Montrose Photos
This album consists of approximately 750 historical photos with more added all the time. These are photographs that were taken in and around Montrose, SD from about 1880 until 1930. Most of the photos were taken 1900 -1920. The collection includes street scenes, homes, groups, events, churches and many other photos that would be attractive to anyone interested in Montrose history. Many of the photos are captioned with who / what / where shown on the page with the photo, however many, many more are unknown.

For a list of surnames/subjects found in the pictures click here.
These 6 photos are a sample of what is in the album.

The album is available here.

Ellen Head and Roger Berke have just completed a major update of the Montrose Photo Album. Thanks to Ellen, Prudy Calvin, Marjorie Odell and Lincoln Odell III, for permission to scan their photo collection.

Ellen and Roger have placed a photo copy of the Album in the McCook County Museum, Salem, SD; Humboldt History Museum, Humboldt, SD; South Dakota State Historical Society, Pierre, SD, and the Montrose School Library.

If you are interested in early Montrose, South Dakota history, you will want to take a look at these photos. If your relatives lived in Montrose 1900 - 1920, their photo will probably be somewhere in this album.



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