friday evening |
**179 |
6-5-24 |
Lester, Zelpha | M | William Pickner Monday. From Reliance |
*400 |
7-3-30 |
Lewis, Dr. J.W. | M | Georgia Smith at Chamberlain |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Lewis, Richard | D | Killed in France. Funeral service held Monday |
**176 |
9-1-49 |
Lien, Marcus Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Welcomed to their Kennebec home recently |
193 |
7-17-19 |
Linch, Adria E. | D | July 28 at Wagner hosp. B. Sioux City 3-11-1892 |
*197 |
7-24-24 |
Lockwood, Alice | M | Geo. W. Andrews Sept 2. Left for NY to live |
**176 |
9-4-24 |
Long Turkey | D | Monday at grandmother's home near agency |
182 |
8-14-19 |
Long Turkey, Chas. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | B at Fort Hale Thursday. Named Eva Agnes |
176 |
9-4-19 |
Long Turkey, Ed | Sentenced to life for killing Lyle LaRoche |
188 |
9-22-39 |
Long Turkey, Edw | Killed 2 men to marry one of the men's wives |
193 |
July 39 |
Lynes, Mabel | Granted divorce from Abraham |
180 |
12-13-23 |
Mack, Pearl | M | Phillip Worth at Kimball last Thursday |
**185 |
10-30-24 |
Maheny, Lizzie | M | Rube Gruenig of Platte |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Manz, Meta | M | Chas Eastman in Mitchell last week |
193 |
July 39 |
Martin, Bonnie | M | E.D. Roberts Saturday at Mpls. Will live in Pierre |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Matson, M | D | Last Tuesday after long illness. Was 78 |
190 |
9-14-1899 |
Mauer, Edna Mae (51) | D | Funeral Sunday at Chamberlain. Bur RVC |
197 |
8-4-49 |
McColley, Morris M. | M | Naomi Cole June 15 at poppy fields in Yankton |
**179 |
6-5-24 |
McCready, Hattie | M | James Colvin at Kimball last week |
186 |
10-12-1899 |
McMurty, "Mac" | M | Doris Potter in Pierre last Thursday |
400 |
7-3-30 |
Mead, Everett | M | Miss Schoessler in Winner first of the week |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Mehl, George A. (50) | D | At Hollywood, Calif. home |
**176 |
9-4-24 |
Mehl, Mercedes | M | Chauncey B. Nelson Aug. 8, Hollywood, Calif. |
182 |
8-14-24 |
Meiller, Ben Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Put in appearance at their home Thursday night |
180 |
12-15-1888 |
Mertens, Jacob | D | At his Chamb. home Jan 4. Born 1878, Kiel, Wisc. |
**181 |
1-11-50 |
Meyer, Willie | B | First child born in Chamberlain (to surveyor Meyer) |
182 |
8-18-49 |
Meyers, Coy Mr. and Mrs. | Inf | Death came to relieve suffering at Iona home Tues |
182 |
8-14-24 |
Michaelson, Gladys | Granted divorce from Herman |
180 |
12-13-23 |
Miller, C.C. | D | Last Thurs. after short illness. Was 25 |
176 |
8-31-1899 |
Miller, Nick | M | Mabel Bascom of West Point |
193 |
7-6-1899 |
Mohr, Henry | D | At Rapid City. Funeral Sturgis June 17. B. 1883 |
*195 |
6-23-49 |
Mohr, Henry (66) | D | Tues at Sturgis. B. & raised S of Chamberlain |
178 |
6-16-49 |
Moore, Harry M. | Mil | Letter to his mor published |
180 |
12-15-1888 |
Moore, Uncle Walt | Celeb 83rd birthday, Mrs. Husman, host. Reliance |
183 |
10-20-49 |
Morford, E.E. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born last Thursday |
188 |
9-21-1899 |
Morgan, Bee Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Oct. 18 |
186 |
10-23-24 |
Morrow, A.L. (40) | D | At Norborne, MO. Bro. To Judge Morrow |
*182 |
8-17-1899 |
Munger, Sheldon | M | Elsie M. Potter Aug 24 |
*191 |
9-11-24 |
Murphy, Alice Ann | M | Fred K. Nissen Saturday at Lutheran church |
*179 |
6-5-24 |
Mussman, W.H. Mrs (92) | D | Mon. Came to Chamberlain 1881. Photo |
**180 |
12-16-48 |
Nelson, Chauncey B. | M | Mercedes Mehl Aug 8 |
182 |
8-14-24 |
Nelson, Norma Jean | M | Arthur Weber. Will make home at Appleton, Wisc. |
183 |
10-20-49 |
Nissen, Fred K. | M | Alice Ann Murphy Saturday at Lutheran church |
*179 |
6-5-24 |
Norton, Hebert | Son | B July 19 |
402 |
7-29-20 |
Novak, Fred Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born Oct 14 |
186 |
10-23-24 |
Novak, Matt | Son | Died following accident with kerosene lamp |
*189 |
9-28-1899 |
Novak, Warren | M | Elaine Groper of Platte at church in Eagle Tuesday |
188 |
9-22-39 |
Olson, Joe | D | Inf. Son of Lasse Olson d. from pleuro pneumonia |
*401 |
3-22-1900 |
O'Neill, Ed | M | Meda Nell Brown Dec 31, Chamberlain |
181 |
1-8-25 |
O'Reilley, Albert | Dau | B at San last night. They are from Draper |
400 |
7-8-20 |
Ortley, Garrett | M | Julia Heminger last Wed. Too young, brought back |
*401 |
3-22-1900 |
Owen, Reed Mrs. | D | At Sioux City last week. Nee Alice Wright |
400 |
7-8-20 |
Parliman, Blanche | M | Edgar Whetham of Iona Mon. Live at Iona |
195 |
6-29-1889 |
Pazour, Margaret | M | James L. Soulek of Kimball |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Pease, Mary | D | Sept 6. B. 12-5-1855, Freeport, Ill. Came here 1881 |
**191 |
9-11-24 |
Peck, William Mrs. | D | Killed by piece of 2x4 during windstorm Sat. |
*187 |
6-17-24 |
Peterson family/tornado | D | 2 adults & 5 children killed by tornado Saturday |
*179 |
6-1-1899 |
Peterson, Cecil | M | Clara Johnson of Burke in Chamberlain Saturday |
*401 |
3-27-30 |
Peterson, Charles Mrs. | Son | B 2 months after other fam members killed/tornado |
192 |
7-27-1899 |
Peterson, Mrs. | D | Sun at home of dau, Mrs. S. Swanson. ill 2 yrs |
402 |
7-26-1900 |
Phillips, C.J. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Arrived at their Vivian home last Friday. (Argus) |
197 |
8-2-19 |
Pickner, William | M | Zelpha Lester Monday. Both from Reliance |
*400 |
7-3-30 |
Piskule, Joe Mr. and Mrs. | baby | Arrived July 17 |
194 |
7-24-24 |
Potter, Doris | M | "Mac" McMurty in Pierre last Thursday |
400 |
7-3-30 |
Potter, Elsie | M | Sheldon Munger Aug 24 |
*191 |
9-11-24 |
Potter, Hazel | M | Raymond Houska Monday at Chamberlain |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Pringle, Benjamin Lieut | Mil | Discharged from overseas service. Bro of E.R. |
176 |
9-4-19 |
Quilt, Felix Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Lody, died following spill into tub of boiling water |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Range, George | M | Gertrude Weddell, Kimball, today at Chamberlain |
400 |
7-8-20 |
Rapp, John | Son | Dropped in at his Kimball home Wednesday |
178 |
6-26-24 |
Red Hair, Sophia | D | Sunday morn. Dau of Mrs. Howard White Light |
180 |
12-13-23 |
Regenniter, A.D. | Son | Born last week. From Vivian (Argus) |
186 |
10-16-19 |
Rencountre, Albert | Mil | Returned to Fort Hale from overseas duty |
175 |
6-12-19 |
Rencountre, Julia | D | Last Wed. Wife of Jack, from Fort Hale |
187 |
10-5-19 |
Reuer, Alvin | M | Elva Jean Nash June 1 at Chamberlain |
**175 |
6-2-49 |
Reynolds, Anna | M | Victor Knutson |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Rhodes, Wm. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | B. last Sunday |
197 |
8-3-1899 |
Richey, I.E. | D | Last Thursday at Aberdeen hosp. Pontoon engineer |
*184 |
11-6-24 |
Riggen, J.A. (76) | D | Funeral at Reliance. B. Maisville, KY 3-18-1873 |
**178 |
6-16-49 |
Risher, Earl | M | Gladys Dillon a few days ago at Casper, Wyo. |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Roau, Ralph Mrs | Fa | D last Fri. B. at LaFarge, Wis 7-6-1861. Bur RVC |
**175 |
6-12-24 |
Roberts, E.D. | M | Bonnie Martin Saturday at Mpls. Will live in Pierre |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Roderick, Lottie (Mrs. Jay) | D | At her Rochester home Tues. Bur., Northfield, MN |
*179 |
5-26-49 |
Rogers, Frank | Mil | Left for Sioux Falls Tues. to enlist in the navy |
181 |
1-8-25 |
Rohr, Jennie V. | M | Hulbert D. Bowman Saturday |
186 |
10-23-24 |
Rohrbauck, Verly | M | Arline Wilk Sunday at Lutheran parsonage |
181 |
1-11-50 |
Rohrer, Francis | Mil | Ret to Reliance Sat. from France. With 90th Div |
193 |
7-17-19 |
Rose, D. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | B at Iona last week. |
182 |
8-14-24 |
Rose, Lester | M | Caroline Springer this past week |
401 |
3-19-25 |
Rose, Sara | M | Norman Bond june 14. Live on clain at White River |
193 |
7-17-19 |
Routier, H. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | B last week Wednesday, Brule Twp. |
176 |
8-31-1899 |
Rush, Zella M. | M | Harry Horton yest. At home of bride's parents |
*402 |
7-26-1900 |
Rutan, Wm. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Sunday |
182 |
8-14-24 |
Rynkoski, Annie | Divorce from Joseph Rynkoski granted (Argus) |
180 |
12-19-18 |
Satterlee, Lucille (3) | D | Saturday from op. for append. Parents- Andy S |
193 |
7-17-24 |
Schelske, Elsie | M | Wilhelm Huber of Norris |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Schmidt, Leo | M | Mary Douglas in Mitchell last month. Former res |
199 |
7-17-30 |
Schoessler, Miss | M | Everett Mead in Winner the first of the week |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Schwiesow, Fred Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born Monday at the San |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Schwiesow, Henry | Pled guilty to selling 5 cent cigars for 10 cents. |
184 |
10-26-1899 |
Sharpe. Merril Q. | M | Emily Louise Auld at Oacoma Wed. (Argus) |
**180 |
12-19-18 |
Shay, M. Mrs. | D | At her home Thursday eve. Bur on farm place |
*187 |
6-22-1899 |
Sherlock, Andrew (39) | D | Sat., stroke. From Sioux City. Here for treatment |
*186 |
10-23-24 |
Shoemaker, Dale | D | At Agate Beach, Ore home. Lockjaw |
189 |
9-29-49 |
Short, Carl | D | Hit & run near White Lake Mon.. Bur. Rapid City |
*195 |
6-23-49 |
Siddons, George B. Mrs. | D | Killed in auto accident when tire blew |
**176 |
9-4-24 |
Sletto, Sander | Mil | Returned to Vivian from service overseas |
*175 |
6-12-19 |
Sloan, Catherine | D | Dec 21 at Chamberlain . Bur at Flandreau, Dak Terr |
180 |
12-14-1883 |
Smith, Georgia | M | Dr. J.W. Lewis at Chamberlain |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Snodgrass, Mildred | M | Elmer C. Boal Saturday at Presho |
180 |
12-19-18 |
Somers, Lafayette L.F. | D | Perished in blizzard Mar. 7. B 4-21-26 at Iona |
*401 |
3-27-30 |
Somers, Lester | Home burned to ground 2 day after dau was born |
187 |
10-2-24 |
Somers, Lester Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Sept 28 in Brule Twp |
187 |
10-2-24 |
Sondergard, Marie | M | Geroge E. Gammon Sept 23 at her parents' home |
188 |
9-25-19 |
Soulek, James L. | M | Margaret Pazour of Pukwana |
195 |
7-3-24 |
Spalding, D.W. "Dave" | D | Sept 20 at Teton, Wyo. SD pion. B. 1844, Ill |
*188 |
9-25-24 |
Springer, Caroline | M | Lester Rose of West Point this past week |
401 |
3-19-25 |
Springer, Frieda | D | May 27 from pneumonia. Was almost 19 |
179 |
6-5-24 |
St. Onge, Ed Mr. and Mrs. | Son | At Vivian Dec. 6 |
180 |
12-19-18 |
Stahl, Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born last week |
179 |
6-1-1899 |
Stahnke, August | D | June 23. Old & esteemed pioneer. B. in Germany |
**195 |
6-23-49 |
Stevens, Honor Eliz | M | Ray Gooder of Iona last Tuesday |
**179 |
6-1-1899 |
Stewart, J.W. | D | Friday at Mitchell hospital. (Argus) |
182 |
8-14-19 |
Stocks, Bertha | D | At Hermiston, Mont. Early Brule Co teacher |
189 |
9-29-49 |
Stolte, John | M | To young lady at Waterloo, Iowa last week. |
401 |
3-22-1900 |
Strong, Marie B. Mrs. (58) | D | At Lemmon Oct. 18, append. Bur at Chamberlain |
185 |
10-30-24 |
Suiter, C.T. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born June 24 |
187 |
6-19-19 |
Svenson, Sven | M | Leta Ford at Ford home SW of Oacoma (Argus) |
182 |
8-14-19 |
Swenson, Adrian | D | July 19. Farmed 5 miles east of Pukwana |
**402 |
7-27-50 |
Taft, Edison Burns | M | Elizabeth Lembke Friday evening |
**179 |
6-5-24 |
Talich, Blanche | M | John Burian Monday in Chamberlain |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Tallman, C.E. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Last Saturday. |
400 |
7-8-20 |
Tapper, W.R. | First man to purchase Lyman County land |
*179 |
6-4-19 |
Thode, Francis Love | D | Funeral last Fri., Belvidere. B. 1876 , England |
**179 |
5-26-49 |
Thom, Augusta Mrs | Celeb. 90th July 27. Nee Lulof 1855 |
**196 |
7-19-45 |
Thompson, Bennett | Dau | Arrived at their home last weekend |
182 |
8-17-1899 |
Thompson, Lois | M | Walter Bode at Chamberlain june 1 |
**175 |
6-2-49 |
Thompson, Sophia | M | Arthur A. Cruson Tues. |
402 |
7-29-20 |
Thoos, A.C. | D | At Kansas City. Worker on Custer Battelfield Hwy. |
*197 |
7-24-24 |
Troynek, George | Son | D last Fri. Scarlet fever. 5 yrs. Old. Bur. Bendon |
198 |
1-15-20 |
Tschudy, Peter R. | D | At Yankton. Former Pukwana resident |
*400 |
7-10-30 |
Van Schaack, Ann Mrs. | D | Sept 30.was b. 12-15-1860, Vinton, Iowa |
**187 |
10-2-24 |
Van Zante, Lloyd | D | Suicide Sunday following auto accident |
*181 |
1-2-30 |
Wadsworth, Lena | M | Rev. W. Ellwood at Springville, NY recently |
186 |
10-12-1899 |
Wait, Capt. W.B. (71) | D | July 2. B. in NY, raised in Minn. To Chamb 1902 |
**195 |
7-3-24 |
Walton, John Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Arrived at their home Tuesday |
400 |
7-3-30 |
Waugh, Chas. Mrs. | D | Friday. B.1873 in Germany, (nee Geppert) |
**182 |
8-18-49 |
Webb, Eugene | D | At Chamberlain of Fortuna, Calif. Here for reunion |
*183 |
9-15-49 |
Weber, Arthur | M | Norma Jean Nelson of Sublette, Ill. At home in Wis |
183 |
10-20-49 |
Weddell, Gertrude | M | George Range, Kimball, today at Chamberlain |
400 |
7-8-20 |
Weeks, O.A. | D | Heart. b. 1-13-1867, Polk Co. Iowa. Bur. Pukwana |
194 |
7-10-24 |
Weiland, Ted | D | Tues. at his home. B. 2-14-1903, Scotland, SD |
*195 |
6-23-49 |
Wells, Geo. Mr. and Mrs. | baby | Born at San Monday night |
185 |
10-30-24 |
Wennigar, Enid | M | Charles Busack last Wednesday |
183 |
Oct -29 |
Wetterer, Alfonse Mrs. | D | This morn at Chamberlain San, heart disease |
193 |
7-17-24 |
Whetham, Edgar | M | Blanche Parliman of Armour Monday.Live at Iona |
195 |
6-29-1889 |
Whitbeck, C.A. Mr. and Mrs. | Dau | Born Oct. 27 |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Willrodt, L. Henry | D | Funeral Thursday. D. Tues at ranch home |
**402 |
7-27-50 |
Willrodt, Mary Patricia | M | Robert H. Hixson of Gettysburg June 15 |
**178 |
6-16-49 |
Wilson, Helen | M | Eben Gilbert June 21 at Deadwood |
**194 |
7-7-49 |
Wilson, Lee | D | Sunday. No immed. family memb. Bur. RVC |
199 |
7-20-50 |
Wood, Frank | Mor | Died at Rudd, Iowa Saturday |
188 |
9-21-1899 |
Woodley, Roy Mrs | D | At Chamberlain Sunday. Was from Draper |
175 |
6-12-24 |
Woodraska, Anna (80) | D | Friday. Came to Dakota Territory 1881 |
**175 |
6-2-49 |
Woodraska, Charlotte | M | Louis V. Kott of Academy this past week |
401 |
3-19-25 |
Wooledge, D.D. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born Oct. 1 |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Worth, Phillip | M | Pearl Mack of Vermillion at Kimball last Thursday |
**185 |
10-30-24 |
Wortman, W.E. Mr. and Mrs. | Son | Born at their home Saturday |
184 |
11-6-24 |
Young, Ross Mr. and Mrs. | Inf | Died Saturday, Kennebec |
194 |
7-24-19 |
Zobrosky, Frank Mr. and Mrs. | b-d | Baby born and died Sunday morning |
179 |
6-4-19 |