Canastota, McCook Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory

This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and
Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L.
Polk & Co.

Data transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file
may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations
for their private use. All other rights reserved.

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CANASTOTA. Pop 510. McCook county. Station name for which is
Canistota on the C & N W Ry 10 miles s e of Salem the county seat.
Has Methodist, Presbyterian and German Lutheran churches, an opera
house, 2 banks, 4 grain elevators and a hotel. A weekly newspaper the
Clipper is published. Land is worth $60 to $120 per acre. Ships grain
and live stock. Exp Am. Tel W U. G H C Kostboth P M.

Tri-State Long Distance Telephone

Last Name First Name Business
Armstrong R. H. pres, Farmers State Bank
Armstrong W. J. cashr, Farmers State Bank
Armstrong Wm. J. ins agt
Armstrong & Dawson (Robt H Armstrong, Geo H Dawson), real est
Beck Chris W. meats
Beck J. Edw. blksmith
Buscher Jno see Canastota Machine Co.
Call see Goodridge-Call Lumber Co.
Canastota Clipper Jared L Hammond pub
Canastota Grain Co. Wm Mock agt
Canastota Machine Co. (Jno Buscher, Geo H Dawson, W Galvin), automobiles
Canastota Opera House T J Murphy mngr
Citizens State Bank (capital $15,000), Chas Kostboth, pres; Ben Graf, cashr
Clark Sidney S. vet surgeon
Cohen Benj. clothing
Commercial House Mary M Ferguson propr
Dawson Geo. H. see Armstrong & Dawson
Dawson Geo. H. see Canastota Machine Co.
Dickinson Wm. M. phys
Doak W. O. agt, J J Mullaney Grain Co.
Dunkelman Wm. agt, Goodridge-Call Lumber Co.
Farmers Elevator Co. Grant Roberts agt
Farmers State Bank (capital $10,000), R H Armstrong, pres; W J Armstrong, cashr
Ferguson Mary M. propr Commercial House
Flamming Margaret milliner
France Lawrence G. drugs (see adv)
Galvin W. see Canastota Machine Co.
Galvin & Haas (Cash Galvin, Jno F Haas), furniture
Godfrey D. M. see Schluter & Godfrey
Goodridge-Call Lumber Co. Wm Dunkelman agt
Graf Ben cashr, Citizens State Bank
Graf Ben ins agt
Graf Ben see Noshart & Graf
Haas Jno F. see Galvin & Haas
Hammond Jared L. pub Canastota Clipper
Hoiten Jno E. county surveyor
Kostboth Chas. pres, Citizens State Bank
Laity B. r r, exp and tel agt
McCarty J. E. hardware
McCook County Grain Co. Jno Schluter agt
McCullough J. agt, J H Queal & Co.
Mock Wm. agt, Canastota Grain Co.
Mullaney Grain Co. J. J. W O Doak agt
Murphy T. J. mngr, Canastota Opera House
Noshart & Graf (Mrs J Voshart, Ben Graf), gen store
Queal & Co. J. H. J McCullough agt, lumber
Reid & Reid pool
Ritter Ernest cementwkr
Roberts Grant agt, Farmers Elevator Co.
Rose C. E. farm impts
Sahs Adolph F. wagon mkr
Schaller Henry electric light plant
Schluter Ernest D. harness
Schluter Jno agt, McCook County Grain Co.
Schluter & Godfrey (Jno Schluter, D M Godfrey), farm impts
Smith Jno W. telephone line
Snow Bros. (Jas A and Otto B), barbers
Stewart T. M. phys
Stewart & Butters pool
Stolding Alb. J. cementwkr
Timmerman & Welzin (Wm C Timmerman, Jno Welzin), hardware
Uecker Chas. J. plumber
Voshart J. (Mrs.) see Noshart & Graf
Wait L. E. photogr
Welzin Jno see Timmerman & Welzin

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