This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver,
Colorado in 1909.
Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely
by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.
Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval
system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other
means requires the written approval of the file's author.
An incorporated town in McCook county, on the C. & N. W.
Ry., 11 miles
southeast of Salem. Has three churches, two banks and a newspaper.
Population 425.
Last Name First Name Business
Allen A. S. jeweler
Amy E. G. C. pool hall
Armstrong R. H. pres Farmers State Bank
Armstrong W. J. cashier, Farmers State Bank
Beach Court J. county auditor
Beaner Jno A. postmaster
Beck & Ideker agricultural implements, blacksmiths
Beisel M. J. furniture and undertaker
Breihan A. F. (Rev.) pastor, Lutheran Church (German)
Buscher see Muehl & Buscher
Butterfield M. A. county judge
Call see Goodridge-Call Lumber Co.
Canastota Clipper (w) J L Hammond editor and pub
Canastota Grain Co. elevator
Citizens State Bank Chas Kostboth pres, Sam Morrow vice-pres, Ben Graf cashier,
S S Clark asst cashier
Clark A. B. carpenter
Clark S. S. asst cashier Citizens State Bank, veterinary surgeon
Colleran E. W. auctioneer
Commercial House M M Ferguson proprietor
Cornwell C. C. manager Farmers Independent Store Co.
Cornwell W. E. county sheriff
Dakota Central Telephone Co. J L Hammond manager
Dawson & Galvin drayman and ice
Dickinson W. E. physician
Dudley Geo. W. general merchandise
Dunklemann Wm. manager, Goodridge-Call Lumber Co.
Ecklein A. E. register of deeds
Eilers B. G. county treasurer
Engelcke A. G. saloon
Farmers Elevator Co.
Farmers Independent Store C C Cornwell manager, general merchandise
Farmers State Bank R H Armstrong pres, James McKimmon vice-pres, W J Armstrong
Ferguson M. M. proprietor Commercial House
Galvin see Dawson & Galvin
Garry Bernard auctioneer
Giegling Herman C. meat market
Goodridge-Call Lumber Co. Wm Dunklemann manager
Gordon N. J. carpenter
Graf Ben cashier Citizens State Bank
Graf see Voshart, Graf & Schlueter
Hammond J. L. editor and publisher Canastota Clipper
Hammond J. L. manager, Dakota Central Telephone Co.
Hanford Produce Co. Muehl & Buescher managers
Hart Harriet county superintendent schools
Ideker see Beck & Ideker
Kendall L. F. restaurant
Kinzley F. J. photographer
Kostboth Chas. pres Citizens State Bank
Krins J. R. (Rev.) pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
Lembecke H. carpenter
Licht Wm. drugs
Lutheran Church (German) Rev A F Breihan pastor
McCauley (Rev.) pastor, Presbyterian Church
McCook County Grain Co. elevator
McCullough W. J. manager J H Queal & Co.
Methodist Episcopal Church Rev J R Krins pastor
Mitchell Frank clerk courts
Morrow Sam vice-pres Citizens State Bank
Muehl & Buscher hardware, farm implements, managers Hanford Produce Co.
Myers & Son dray line
Peters Land Co. Ben real estate and insurance
Presbyterian Church Rev McCauley pastor
Queal & Co. J. H. lumber and coal, W J McCullough mgr
Rose C. E. contractor and builder, lumber yard
Sahs A. F. blacksmith
Schaller John P. grain elevator
Schlueter E. D. harness and saddlery
Schlueter see Voshart, Graf & Schlueter
Schultz G. W. auctioneer
Scott & Uecker hardware and machinery
Sinning Bros. plumbers and wind mill supplies
Snow J. A. barber
Spaulding H. F. barber
Spinner W. A. pool hall and restaurant
Sportel Evert saloon
Swartz C. F. agent C & N W Ry, American Express
Vellow & Sons livery
Voshart, Graf & Schlueter general merchandise
Wilson E. H. states attorney