Lyman County South Dakota's Genealogy

Lyman County Schools

First School in Lyman County was southeast of Oacoma along the Missouri river (Cedar Shore Resort area today), taught in a steamboat.  School Dist. #1.


Kennebec  Kennebec School, 1906 - high school now consolidated with Presho School, i.e., Lyman School.

Oacoma    Oacoma School, 1895. First schoolhouse built 1907, burned 1924. Brick building constructed following year. Eighty students enrolled in 1922-23. Two years of high school taught in this school. Consolidated with Chamberlain School Dist. in Brule County and closed in 1994-95.

Presho      Who's who?  1912-1953   Presho School, 1908-09 - Remodeled in 1948 and new buildings in 1960s-‘70s.
All high school students from Reliance, Kennebec, Vivian attend Lyman High School today.
   Alumni 1954 - 1970

Reliance 1906 - 1995 

Vivian   1920- 1973

Teacher’s chores:  Instructions to teachers of Dakota Territory.

Teachers will fill the lamps and clean the chimneys of the lamps each day.

Each teacher will bring a scuttle of coal and a bucket of water for the day’s use.

Make pens carefully. You may whittle the nibs for the individual taste of the children.

Men teachers may take off one evening off each for the purpose of courting, or two evenings off each week, if going to church.

After ten hours of school, the teacher should spend the remaining time reading the Bible or other good books.

Women teachers who marry or engage in other unseemly conduct will be discharged.

Every teacher should lay aside from his pay a goodly sum for declining years so he will not become a burden on society.

Any teacher who smokes, drinks or frequents pool halls, or gets shaved in a barber shop, will give good cause for suspecting his worth, intentions, integrity or honesty.

Any teacher who performs his labors faithfully and without fault for five years will be given an increase of twenty-five cents a week in his pay, providing the board approves.

Note: This was during the time a teacher’s pay was $25 per month. 

School Districts

Some the data is duplicated, I'm sure, but rather than spend hours trying to separate and organize I have decided to leave everything as it is in the event a school or two may have been omitted from one list. Better to have duplications rather than omissions, right? Right. Marlys Swanson compiled all of the data. I'm the one who duplicated, cross-referenced, etc, and made the overall mess you see before you. If you find who you are looking for all will be forgiven, I'm sure.

District #3

Dirkstown School, - organized in 1895 with 11 students. Leona Hickey, teacher, term 59 days. Located on Sec. 4, Twp 104 Range 74. Dixon, White McManus, Mckenzie, Dirks, Altig, Lester, Drido, Johnson, Beers, Mohr, Thompson, Washburn and Wheeler children.

Pleasant View School on Bartholow land, 1907. Monson, Bartholow, Rockafellow, Lester, Eymer. Walker, Lloyd and Myers families children. Aka  the Rose School.

Mayflower School, south of Reliance near the Diess place, later moved to the Vern Miller place. Diess, Wagaman, Miller, Rohrbuck, Cullen, Dutro, Murphy, Yerkas, Hoffer and Frey children.

Lyman School, Delores McManus was only student to attend all years at this school, graduating from high school. Two story building with all rooms occupied at one time. Anderson, Moore, McManus, Lester, Turey, White, Berg, Porterfield, Eymer, Diess, Hooker, Cross and Hoffer.

White River School District #4

Walker School, 1922, 17 students from Boling, Bowar, Eleeson, Keller, Smith and Seidel families.

Miller School, 1922. Tagtow, Somers, .Lammers, Kreinbuhl, Rose, Gray, Beshaw and Davis children.

Bull Creek School, 18 miles south of Reliance along Highway 47, Ellis, Hammerbeck, Baumgartner, Dobbin, Yates and Kenzy children.

Norway School District #5

Hamiel School, 1935. North of Reliance. Hamiel, Black, Gifford children.

Norway School, was once part of the Oacoma School District until 1895, so is one of Lyman County’s oldest schools. First school on Straka farm northeast of Reliance. AKA Lindley schoolhouse in 1938, Crane School, and Hanson School. Hamiel, Lafferty, Woster, Bunker, Christensen, Reuer, Fuegen and Blum families. Eventually became part of Chamberlain School District, Brule County.

Dodge School, no information.

Lewis School District #6

Iona School, one of the earliest schools in the district. Had a two-year high school course Kennedy. Lulf, Miller, Salzman, Thompson, Walker, Sheldon, Ham, Plak, Mye and Houton families. In 1962, Miss Helen Recoy was teacher.

Star School, 1900. Three-month terms. In 1962, 12 students enrolled.

Lincoln School, Russell, Troth and Bowie children.

Lone Butte School,

McKinley School, 22 students in 1923. Built in 1902.

Ham School, Fenenga, Rasmussen, Feyereisen and Johnson children

Cooper School District #7   (First school in 1894. )

Cooper School, 1919, children: Larson, Stallman, Fletcher, Hodgin, Ayers, Humphreys, Murphy, Swanson, Peterson, Johnson, Albery children (1903).  1924 students as listed in booklet below: Peterson, Waldron, Murphy, Stallman, Lester.   By late forties, Cosgrove, Wagner, Stewart, Hoffer, Larsen, Stallman. Others over the years: Wilson, Cooper, Brown, Smith. Lewis, Pilker, Nelson, Plin, Graves, Mason, Tagtow, Traxel, Ferdig, Negabauer, Byre, Edinger, Baker, Harder, Hessler, Bouges, Morgenthauler, Schmidt, Reuer and Washburn. School closed in mid-1990s

Medicine Creek School District #8, aka Gilman School, Gilman, Larson, Chrans and Altig children. AKA Murphy School. By 1962, only three children attending.

Hotch City School District #10

Moore School, In 1923, Moore, Gardner, Neuhaus, Lester, King and Takes children

Speilman School. By 1940, only two schools remained.

Earling School District #22

New Lincoln, Pleasant Hill, West Earling and Lien schools- Church used as a school early 1900s. Fifth and sixth grade students finished course in Physiology in 1923. Campbell, Melenbrink, Husman Huston, Hammon, Mertens, Walters, Mieds, Abrahamson, Kortrum, Lien, Harmon, Roth, Sandvicks, Steinstruds, Olson, Erickson, Brays, Johnson, Anderson, Brakke.

Houston School District #12

Two schools in early 1920s. Children of Freelove, Glass, Hollenback, Langdon, Freeman, Clark, Keaton, Stoops, Clemens, Paine, Baker and Mohr families.

Presho School District #13

Corkhill School, 1906, Anderson, Corkhill, Monson and Vernon children. Aka Dybing School.

Sider School held in tar paper shack, 1905. Jane Sider would leave her shack during the day so the children could go to school. May, Dow, Jensen, Brennan, Sider, Fiske, Howe, Kepplers and Hobbs.

Moe School and Comp School also in district.

Lower Brule School District #14

Allen School, Fort Hale School. Thompson, Pilker, Carpenter, DeSmet. Frazier, Johnson and Bauer children. Flavia Hodgin may have been the first teacher in this school..

Cedar Creek School- Hawk, LaRoche, Jandreau, High Elk and Big Heart children.

Roeser School - Roeser, Garman, Williams, Dorman and Bailey. Baille, Werner, Creighton and Evans children. Aka Bailey School.

Peterson School - in operation only three years. Gladys Stewart teacher. Peterson, King and Kingsley children.

Prairie Star School - 1919 - Dinehart School - Satterlee and Dinehart children

Black Dog School - Schaefer, Reuer, Jandreau. Destroyed by fire.

Riverside School District # 15

Riverside School, 1900 near the White River. Closed 1950, Halvorsgaard, Anderson, Claussen, Deegan, Schervem,Knutson, Shiplor.

Lund School District #16

North Lund School-Lillie, Engen, Strom, Cole and Lien children.

East Lund School - early 20s. Hulce, May, Knutson, Moore and Strickler.

Lund School, 1922- Darling, Fay, Brown, Pringle Lalemer, Authier, Diedrich and Cole.

Pleasant School District #17

Pleasant Hill School, some children taught - Schultz, Ellefsen, Stenson, Terca and Wachter.

Moore Township #18

Jackson School, 1922. 3 ˝ month school term. Lantz, Myers, Blacken, Hamelson,Jackson and Roberts children.

West Moore School only had four students from the Williams family.

Hilmoe School District # 20

Swinson School, 1906. Juhnke, Lillebo, Gracing, Brown, Stoops and Unhen. 1922-23 students- Oller, Erickson, Laumbach, Dahl and Ambur.

Hilmoe School - Longview School, Schoulte School. By 1962, Seachris Selland, Roberts, Schoulte and Burger children.

Vivian School District #21

Vivian School, 1907 new school. 1920 high school added. 1922, 133 students. 1962, 81, and by 1970 students began attending classes in other schools.

Edna School District #27

Edna School, 1910

Sioux School #22, at one time, 19 students were taught by Arlo Huffman.

Cedar Valley School #24 - in northern section of Lyman County.

Schaeffer #25 - Rose School, Whitford, Mason, Volstad, Jones and Hamer

Gibson School - 1922- Manhalter, Huston, Mertens and Thomson. Ten students remain in 1962.

Sweeney #26

Rose Center School, Had 33 pupils at one time. Was still operating in 1962 with 23 students.

Edna Township #27

Edna School, started in 1906. 1910 photo with Levi, Dugan, Walker, Kineen, Swinson, Morgan and Paine children.

Nelson School, 1922 - Cole Schulz, Bennett, Cotton and Spray. By 1940, Boyd Wright and Ethel Cole, teachers.

Tracy School District# 27 cannot be found on school district maps anymore, but was listed in reports from the state archives. Two schools- Cartwright School with Moore, Metzger, Thomas, Bush and Wilson children; Kincannon School with Bush, Rabern, Dixon, Reed and Hook children.

Annin Township # 28,

1906, West Annin School - Wolfe, Jessop, Fry, Sturm, Ross, Cropsey, O’Toole and Goldsmith children; East Annin, 1908 - In 1922 - 23: Dolan, Frasier, Beckman, Leichtnam, Gertje, Jessop, Toplin children.

Dorman District #29,

Hermanson School, West Dorman still in use in 1962 by Anderson and Moore families; North Dorman records 17 students in 1923.

Hieb School Dist. # 34,

Early turn of the century in White River Bottom, Fletcher, Lebselter, Lorenz and Rohrback children. Hieb School, 1920, Hieb, Frey, Hoffer and Schooler. Aka Roosevelt School (named after President Roosevelt,) Schooler School, Erickson School. Hieb School closed in 1952 and children went to Roosevelt School. The Bellwood School first held in log cabin with dirt floor and dirt roof, on Bellwood Creek. Schooler, Moulton Johnson, Erickson, Peterson, Smoot and Burull children. Hoffer, Kindopp and Schelske children attended Roosevelt School. Lund School, 1908, east of Carl Lund place- Cegley, Lund, Jensen and LeBarge children (photo.) On land owned by Schwenk.

Rowe School Dist. # 35 -

Rowe School, early 20s, 13 students. Bartel School- Hartlan, Patter, Sehflet and Kenyon children; Fairview School- Smith, Eldridge, Wagener and Urquhart children.

Stony Butte School Dist. #36

East Stony Butte School, 1903- Bush, King, Rachel and Goodwin children; East Stony Butte School moved in 1923 to be centralized for the Wells, Weverstadt, Boal, Murphy, Bower, Scott and Johnson children - located near Vivian and closed in 1938. West Stony Butte School, in 1920, Wells, Shirks, Kennedy, McLaughlin, Radamakers, Phiffer, Bensley, Burnett, Schrimer, Joesmyer, Lindvedt and Horsley children. Closed in 1937. Informational history on both schools and the teachers.

Grouse Creek Dist. #45-

Chamberlain School, Heston School with Halverson, Blacker and Gilman children; Washburn and Young Schools had Van De Drink, Norton, Campbell, Bingham, Young, Manger and Johnson children.

Cloud School Dist. #46.

Schools located north of Reliance near Medicine Butte (North Cloud and South Cloud - 1922 shows Hamiel, Pease, Banks at Donelan School and Haase, Kenobbie and Andersons at the House School.

Brule Dist. #53,

First school in Arthur Muchow’s claim shack. Urban, Ehler, Evan, Meriam, McCullough, children. In 1922-23, children - Ehler, Nichel, Underwood and Urban

Cedar School Dist. #54,-

Wagner, Frey, DeBolt, Langdeau, Tomea, Mueller and Smith children.

.Rosebud School Dist. #55,

Wolcott School -about 1910 . No names. 1922, Wolcott, Skogsberg, Schooler and Mosier children. Lingren School - Sondegard, Larson children and others. History.

Fairview School Dist. #56

North School, 1922, Hannet School, Fool Hawk, Rohwer, Hannet, Beranek and Hill children; North Fairview School, 1962 - Fott, Kubik, Farmer and Gran children; South Fairview - Ritter, Rohwer and Hannet children, same year.

"Gumbo College," circa 1915, was a tar paper shack located on the north creek NW of the present-day (1989) Richard Reuer Ranch southeast of Reliance. Burned in 1925. Children: Hanson, Powers, Young, Hills and Hendrickson.

Kennebec School, 1906 - high school now consolidated with Presho School, i.e., Lyman School.

Lyman County, First School in Lyman County was established south of Oacoma, probably on Lower Brule Indian Reservation, taught by Episcopalian missionaries.

Oacoma School, 1895. First schoolhouse built 1907, burned 1924. Brick building constructed following year. Eighty students enrolled in 1922-23. Two years of high school taught in this school. Consolidated with Chamberlain School Dist. In Brule County and closed in 1994-95.

Presho School, 1908-09 - Remodeled in 1948 and new buildings in 1960s-‘70s. All high school students from Reliance, Kennebec, Vivian attend Lyman High School today.

Reliance School, 1906 - 1995.

 Country Schools and their names

District #3

Dirkstown School



Pleasant View


White River District #4

Bull Creek



Norway School District #5







Lewis School District #6






Cooper School District #7

North Cooper

South Cooper

Medicine Creek School District #8


Hotch City District #10



Houston School District #12

Presho School District # 13






Lower Brule District #14



Black Dog

Cedar Creek


Fort Hale


Prairie Dog


Riverside District #15


Lund School District #16


North Lund

East Lund

Pleasant District # 17

Pleasant Hill

Moore Twp. District # 18


West Moore

Hilmoe School District #20





Vivian School District #21


Earling School District #22


Pleasant Hill

New Lincoln

West Earling


Cedar Valley #24

Schaeffer #25

Sweeney School District #26

Rose Center

Edna School District #27




Tracy School District #27



Annin School District #28

East Annin

West Annin

Dorman School District#29


North Dorman

West Dorman

Hieb School District #34







Rowe School District #35




Stony Butte District #36

East Stony Butte

West Stony Butte

Grouse Creek Dist. # 45





Cloud School District #46



North Cloud

South Cloud

Cedar School District #54

Rosebud School District #55



Brule School District #53

Fairview District #56


North Fairview


South Fairview

Gumbo College


Lower Brule

Lyman County’s first


Presho - See databases

Reliance - See databases



District #3: Dirkstown, Lyman, Mayflower, Pleasant View, Rose.                                                                          

White River District #4: Bull Creek, Miller, Walker

Norway School District #5: Crane, Dodge, Hamiel, Hansen, Lindley, Norway, Lewis

District #6: Ham, Iona, Lincoln, Lone, McKinley

Cooper School District #7: North Cooper, South Cooper

Medicine Creek School District #8  Murphy

Hotch City District #10: Moore, Speilman

Houston School District #12

Presho School District # 13: Comp, Corkhill, Dybing, Moe, Sider

Lower Brule District #14: Allen, Bailey, Black Dog, Cedar Creek, Dinehart, Fort Hale  Peterson, Prairie Dog, Roeser

Riverside District #15 Riverside

Lund School District #16:  Lund, North Lund, East Lund

Pleasant District # 17  Pleasant Hill

Moore Twp. District # 18  Jackson,  West Moore

Hilmoe School District #20 Hilmoe,  Longview, Schoulte, Swinson

Vivian School District #21 Vivian

Earling School District #22  Lien,  Pleasant Hill,  New Lincoln,  West Earling, Sioux

Cedar Valley #24

Schaeffer #25

Sweeney School District #26  Rose, Center

Edna School District #27  Edna,  Gibson,  Nelson

CTracy School District #27   Cartwright,  Kincannon

Annin School District #28  East Annin,  West Annin

Dorman School District#29    Hermanson,  North Dorman,   West Dorman

Hieb School District #34  Erickson, Hieb, Lund, Roosevelt,   Schooler, Bellwood

Rowe School District #35   Bartel,  Fairview, Rowe

Stony Butte District #36  East Stony Butte,  West Stony Butte

Grouse Creek Dist. # 45 Chamberlain,  Heston,  Washburn,   Young

Cloud School District #46  Donelan, House, North Cloud, South Cloud

Cedar School District #54

Rosebud School District #55  Lingren, Wolcott

Brule School District #53

Fairview District #56  Hannet, North Fairview, North South Fairview   (?)

Little more info on the schools and the districts they were in

District #3

Dirkstown School, - organized in 1895 with 11 students. Leona Hickey, teacher, term 59 days. Located on Sec. 4, Twp 104 Range 74. Dixon, White, McManus, Mckenzie, Dirks, Altig, Lester, Drido, Johnson, Beers, Mohr, Thompson, Washburn and Wheeler children.

Pleasant View School on Bartholow land, 1907. Monson, Bartholow, Rockafellow, Lester, Eymer. Walker, Lloyd and Myers families children. Aka as the Rose School.

Mayflower School, south of Reliance near the Diess place, later moved to the Vern Miller place. Diess, Wagaman, Miller, Rohrbuck, Cullen, Dutro, Murphy, Yerkas, Hoffer and Frey children.

Lyman School, Delores McManus was only student to attend all years at this school, graduating from high school. Two story building with all rooms occupied at one time. Anderson, Moore, McManus, Lester, Turey, White, Berg, Porterfield, Eymer, Diess, Hooker, Cross and Hoffer.

White River School District #4

Walker School, 1922, 17 students from Boling, Bowar, Eleeson, Keller, Smith and Seidel families.

Miller School, 1922. Tagtow, Somers, .Lammers, Kreinbuhl, Rose, Gray, Beshaw and Davis children.

Bull Creek School, 18 miles south of Reliance along Highway 47, Ellis, Hammerbeck, Baumgartner, Dobbin, Yates and Kenzy children.

Norway School District #5

Hamiel School, 1935. North of Reliance. Hamiel, Black, Gifford children.

Norway School, was once part of the Oacoma School District until 1895, so is one of Lyman County’s oldest schools. First school on Straka farm northeast of Reliance. AKA Lindley schoolhouse in 1938, Crane School, and Hanson School. Hamiel, Lafferty, Woster, Bunker, Christensen, Reuer, Fuegen and Blum families. Eventually became part of Chamberlain School District, Brule County.

Dodge School, no information.

Lewis School District #6

Iona School, one of the earliest schools in the district. Had a two-year high school course Kennedy. Lulf, Miller, Salzman, Thompson, Walker, Sheldon, Ham, Plak, Mye and Houton families. In 1962, Miss Helen Recoy was teacher.

Star School, 1900. Three-month terms. In 1962, 12 students enrolled.

Lincoln School, Russell, Troth and Bowie children.

Lone Butte School,

McKinley School, 22 students in 1923. Built in 1902.

Ham School, Fenenga, Rasmussen, Feyereisen and Johnson children

Cooper School District #7

First school in 1894.

Cooper School, 1919, children: Larson, Stallman, Fletcher, Hodgin, Ayers, Humphreys, Murphy, Swanson, Peterson, Johnson, Albery children (1903); by late forties, Cosgrove, Wagner, Stewart, Hoffer, Larsen. Others over the years: Wilson, Cooper, Brown, Smith. Lewis, Pilker, Nelson, Plin, Graves, Mason, Tagtow, Traxel, Ferdig, Negabauer, Byre, Edinger, Baker, Harder, Hessler, Bouges, Morgenthauler, Schmidt, Reuer and Washburn. School still in use

Medicine Creek School District #8, aka Gilman School, Gilman, Larson, Chrans and Altig children. AKA Murphy School. By 1962, only three children attending.

Hotch City School District #10

Moore School, In 1923, Moore, Gardner, Neuhaus, Lester, King and Takes children

Speilman School. By 1940, only two schools remained.

Earling School District #22

New Lincoln, Pleasant Hill, West Earling and Lien schools. Church used as a school early 1900s. Fifth and sixth grade students finished course in physiology in 1923. Campbell, Melenbrink, Husman Huston, Hammon, Mertens, Walters, Mieds, Abrahamson, Kortrum, Lien, Harmon, Roth, Sandvicks, Steinstruds, Olson, Erickson, Brays, Johnson, Anderson, Brakke.

Houston School District #12

Two schools in early 1920s. Children of Freelove, Glass, Hollenback, Langdon, Freeman, Clark, Keaton, Stoops, Clemens, Paine, Baker and Mohr families.

Presho School District #13

Corkhill School, 1906, Anderson, Corkhill, Monson and Vernon children. Aka Dybing School.

Sider School held in tar paper shack, 1905. Jane Sider would leave her shack during the day so the children could go to school. May, Dow, Jensen, Brennan, Sider, Fiske,

Howe, Kepplers and Hobbs.

Moe School and Comp School also in district.

Lower Brule School District #14

Allen School, Fort Hale School. Thompson, Pilker, Carpenter, DeSmet. Frazier, Johnson and Bauer children. Flavia Hodgin may have been the first teacher in this school..

Cedar Creek School- Hawk, LaRoche, Jandreau, High Elk and Big Heart children.

Roeser School - Roeser, Garman, Williams, Dorman and Bailey. Baille, Werner, Creighton and Evans children. Aka Bailey School.

Peterson School - in operation only three years. Gladys Stewart teacher. Peterson, King and Kingsley children.

Prairie Star School - 1919 - Dinehart School - Satterlee and Dinehart children

Black Dog School - Schaefer, Reuer, Jandreau. Destroyed by fire.

Riverside School District # 15

Riverside School, 1900 near the White River. Closed 1950, Halvorsgaard, Anderson, Claussen, Deegan, Schervem,Knutson, Shiplor.

Lund School District #16

North Lund School-Lillie, Engen, Strom, Cole and Lien children.

East Lund School - early 20s. Hulce, May, Knutson, Moore and Strickler.

Lund School, 1922- Darling, Fay, Brown, Pringle Lalemer, Authier, Diedrich and Cole.

Pleasant School District #17

Pleasant Hill School, some children taught - Schultz, Ellefsen, Stenson, Terca and Wachter.

Moore Township #18

Jackson School, 1922. 3 ˝ month school term. Lantz, Myers, Blacken, Hamelson,Jackson and Roberts children.

West Moore School only had four students from the Williams family.

Hilmoe School District # 20

Swinson School, 1906. Juhnke, Lillebo, Gracing, Brown, Stoops and Unhen. 1922-23 students- Oller, Erickson, Laumbach, Dahl and Ambur.

Hilmoe School - Longview School, Schoulte School. By 1962, Seachris Selland, Roberts, Schoulte and Burger children.

Vivian School District #21

Vivian School, 1907 new school. 1920 high school added. 1922, 133 students. 1962, 81, and by 1970 students began attending classes in other schools.

Edna School District #27

Edna School, 1910

Sioux School #22, at one time, 19 students were taught by Arlo Huffman.

Cedar Valley School #24 - in northern section of Lyman County.

Schaeffer #25 - Rose School, Whitford, Mason, Volstad, Jones and Hamer

Gibson School - 1922- Manhalter, Huston, Mertens and Thomson. Ten students remain in 1962.

Sweeney #26

Rose Center School, Had 33 pupils at one time. Was still operating in 1962 with 23 students.

Edna Township #27

Edna School, started in 1906. 1910 photo with Levi, Dugan, Walker, Kineen, Swinson, Morgan and Paine children.

Nelson School, 1922 - Cole Schulz, Bennett, Cotton and Spray. By 1940, Boyd Wright and Ethel Cole, teachers.

Annin Township # 28, 1906, West Annin School - Wolfe, Jessop, Fry, Sturm, Ross, Cropsey, O’Toole and Goldsmith children; East Annin, 1908 - In 1922 - 23: Dolan, Frasier, Beckman, Leichtnam, Gertje, Jessop, Toplin children.

Dorman District #29, Hermanson School, West Dorman still in use in 1962 by Anderson and Moore families; North Dorman records 17 students in 1923.

Hieb School Dist. # 34, Early turn of the century in White River Bottom, Fletcher, Lebselter, Lorenz and Rohrback children. Hieb School, 1920,Hieb, Frey, Hoffer and Schooler. Aka Roosevelt School (named after President Roosevelt,) Schooler School, Erickson School. Hieb School closed in 1952 and children went to Roosevelt School. The Bellwood School first held in log cabin with dirt floor and dirt roof, on Bellwood Creek. Schooler, Moulton Johnson, Erickson, Peterson, Smoot and Burull children. Hoffer, Kindopp and Schelske children attended Roosevelt School. Lund School, 1908, east of Carl Lund place- Cegley, Lund, Jensen and LeBarge children (photo.) On land owned by Schwenk.

Rowe School Dist. # 35 - Rowe School, early 20s, 13 students. Bartel School- Hartlan, Patter, Sehflet and Kenyon children; Fairview School- Smith, Eldridge, Wagener and Urquhart children.

Tracy School District# 27 cannot be found on school district maps anymore, but was listed in reports from the state archives. Two schools- Cartwright School with Moore, Metzger, Thomas, Bush and Wilson children; Kincannon School with Bush, Rabern, Dixon, Reed and Hook children.

Stony Butte School Dist. #36

East Stony Butte School, 1903- Bush, King, Rachel and Goodwin children; East Stony Butte School moved in 1923 to be centralized for the Wells, Weverstadt, Boal, Murphy, Bower, Scott and Johnson children - located near Vivian and closed in 1938. West Stony Butte School, in 1920, Wells, Shirks, Kennedy, McLaughlin, Radamakers, Phiffer, Bensley, Burnett, Schrimer, Joesmyer, Lindvedt and Horsley children. Closed in 1937. Informational history on both schools and the teachers.

Cloud School Dist. #46. Schools located north of Reliance near Medicine Butte (North Cloud and South Cloud - 1922 shows Hamiel, Pease, Banks at Donelan School and Haase, Kenobbie and Andersons at the House School.

Grouse Creek Dist. #45- Chamberlain School, Heston School with Halverson, Blacker and Gilman children; Washburn and Young Schools had Van De Drink, Norton, Campbell, Bingham, Young, Manger and Johnson children.

Cedar School Dist. #54,- Wagner, Frey, DeBolt, Langdeau, Tomea, Mueller and Smith children.

Rosebud School Dist. #55, Wolcott School -about 1910 . No names. 1922, Wolcott, Skogsberg, Schooler and Mosier children. Lingren School - Sondegard, Larson children and others. History.

Brule Dist. #53, First school in Arthur Muchow’s claim shack. Urban, Ehler, Evan, Meriam, McCullough, children. In 1922-23, children - Ehler, Nichel, Underwood and Urban.

Fairview School Dist. #56, North School, 1922, Hannet School, Fool Hawk, Rohwer, Hannet, Beranek and Hill children; North Fairview School, 1962 - Fott, Kubik, Farmer and Gran children; South Fairview - Ritter, Rohwer and Hannet children, same year.

"Gumbo College," circa 1915, was a tar paper shack located on the north creek NW of the present-day (1989) Richard Reuer Ranch southeast of Reliance. Burned in 1925. Children: Hanson, Powers, Young, Hills and Hendrickson. 

Edna School District #27: Edna, Gibson, Nelson

Tracy School District #27: Cartwright, Kincannon

Annin School District #28: East Annin, West Annin,

Dorman School District#29: Hermanson, North Dorman, West Dorman

Hieb School District #34: Erickson, Hieb, Lund, Roosevelt, Schooler, Bellwood,

Rowe School District #35:Bartel, Fairview, Rowe

Stony Butte District #36: East Stony Butte, West Stony Butte

Grouse Creek Dist. # 45: Chamberlain, Heston, Washburn, Young

Cloud School District #46: Donelan, House, North Cloud, South Cloud

Cedar School District #54

Rosebud School District #55: Lingren, Wolcott

Brule School District #53

Fairview District #56: Hannet, North Fairview, North, South Fairview