Pleasant  Hill  Cemetery
Section 17 - Pearl Township - McCook County - South Dakota

The Pleasant Hill Cemetery Entrance on McCook County Roadway 247th Street

This small cemetery serves a large area in the northwest corner of McCook County.

   A  view  of  the  Pleasant  Hill  Cemetery  on  247th  Street

An Aerial  View  of  Pleasant  Hill  Cemetery 


The Pleasant Hill Cemetery information database consists of 2 parts.

This information was prepared by Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014) and may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.  A special thank you is given to Christin Bartels for the excellent photographic work.  Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires written approval.

1.  A Cemetery Map

An aerial photo showing the cemetery in relationship to the adjacent McCook County Roadway, 247th Street, gives the user a physical setting.  

2.  A List of Burials

A listing of the burials at Pleasant Hill Cemetery – Section 17 – Pearl Township – McCook County, gives the individual names in alphabetic order.  This listing also gives the date of birth and date of death when available.   Unfortunately, those burials without grave markers are not generally included because the official burial list was not available at this time.


Pleasant  Hill  Cemetery  Burial  Record  as  of  2013

Section 17 - Pearl Township - McCook County - SD

Last Name First Name Birth Yr Death Yr
Bartholow  Daniel H  1848 1920
Bartholow  James C  1887 1914
Bartholow  Rosaltha A  1856 1931
Bintliff  Beverley J Wilson  1929 1998
Bintliff  Robert D 1924  
Bolin  infant son (W C Bolin) 1893 1894
Bolin  Letitia Alice Sutton  1852 1940
Bolin  Maud E. (W C Bolin) 1890 1902
Bolin  William Cyrus  1850 1935
Bremer  Fred  1889 1984
Bremer  Henry  1879 1945
Bremer  Herman  1840 1922
Bremer  Lena  1885 1913
Bremer  William  1880 1980
Bush  Jerry J  1951 1996
Bush  Sandy J. 1952  
Butler  u u u
Carey  Arch L  1878 1954
Carey  John Z  1872 1927
Carey  Nora A  1874 1959
Carey  Olive  1884 1971
Carey  Sandra Lee  1947 1947
Cary  u u u
Coatsworth  A Family Monument    
Coatsworth  Alvin  1883 1978
Coatsworth  Ava  1890 1944
Craig  Ida Lillian 1881 1944
Craig  Robert C. Jr. 1923 1944
Craig  Robert R. 1868 1945
Davis   u u
Dicus  Anris Elane  1929 1939
Dicus  Byron "Hunk"  1937 1998
Dicus  Gary Lee  1948 1949
Dicus  Mamie  1896 1980
Dicus  Rev Claud  1896 1968
Dobson  Floy 1904 1904
Duke  Alice Evageline Jenkins  1866 1958
Duke  Sarah M  1939 1928
Duke  Willard  1873 1955
Duncan  Amy Eleanor Murray 1893 1935
Duncan  Dale Leo  1927 1948
Foster u u u
Gepk Algie G 1907 1908
Gukeisen-Raderchadt  Michael James 1967 1994
Gurney  A Family Monument    
Gurney  Gertrude . 1867 1957
Gurney  J T. 1859 1936
Gurney  John H  1821 1898
Gurney  Mary H 1814 1900
Gurney  Susan I  1823 1892
Gurney  Vivian I 1900 1901
Hage  Howard J  1912 1970
Hage  Lois A  1914 1965
Hall  Bennie u u
Hall  Elizabeth Fockler  1837 1894
Hall  Mary   1827 1898
Harrington  Ava Jane 1945 1945
Harrington  Beverly J. 1941  
Harrington  Darwin Dale  1930 2012
Harrington  George F  1902 1975
Harrington  Howard W.  1906 1982
Harrington  Iva E. J.  1909 2001
Harrington  Larry A. 1941  
Harrington  Lola S  1911 1998
Harrington  Marlys A. 1934  
Harrington  Matthew H  1972 1972
Harris  Emilie Martha Tellotson 1861 1912
Harris  George Larkin  1856 1892
Hart  Almeda  1874 1898
Hart  Cliff J  1906 1957
Hart  Denny L. 1920 2005
Hart  Duane  1915 1931
Hart  Elizie B "Pete"  1895 1974
Hart  Ethaola  1869 1956
Hart  Grace  1891 1975
Hart  Lavera R  1907 2001
Hart  M Mildred  1900 1994
Hart  Mary C  1934 1934
Hart  Norma D  1922 1998
Hart  Patricia Lee  1931 1934
Hart  R Z  1892 1982
Hart  Thomas  1868 1940
Hawley  Annie Swan 1842 1895
Hawley  Austin 1834 1899
Higdon   Jamers C. 1882 1931
Jackson  Baby Son 1910 1910
Jones  Alpha C. 1889 1898
Jones  Connie L. Hamilton  1928 2004
Jones  Dean R  1926 1994
Jones  Ernest M.  1903 1967
Jones  Frances M Newman  1904 1997
Kellogg  Florance I  1912 2002
Kellogg  Harold Elmer  1910 1989
Knutson  Larry Dean  1934 1934
Level  Steven Joe  1968 1968
Matkins  Helen G  1898 1977
Matkins  Roy E  1895 1978
May  Baby  1892 1892
May  Harvey  1881 1887
May  Neil A  1882 1885
McCague  Leigh (son of G W McCague) 1894 1894
McConnel  Vivian  1892 1923
Mickel  Alice Mildred  1908 1918
Mickel  Gerald E  1923 2003
Mickel  Gilbert E  1883 1964
Mickel  Martha E  1886 1977
Mooney  John A  1858 1949
Mooney  Samantha B.  1860 1938
Mooney  Virgie May  1899 1902
Murray  Delta Malinda Nopens 1874 1963
Murray  Hazel Malinda  1895 1976
Murray  Oliver W. 1906 1993
Murray  Rose W 1910 1995
Musick  Charles  1890 1970
Musick  Chattie  1893 1971
Musick  Eugene W  1927 1933
Myers  Lavon M  1897 1908
Nopens  Charlie A 1879 1900
Nopens  Darrell F  1909 1980
Nopens  Floyd  1885 1947
Nopens  Henretta H 1847 1899
Nopens  Jennie  1891 1984
Padgett  Floy M  1909 1954
Padgett  Lyle C  1909 2003
Padgett  Norma Jean  1937 1937
Padgett  Shiela Joan  1932 1934
Palmer   u u
Peppmueller  Archie  1902 1978
Peppmueller  Bryan K  1960 1960
Peppmueller  Elvie  1904 1974
Peppmueller  Lamar G  1932 1953
Peppmueller  Lyndol L  1934 1939
Peppmueller  Scott  1936 1997
Peppmueller  Terris U  1937 1998
Perry  Charles J  1870 1935
Perry  Mary L. 1859 u
Pratt  George  u u
Rockafellow  Alice Mary Hart  1874 1960
Rockafellow  Alvin  1893 1971
Rockafellow  Amos  1869 1900
Rockafellow  Ann Marie  1827 1912
Rockafellow  C. M. Babies u u
Rockafellow  Carrie  1891 1969
Rockafellow  Guy  1899 1956
Rockafellow  Hiram H  1867 1950
Rockafellow  Lemuel M  1868 1949
Rockafellow  Mary F. 1857 1945
Rockafellow  Matilda A  1901 1901
Rockafellow  Omer  1900 1900
Rockafellow  Owen 1900 1900
Rockafellow  Purllue  1880 1918
Rockafellow  Theodore  1819 1909
Rockafellow  Theodore Jr. 1857 1935
Salmon  Abner G. 1859 1939
Salmon  Eldo  1886 1912
Salmon  Emma  1889 1964
Salmon  George  u u
Salmon  Gertrude 1883  
Salmon  Harriet Ann 1858 1939
Salmon  Irval  1909 1909
Salmon  Iva  u u
Salmon  Jessie V.  1892 1939
Salmon  Julia Ann  1929 1915
Salmon  Le Roy  1910 1962
Salmon  Lloyd L 1851 1927
Salmon  Lucy A  1898 1963
Salmon  Lucy E  1861 1907
Salmon  Maxine  1918 1984
Salmon  Olive M  1889 1904
Salmon  Omer R  1882 1896
Salmon  Otis L.  1891 1952
Salmon  Sankey M. 1885 1918
Schleder  Chloe 2001 2001
Schultz  Kathryn M. 1924  
Schultz  Leslie R. 1922  
Serles  Frances M. 1915 1918
Series  Lizzie A  1890 1955
Serles  Sarah G. 1856 1934
Salmon  Wallace M  1879 u
Serles Frank M. 1854 1942
Snow  Margaret  u u
Spildener  Lorraine 1920  
Spildener  R Patrick 1953  
Spildener  Richard  1921 2011
Strong  Esther R  1921 2007
Strong  Henry O  1882 1961
Strong  Louis  1922 1944
Strong  Minie M  1887 1946
Strong  Otto A  1919 1986
Strong  Warren  1926 1941
Thompson  C. H.  1862 1899
Thompson  C. W 1876 1900
Thompson  Candace Gaylord 1801 1906
Thompson  Henry  1834 1929
Thompson  Mrs. C. G. 1843 1890
Tillotson  Adelia  1836 1908
Tillotson  Benjamin Jackson  1836 1919
Tillotson  Benjamin Lester  1871 1930
Tillotson  C Ambrose  1923 1998
Tillotson  George Clayton  1863 1959
Tillotson  Laura M Henderschiedt 1901 1990
Tillotson  Leona Lee Johnson  1873 1950
Tillotson  Lyle Martin  1895 1963
Tillotson  Mary M  1914 1996
Tillotson  Melvin L  1950 1950
Tillotson  Myrta May Rose  1879 1952
Tillotson  Sally J. 1954 1954
Tillotson   u u
Tompkins  A Family Monument    
Tompkins  James B  1880 1904
Tompkins  Jean M. 1886 1913
Tompkins  M Lousia  1860 1925
Tompkins  Sumner  1855 1923
Traut  Lulu L  1884 1967
Traut  William H  1879 1960
Unruh  Sylvia R  1906 1955
Vickers  Melvin J  1948 1951
Whitcomb  Cora E  1875 1935
Whitcomb  Doris M  1901 1906
Whitcomb  Walter O  1868 1939
Wier  Erma  1871 1962
Wier  Erma L. 1909 1990
Wier  Hugh W  1904 1976
Wier  Leslie G  1942 1993
Wier  William H  1870 1942
Wilson  Cecelia D Mooney  1890 1938
Wilson  Lillian A  1911 2002
Wilson  Marlan E  1906 1966

©McCook County GenWeb 2000-2013