Rose Hill Cemetery
Section 32 - Grant Township - McCook County - South Dakota


Bethel Mennonite Church   
Previously Located in Section 10 - Dolton Township - Turner County - SD

The Bethel Mennonite Church traces its beginning to 1892, but the congregation is no longer active and the church building (as shown) has been moved to the Historical Museum at Freeman College in Freeman South Dakota.  The Rose Hill Cemetery was a formal part of the church program and it continues to serve the needs of the community.

The Rose Hill information database consists of 3 parts.

This information was prepared by Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014) with the generous assistance of the cemetery sexton and may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.  Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires written approval.

1.  A Cemetery Map

A map of the cemetery showing the individual lots in relationship to the adjacent McCook County Roadway, 443 Avenue, gives the user a physical setting.  


2.  A List of Burials

A listing of the burials at Rose Hill Cemetery – Section 32 – Grant Township – McCook County, gives the individual names in order of lot number, and site in the lot.  This listing also gives the date of birth and date of death when available, as well as a notation that identifies veterans when such service is known.

 The user should note that the sites are numbered clockwise in the lots beginning in the northeast corner of each lot with 1-4 in the easterly row and 5-8 in the westerly row.

Rose  Hill  Cemetery  Burial  Record  as  of  2006

   Section  32 - Grant Township - McCook  County - SD

Bethel Mennonite Church Monument                       Founded 1892    Closed 1992                        MONUMENT  PHOTO
Bethel Mennonite Cemetery Road View                                                                                           ROAD  VIEW
Bethel Mennonite Cemetery Sign                                                                                                 CEMETERY  SIGN

Last Name First Name Year of Birth Year of Death Lot Site
baby baby     5 5
baby baby     12 1a
baby baby     12 1b
Boese Abel S 1900 1904 4 5b
Boese Maria 1880 1939 11 8
Boese Samuel J 1876 1945 11 7
Brand August Brand son     4 4
Ediger Bertha 1900 1900 2 1b
Ediger Caroline 1921 1921 2 4
Ediger Cathrin O 1927 1927 2 5
Ediger Henry 1865 1927 2 8
Ediger John 1887 1888 2 1a
Ediger Mary 1865 1949 2 7
Ewert Adolphine 1916 2002 17 4
Ewert Agnetha 1842 1923 17 7
Ewert Alfred H 1902 1986 12 8
Ewert Anna 1890 1978 26 5
Ewert Anna 1911 1936 25 6
Ewert August 1902 1979 22 2
Ewert Bertha F 1903 1973 12 7
Ewert Clarence W 1910 1940 22 5
Ewert Eldon 1927 1996 3 4
Ewert Elias 1905 1997 26 1
Ewert Elizabeth 1879 1956 25 7
Ewert Elizabeth E 1878 1941 11 5
Ewert Elmer Henry 1918 2001 17 6
Ewert Erna E 1908 1999 25 2
Ewert Frank J 1870 1951 26 8
Ewert Freni 1874 1947 12 5
Ewert Henrich 1842 1921 17 8
Ewert Henry J 1893 1969 3 2
Ewert John J 1920 2001 25 4
Ewert John S 1875 1941 25 8
Ewert Julianna 1857 1907 3 6
Ewert Julius 1838 1912 3 7
Ewert Julius J 1872 1960 12 6
Ewert Julius P 1878 1912 8 8
Ewert Lena 1892 1980 3 3
Ewert Leon J 1909 1972 25 5
Ewert Lewis J 1905 1995 25 1
Ewert Lewis F 1903 2006 26 2
Ewert Louise C 1915 1951 27 6
Ewert Margot R 1961 1977 22 4
Ewert Marie 1923 2010 17 5
Ewert Martha 1907 1991 22 3
Ewert Mary 1876 1958 26 7
Ewert Mary F 1898 1920 3 1
Ewert Peter 1840 1916 8 7
Ewert Peter J 1869 1939 11 6
Ewert Peter S 1878 1965 17 1
Ewert Roland 1923   17 3
Ewert Rosina 1975 1956 22 6
Ewert son of William 1931 1931 3 8b
Ewert  Susanna 1884 1962 17 2
Ewert Sylvia 1947 1951 27 5b
Ewert Walter E 1913 1951 27 8
Ewert Wilhelm J 1881 1951 26 6
Ewert Zacharias S 1870 1957 22 7
Graber Helena 1884 1905 4 3
Hopf Arthur 1886 1967 28 8
Hopf Ella 1912 1992 28 3
Hopf Lydia 1889 1964 28 7
Kuhn Oswald 1917 1917 16 8
Norton Josephine Ewert 1907 1994 25 3
Ortman Amos S 1888 1888 21 4b
Ortman Anna K 1887 1889 4 5a
Ortman Christian K 1870 1947 6 8
Ortman Dorota 1846 1918 4 1
Ortman Edward G 1904 1968 5 8
Ortman Edward's baby     5 4
Ortman Edwin 1904 1904 4 6a
Ortman Elizabeth 1895 1895 1 2
Ortman Elle 1916 1916 6 5
Ortman Elsie S 1907 1907 21 3
Ortman Emil C 1905 1934 7 5
Ortman Gottlieb 1862 1927 1 7
Ortman Helen 1902 1988 10 2
Ortman John S 1908 1908 21 2
Ortman Julianna 1876 1944 6 7
Ortman Karl K 1841 1922 4 2
Ortman Karl K 1866 1931 21 6
Ortman Kathryn 1908 1996 7 6
Ortman Lisa 1871 1959 21 7
Ortman Louise 1886 1933 1 6
Ortman Mary S 1900 1987 5 7
Ortman  Otto S 1901 1902 21 4a
Ortman Peter G 1899 1973 10 1
Ortman Peter K 1911 1911 21 1
Ortman Susanna K 1885 1886 4 6b
Parham Emma Jean 1912 1991 28 6
Parham Kristin Jodelle 1970 1970 28 1a
Parham Raymond D 1906 1991 28 5
Parham Rebecca Marie 1981 1981 28 1b
Penner Luella E 1923   30 7
Penner Randolph V 1921 2002 30 7
Schmidt Augusta 1904 1995 29 6
Schmidt Henry J 1904 1991 29 5
Schmidt Henry J 1860 1902 19 5
Schroeder Jacob 1880 1895 24 4
Schroeder John 1835   24 8
Schroeder Peter H 1903 1976 16 7
Schultz Elizabeth 1878 1937 7 8
Schultz Emil P 1898 1983 10 8
Schultz Helena 1906 1947 7 7
Schultz Ida 1901 1965 7 2
Schultz Eva J 1902 1984 10 7
Schultz Karl P 1901 1985 7 1b
Schultz Lorraine E 1944 1945 7 1a
Schultz Peter A 1878 1945 8 5
Schultz Sara 1859 1927 24 5
Sturzenbecher Anna 1889 1918 1 8
Sturzenbecher Henry A 1912 1912 1 1
Tiahrt Anna 1866 1919 20 7
Tiahrt Anna 1896 1986 20 3
Tiahrt Henry 1888 1960 20 2
Tiahrt Jacob 1860 1941 19 8
Tiahrt John 1895 1902 20 8
Tiahrt Katharina 1870 1954 19 7
Tiahrt Peter 1827 1892 19 6
Tiahrt Peter 1854 1935 20 6
Tiahrt Ronald L 1953 1976 20 5
Tieszen Ernest J 1922 2003 10 5
Tieszen Irene 1904 1982 10 6
Tieszen Ivan Emil 1949 1995 9 5
Tieszen Rose Ella 1959 1959 10 4
Unruh Emma 1902 2002 6 4
Unruh Jacob Jake 1897 1986 6 3
Waltner Clifford H 1913 1982 8 6a
Waltner Ida 1913 1993 8 6b
Warkentein Elise 1909 2000 14 2
Zafft Anna P 1871 1947 23 7
Zafft Auguste 1842 1901 23 4
Zaft baby     3 8a
Zaft Elizabeth   1899 3 5
Zafft Emil H 1872 1932 23 8
Zafft Emilie 1870 1952 23 2
Zafft Gottlieb 1921 1908 23 3
Zafft Paul W 1906 1947 23 6
Zafft Victoria 1896 1896 23 1
Zaft Christlieb   1882 4 8
Zobel Alvina 1919 1957 5 1


Burial sites are numbered 1-8 clockwise in each lot beginning in the northeast corner of the lot
with sites 1-4 in the back row of the lot and 5-8 in the front row of the lot.  <

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