This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State
Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver,
Colorado in 1909.
Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely
by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.
Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval
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means requires the written approval of the file's author.
An important town. County seat of McCook county, on the C. &
N. W. and
C., St. P., M. & O. Rys., 40 miles west of Sioux Falls. Surrounded by a
farming country. Population 1,200.
Last Name First Name Business
Abel E. L. vice-pres, First National Bank
Ainsworth J. R. photographer
Avery Roy prop Salem Steam Laundry
Barnhart E. A. livery
Barnhart M. B. livery
Bates Jno M. (Rev.) pastor, Presbyterian Church
Biernatzki A. C. attorney-at-law
Bies Frank dray line
Catholic Church Rev Father Weber priest
Cheadle Bros. dray line
Commercial State Bank C D Goldsmith pres, W W Sibson cash, W H Hart asst cash
Continental Realty Co. F D Moore pres, W A Schmidt sec
Dakota Grain & Coal Co. J K Lingenfelter mgr
Dampman P. mgr, Farmers Co-operative Elevator Co.
Dawson J. A. railway, express and telegraph agent
Degner Frank blacksmith
Dehaan E. J. pool hall and restaurant
Dott Geo. M. dentist
Dott R. T. physician
Edmonds-Tyler Mercantile Co. general merchandise
Eilers B. G. treas, McCook county
Farmers Co-operative Elevator Co. P Dampman mgr
Farmers Hardware Co. A J McCaffrey mgr
Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. L V Schneider treas
Faust & Hoyne physicians
Fendrich Ben meat market
Fendrich John saloon
First National Bank L S Tyler pres, E Abel vice-pres, Frank H Putnam cash, L
D Kepple asst cash
Frick Bros. contractors and builders
Gable & Swanson stonemasons
Gibson J. W. mgr, Salem Land Agency
Gibson J. W. real estate and insurance
Gibson W. J. shoemaker
Gifford Chas. auctioneer
Gifford & Murphy saloon
Gilbert Nana E. editor Pioneer Register
Gilbert S. M. publr Pioneer Register, sec Salem Com'l Union
Gladstone Sam barber
Goldsmith C. D. pres, Commercial State Bank
Good F. L. sec-treas Good-Schlong Co.
Good-Schlong Co. general merchandise
Gregory W. A. restaurant
Grimm Harry (Mrs.) millinery
Hallas see Tyler & Hallas
Hansen A. mgr, Salem Elevator Co.
Hart W. H. asst cash, Commercial State Bank
Hoese & Lueth Grain Co. A Loe mgr
Hotel Lucerne Werner Solentaler prop
Hoyne A. H. physician
Hoyne see Faust & Hoyne
Hubbard & Palmer Elevator Co. H J Sahs agt, elevator
Huntington Wm. mgr, Salem Electric & City Light Co.
Jackson F. T. stock buyer
Jenneman B. furniture and undertaker
Johnson C. W. farm machinery, pres Salem Com'l Union
Jones W. E. merchant tailor
Kepple L. D. asst cashier, First National Bank
Kinzley F. J. photographs
Kinzley F. S. carpenter and builder
Koelgraff see Westfall-Kolegraff Co.
Kuhle Henry mgr, Opera House Association
Kuhle Henry wholesale and retail wines, liquors and cigars
Kuhle Theo. general merchandise
Kuhle & Rolleke props Salem Shoe Co.
Languein F. A. confectionery and bakery
Lemert L. F. meat market
Lewis, The John Walsh prop
Lingenfelter J. K. mgr, Dakota Grain & Coal Co.
Loe A. mayor, mgr Hoese & Lueth Grain Co.
Long G. E. mgr, Jno W Tuthill Lumber Co.
Lueth see Hoese & Lueth Grain Co.
Lundie S. F. mgr, Westrn Land Agency
Mason Grant harness and saddlery
McCaffrey A. J. mgr, Farmers Hardware Co.
McMahon J. W. publisher Salem Special
Methodist Church W A Wilkinson, pastor
Mielke Wm. real estate and loans
Miller J. J. mgr, Salem Implement & Vehicle Co.
Minder Carl barber
Mitchell Frank W. real estate and abstractor
Moody J. E. restaurant and Depot Hotel
Moore F. D. pres, Continental Realty Co.
Nelson H. blacksmith
Nelson N. M. abstractor, real estate and city auditor
Nye W. A. drugs, city treasurer
Opera Hotel J E Robins prop
Opera House Association Henry Kuhle mgr
Orahood E. W. drugs
Palmer see Hubbard & Palmer Elevator Co.
Patten J. E. notions
Pfaum Joseph L. attorney-at-law
Pioneer Register (w) S M Gilbert publr, N E Gilbert editior
Presbyterian Church Rev Jno M Bates pastor
Pritchard George E. shoemaker
Prouty Geo. theatre
Putnam Frank H. cash, First National Bank
Ramsey Guy physician
Robins J. E. prop, Opera Hotel
Rohlffs Emil billiard hall and bowling alley
Rolleke see Kuhle & Rolleke
Roth A. A. restaurant
Sahs H. J. agt, Hubbard & Palmer Elevator Co.
Salem Commercial Union C W Johnson pres, S M Gilbert sec
Salem Creamery & Produce Co. L S Tyler sec and treas
Salem Electric & City Light Co. Wm Huntington mgr, roller mill
Salem Elevator Co. A Hansen mgr, elevator
Salem Implement & Vehicle Co. J J Miller mgr
Salem Land Agency J W Gibson mgr
Salem Shoe Co. Kuhle & Rolleke props
Salem Special (w) J W McMahon publisher
Salem Steam Laundry Roy Avery prop
Scanlan P. W. attorney-at-law
Schlong see Good-Schlong Co.
Schmidt Geo. C. livery
Schmidt W. A. sec Continental Realty Co.
Schneider L. V. treas, Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Schneider & Co. H. W. H W Schneider mgr, elevator
Serles C. M. drugs
Sibson W. W. cashier Commercial State Bank
Smith F. F. flour and feed
Smith J. P. clothing
Smith W. T. justice peace
Solentaler Werner prop Hotel Lucerne
Swanson see Gable & Swanson
Todd Bros. real estate
Tuthill Lumber Co. John W. G E Long mgr
Tyler G. W. veterinery surgeon
Tyler L. S. pres, First National Bank
Tyler L. S. sec and treas, Salem Creamery & Produce Co.
Tyler see Edmonds-Tyler Mercantile Co.
Tyler & Hallas hardware
Vaudette Theatre Zietlow & Prouty props
Walsh John proprietor The Lewis
Warner Tony cement block factory
Weber (Rev.) priest Catholic Church
Western Land Agency S F Lundie mgr
Westfall-Kolegraff Co. lumber
Wieltgen John M. jeweler
Wilkinson W. A. pastor, Methodist Church
Wilson E. H. states attorney
Wyman Roy E. dentist
Zietlow see Vaudette Theatre