Bridgewater, McCook Co., SD -- 1909 Business Directory

This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver,
Colorado in 1909.

Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied
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A growing town in McCook county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Ry., 18 miles southwest of Salem. Has excellent schools and good churches.
Population 1,000.

Last Name First Name Business
Anderson J. H. cash Farmers National Bank
Arnold B. S. prop Hotel Dewey
Beebe & Son H. general merchandise
Bowen J. J. billiards and pool hall
Bridgewater Milling Co. Geo E Powell mgr
Bridgewater Union Telephone Co. W Laing pres, J J Henrich sec and mgr
Bunning B. (Rev.) priest, Catholic Church
Butts & Davey general merchandise
Carlon J. E. elevator, L J Schroeder agent
Catholic Church Rev B Bunning priest
Clauser G. A. physician
Davey see Butts & Davey
Dirks C. H. clothing
Durisch & Ellwein saloon
Durish see Savage & Durish
Ellwein see Durisch & Ellwein
Ellwein see Smith & Ellwein
Farley T. B. dray line
Farmers Elevator Co. Aug Hillmer agent
Farmers National Bank Math Mayer pres, Alex H Mayer 1st vice-pres, D M Hofer 2d vice-pres, J H Anderson cashier
First National Bank J H Shanard pres, C B Punteney vice-pres, T J Shanard cash, E M Wipf asst cashier
Garry Bernard auctioneer
Gary U. M. prop Hotel New York
German Baptist Church Rev J Pfeifer pastor
German Lutheran Church Rev J Janzig pastor
Gossman C. N. restaurant and confectionery
Gross & Sons Geo. general merchandise
Guenthner M. mgr Turner Produce Co
Guenthner & Sons G. A. general merchandise
Guenthner Bros. general merchandise
Gullander A. G. jeweler
Hanson C. P. auctioneer
Heckenlaible G. hardware
Henrich J. J. local mgr F M Slagle & Co, sec and mgr Bridgewater Union Telephone Co
Hillmer Aug. agent, Farmers Elevator Co.
Hofer D. M. vice-pres Farmers National Bank
Hofer J. P. S. drugs
Hofer Jos. M. agricultural implements
Hofer see Tschetter & Hofer
Hofer & Hofer furniture and undertakers
Hoiten Jno deputy state surveyor
Hotel Dewey B S Arnold prop
Hotel New York U M Gary prop
Janzig J. (Rev.) pastor, German Lutheran Church
Johnson C. E. postmaster
Johnson G. W. pool hall and barber
Kdan J. tailor
Knorr & Schreader meat market
Laing Geo. W. real estate
Laing W. pres, Bridgewater Union Telephone Co.
Lanners Mike dray line
Leitheiser Charles saloon
Lindgren A. harness
Lindgren P. L. mgr Sioux Falls Produce Co.
Lubker F. R. contractor
Mayer Alex H. vice-pres Farmers National Bank
Mayer Math pres Farmers National Bank
McCauley A. C. (Rev.) pastor, Presbyterian Church
McClure Frank barber
McCook County Democrat (w) T J Ryan publisher
Menser Bert physician
Methodist Episcopal Church
Payne Ira A. dentist
Pfaff J. M. bakery and restaurant
Pfeifer J. (Rev.) pastor, German Baptist Church
Powell Geo. E. mgr, Bridgewater Milling Co.
Presbyterian Church Rev A C McCauley pastor
Punteney C. B. vice-pres First National Bank
Reich F. J. saloon
Rietz O. A. mgr John W Tuthill Lumber Co.
Ryan M. H. livery
Ryan T. J. publisher McCook County Democrat, real estate
Savage & Durish meat market
Schreader see Knorr & Schreader
Schroeder L. J. agent, J E Carlon
Shanard Geo. H. vice-pres and mgr Shanard Elevator Co.
Shanard J. H. pres First National Bank
Shanard T. J. cashier First National Bank
Shanard T. J. mgr, Woodmen's Hall and Opera House
Shanard Elevator Co. J H Shanard pres, Geo H Shanard vice-pres and mgr, W J Shanard sec and mgr
Sioux Falls Produce Co. P L Lindgren mgr
Slagle & Co. F. M. lumber and coal, J J Henrich local mgr
Smith L. E. (Mrs.) millinery
Smith W. T. real estate and insurance, justice peace
Smith & Ellwein hardware
Sonnichsen Chris N. builder and contractor
Stigney A. J. auctioneer
Terril G. W. pianos and organs
Todd George E. attorney-at-law
Tschetter Joseph P. mfr cigars
Tschetter & Hofer grain elevator
Tschetter's Land Agency Jacob Tschetter mgr
Turner Produce Co. M Guenthner mgr
Tuthill Lumber Co. John W. O A Rietz mgr
Weidenbach A. M. jeweler
Wettergreen & Son Mrs. C. drugs
Wilson J. E. photo studio and variety store
Wingert Jacob real estate
Wipf E. J. real estate and insurance, farm lands and ranches
Wipf E. M. assistant cashier First National Bank
Woodmen's Hall and Opera House T J Shanard, mgr

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