Langford - 1938 This article was first published in the February 10th, 1938 issue of the Langford Bugle and was kindly provided to relatives of the businessmen mentioned in the article by a daughter of Mrs. Fodie Miles Likness who had saved it. Fodie's father, Lin Miles and her brother, Quentin Miles were Editors and Publishers of the Langford Bugle for many years. Langford Counts Its Blessings The following excellent contribution to this week's issue of the Bugle was written by a leading business man of Langford and an active member of the Langford Boosters Club. That one will enjoy reading the nice things said about you and your fellow citizens goes without saying, and we hope this versatile gentleman will favor us with other articles from time to time: Langford people are not regarded as boastful, but as still pools are usually deep, so the quiet contentment that prevails here does not call for the fanfare and noise of the turbulent stream. But, as the beginning of the year calls for inventory and taking of stock, so it is well also that we take stock of the resources and advantages found here of which we become so accustomed that to us they become commonplace. Except for the recent issue of bonds, with which the new water tower and waterworks system was financed, Langford has no municipal indebtedness. Its own electric light distribution system is debt free and the earnings help to finance current expenses. Fred Tobin, the genial cop, not only looks after the peace of the town, but is charged with the operation of the water and electric light systems. The Langford schools, under the able direction of Supt. C. J. Dybdahl, has gained no little renown in its scholastics, as well as in the field of music and sports. Both the Presbyterians and Methodists have fine church edifices and organizations here. The Lutherans of the community are served by the Highlanda Church to the east and the Augustana to the west of Langford, both of which are ably served by Rev. C. Shaleen; and in town by the Norwegian church, which is growing in its many activities. When the town was founded one can imagine that the pioneers expected great things of Langford by the width of its 100-foot Main Street. Its destiny was to be a city of trees and parks for we have Birch, Chestnut, Maple, and Park Streets. The original park has done well and its shade gives rest and comfort to summer visitors as well as to picnic parties. The other park is newly formed and is being landscaped as a beauty spot for generations. Come with us now as we visit the businessmen of Langford and acquaint you with their activities as hundreds of shoppers find them on a Saturday afternoon. We say hundreds of shoppers, not as an exaggeration, but as a fact for many times parking space is at a premium. Langford has not felt the effect of good roads to its disadvantage, as have many other towns. Probably this is because our businessmen are outstanding and our markets the best. Coming down Main Street from the west we stop at the Langford State Bank in the charge of V. E. Swenson, Cashier and R.O. Williams, Asst. Cashier. This is a home bank owned by more than 40 stockholders and is supervised by a capable and active board of directors. It is a member of the F.D.I.C. In the same building we find also the home office of the Scandinavian Mutual Fire Ins. Co., under the management of Mr. Swenson. This company is now 45 years old and has gained an enviable reputation as a reliable mutual fire insurance company for the farmers in northeastern South Dakota. Across the street is the Texaco Service station under the charge of R.E.Snyder. While Russell is of the younger generation he has already established a fine business and has lately installed an automatic computating pump. The first mercantile establishment on this side of the street is the Anderson Mercantile Co., owned by Peter A. Anderson. Pete handles the "Our Family" brand as well as modern lines. He has a ready smile and is always willing to do his part in any worthwhile activity. Farrar's Drugstore, under the management of Vere E.Farrar is probably the finest drug store in South Dakota in a town of this size. Vere believes in up-to-date methods and a complete stock. He is a registered Pharmacist and has a fine prescription business. Chas. E. Paulson's general merchandise store is always a busy place. Charley handles the "Home Owned" brand of groceries and other up-to-date brands. He believes in working to gain his success, and as always, success has come to him. Among the newer enterprises is the pool hall and recreation parlor owned by Leonard Likness and operated by his brother, Orville Likness. While this place has been in business only a short time it has met with instant favor as and promises to be permanently established. Leonard has his barbershop in a room at the front and has a fine, light place to accommodate his many customers. Leonard is the town clerk and busy with other activities. Going upstairs in the Cook building we find the offices there occupied by Dr. J.F.D. Cook. Cook has practiced medicine in this locality continuously since the early days. he has been in attendance at the arrival into this world of a good many men and women who are now calling on him to attend the second and even the third generations. His brother, Dr. Emerson Cook, occupies the other office on this floor. Langford feels complimented in being able to support a dentist. Emerson, like his brother is a pioneer here and his continuous practice is a evidence of a solid foundation of work well done. Another pioneer occupies the next office, that of F.R. Harding, who writes insurance, makes collections, draws legal papers and acts as executor of estates. Mr. Harding's many years of experience stands him in good stead. That experience has been gained through a continuous service in this same office for more than a generation. We now wander north and pay a visit to Bert E.Smith's garage and workshop. Bert is a good hand at anything mechanical and even though his shop is off the beaten path, his good work brings customers to him. Coming down Front Street we come to another workshop and garage in the charge of Henry Nelson. Here is another case of work seeking the man, for no sign indicates the place of business, but word of mouth is Hank' advertising. At the north end of elevator row is the Olson Grain Co., owned and operated by Wm. E. Olson. Bill's congeniality has won him a host of friends. But his business in grain coal is not built on friendship alone, but on good business judgment and principles. Palmquist & Shoemaker is the next elevator to the south. This partnership consists of Jacob Palmquist and R. E. Shoemaker. Jake is the senior member of the firm dating his elevator experience back to the ox-cart days. "Shoe" is the younger partner and the business manager. That age for wisdom and youth for the pep makes a successful team is proved by this partnership. This firm handles, in addition to grain and coal, also a full line of I.H.C machinery. Emil Sanders, assisted by his helper, Erwin Suther, are the members of the firm of Sanders Service. Emil's accommodating and cheerful ways have won him many staunch customers for his Deep Rock gas and oil. Emil appreciates good business and he gets it. Crossing the track to the east we come to the bulk Standard Oil station in the charge of M.A. Hammer. Melvin is happy when serving his many customers with tank wagon deliveries. A. R. Lee, and son John, are in charge of the Crannell Filling Station specializing in Standard Oil products. Service is the watchword at Bert's place and this service is appreciated by his many customers. Bert also swings a neat trowel when occasion for good plastering arises. The Tobin Oil across the street is under the management of Hugh H. Tobin. James Tobin owns this place and it is the original filling station at Langford. Jim buys as he likes, and sells as he likes, and calls himself the poor man's friend. His policies have resulted in a trade that has expanded many miles out of the territory. Carl R. Hallen is the manager of the Thompson Yards, Inc. Being originally a carpenter by trade Carl knows his lumber, how to use it and how to sell it. The local station agent is E. O. Twedt. Earl's accommodating and jolly ways have won him many friends, both in and out of his line of duty. At the south end of elevator row is located the Farmers' Co-Operative Grain Co., Frank McGovern in charge. Frank had been away from Langford for a few years when he was asked again to return and take charge. He has missed the long line of loaded grain wagons which kept all the elevator boys so busy years ago, but he believes they will soon return: and when they do, he will be ready for them. To the south of the elevator are the railroad stockyards. This is always a busy place weekends with the yards full of cattle and hogs. O.F.Paulson, after casting an appraising eye, usually writes a check so satisfactory that Langford's reputation as a good 1ivestock market is thereby maintained. Going back up the street we find J.H. Kolbo managing the affairs of the Farmers' Co-Operative Produce Assn. John is a busy man, not only handling immense quantities of cream and poultry, but is also the town Mayor. With multitudinous Relief projects, falling taxes and increasing costs, this job alone is enough to give any man a headache. On the corner, in the old hotel building, Gust Gunderson is the manager of the North American Co. Gust always has a line of cheerful chatter, which keeps a steady stream of cream and poultry coming into his station. In the same building Eleanor Freeman attends to the wants of the ladies in her beauty shop. She has the latest in permanent wave equipment. The ladies appreciate her work and keep her date book well filled. J. H. Jandahl has become a permanent fixture in the recreation parlor which he has operated for many years. Jake is quiet and unassuming and has kept his clientele through thick thin. J.E.Marr owns the restaurant in the old Colcord building. Everett has come to us from Pierpont. His many friends from there come up to see him off and on, and with his new friendships here, he has a fine trade. R.O. Miller, who owns the restaurant in the Tompkins building, is also one of the newer businessmen of the town, having come here from North Dakota. Mr. Miller and his family have already found a secure place in the community. The well-filled counters and booths attest to this. Minnie Vickers is the genial postmistress in the next building. Her helper is Dwight Olson; Here, busy sorting mail for their routes, we find Fred E. Johnson and Grace Lamberton, who serve the customers on the two rural mail routes out of Langford. In the rear of this building is the office of the Langford Bugle, which is one of the few remaining country weeklies to successfully survive. Linville Miles is the editor with his son, Quentin Miles as Associate Editor, Devil, and Linotypist. Still retaining his youthful lines Lin is nevertheless, one of the old-timers of Langford. He loves nothing better than to swap a good yarn or story. This is characteristic of all good newspapermen. G.E. Anderson is the proprietor of the I.G.A store formerly owned by his father, A.J. Anderson. Gottfred is one of the younger businessmen who believes in modern business methods. His fine business promises continued success. L.K. Likness is the manager in the old Gullickson Bros. hardware next door. Marvin, the son of the late Edval Gullickson, assists in the store. A.C. Gullickson, the surviving partner, is now active in the store, having moved into town this winter. The firm's name is now the A.C. Gullickson Hardware. The Gullicksons fill a niche in the community and have a faithful and loyal following. The Fairmont Creamery station is managed by A. O. Stromberg. Oliver finds this job to his liking and his customers like him too, so the arrangement is of mutual benefit. J. W. Anderson is the old reliable to tonsorial artist next door. If all the shaves and haircuts swept up during these many years could be mixed up and tamped into Main Street it would, no doubt, be as thick as a pavement. The McLaughlin Hardware stands on the corner. The McLaughlin's believe in up-to-date methods and a complete modern stock. They are by nature and training eminently fitted for the various phases of their business: Artie, the undertaker; Vern, the plumber; and Ernest, the electrician. Their business reaches far out of the normal trade territory. Gust Nickelson is the proprietor of the City Meat Market, assisted by his nephew Gustav Nickelson. The best advertisement we know about this market is one certain Aberdeen traveling salesman who always buys his meat here on his way home. Gus is a friend of rich and poor, without any enemy in the world. Henry Paden is the garageman in the next building to the west. Harry could build a racing car of safety pins and can tell you where any thingamajig belongs, whether from a 1916 Ford to a 1938 Lincoln. The new, fine brick and tile building next door was erected in the darkest gloom of the late lamented depression, by its present occupant, the genial Carl G. Johnson. Carl sells Deep Rock products in tank wagon lots, as well as the John Deere line of machinery. Besides being the town's wittiest businessman, Carl has a hobby of collecting and mounting birds and animals. His collection ranges from a Magpie to a Vulpes Fulvus. We now turn south a block to the blacksmith shop owned and operated by Otto Lindberg. Molten metal is obedient to his will. Horseshoeing is not what it used to be, but neither is Otto's back, and it gives him just that much more time for fishing. The exchange of the Independent Telephone Co., recently acquired by H.G. Ogren, is located north of the bank corner, and the cheery "hello" which comes from it is the bass voice of John Page. Herman promises real telephone service for Langford and its territory, and we have no doubt that his promise will be well fulfilled. Langford is served by two dray lines, those of Charley Tompkins and Peterson. Tompkins is the old-timer, who loves to recall the days when his big barn was filled with his own prancing steed and those of farmer shoppers. Peterson carries the mail twice each business day, to and from the depot. We have now come to the end of our visits to Langford businessmen. It has been all too short, but space forbids anymore. Furthermore, we want you all to know them all better by frequent personal visits. Return to Home Page |
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