Buffalo Lake Lutheran Church
By Norma Johnson
Photos: Left = The Church; Right = Parochial School Picnic in 1910 at
Hustad Farm
The Buffalo Lake Congregation was formally organized
on June 20, 1897. The thirty-one men and women present at the meeting
adopted a constitution and elected officers. John A. Peterson, Knute
A. Egholmen and Ole Kliftgaard were elected trustees. L. C. Halseth
was elected secretary and A. Lotsberg was elected treasurer. Pastor
Strand, the first minister, served two years. His successor was Rev.
C. M. Peterson.
On August 14, 1898, John A. Peterson donated two acres
of land for the church and the cemetery. Several years elapsed before
definite steps were taken to build a church, but on July 23, 1903, the
congregation elected a building committee. The committee consisted of
C. O. Hanson, Knute Egholmen and Henry Lobben. They were given the authority
to make plans for the building of the church in the summer of 1904.
The Ladies Aid furnished the funds for the church and the men donated
their time and labor. In the meantime church services were held in the
Hustad School.
Some of the early members were Knute Egholmen, Andrew
Lotsberg, Hans Aastrom, Charley Aastrom, John Peterson, Fred Rasmussen
and John Johnson.
Otto Halseth and Arne Kliftgard were the first to be
confirmed. This was in 1898. The first confirmation in the church was
held on September 4, 1904. The members confirmed were Rasmus Rasmussen,
Alma Lotsberg, Sophie Lobben, Alma Espelien, Christian Kliftgard and
John Lotsberg.
Mrs. Anna Aastrom was the first president of the Ladies
Aid. It was organized in 1898 under the leadership of Rev. O. N. Peterson.
Throughout the years the church has been affiliated
with The Norwegian Synod, Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, Evangelical
Lutheran Church, The American Lutheran Church and at present with the
Association of Free Lutheran Churches. The pastor, Rev. Howard Kjos,
serves three other churches, Hope, Saron and Tabor. He and his family
reside in the parsonage in Roslyn, SD.
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