Canistota  City  Cemetery
Section 26 - Canistota Township - McCook County - South Dakota

Canistota  City  Cemetery  at  Canistota, South Dakota

Canistota was established as a farming support town in the early 1880's, but the coming of the railroad in 1883 propelled its rapid growth and ensured its survival.  Canistota's history actually started with the founding in a nearby section of a settlement named Cameron after a farmer who built a hotel on his property in 1878, but was failing before the railroad didn't pass through in 1883.  Not getting rail service was the closing chapter for many a small town in the 1880's and prompted underserved and short lasting growth of many places that did start because of railroad access. 

Many buildings and businesses quickly established themselves in Canistota, perhaps the most important being the post office, banks (2), elevators (3), general stores (2), blacksmith shops (2), a saloon, lumber yards (3), a hotel, a jail, a library (uniquely), a school, and a church although most church meetings were held in member homes for some time.

Electric lights were installed on the streets shortly after 1900 and the city also had installed some water mains and a sewer system by 1910.  The electric business was tough and was sold to Northern States Power.  A simple phone company was also formed in this early growth period.

The photo on the left is from the mid 1920's but shows a new hotel and a good number of autos that brought people to Canistota for health reasons and day to day shopping and business. 

The Ortman clinic operated by a local family achieved a wide reputation for successful chiropractic care, which began with treating neighbors and friends, then expanded across the entire US.

The large four story building was a hotel for lodging of patients with a cafe and other needed services.

Canistota is a town of the prairie and has experienced the associated weather extremes, with years having heavy rainfall, winters with severe snow storms, tornado visits that destroyed buildings and summer days that one dreams of for years with beautiful days for outdoor activities.

The photo at the right is a veterans memorial with the school in the background. 

The cemetery is relatively large and seems to have grown in stages over the years.  The first burials that have markers appear to have taken place in the 1880's, likely just as the town was being developed.

  A  view  of  the  Canistota  City  Cemetery

An Aerial  View  of  Canistota  City  Cemetery 
North is to the right and 447th Avenue is along the East side (by the trees at the bottom of the photo) 


The Canistota Cemetery information database consists of 4 parts.

This information was prepared by Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014) and may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations
for their private use. 

1.  A Cemetery Map

An aerial photo showing the cemetery in relationship to the access roadway 447th Avenue, gives the user a physical setting.  

2.  A List of Burials

A listing of the burials at Canistota City Cemetery – Section 26 – Canistota Township – McCook County, gives the individual names in
alphabetic order.  This listing also gives the date of birth and date of death when available.   Unfortunately, those burials without grave
markers are not generally included because the official burial list was not available at this time. 

3.  Additional Records - Obituaries

A special thank you is given to Vicki Wakefield and Roger Berke for their prior work in creating a burial list.


Canistota  City  Cemetery  Burial  Record  as  of  2013

Section 26 - Canistota Township - McCook County - SD

Last Name  First Name Birth Yr Death Yr
Addy  A  Family  Monument    
Addy  Angela  A 1923 2010
Addy  Bernice  M  Ward 1898 1983
Addy  Bertha  I. Loeck * 1915 2001
Addy  Carrie  Scott  Lingle 1882 1963
Addy  Ethan  P 1883 1947
Addy  Florence  C. Tarrell * 1919 1997
Addy  George  Knox 1908 1939
Addy  Harold  H  1906 1962
Addy  Harry  K 1916 1977
Addy  Irene  O 1908 2000
Addy  Joann   1930  
Addy  John  Elwood 1875 1945
Addy  Leland  L 1918 1972
Addy  Levi  Andrew 2013 2013
Addy  Marvin  L. 1921 1987
Addy  Merlyn  E 1930 1981
Addy  Olive  Irene  Wittrock * 1908 2000
Addy  Randy  Lee 1953 1954
Addy  Sam 1939 2011
Addy  Susan  Emily  McConnell   1940
Addy  Vicki  Rae 1958 1958
Addy  Vivien  Ruth  Tarrell 1913 1985
Addy  William  Marvin 1879 1952
Adrian  Irene  A 1901 1980
Adrian  Peter  I. 1895 1969
Adrian  Sarah  Goerz 1900 1979
Alberts  Donna  J  McKillop 1948  
Alberts  Thomas  Edwin * 1948 2009
Albricht  Ella  L  Beatty 1894 1918
Albricht  Frank    
Albricht  John 1888 1966
Amberg-White  Christopher * 1979 1997
Amy  A  Family  Monument    
Amy  Alice  May  Clark 1884 1964
Amy  Elmer  G  C 1877 1929
Amy  Elroy  P. 1838 1923
Amy  Gula 1858 1932
Amy  Iona  Viva 1873 1894
Amy  Marie  S 1881 1947
Amy  Milton  E 1883 1963
Anderson  A  Viola 1904 1995
Anderson  Betty  J * 1930 2011
Anderson  D  Wendell 1929 2011
Anderson  David  A. N. 1902 1983
Anderson  Evelyn  Elaine  Koepp * 1925 2006
Anderson  Henry  Sr. 1886 1954
Anderson  Ingaborg 1893 1969
Anderson  Leonard  N 1917 1983
Anderson  Lydia 1893 1969
Anderson  Mark  D 1953 1968
Anderson  Otto 1893 1964
Anderson  Signa  Mathilda  Gustafson * 1901 1997
Apland  A  Family  Monument    
Apland  Chloe  Potts 1862 1927
Apland  Bertha 1893 1940
Apland  Charles  1896 1980
Apland  Lillian 1887 1958
Apland  Vivian 1901 1979
Apland  William  Ralph 1889 1916
Arends  Bertha  H.  Bormann 1915 1995
Arends  Harm  J 1911 1962
Armstrong  Garnet  Faye  Howard 1886 1954
Armstrong  William  John 1874 1960
Arneson  Carl  Norman * 1908 1999
Arno  A  Family  Monument    
Arno  Alice   1947
Arno  Louis 1858 1938
Arno  Mrs.  Louis 1856 1909
Arno  Walter    
Arnold  Floyd  H * 1892 1996
Arnold  Sarah  Mae  Waters 1888 1975
Bates  Margaret  D  1914 2013
Baumbaugh  Deloris   2004
Bayard  Lyman  P 1857 1901
Beaner  A  Family  Monument    
Beaner  Bernard  Ellis 1894 1896
Beaner  John  A 1852 1926
Beaner  Mary  E 1856 1922
Beck  A  Family  Monument    
Beck  A  Family  Monument    
Beck  Christopher  Wonder 1879 1959
Beck  J.  E. 1881 1918
Beck  Lena 1888 1918
Beck  M Marjorie 1918 1918
Beck  Nita 1906 1924
Beck  Royal  Homer 1910 1926
Beisel  A  Family  Monument    
Beisel  Caroline  Eva  Kleuber 1872 1952
Beisel  Caroline  Reinhardt  Schlueter 1854 1925
Beisel  Charles 1886 1956
Beisel  Eva  Laura  Rooney 1891 1977
Beisel  Josephine  Gosch 1910 2002
Beisel  Katharine  Barbara  Eichhorn 1851 1910
Beisel  Math.  J 1873 1939
Beisel  Maynard 1910 1966
Beisel  Ruth  L 1906 1906
Beisel  Peter 1844 1934
Bellack  Elizabeth  Schmidt 1893 1983
Bellack  Lewis 1882 1968
Bensen  Norma  J 1933 2012
Bensen  Roger  C 1933  
Bergen  Doris 1931  
Bergen  Lori  Jo 1953 2005
Bergen  Lowell  J 1928  
Bergen  Mariain  Francis 1907 1908
Bergen  Rose  Olson 1893 1985
Bergen  Twin  Sons  of  Lowell  &  Doris 1952 1952
Bergen  Walter 1885 1965
Berry  Eileen 1963  
Berry  Russell  D.  1959 2005
Bise  Frank  Edward 1880 1958
Bise  Harry  Edward 1919 1920
Bise  Rosie  Eleanor  Reid 1880 1950
Blackborn  James  "Stewart" 1902 1976
Blakely  A  Family  Monument    
Blakely  Alice  Walsh 1862 1938
Blakely  Rae  Irene 1899 1980
Blakely  Robert 1852 1928
Blohm  Albert  A. 1887 1971
Blohm  Bertha  Alice  Gray 1887 1936
Bodle  Annie 1803  
Bodle  Hattie  J. 1869 1891
Bodle  Hugh 1831 1896
Bohlman  Gladys  J  Harvey 1919 2003
Bohlman  Gordon  A 1916 1969
Borm  Andrew  C. 1905 1979
Borm  Bertha  I  Christensen 1917 1977
Borm  Elizabeth  Christensen 1893 1955
Borm  John 1888 1933
Bormann  A  Family  Monument    
Bormann  Baby 1919 1919
Bormann  Amelia  C  Harms 1988 1934
Bormann  Anna  Caroline  Lilli  Nelson 1892 1967
Bormann  Christina  Charolata  Louise  Reinhardt 1863 1945
Bormann  David 1951 1951
Bormann  Fred  D * 1914 1993
Bormann  Henry  Frederick 1887 1956
Bormann  Louise  E  Korkow 1916  
Bormann  Mabel  (Baby) 1915 1915
Bormann  Olga  Florence  Henschel 1918 1953
Bormann  William 1861 1947
Bormann  William  Ernst 1885 1940
Bormann  William  John 1913 1986
Bowen  A  Family  Monument    
Bowen  Edith  A 1897 1992
Bowen  Elizabeth  Rooney 1888 1971
Bowen  Grant  A 1925 1945
Bowen  James  G 1891 1948
Bowen  Samuel  Jacob 1873 1949
Bracker  A  Family  Monument    
Bracker  Godfrey  B. 1899 1984
Bracker  Rose  Neuberger 1905 1999
Brady  S  W 1883 1928
Brandon  Richard  J. 1953 2005
Brandt  A  Family  Monument    
Brandt  Henrietta 1863 1895
Brandt  William    
Brandt  Adam  H 1895 1896
Briehan  Armin 1893 1907
Brinkman  A  Family  Monument    
Brinkman  Anna 1882 1961
Brinkman  Henry 1864 1904
Brinkman  William 1877 1919
Brown  Dorothy  B 1925  
Brown  Edwin  W 1914 1987
Brumbaugh  Delores 1928 2004
Brunelle  Darlene  R. 1933 2007
Budd  Helen  I 1922  
Budd  Robert  W. 1919 2005
Budd  Sharon  S 1946  
Buehner  Alice  L 1916  
Buehner  Bertha  E 1880 1890
Buehner  Elsie  M 1933  
Buehner  Gilbert  E 1931  
Buehner  Johan  Tobias 1821 1899
Buehner  Katherina  Gutman 1820 1906
Buehner  Leonhard  G * 1917 2011
Buehner  Philipp 1887 1896
Burnham  Maurice  L 1914 1988
Burnham  Mona  D 1921 2006
Burton  Jennie  Armstrong 1879 1922
Buscher  A  Family  Monument    
Buscher  Anna  Schlomer 1846 1932
Buscher  Carrie 1880 1893
Buscher  Gertrude 1879 1882
Buscher  Hinrick  C 1890 1912
Buscher  Hinrick 1846 1927
Buscher  John 1873 1954
Buscher  Minnie 1870 1959
Butters  Fred  W.  "Fritz" 1876 1958
Cannon  Baby   1986
Cannon  Gerald  D  1926  
Cannon  Mary  C 1926 1972
Cannon  Mary  Louise  Reeve  Hartman * 1926 2000
Cannon  Nathan  John 1985 1986
Carlson  A  Family  Monument    
Carlson  Albin 1887 1958
Carlson  Signa 1894 1921
Carter  Alfred  March 1889 1890
Carter  Ida    
Carter  child of Emerson & Ida    
Christensen  Andrew  C  1905 1979
Christensen  Bertha  I 1917 1977
Christensen  Lizzie  E 1893 1955
Clark  A  Family  Monument    
Clark  Edna  May  Hayes 1865 1941
Clark  Aaron  Burr  "Boss" 1830 1912
Clark  Delilah  "Della" Van  Mater 1831 1899
Clark  Harold  H. 1877 1927
Clark  Laura  A  Hopkins 1861 1900
Clark  Mabel     1910 2007
Clark  Mabel  H.  Murphy * 1883 1960
Clark  Sidney  S. 1859 1935
Clark  Ward  1912 1969
Clark  Ward  Watson 1892 1913
Cole  Anna  L 1909 1909
Cole  Arthur  B 1872 1950
Cole  Carl  P 1907 1970
Collins  Alice  Frantz 1875 1960
Collins  Frank  Martin 1906 2009
Collins  Harry 1870 1955
Collins  Pearl  A  Spicer 1919 1988
Cooper  Albert  Earl * 1916 1997
Cooper  Alberta    
Cooper  Arthur  D  Rev. * 1929 1996
Cooper  Cindy  L 1960  
Cooper  Danny  F * 1949 1995
Cooper  Dolores  E 1930  
Cooper  Eddie 1951 1958
Cooper  Fran  H 1951  
Cooper  Henry  J 1857 1929
Cooper  John  L. 1952 2003
Cooper  John  O. 1905 1984
Cooper  Leola  V 1927  
Cooper  Leonard  K. 1922 1983
Cooper  Margaret  E 1857 1936
Cooper  Marvin  F 1927 2011
Cooper  Mary  A 1923  
Cooper  Mary  Sophia  Amelia  Kostboth 1887 1961
Cooper  Theresa  D  Fischer 1928 1971
Cooper  William  B  A. 1890 1953
Cooper  William  M * 1925 1991
Carrigan  Gracie   1895
Corrigan  Abbie 1868 1904
Crippen  Bonita  J  Richey * 1922 2005
Crippen  William  H. 1923 1965
Crowhurst  A  Family  Monument    
Crowhurst  Barbara  Ann 1955 1955
Crowhurst  Doran   1981
Crowhurst  Edward    
Crowhurst  Ella  Glenn 1882 1918
Crowhurst  Seth 1914 1976
Crowhurst  Walter  Franklin 1884 1984
Crowhurst  Willis  Harrison 1887 1947
Currier  Albena  M  Rademacher 1892 1930
Currier  Rex  Adair 1886 1962
Damon  A  Family  Monument    
Damon  A  Family  Monument    
Damon  Arlene  A 1932  
Damon  Fern  L 1927 1965
Damon  George  L  P 1874 1947
Damon  Harmon 1845 1915
Damon  Joe    
Damon  Lawrence  G  "Tootie" * 1928 1994
Damon  Mary  E    1849 1912
Damon  Mary  E. 1892 1975
Damon  Vern  William 1923 1976
Damon  Nellie  Presuhn 1889 1976
Darby  James  F 1870 1894
Darby  Edna  E. 1881 1894
Darby  Edna  M. 1902 1973
Darby  Jacob 1834 1901
Darby  John  T. 1890 1946
Darby  Ronald  D. 1943 1992
Darby  William  H. 1887 1894
Davis  A  Family  Monument    
Davis  Jill  I  Dawson 1866 1906
Davis  Marie  Sessler 1885 1959
Davis  Wesley  F 1877 1931
Dawson  Cora  May  Galvin 1876 1963
Dawson  David  1860 1899
Dawson  Donald  G * 1916 2009
Dawson  George  C.  "Bud" 1911 1990
Dawson  George  H. 1871 1957
Dawson  Gerald  Douglas  "Jerry" * 1922 2007
Dawson  Harry  Deloyd * 1913 1999
Dawson  Harvey  (Baby)    
Dawson  James 1827 1903
Dawson  Lissette  M  Dunkelman 1899 1968
Dawson  Lola  Reid 1912 2005
Dawson  Mary  Jane  Duncan 1825 1894
Dawson  Maxine  R  Lien * 1915 1998
Dawson  Roy  H 1896 1973
Dawson  Verna  M 1922  
DeKramer  Dale  Lee 1925 2008
DeKramer  Inez  M.  Halgerson 1892 1982
DeKramer  M  LaVelle 1929  
DeKramer  Martin 1896 1984
Denny  Martin    
Derrick  Jennie  E 1881 1928
Deuchars  Herbert  C 1895 1972
Deuchars  Martha  A. 1899 1986
Deveen  Weert  H. 1838 1918
Dick  Baby 1923 1923
Dick  Joan  Marquardt 1931 1990
Dick  May 1924 1924
Dick  Melvin  H 1928  
Dick  Ray 1924 1924
Dickinson  Cemantha  Currier 1827 1897
Dickinson  Ellen  T  Gage 1858 1918
Dickinson  Henry  Alonzo 1854 1932
Dickinson  John  Henry 1904 1984
Dickinson  Marguerite  Mary  Goebel * 1908 1993
Dickinson  William    
Dittenhauser  Dorothy    
Donelon  Charles  "Pat" 1931 2001
Donelon  Emma  Darlene  Dunn * 1932 2009
Dove  Dorothy  Maxine 1929 1929
Dove  Frank 1873 1940
Dove  Rosely  Irene 1918 1918
Dreyer  Antje 1852 1934
Dreyer  Bert 1887 1932
Dreyer  David 1896 1984
Dreyer  David 1879 1961
Dreyer  David  L. 1911 1978
Dreyer  Ella    
Dreyer  George 1919 1970
Dreyer  Jan 1854 1937
Dreyer  Janice 1933 1982
Dreyer  John 1917 1917
Dreyer  Katie 1884 1970
Dreyer  Magareta 1892 1916
Dreyer  Margaret 1923 1968
Dreyer  Martha 1921 1985
Driggs  Dow 1888 1960
Driggs  Gertrude 1891 1989
Driggs  Robert  O 1916 1917
Dudley  Bela  D  L 1843 1909
Dudley  Philura  B  Johnson 1845 1928
Dunkelman  Geraldine 1908 1908
Dunn  Elbert  A   "Jack" 1910 1978
Dunn  Elsie  E  Davis * 1909 2003
Eichhorn  A  Family  Monument    
Eichhorn  Allen  A 1911 1954
Eichhorn  Charles 1859 1941
Eichhorn  Clara 1897 1977
Eichhorn  Doretta  Phyllis 1922 1923
Eichhorn  Elsie  J 1909 1979
Eichhorn  Garrold 1926 1926
Eichhorn  Johanna  Lien 1868 1951
Eichhorn  Mathias  (Father) 1852 1926
Eichhorn  Mathilda  A 1909 1967
Eichhorn  Matthew  J. 1889 1968
Eichhorn  Olive  V  Arno 1889 1965
Eichhorn  Philip  J 1888 1976
Eichhorn  Reenda 1889 1889
Eichhorn  Reenda  Sikken  (Mother) 1853 1929
Eichhorn  Vernon  J 1909 1977
Eide  Howard  R 1925 1996
Eide  Lila  Jean  Rahn * 1932 2005
Engelbrecht  Anna  M 1866 1906
Engelbrecht  Eva 1862 1955
Engelbrecht  Frank 1858 1937
Ennis  A  Family  Monument    
Ennis  Allen  W. 1874 1931
Ennis  Caroline  Louise  Halgerson 1848 1928
Ennis  Claudioes  "Fern" 1911 1991
Ennis  Eva 1884 1967
Ennis  Henry 1876 1942
Ennis  James 1843 1922
Ennis  Kate  Eichhorn 1884 1968
Ennis  Violet 1890 1905
Erickson  Carol  Anne  Sessler 1943 1982
Erickson  Christina 1883 1900
Erickson  Elsie  J 1857 1917
Erickson  Freeman 1899 1950
Evink  Marvin 1928 1986
Evink  Mary  J  1944  
Faber  Clarence  J 1904 1927
Faber  Margeret 1916 1942
Fick  A  Family  Monument    
Fick  Louise  Lorr 1869 1956
Fick  Twins  sons  of  John  Flick    
Fick  Wilheim 1857 1933
Fick  William 1892 1974
Fischer  A  Family  Monument    
Fischer  Adolph  W 1872 1940
Fischer  Dale  Mele 1918 2004
Fischer  Delores  Ann  Dunn * 1936 2011
Fischer  Dorothy  Bess * 1910 1993
Fischer  Edward  E. 1934 1966
Fischer  Fredericka  Kruegar 1840 1887
Fischer  Helena  Lenhart  Zieman  "Lena" 1846 1922
Fischer  John 1840 1929
Fischer  John  W 1933  
Fischer  John  H. 1869 1900
Fischer  Katherine 1900 1900
Fischer  Lena    1846 1922
Fischer  Lena  Sessler 1876 1956
Fischer  Loma  A.  Siders 1921 2005
Fischer  Louis 1882 1964
Fischer  Shirley  L 1932  
Fischer  Sophia  Sessler 1888 1958
Fischer  Walter  L 1902 1980
Flick  Ernest  Peter 1905 1919
Flick  Fred  F.  "Fritz" 1906 1986
Flick  Henry  W. 1878 1961
Flick  Johanna  Hahn 1881 1961
Fluegel  A  Family  Monument    
Fluegel  Charles 1865 1949
Fluegel  Mary  Weber   1951
Fortune  Dolphus  "Dick" 1892 1925
Fortune   Ethel  Helfinstine 1901 1997
Foxton  A  Family  Monument    
Foxton  Margarite  E. 1871 1928
Freese  Fred  Rev. 1876 1952
Freese  Herbert  H 1904 1933
Freese  Sophia 1879 1956
Friend  Valerie  Elaine 1951 1972
Frizzell  Twin  Boys  2005 2005
Gaarder  Einar 1904 1984
Gaarder  Florence  Klinkel * 1908 1997
Galvin  Addaline  Waters 1855 1893
Galvin  Clarence 1875 1894
Galvin  Harry 1883 1903
Galvin  Michael 1847 1895
Galvin  Walter  H. 1881 1960
Geigling  Baby  Boy    
Gerow  Edith  Dawson  "Babe" 1902 1962
Gerow  Fred  H 1900 1985
Giegling  A  Family  Monument    
Giegling  Albert 1884 1968
Giegling  Aaron  L 1979 1979
Giegling  Charles 1850 1935
Giegling  Elizabeth 1855 1946
Giegling  Ellis    
Giegling  Emil 1894 1983
Giegling  Ernest  H 1898 1975
Giegling  Gottlieb  Carl  Herman    1950
Giegling  Helen  B 1902 1993
Giegling  Herman  C 1865 1950
Giegling  Jonathon  (Grandpa)    
Giegling  Laura  E. 1901 1962
Giegling  Lillian 1904 2002
Giegling  Lillie  K 1870 1958
Giegling  Otto  A  A 1822 1897
Giegling  Rose  Marie * 1909 1996
Giegling  Willhelm  H  J 1831  
Gillespie  Verna  E  Monroe * 1912 2002
Glenn  A  Family  Monument    
Glenn  Dorothy  Lucas 1855 1929
Glenn  John 1856 1921
Glenn  Robert 1854 1926
Glenn  William  L. 1886 1923
Godfrey  A  Family  Monument    
Godfrey  Dwight  M 1878 1954
Godfrey  Harriet  Allison 1836 1932
Godfrey  Henry 1837 1913
Godfrey  Mae  A  Graham 1886 1975
Goettmann  A  Family  Monument    
Goetman  George    
Goettmann  Wilhelmine 1874 1929
Gortmaker  Kevin  James 1972 1985
Gosch  A  Family  Monument    
Gosch  Albert  H 1900 1918
Gosch  Carrie  Schlomer  Lien 1884 1972
Gosch  Frank  F 1877 1958
Gosch  George 1867 1953
Gosch  Gilbert  L 1906 1909
Gosch  Hans    
Gosch  Henry  C 1873 1938
Gosch  Janie    
Gosch  Josephine 1876 1934
Gosch  Magdalena  "Maggie" 1873 1937
Gosch  Otto  C 1883 1950
Graham  Albert  James 1890 1893
Graham  James 1822 1896
Graham  Jameison 1854 1938
Graham  Janet 1827 1915
Graham  Libbie  Dawson 1897 1985
Graham  Rebecca  McKillop 1859 1901
Graham  Thomas  Kenneth 1897 1982
Griffith  Leonard  E 1922 1930
Griffith  Shirley  E 1923 1923
Groenveld  A  Family  Monument    
Groenveld  Andre  W. 1861 1919
Groenveld  Clarence  A 1898 1966
Groenveld  Ella 1876 1950
Groenveld  Grace  C 1907 1999
Gross  Beverly 1931  
Gross  Joe* 1927 1998
Guenther  Lawrence  F * 1922 1995
Guenther  Metha  C. Ravn  "May"  Donelan * 1916 2003
Guenther  Richard  J. 1917 1964
Guse  Fred  H 1907 1985
Guse  Helen  B 1910 2000
Gustafson  Adolph  Frederick 1903 1994
Gustafson  Anders  Oscar 1858 1931
Gustafson  Bernice  A  Reichert 1903 1972
Gustafson  Carl  O 1905 1962
Gustafson  Mathilda  Lundberg 1866 1935
Haas  A  Family  Monument    
Haas  Anna  Anderson 1890 1969
Haas  baby 1901 1901
Haas  Caroline  Fischer  "Lena" 1865 1947
Haas  Edward 1887 1889
Haas  Edward  C 1915 1969
Haas  Fred 1833 1905
Haas  Henry 1860 1944
Haas  John  Fred  "Shag" 1885 1964
Haas  Louis 1876 1959
Haas  Mary 1834 1911
Hagen  Floyd  W * 1908 2001
Hagen  Frances  L 1912 2006
Hahn  Meta  C. 1885 1974
Hahn  Henry 1880 1972
Hahn  Louise  D  Lauck 1881 1931
Hain  Gerald  W 1909 1973
Hain  Helena 1900 1975
Halgerson  A  Family  Monument    
Halgerson  Alice  H  Christenson 1924 1960
Halgerson  Alice  E  "Betty" 1899 1969
Halgerson  Annie  Christina  Nelson 1864 1949
Halgerson  Delmar  F 1921 1964
Halgerson  Edward  Henry 1861 1923
Halgerson  Floyd  M  "Dutch" 1896 1969
Halgerson  Lawrence  E 1904 1978
Halgerson  Nora  E 1898 1977
Halgerson  Sarah  Alta  Reid  Krantz 1915 1999
Halgerson  Ward  Raymond  "Tony" 1902 1979
Hammond  A  Family  Monument    
Hammond  Jarod  L  "Jed" 1862 1928
Hammond  May  M  Hackett 1870 1950
Hanson  Kenneth  Barton * 1924 2004
Harms  Bertha  Caroline  Bormann 1882 1964
Harms  A  Family  Monument    
Harms  Clara 1901 1979
Harms  Dertha 1890 1951
Harms  Dietrich  1849 1920
Harms  Edward  John 1893 1952
Harms  Emil 1885 1964
Harms  Friedrich 1853 1921
Harms  Herman 1891 1066
Harms  Mabel  Mageline 1915 1927
Harms  Martha  M  Kiehn 1896 1972
Harms  Martha  W  Kluge 1857 1924
Harms  Wilhelmina  Wagner 1860 1931
Harper  Aaron  Robert 1971 2005
Harper  Sharon  Kay  Kostboth 1950  
Haron  Hugh  O 1891 1944
Harsh  A  F.    
Harsh  David  P 1886 1906
Harsh  Mary  M 1859 1923
Hartman  Dorothy  Marquardt 1891 1981
Hartman  Henry  C 1881 1951
Hartman  James  M. 1947 1947
Hartman  Marie  A 1925  
Hartman  Melvin  H 1917 1995
Hartman  Stanley 1915 1969
Hartman  Viola  Reid  "Nellie" 1915 1996
Harvey  Baby 1913 1913
Harvey  Bessie  M.  Bergen * 1911 1997
Harvey  Hazel Spicer 1885 1956
Harvey  Wilber  J 1905 1990
Harvey  William 1880 1963
Hay  Glenn  L 1939 2011
Heisig  Eber  F 1880 1901
Helfinstine  Agnes  K 1874 1949
Helfinstine  Fred    
Helfinstine  Harold  Kruger    
Helfinstine  Margaret  Belle  Warner  Snow 1887 1978
Helfinstine  Willard  F 1868 1963
Henning  A  Family  Monument    
Henning  Albert 1884 1948
Henning  Augusta  Fischer 1867 1889
Henning  Carl 1855 1910
Henning  Sophia    
Henning  Wilhelmina 1890 1934
Hentschel  Elizabeth  Schulz  "Ella" 1883 1961
Hentschel  Max 1882 1956
Hershley  John  J 1913 1998
Hershley  Sena  A 1912 2000
Hildahl  Donna  Lee 1940 1964
Hinrichs  A  Family  Monument    
Hinrichs  Auguste 1875 1962
Hinrichs  Christoph 1863 1945
Hinrichs  Clifford  E 1912 1980
Hinrichs  Fred  R  "Fritz" 1907 1978
Hinrichs  John  Christopher 1882 1955
Hinrichs  Marie  S  Reid 1907 1962
Hinrichs  Matilda  S  Kaster 1881 1947
Hinrichs  Walter  A 1904 1976
Hinricks  Loretta  E 1908 1928
Hitch  Margaret  B 1892 1899
Hoefert  Edward  Francis 1923 1989
Hoefert  Fern 1912 1998
Hofer  Rosella 1935  
Hofer  Solomon 1928 1984
Hoiten  A  Family  Monument    
Hoiten  A  Family  Monument    
Hoiten  Baby 1896 1896
Hoiten  Baby 1906 1906
Hoiten  Baby 1921 1921
Hoiten  Alvin  "Dutch" 1912 1992
Hoiten  Donald  D 1942 1994
Hoiten  Edward  Henry 1883 1944
Hoiten  Herman  "Pete" 1897 1982
Hoiten  John  E. 1855 1929
Hoiten  Mabel  Alvina  Wittrock 1903 1970
Hoiten  Magdelena  Neuberger 1885 1958
Hoiten  Marie  M 1910 1976
Hoiten  Nellie 1872 1919
Hoiten  Ruth  E 1931  
Hoiten  Theda 1856 1908
Holderby  Julie  M 1965  
Holderby  LaFaye  Rempp * 1935 1997
Holderby  Marvin  J  1963 2005
Holman  Lorraine  R 1927 1993
Hora  Shirley  Kitchen 1921 1995
Houstom  Clara  E  Schmitt 1887 1945
Husman  A  Family  Monument    
Husman  Fred 1916 2003
Husman  Fred 1845 1921
Husman  Geske 1848 1929
Husman  Henry 1842 1930
Husman  Katherine 1877 1943
Huston  Benjamin 1825 1904
Huston  Clifford  A. 1909 1909
Hutchinson  Ellsworth  Ray  "Hutch" * 1895 1967
Hutchinson  Sadie  Vera  Wilhelm * 1895 1984
Irvin  Tom    
Janisch  Charles 1874 1957
Janisch  Earl  W 1909 1993
Janisch  Margret 1887 1956
Janisch  O  Maxine  Laity 1911 1973
Jansa  Mayme 1896 1966
Jarratt  George 1888 1965
Jarratt  Katherine  Kostboth 1899 1967
Jarrett  Joseph  A 1886 1976
Jensen  Dale  Lee 1953 2005
Jensen  Marion  K  1945  
Jensen  Jaycob  Rian * 1999 2003
Jerman  Paul  E. 1909 1989
Jerman  Baby    
Jerman  Arnold  O. 1918 1936
Jerman  George  Ballou 1878 1955
Jerman  Hertha  Emma  Kehrberg 1884 1973
Jerman  Jurena  Mammenga 1912 1983
Jerman  Kenneth  W. 1936 1936
Jerman  Mabel  L. 1934 1934
Jerman  Martin 1918 1984
Jerman  Shirley  A 1929  
Jern  Damon    
Johannsen  A  Family  Monument    
Johannsen  Daughter 1910 1910
Johannsen  Detlef  F. 1870 1942
Johannsen  Elsie  White 1913 2003
Johannsen  Gary  Dean * 1949 2010
Johannsen  Maria  M  Harms 1877 1938
Johannsen  Walter 1913 1969
Johannsen-Tarrell  Linda  K * 1947 1996
Johnke  Carl  F 1902 1970
Johnke  Edward  F  1909 1976
Johnke  Grace  A  Mammenga * 1915 2009
Johnke  Henry  F  1896 1958
Johnke  Irene  E  Reddington  Strong 1904 1988
Johnke  Jerold  Jerome 1945 1945
Johnke  Stella  M 1919 1999
Johnke  Walter  H. 1912 1994
Johnson  Amanda  M 1840 1908
Johnson  Andrew  J 1898 1982
Johnson  Baby  Girl 1969 1969
Johnson  Dennis  M 1942  
Johnson  Eleanore  A 1900 1993
Johnson  Ella  Dreyer 1891 1954
Johnson  Fountell  L 1942  
Johnson  Theodore 1836 1920
Kaster  Arlene    
Kern  Destinee  James 2012 2012
Kern  Natasha  Diane * 2002 2003
Ketcham  LaBerta 1927  
Ketcham  Lyle  Ellsworth 1923 2007
Kirchner  A  Family  Monument    
Kirchner  A  Family  Monument    
Kirchner  Anna  1862 1943
Kirchner  Clarence  J. 1911 1965
Kirchner  Dennis 1906 1983
Kirchner  Dorothy  C 1923  
Kirchner  Eugene  E 1919 1975
Kirchner  George  J 1880 1944
Kirchner  John 1855 1917
Kirchner  John  Carl 1895 1966
Kirchner  Katherine  1884 1959
Kirchner  Katie  L.  Dreyer * 1910 1995
Kirchner  Katie  Schlueter 1884 1959
Kirchner  Konrad 1849 1911
Kirchner  Mabel 1907 1938
Kirchner  Maria  Buehner    
Kirchner  Mary  M 1847 1905
Kirchner  Robert  M. 1923 2002
Kirchner  Sarah  McCarty 1899 1982
Kitchen  Lyle  M 1918 1968
Kitchen  Shirley  L 1921 1995
Klinkel  Dora  Myrtie  Reeter 1900 1968
Klinkel  Edward  A 1896 1970
Klinkhammer  Benjamin  Thomas  Gary 2010 2010
Klinkhammer  Hannah  Nichole 2009 2009
Klockmann  A  Family  Monument    
Klockman  August 1859 1944
Klockman  Ben  F 1900 1969
Klockman  Ernest  A 1904 1966
Klockman  Genevieve  Richey * 1911 1996
Klockman  Joyce  J 1939  
Klockman  Leroy  W 1932  
Klockman  Mathilda  Langelett 1900 1977
Klockmann  Paul  F 1892 1948
Klockman  Paulina 1868 1945
Klockman  Rose  L.  Flick * 1912 2010
Klockman  Selma  W 1902 1990
Klueber  A  Family  Monument    
Klueber  Adam 1838 1905
Klueber  Alma  Kostboth 1910 2002
Klueber  Arthur 1913 1916
Klueber  Darold   R 1934 2007
Klueber  Duane  R 1935  
Klueber  Emma  Brandt 1876 1943
Klueber  Garnet  M 1938  
Klueber  Herman  G * 1943 2006
Klueber  John 1871 1944
Klueber  John  Eugene 1946 1946
Klueber  Margret  Zimmerman 1843 1901
Klueber  Roland  J 1908 1980
Klueber  Ruth  Biesel    
Klueber  Sharon  M 1938  
Klueber  Son  of  Darold 1960 1960
Klueber  William 1902 1976
Knecht  Gustav 1912 1987
Knecht  Gustav 1844 1932
Knecht  Gustav 1897 1973
Knoll  Anton 1865 1963
Knox  Cecilia  Catherine  Bies * 1917 1993
Knox  Dale  Darrel 1918  
Knox  Hazel  Anna  Crowell * 1892 1989
Knox  Vernon  Robert * 1886 1964
Kockman  August    
Koepp  Clara  C 1896 1961
Koepp  Doris  W 1930  
Koepp  Kenneth  V 1926 2012
Koepp  Ronald  D. 1948 2001
Koepp  Walter  E. 1899 1994
Korkow  A  Family  Monument