Lyman County
pioneers and early settlers
quality of the photos on this page is the result of
scanning and editing negatives that were left on my
doorsteps a few years ago.
The majority of the negatives are from the early 1950s.
July 13, 2008
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Authier |
James Brown |
James Brown |
Marjorie Hahn |
Garnos boys |
Gerald Gerard family |
Willis Gifford family |
Willis Gifford family |
Art Faber family |
Houchin children |
Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Houchin |
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Jenson |
Dewayne Kercher |
Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Larson |
Mrs. Jacob Mertens |
Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Nuttall |
Louis Leichtnam
family |
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Opp |
Barney Schoenfelder
family |
Mr. and Mrs. John Post |
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Reumann |
Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth
Reuer |
Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Stockenbroker |
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Sweeney |
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Sweeney |
Daryl Watson |
Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Zastrow |