This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver,
Colorado in 1909.
Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied
by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.
Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval
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An incorporated town in McCook county, on the C., St. P., M. & O. Ry.,
10 miles west of Salem. Surrounded by a good farming country. Population 400.
Last Name First Name Business
Ainsworth J. R. photographer
Baptist Church Rev J W DeMerrit, pastor
Barnhouse & Trainor livery
Besler (Rev.) pastor, Lutheran Church (German Reformed)
Blackwood G. W. vice-pres, Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Bolin John H. general merchandise
Christian Church Rev Kleckner pastor
Crelly T. B. blacksmith
DeMerrit J. W. (Rev.) pastor, Baptist Church
Eklund E. A. photographer
Farmers & Merchants State Bank H C Lueth pres, G W Blackwood vice-pres,
Wm Hoese cash
Franey see Kruse & Franey
Freese Albert blacksmith
Gates F. A. cashier, State Bank
Gates M. D. pres, State Bank
Gurney J. T. vice-pres, State Bank
Hamaker J. E. undertaker and furniture
Hanford Produce Co. J F Pinches mgr
Harris Jno feed barn
Hawley Nary M. (Mrs.) restaurant
Hilbert F. meat market
Hoese Wm. cash, Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Hoese & Lueth Grain Co. elevator, H C Lueth sec
Hubbard & Palmer Co. elevator, J F Pinches agent
Jenner John saloon
Kammerling T. S. physician
Kelly R. A. physician
Kleckner (Rev.) pastor, Christian Church
Kruse & Franey hardware
L & L Supply Co. genl mdse, Geo W Lueth mgr
Leslie A. W. barber
Lindekugel B. H. sec, Spencer Implement Co.
Loucks W. J. jeweler
Lovejoy E. E. railway, express and telegraph agent
Lueth Geo. W. mgr, L & L Supply Co.
Lueth H. C. pres, Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Lueth H. C. sec, Hoese & Lueth Grain Co.
Lutheran Church (German Reformed) Rev Besler, pastor
Lutheran Church (German)
Masters G. E. agent, John W. Tuthill Lumber Co.
McGregor Jas. postmaster
Merl, The H H Peppmuller, prop
Mickel C. F. harness
Mullaney J. J. elevator, Frank Nickel agent
News, The P G Seifert, prop
Nickel Frank agent, J J Mullaney
Palmer see Hubbard & Palmer Co.
Peppmuller H. H. prop, The Merl
Peppmuller W. F. mgr, Spencer Roller Mills
Pinches J. F. agent, Hubbard & Palmer Co.
Pinches J. F. mgr, Hanford Produce Co.
Reynolds D. J. general merchandise
Ryan J. E. hardware, livery
Samp Max contractor and builder
Schievelbein Chas. elevator
Seifert P. G. printer and prop The News
Shoop W. F. general merchandise
Silverthorn L. F. drugs
Slattery J. J. prop, Spencer House
Spencer House J J Slattery prop
Spencer Implement Co. B H Lindekugel, sec
Spencer Roller Mills W F Peppmuller, mgr
State Bank M D Gates pres, J T Gurney vice-pres, F A Gates cash, J P Stein asst
Stien J. P. asst cash, State Bank
Stratton Lee stonemason and plasterer
Trainor see Barnhouse & Trainor
Tuthill Lumber Co. John W. G E Masters, agent
Weissner Wm. saloon
Wells Geo. W. barber
Wells Thomas (Jr.) confectionery and restaurant