Canistota City Cemetery
Canistota was established as a farming support town in the early 1880's, but the coming of the railroad in 1883 propelled its rapid growth and ensured its survival. Canistota's history actually started with the founding in a nearby section of a settlement named Cameron after a farmer who built a hotel on his property in 1878, but was failing before the railroad didn't pass through in 1883. Not getting rail service was the closing chapter for many a small town in the 1880's and prompted underserved and short lasting growth of many places that did start because of railroad access. Many buildings and businesses quickly established themselves in Canistota, perhaps the most important being the post office, banks (2), elevators (3), general stores (2), blacksmith shops (2), a saloon, lumber yards (3), a hotel, a jail, a library (uniquely), a school, and a church although most church meetings were held in member homes for some time.
The cemetery is relatively large and seems to have grown in stages over the years. The first burials that have markers appear to have taken place in the 1880's, likely just as the town was being developed. ************************************************************************************************************************** The Canistota Cemetery information database consists of 4 parts. This information was prepared by Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014)
and may be freely copied by individuals and
non-profit organizations 1. A Cemetery Map An aerial photo showing the cemetery in relationship to the access roadway 447th Avenue, gives the user a physical setting. 2. A List of Burials A listing of the burials at Canistota City Cemetery – Section 26 –
Canistota Township – McCook County, gives the individual names in
3. Additional Records - Obituaries
A special thank you is given to Vicki Wakefield and Roger Berke for their
prior work in creating a burial list. |
Canistota City Cemetery Burial Record as of 2013 Section 26 - Canistota Township - McCook County - SD |
Last Name | First Name | Birth Yr | Death Yr |
Addy | A Family Monument | ||
Addy | Angela A | 1923 | 2010 |
Addy | Bernice M Ward | 1898 | 1983 |
Addy | Bertha I. Loeck * | 1915 | 2001 |
Addy | Carrie Scott Lingle | 1882 | 1963 |
Addy | Ethan P | 1883 | 1947 |
Addy | Florence C. Tarrell * | 1919 | 1997 |
Addy | George Knox | 1908 | 1939 |
Addy | Harold H | 1906 | 1962 |
Addy | Harry K | 1916 | 1977 |
Addy | Irene O | 1908 | 2000 |
Addy | Joann | 1930 | |
Addy | John Elwood | 1875 | 1945 |
Addy | Leland L | 1918 | 1972 |
Addy | Levi Andrew | 2013 | 2013 |
Addy | Marvin L. | 1921 | 1987 |
Addy | Merlyn E | 1930 | 1981 |
Addy | Olive Irene Wittrock * | 1908 | 2000 |
Addy | Randy Lee | 1953 | 1954 |
Addy | Sam | 1939 | 2011 |
Addy | Susan Emily McConnell | 1940 | |
Addy | Vicki Rae | 1958 | 1958 |
Addy | Vivien Ruth Tarrell | 1913 | 1985 |
Addy | William Marvin | 1879 | 1952 |
Adrian | Irene A | 1901 | 1980 |
Adrian | Peter I. | 1895 | 1969 |
Adrian | Sarah Goerz | 1900 | 1979 |
Alberts | Donna J McKillop | 1948 | |
Alberts | Thomas Edwin * | 1948 | 2009 |
Albricht | Ella L Beatty | 1894 | 1918 |
Albricht | Frank | ||
Albricht | John | 1888 | 1966 |
Amberg-White | Christopher * | 1979 | 1997 |
Amy | A Family Monument | ||
Amy | Alice May Clark | 1884 | 1964 |
Amy | Elmer G C | 1877 | 1929 |
Amy | Elroy P. | 1838 | 1923 |
Amy | Gula | 1858 | 1932 |
Amy | Iona Viva | 1873 | 1894 |
Amy | Marie S | 1881 | 1947 |
Amy | Milton E | 1883 | 1963 |
Anderson | A Viola | 1904 | 1995 |
Anderson | Betty J * | 1930 | 2011 |
Anderson | D Wendell | 1929 | 2011 |
Anderson | David A. N. | 1902 | 1983 |
Anderson | Evelyn Elaine Koepp * | 1925 | 2006 |
Anderson | Henry Sr. | 1886 | 1954 |
Anderson | Ingaborg | 1893 | 1969 |
Anderson | Leonard N | 1917 | 1983 |
Anderson | Lydia | 1893 | 1969 |
Anderson | Mark D | 1953 | 1968 |
Anderson | Otto | 1893 | 1964 |
Anderson | Signa Mathilda Gustafson * | 1901 | 1997 |
Apland | A Family Monument | ||
Apland | Chloe Potts | 1862 | 1927 |
Apland | Bertha | 1893 | 1940 |
Apland | Charles | 1896 | 1980 |
Apland | Lillian | 1887 | 1958 |
Apland | Vivian | 1901 | 1979 |
Apland | William Ralph | 1889 | 1916 |
Arends | Bertha H. Bormann | 1915 | 1995 |
Arends | Harm J | 1911 | 1962 |
Armstrong | Garnet Faye Howard | 1886 | 1954 |
Armstrong | William John | 1874 | 1960 |
Arneson | Carl Norman * | 1908 | 1999 |
Arno | A Family Monument | ||
Arno | Alice | 1947 | |
Arno | Louis | 1858 | 1938 |
Arno | Mrs. Louis | 1856 | 1909 |
Arno | Walter | ||
Arnold | Floyd H * | 1892 | 1996 |
Arnold | Sarah Mae Waters | 1888 | 1975 |
Bates | Margaret D | 1914 | 2013 |
Baumbaugh | Deloris | 2004 | |
Bayard | Lyman P | 1857 | 1901 |
Beaner | A Family Monument | ||
Beaner | Bernard Ellis | 1894 | 1896 |
Beaner | John A | 1852 | 1926 |
Beaner | Mary E | 1856 | 1922 |
Beck | A Family Monument | ||
Beck | A Family Monument | ||
Beck | Christopher Wonder | 1879 | 1959 |
Beck | J. E. | 1881 | 1918 |
Beck | Lena | 1888 | 1918 |
Beck | M Marjorie | 1918 | 1918 |
Beck | Nita | 1906 | 1924 |
Beck | Royal Homer | 1910 | 1926 |
Beisel | A Family Monument | ||
Beisel | Caroline Eva Kleuber | 1872 | 1952 |
Beisel | Caroline Reinhardt Schlueter | 1854 | 1925 |
Beisel | Charles | 1886 | 1956 |
Beisel | Eva Laura Rooney | 1891 | 1977 |
Beisel | Josephine Gosch | 1910 | 2002 |
Beisel | Katharine Barbara Eichhorn | 1851 | 1910 |
Beisel | Math. J | 1873 | 1939 |
Beisel | Maynard | 1910 | 1966 |
Beisel | Ruth L | 1906 | 1906 |
Beisel | Peter | 1844 | 1934 |
Bellack | Elizabeth Schmidt | 1893 | 1983 |
Bellack | Lewis | 1882 | 1968 |
Bensen | Norma J | 1933 | 2012 |
Bensen | Roger C | 1933 | |
Bergen | Doris | 1931 | |
Bergen | Lori Jo | 1953 | 2005 |
Bergen | Lowell J | 1928 | |
Bergen | Mariain Francis | 1907 | 1908 |
Bergen | Rose Olson | 1893 | 1985 |
Bergen | Twin Sons of Lowell & Doris | 1952 | 1952 |
Bergen | Walter | 1885 | 1965 |
Berry | Eileen | 1963 | |
Berry | Russell D. | 1959 | 2005 |
Bise | Frank Edward | 1880 | 1958 |
Bise | Harry Edward | 1919 | 1920 |
Bise | Rosie Eleanor Reid | 1880 | 1950 |
Blackborn | James "Stewart" | 1902 | 1976 |
Blakely | A Family Monument | ||
Blakely | Alice Walsh | 1862 | 1938 |
Blakely | Rae Irene | 1899 | 1980 |
Blakely | Robert | 1852 | 1928 |
Blohm | Albert A. | 1887 | 1971 |
Blohm | Bertha Alice Gray | 1887 | 1936 |
Bodle | Annie | 1803 | |
Bodle | Hattie J. | 1869 | 1891 |
Bodle | Hugh | 1831 | 1896 |
Bohlman | Gladys J Harvey | 1919 | 2003 |
Bohlman | Gordon A | 1916 | 1969 |
Borm | Andrew C. | 1905 | 1979 |
Borm | Bertha I Christensen | 1917 | 1977 |
Borm | Elizabeth Christensen | 1893 | 1955 |
Borm | John | 1888 | 1933 |
Bormann | A Family Monument | ||
Bormann | Baby | 1919 | 1919 |
Bormann | Amelia C Harms | 1988 | 1934 |
Bormann | Anna Caroline Lilli Nelson | 1892 | 1967 |
Bormann | Christina Charolata Louise Reinhardt | 1863 | 1945 |
Bormann | David | 1951 | 1951 |
Bormann | Fred D * | 1914 | 1993 |
Bormann | Henry Frederick | 1887 | 1956 |
Bormann | Louise E Korkow | 1916 | |
Bormann | Mabel (Baby) | 1915 | 1915 |
Bormann | Olga Florence Henschel | 1918 | 1953 |
Bormann | William | 1861 | 1947 |
Bormann | William Ernst | 1885 | 1940 |
Bormann | William John | 1913 | 1986 |
Boserrans | |||
Bowen | A Family Monument | ||
Bowen | Edith A | 1897 | 1992 |
Bowen | Elizabeth Rooney | 1888 | 1971 |
Bowen | Grant A | 1925 | 1945 |
Bowen | James G | 1891 | 1948 |
Bowen | Samuel Jacob | 1873 | 1949 |
Bracker | A Family Monument | ||
Bracker | Godfrey B. | 1899 | 1984 |
Bracker | Rose Neuberger | 1905 | 1999 |
Brady | S W | 1883 | 1928 |
Brandon | Richard J. | 1953 | 2005 |
Brandt | A Family Monument | ||
Brandt | Henrietta | 1863 | 1895 |
Brandt | William | ||
Brandt | Adam H | 1895 | 1896 |
Briehan | Armin | 1893 | 1907 |
Brinkman | A Family Monument | ||
Brinkman | Anna | 1882 | 1961 |
Brinkman | Henry | 1864 | 1904 |
Brinkman | William | 1877 | 1919 |
Brown | Dorothy B | 1925 | |
Brown | Edwin W | 1914 | 1987 |
Brumbaugh | Delores | 1928 | 2004 |
Brunelle | Darlene R. | 1933 | 2007 |
Budd | Helen I | 1922 | |
Budd | Robert W. | 1919 | 2005 |
Budd | Sharon S | 1946 | |
Buehner | Alice L | 1916 | |
Buehner | Bertha E | 1880 | 1890 |
Buehner | Elsie M | 1933 | |
Buehner | Gilbert E | 1931 | |
Buehner | Johan Tobias | 1821 | 1899 |
Buehner | Katherina Gutman | 1820 | 1906 |
Buehner | Leonhard G * | 1917 | 2011 |
Buehner | Philipp | 1887 | 1896 |
Burnham | Maurice L | 1914 | 1988 |
Burnham | Mona D | 1921 | 2006 |
Burton | Jennie Armstrong | 1879 | 1922 |
Buscher | A Family Monument | ||
Buscher | Anna Schlomer | 1846 | 1932 |
Buscher | Carrie | 1880 | 1893 |
Buscher | Gertrude | 1879 | 1882 |
Buscher | Hinrick C | 1890 | 1912 |
Buscher | Hinrick | 1846 | 1927 |
Buscher | John | 1873 | 1954 |
Buscher | Minnie | 1870 | 1959 |
Butters | Fred W. "Fritz" | 1876 | 1958 |
Cannon | Baby | 1986 | |
Cannon | Gerald D | 1926 | |
Cannon | Mary C | 1926 | 1972 |
Cannon | Mary Louise Reeve Hartman * | 1926 | 2000 |
Cannon | Nathan John | 1985 | 1986 |
Carlson | A Family Monument | ||
Carlson | Albin | 1887 | 1958 |
Carlson | Signa | 1894 | 1921 |
Carter | Alfred March | 1889 | 1890 |
Carter | Ida | ||
Carter | child of Emerson & Ida | ||
Christensen | Andrew C | 1905 | 1979 |
Christensen | Bertha I | 1917 | 1977 |
Christensen | Lizzie E | 1893 | 1955 |
Clark | A Family Monument | ||
Clark | Edna May Hayes | 1865 | 1941 |
Clark | Aaron Burr "Boss" | 1830 | 1912 |
Clark | Delilah "Della" Van Mater | 1831 | 1899 |
Clark | Harold H. | 1877 | 1927 |
Clark | Laura A Hopkins | 1861 | 1900 |
Clark | Mabel | 1910 | 2007 |
Clark | Mabel H. Murphy * | 1883 | 1960 |
Clark | Sidney S. | 1859 | 1935 |
Clark | Ward | 1912 | 1969 |
Clark | Ward Watson | 1892 | 1913 |
Cole | Anna L | 1909 | 1909 |
Cole | Arthur B | 1872 | 1950 |
Cole | Carl P | 1907 | 1970 |
Collins | Alice Frantz | 1875 | 1960 |
Collins | Frank Martin | 1906 | 2009 |
Collins | Harry | 1870 | 1955 |
Collins | Pearl A Spicer | 1919 | 1988 |
Cooper | Albert Earl * | 1916 | 1997 |
Cooper | Alberta | ||
Cooper | Arthur D Rev. * | 1929 | 1996 |
Cooper | Cindy L | 1960 | |
Cooper | Danny F * | 1949 | 1995 |
Cooper | Dolores E | 1930 | |
Cooper | Eddie | 1951 | 1958 |
Cooper | Fran H | 1951 | |
Cooper | Henry J | 1857 | 1929 |
Cooper | John L. | 1952 | 2003 |
Cooper | John O. | 1905 | 1984 |
Cooper | Leola V | 1927 | |
Cooper | Leonard K. | 1922 | 1983 |
Cooper | Margaret E | 1857 | 1936 |
Cooper | Marvin F | 1927 | 2011 |
Cooper | Mary A | 1923 | |
Cooper | Mary Sophia Amelia Kostboth | 1887 | 1961 |
Cooper | Theresa D Fischer | 1928 | 1971 |
Cooper | William B A. | 1890 | 1953 |
Cooper | William M * | 1925 | 1991 |
Carrigan | Gracie | 1895 | |
Corrigan | Abbie | 1868 | 1904 |
Crippen | Bonita J Richey * | 1922 | 2005 |
Crippen | William H. | 1923 | 1965 |
Crowhurst | A Family Monument | ||
Crowhurst | Barbara Ann | 1955 | 1955 |
Crowhurst | Doran | 1981 | |
Crowhurst | Edward | ||
Crowhurst | Ella Glenn | 1882 | 1918 |
Crowhurst | Seth | 1914 | 1976 |
Crowhurst | Walter Franklin | 1884 | 1984 |
Crowhurst | Willis Harrison | 1887 | 1947 |
Currier | Albena M Rademacher | 1892 | 1930 |
Currier | Rex Adair | 1886 | 1962 |
Damon | A Family Monument | ||
Damon | A Family Monument | ||
Damon | Arlene A | 1932 | |
Damon | Fern L | 1927 | 1965 |
Damon | George L P | 1874 | 1947 |
Damon | Harmon | 1845 | 1915 |
Damon | Joe | ||
Damon | Lawrence G "Tootie" * | 1928 | 1994 |
Damon | Mary E | 1849 | 1912 |
Damon | Mary E. | 1892 | 1975 |
Damon | Vern William | 1923 | 1976 |
Damon | Nellie Presuhn | 1889 | 1976 |
Darby | James F | 1870 | 1894 |
Darby | Edna E. | 1881 | 1894 |
Darby | Edna M. | 1902 | 1973 |
Darby | Jacob | 1834 | 1901 |
Darby | John T. | 1890 | 1946 |
Darby | Ronald D. | 1943 | 1992 |
Darby | William H. | 1887 | 1894 |
Davis | A Family Monument | ||
Davis | Jill I Dawson | 1866 | 1906 |
Davis | Marie Sessler | 1885 | 1959 |
Davis | Wesley F | 1877 | 1931 |
Dawson | Cora May Galvin | 1876 | 1963 |
Dawson | David | 1860 | 1899 |
Dawson | Donald G * | 1916 | 2009 |
Dawson | George C. "Bud" | 1911 | 1990 |
Dawson | George H. | 1871 | 1957 |
Dawson | Gerald Douglas "Jerry" * | 1922 | 2007 |
Dawson | Harry Deloyd * | 1913 | 1999 |
Dawson | Harvey (Baby) | ||
Dawson | James | 1827 | 1903 |
Dawson | Lissette M Dunkelman | 1899 | 1968 |
Dawson | Lola Reid | 1912 | 2005 |
Dawson | Mary Jane Duncan | 1825 | 1894 |
Dawson | Maxine R Lien * | 1915 | 1998 |
Dawson | Roy H | 1896 | 1973 |
Dawson | Verna M | 1922 | |
DeKramer | Dale Lee | 1925 | 2008 |
DeKramer | Inez M. Halgerson | 1892 | 1982 |
DeKramer | M LaVelle | 1929 | |
DeKramer | Martin | 1896 | 1984 |
Denny | Martin | ||
Derrick | Jennie E | 1881 | 1928 |
Deuchars | Herbert C | 1895 | 1972 |
Deuchars | Martha A. | 1899 | 1986 |
Deveen | Weert H. | 1838 | 1918 |
Dick | Baby | 1923 | 1923 |
Dick | Joan Marquardt | 1931 | 1990 |
Dick | May | 1924 | 1924 |
Dick | Melvin H | 1928 | |
Dick | Ray | 1924 | 1924 |
Dickinson | Cemantha Currier | 1827 | 1897 |
Dickinson | Ellen T Gage | 1858 | 1918 |
Dickinson | Henry Alonzo | 1854 | 1932 |
Dickinson | John Henry | 1904 | 1984 |
Dickinson | Marguerite Mary Goebel * | 1908 | 1993 |
Dickinson | William | ||
Dittenhauser | Dorothy | ||
Donelon | Charles "Pat" | 1931 | 2001 |
Donelon | Emma Darlene Dunn * | 1932 | 2009 |
Dove | Dorothy Maxine | 1929 | 1929 |
Dove | Frank | 1873 | 1940 |
Dove | Rosely Irene | 1918 | 1918 |
Dreyer | Antje | 1852 | 1934 |
Dreyer | Bert | 1887 | 1932 |
Dreyer | David | 1896 | 1984 |
Dreyer | David | 1879 | 1961 |
Dreyer | David L. | 1911 | 1978 |
Dreyer | Ella | ||
Dreyer | George | 1919 | 1970 |
Dreyer | Jan | 1854 | 1937 |
Dreyer | Janice | 1933 | 1982 |
Dreyer | John | 1917 | 1917 |
Dreyer | Katie | 1884 | 1970 |
Dreyer | Magareta | 1892 | 1916 |
Dreyer | Margaret | 1923 | 1968 |
Dreyer | Martha | 1921 | 1985 |
Driggs | Dow | 1888 | 1960 |
Driggs | Gertrude | 1891 | 1989 |
Driggs | Robert O | 1916 | 1917 |
Dudley | Bela D L | 1843 | 1909 |
Dudley | Philura B Johnson | 1845 | 1928 |
Dunkelman | Geraldine | 1908 | 1908 |
Dunn | Elbert A "Jack" | 1910 | 1978 |
Dunn | Elsie E Davis * | 1909 | 2003 |
Eichhorn | A Family Monument | ||
Eichhorn | Allen A | 1911 | 1954 |
Eichhorn | Charles | 1859 | 1941 |
Eichhorn | Clara | 1897 | 1977 |
Eichhorn | Doretta Phyllis | 1922 | 1923 |
Eichhorn | Elsie J | 1909 | 1979 |
Eichhorn | Garrold | 1926 | 1926 |
Eichhorn | Johanna Lien | 1868 | 1951 |
Eichhorn | Mathias (Father) | 1852 | 1926 |
Eichhorn | Mathilda A | 1909 | 1967 |
Eichhorn | Matthew J. | 1889 | 1968 |
Eichhorn | Olive V Arno | 1889 | 1965 |
Eichhorn | Philip J | 1888 | 1976 |
Eichhorn | Reenda | 1889 | 1889 |
Eichhorn | Reenda Sikken (Mother) | 1853 | 1929 |
Eichhorn | Vernon J | 1909 | 1977 |
Eide | Howard R | 1925 | 1996 |
Eide | Lila Jean Rahn * | 1932 | 2005 |
Engelbrecht | Anna M | 1866 | 1906 |
Engelbrecht | Eva | 1862 | 1955 |
Engelbrecht | Frank | 1858 | 1937 |
Ennis | A Family Monument | ||
Ennis | Allen W. | 1874 | 1931 |
Ennis | Caroline Louise Halgerson | 1848 | 1928 |
Ennis | Claudioes "Fern" | 1911 | 1991 |
Ennis | Eva | 1884 | 1967 |
Ennis | Henry | 1876 | 1942 |
Ennis | James | 1843 | 1922 |
Ennis | Kate Eichhorn | 1884 | 1968 |
Ennis | Violet | 1890 | 1905 |
Erickson | Carol Anne Sessler | 1943 | 1982 |
Erickson | Christina | 1883 | 1900 |
Erickson | Elsie J | 1857 | 1917 |
Erickson | Freeman | 1899 | 1950 |
Evink | Marvin | 1928 | 1986 |
Evink | Mary J | 1944 | |
Faber | Clarence J | 1904 | 1927 |
Faber | Margeret | 1916 | 1942 |
Fick | A Family Monument | ||
Fick | Louise Lorr | 1869 | 1956 |
Fick | Twins sons of John Flick | ||
Fick | Wilheim | 1857 | 1933 |
Fick | William | 1892 | 1974 |
Fischer | A Family Monument | ||
Fischer | Adolph W | 1872 | 1940 |
Fischer | Dale Mele | 1918 | 2004 |
Fischer | Delores Ann Dunn * | 1936 | 2011 |
Fischer | Dorothy Bess * | 1910 | 1993 |
Fischer | Edward E. | 1934 | 1966 |
Fischer | Fredericka Kruegar | 1840 | 1887 |
Fischer | Helena Lenhart Zieman "Lena" | 1846 | 1922 |
Fischer | John | 1840 | 1929 |
Fischer | John W | 1933 | |
Fischer | John H. | 1869 | 1900 |
Fischer | Katherine | 1900 | 1900 |
Fischer | Lena | 1846 | 1922 |
Fischer | Lena Sessler | 1876 | 1956 |
Fischer | Loma A. Siders | 1921 | 2005 |
Fischer | Louis | 1882 | 1964 |
Fischer | Shirley L | 1932 | |
Fischer | Sophia Sessler | 1888 | 1958 |
Fischer | Walter L | 1902 | 1980 |
Flick | Ernest Peter | 1905 | 1919 |
Flick | Fred F. "Fritz" | 1906 | 1986 |
Flick | Henry W. | 1878 | 1961 |
Flick | Johanna Hahn | 1881 | 1961 |
Fluegel | A Family Monument | ||
Fluegel | Charles | 1865 | 1949 |
Fluegel | Mary Weber | 1951 | |
Fortune | Dolphus "Dick" | 1892 | 1925 |
Fortune | Ethel Helfinstine | 1901 | 1997 |
Foxton | A Family Monument | ||
Foxton | Margarite E. | 1871 | 1928 |
Freese | Fred Rev. | 1876 | 1952 |
Freese | Herbert H | 1904 | 1933 |
Freese | Sophia | 1879 | 1956 |
Friend | Valerie Elaine | 1951 | 1972 |
Frizzell | Twin Boys | 2005 | 2005 |
Gaarder | Einar | 1904 | 1984 |
Gaarder | Florence Klinkel * | 1908 | 1997 |
Galvin | Addaline Waters | 1855 | 1893 |
Galvin | Clarence | 1875 | 1894 |
Galvin | Harry | 1883 | 1903 |
Galvin | Michael | 1847 | 1895 |
Galvin | Walter H. | 1881 | 1960 |
Geigling | Baby Boy | ||
Gerow | Edith Dawson "Babe" | 1902 | 1962 |
Gerow | Fred H | 1900 | 1985 |
Giegling | A Family Monument | ||
Giegling | Albert | 1884 | 1968 |
Giegling | Aaron L | 1979 | 1979 |
Giegling | Charles | 1850 | 1935 |
Giegling | Elizabeth | 1855 | 1946 |
Giegling | Ellis | ||
Giegling | Emil | 1894 | 1983 |
Giegling | Ernest H | 1898 | 1975 |
Giegling | Gottlieb Carl Herman | 1950 | |
Giegling | Helen B | 1902 | 1993 |
Giegling | Herman C | 1865 | 1950 |
Giegling | Jonathon (Grandpa) | ||
Giegling | Laura E. | 1901 | 1962 |
Giegling | Lillian | 1904 | 2002 |
Giegling | Lillie K | 1870 | 1958 |
Giegling | Otto A A | 1822 | 1897 |
Giegling | Rose Marie * | 1909 | 1996 |
Giegling | Willhelm H J | 1831 | |
Gillespie | Verna E Monroe * | 1912 | 2002 |
Glenn | A Family Monument | ||
Glenn | Dorothy Lucas | 1855 | 1929 |
Glenn | John | 1856 | 1921 |
Glenn | Robert | 1854 | 1926 |
Glenn | William L. | 1886 | 1923 |
Godfrey | A Family Monument | ||
Godfrey | Dwight M | 1878 | 1954 |
Godfrey | Harriet Allison | 1836 | 1932 |
Godfrey | Henry | 1837 | 1913 |
Godfrey | Mae A Graham | 1886 | 1975 |
Goettmann | A Family Monument | ||
Goetman | George | ||
Goettmann | Wilhelmine | 1874 | 1929 |
Gortmaker | Kevin James | 1972 | 1985 |
Gosch | A Family Monument | ||
Gosch | Albert H | 1900 | 1918 |
Gosch | Carrie Schlomer Lien | 1884 | 1972 |
Gosch | Frank F | 1877 | 1958 |
Gosch | George | 1867 | 1953 |
Gosch | Gilbert L | 1906 | 1909 |
Gosch | Hans | ||
Gosch | Henry C | 1873 | 1938 |
Gosch | Janie | ||
Gosch | Josephine | 1876 | 1934 |
Gosch | Magdalena "Maggie" | 1873 | 1937 |
Gosch | Otto C | 1883 | 1950 |
Graham | Albert James | 1890 | 1893 |
Graham | James | 1822 | 1896 |
Graham | Jameison | 1854 | 1938 |
Graham | Janet | 1827 | 1915 |
Graham | Libbie Dawson | 1897 | 1985 |
Graham | Rebecca McKillop | 1859 | 1901 |
Graham | Thomas Kenneth | 1897 | 1982 |
Griffith | Leonard E | 1922 | 1930 |
Griffith | Shirley E | 1923 | 1923 |
Groenveld | A Family Monument | ||
Groenveld | Andre W. | 1861 | 1919 |
Groenveld | Clarence A | 1898 | 1966 |
Groenveld | Ella | 1876 | 1950 |
Groenveld | Grace C | 1907 | 1999 |
Gross | Beverly | 1931 | |
Gross | Joe* | 1927 | 1998 |
Guenther | Lawrence F * | 1922 | 1995 |
Guenther | Metha C. Ravn "May" Donelan * | 1916 | 2003 |
Guenther | Richard J. | 1917 | 1964 |
Guse | Fred H | 1907 | 1985 |
Guse | Helen B | 1910 | 2000 |
Gustafson | Adolph Frederick | 1903 | 1994 |
Gustafson | Anders Oscar | 1858 | 1931 |
Gustafson | Bernice A Reichert | 1903 | 1972 |
Gustafson | Carl O | 1905 | 1962 |
Gustafson | Mathilda Lundberg | 1866 | 1935 |
Haas | A Family Monument | ||
Haas | Anna Anderson | 1890 | 1969 |
Haas | baby | 1901 | 1901 |
Haas | Caroline Fischer "Lena" | 1865 | 1947 |
Haas | Edward | 1887 | 1889 |
Haas | Edward C | 1915 | 1969 |
Haas | Fred | 1833 | 1905 |
Haas | Henry | 1860 | 1944 |
Haas | John Fred "Shag" | 1885 | 1964 |
Haas | Louis | 1876 | 1959 |
Haas | Mary | 1834 | 1911 |
Hagen | Floyd W * | 1908 | 2001 |
Hagen | Frances L | 1912 | 2006 |
Hahn | Meta C. | 1885 | 1974 |
Hahn | Henry | 1880 | 1972 |
Hahn | Louise D Lauck | 1881 | 1931 |
Hain | Gerald W | 1909 | 1973 |
Hain | Helena | 1900 | 1975 |
Halgerson | A Family Monument | ||
Halgerson | Alice H Christenson | 1924 | 1960 |
Halgerson | Alice E "Betty" | 1899 | 1969 |
Halgerson | Annie Christina Nelson | 1864 | 1949 |
Halgerson | Delmar F | 1921 | 1964 |
Halgerson | Edward Henry | 1861 | 1923 |
Halgerson | Floyd M "Dutch" | 1896 | 1969 |
Halgerson | Lawrence E | 1904 | 1978 |
Halgerson | Nora E | 1898 | 1977 |
Halgerson | Sarah Alta Reid Krantz | 1915 | 1999 |
Halgerson | Ward Raymond "Tony" | 1902 | 1979 |
Hammond | A Family Monument | ||
Hammond | Jarod L "Jed" | 1862 | 1928 |
Hammond | May M Hackett | 1870 | 1950 |
Hanson | Kenneth Barton * | 1924 | 2004 |
Harms | Bertha Caroline Bormann | 1882 | 1964 |
Harms | A Family Monument | ||
Harms | Clara | 1901 | 1979 |
Harms | Dertha | 1890 | 1951 |
Harms | Dietrich | 1849 | 1920 |
Harms | Edward John | 1893 | 1952 |
Harms | Emil | 1885 | 1964 |
Harms | Friedrich | 1853 | 1921 |
Harms | Herman | 1891 | 1066 |
Harms | Mabel Mageline | 1915 | 1927 |
Harms | Martha M Kiehn | 1896 | 1972 |
Harms | Martha W Kluge | 1857 | 1924 |
Harms | Wilhelmina Wagner | 1860 | 1931 |
Harper | Aaron Robert | 1971 | 2005 |
Harper | Sharon Kay Kostboth | 1950 | |
Haron | Hugh O | 1891 | 1944 |
Harsh | A F. | ||
Harsh | David P | 1886 | 1906 |
Harsh | Mary M | 1859 | 1923 |
Hartman | Dorothy Marquardt | 1891 | 1981 |
Hartman | Henry C | 1881 | 1951 |
Hartman | James M. | 1947 | 1947 |
Hartman | Marie A | 1925 | |
Hartman | Melvin H | 1917 | 1995 |
Hartman | Stanley | 1915 | 1969 |
Hartman | Viola Reid "Nellie" | 1915 | 1996 |
Harvey | Baby | 1913 | 1913 |
Harvey | Bessie M. Bergen * | 1911 | 1997 |
Harvey | Hazel Spicer | 1885 | 1956 |
Harvey | Wilber J | 1905 | 1990 |
Harvey | William | 1880 | 1963 |
Hay | Glenn L | 1939 | 2011 |
Heisig | Eber F | 1880 | 1901 |
Helfinstine | Agnes K | 1874 | 1949 |
Helfinstine | Fred | ||
Helfinstine | Harold Kruger | ||
Helfinstine | Margaret Belle Warner Snow | 1887 | 1978 |
Helfinstine | Willard F | 1868 | 1963 |
Henning | A Family Monument | ||
Henning | Albert | 1884 | 1948 |
Henning | Augusta Fischer | 1867 | 1889 |
Henning | Carl | 1855 | 1910 |
Henning | Sophia | ||
Henning | Wilhelmina | 1890 | 1934 |
Hentschel | Elizabeth Schulz "Ella" | 1883 | 1961 |
Hentschel | Max | 1882 | 1956 |
Hershley | John J | 1913 | 1998 |
Hershley | Sena A | 1912 | 2000 |
Hildahl | Donna Lee | 1940 | 1964 |
Hinrichs | A Family Monument | ||
Hinrichs | Auguste | 1875 | 1962 |
Hinrichs | Christoph | 1863 | 1945 |
Hinrichs | Clifford E | 1912 | 1980 |
Hinrichs | Fred R "Fritz" | 1907 | 1978 |
Hinrichs | John Christopher | 1882 | 1955 |
Hinrichs | Marie S Reid | 1907 | 1962 |
Hinrichs | Matilda S Kaster | 1881 | 1947 |
Hinrichs | Walter A | 1904 | 1976 |
Hinricks | Loretta E | 1908 | 1928 |
Hitch | Margaret B | 1892 | 1899 |
Hoefert | Edward Francis | 1923 | 1989 |
Hoefert | Fern | 1912 | 1998 |
Hofer | Rosella | 1935 | |
Hofer | Solomon | 1928 | 1984 |
Hoiten | A Family Monument | ||
Hoiten | A Family Monument | ||
Hoiten | Baby | 1896 | 1896 |
Hoiten | Baby | 1906 | 1906 |
Hoiten | Baby | 1921 | 1921 |
Hoiten | Alvin "Dutch" | 1912 | 1992 |
Hoiten | Donald D | 1942 | 1994 |
Hoiten | Edward Henry | 1883 | 1944 |
Hoiten | Herman "Pete" | 1897 | 1982 |
Hoiten | John E. | 1855 | 1929 |
Hoiten | Mabel Alvina Wittrock | 1903 | 1970 |
Hoiten | Magdelena Neuberger | 1885 | 1958 |
Hoiten | Marie M | 1910 | 1976 |
Hoiten | Nellie | 1872 | 1919 |
Hoiten | Ruth E | 1931 | |
Hoiten | Theda | 1856 | 1908 |
Holderby | Julie M | 1965 | |
Holderby | LaFaye Rempp * | 1935 | 1997 |
Holderby | Marvin J | 1963 | 2005 |
Holman | Lorraine R | 1927 | 1993 |
Hora | Shirley Kitchen | 1921 | 1995 |
Houstom | Clara E Schmitt | 1887 | 1945 |
Husman | A Family Monument | ||
Husman | Fred | 1916 | 2003 |
Husman | Fred | 1845 | 1921 |
Husman | Geske | 1848 | 1929 |
Husman | Henry | 1842 | 1930 |
Husman | Katherine | 1877 | 1943 |
Huston | Benjamin | 1825 | 1904 |
Huston | Clifford A. | 1909 | 1909 |
Hutchinson | Ellsworth Ray "Hutch" * | 1895 | 1967 |
Hutchinson | Sadie Vera Wilhelm * | 1895 | 1984 |
Irvin | Tom | ||
Janisch | Charles | 1874 | 1957 |
Janisch | Earl W | 1909 | 1993 |
Janisch | Margret | 1887 | 1956 |
Janisch | O Maxine Laity | 1911 | 1973 |
Jansa | Mayme | 1896 | 1966 |
Jarratt | George | 1888 | 1965 |
Jarratt | Katherine Kostboth | 1899 | 1967 |
Jarrett | Joseph A | 1886 | 1976 |
Jensen | Dale Lee | 1953 | 2005 |
Jensen | Marion K | 1945 | |
Jensen | Jaycob Rian * | 1999 | 2003 |
Jerman | Paul E. | 1909 | 1989 |
Jerman | Baby | ||
Jerman | Arnold O. | 1918 | 1936 |
Jerman | George Ballou | 1878 | 1955 |
Jerman | Hertha Emma Kehrberg | 1884 | 1973 |
Jerman | Jurena Mammenga | 1912 | 1983 |
Jerman | Kenneth W. | 1936 | 1936 |
Jerman | Mabel L. | 1934 | 1934 |
Jerman | Martin | 1918 | 1984 |
Jerman | Shirley A | 1929 | |
Jern | Damon | ||
Johannsen | A Family Monument | ||
Johannsen | Daughter | 1910 | 1910 |
Johannsen | Detlef F. | 1870 | 1942 |
Johannsen | Elsie White | 1913 | 2003 |
Johannsen | Gary Dean * | 1949 | 2010 |
Johannsen | Maria M Harms | 1877 | 1938 |
Johannsen | Walter | 1913 | 1969 |
Johannsen-Tarrell | Linda K * | 1947 | 1996 |
Johnke | Carl F | 1902 | 1970 |
Johnke | Edward F | 1909 | 1976 |
Johnke | Grace A Mammenga * | 1915 | 2009 |
Johnke | Henry F | 1896 | 1958 |
Johnke | Irene E Reddington Strong | 1904 | 1988 |
Johnke | Jerold Jerome | 1945 | 1945 |
Johnke | Stella M | 1919 | 1999 |
Johnke | Walter H. | 1912 | 1994 |
Johnson | Amanda M | 1840 | 1908 |
Johnson | Andrew J | 1898 | 1982 |
Johnson | Baby Girl | 1969 | 1969 |
Johnson | Dennis M | 1942 | |
Johnson | Eleanore A | 1900 | 1993 |
Johnson | Ella Dreyer | 1891 | 1954 |
Johnson | Fountell L | 1942 | |
Johnson | Theodore | 1836 | 1920 |
Kaster | Arlene | ||
Kern | Destinee James | 2012 | 2012 |
Kern | Natasha Diane * | 2002 | 2003 |
Ketcham | LaBerta | 1927 | |
Ketcham | Lyle Ellsworth | 1923 | 2007 |
Kirchner | A Family Monument | ||
Kirchner | A Family Monument | ||
Kirchner | Anna | 1862 | 1943 |
Kirchner | Clarence J. | 1911 | 1965 |
Kirchner | Dennis | 1906 | 1983 |
Kirchner | Dorothy C | 1923 | |
Kirchner | Eugene E | 1919 | 1975 |
Kirchner | George J | 1880 | 1944 |
Kirchner | John | 1855 | 1917 |
Kirchner | John Carl | 1895 | 1966 |
Kirchner | Katherine | 1884 | 1959 |
Kirchner | Katie L. Dreyer * | 1910 | 1995 |
Kirchner | Katie Schlueter | 1884 | 1959 |
Kirchner | Konrad | 1849 | 1911 |
Kirchner | Mabel | 1907 | 1938 |
Kirchner | Maria Buehner | ||
Kirchner | Mary M | 1847 | 1905 |
Kirchner | Robert M. | 1923 | 2002 |
Kirchner | Sarah McCarty | 1899 | 1982 |
Kitchen | Lyle M | 1918 | 1968 |
Kitchen | Shirley L | 1921 | 1995 |
Klinkel | Dora Myrtie Reeter | 1900 | 1968 |
Klinkel | Edward A | 1896 | 1970 |
Klinkhammer | Benjamin Thomas Gary | 2010 | 2010 |
Klinkhammer | Hannah Nichole | 2009 | 2009 |
Klockmann | A Family Monument | ||
Klockman | August | 1859 | 1944 |
Klockman | Ben F | 1900 | 1969 |
Klockman | Ernest A | 1904 | 1966 |
Klockman | Genevieve Richey * | 1911 | 1996 |
Klockman | Joyce J | 1939 | |
Klockman | Leroy W | 1932 | |
Klockman | Mathilda Langelett | 1900 | 1977 |
Klockmann | Paul F | 1892 | 1948 |
Klockman | Paulina | 1868 | 1945 |
Klockman | Rose L. Flick * | 1912 | 2010 |
Klockman | Selma W | 1902 | 1990 |
Klueber | A Family Monument | ||
Klueber | Adam | 1838 | 1905 |
Klueber | Alma Kostboth | 1910 | 2002 |
Klueber | Arthur | 1913 | 1916 |
Klueber | Darold R | 1934 | 2007 |
Klueber | Duane R | 1935 | |
Klueber | Emma Brandt | 1876 | 1943 |
Klueber | Garnet M | 1938 | |
Klueber | Herman G * | 1943 | 2006 |
Klueber | John | 1871 | 1944 |
Klueber | John Eugene | 1946 | 1946 |
Klueber | Margret Zimmerman | 1843 | 1901 |
Klueber | Roland J | 1908 | 1980 |
Klueber | Ruth Biesel | ||
Klueber | Sharon M | 1938 | |
Klueber | Son of Darold | 1960 | 1960 |
Klueber | William | 1902 | 1976 |
Knecht | Gustav | 1912 | 1987 |
Knecht | Gustav | 1844 | 1932 |
Knecht | Gustav | 1897 | 1973 |
Knoll | Anton | 1865 | 1963 |
Knox | Cecilia Catherine Bies * | 1917 | 1993 |
Knox | Dale Darrel | 1918 | |
Knox | Hazel Anna Crowell * | 1892 | 1989 |
Knox | Vernon Robert * | 1886 | 1964 |
Kockman | August | ||
Koepp | Clara C | 1896 | 1961 |
Koepp | Doris W | 1930 | |
Koepp | Kenneth V | 1926 | 2012 |
Koepp | Ronald D. | 1948 | 2001 |
Koepp | Walter E. | 1899 | 1994 |
Korkow | A Family Monument | ||