Pleasant  Prairie  Cemetery
Section 20 - 256th Street - Union Township - McCook County - South Dakota


In 1883 a group of mostly Norwegian settlers organized the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the name later being changed to Pleasant Prairie Lutheran Church.  Services were help in memers homes until a church was constructed in 1889.

There were plans to enlarge the church building in 1902 which were canceled because too many members had moved away.  The church eventually stopped holding services and was torn down about 1960.

An aerial view of Pleasant Prairie Cemetery. 

The earliest cemetery burials were in the 1880's and 1890's and it continued to be used rather seldomly by local persons through the current time.  The original church building was apparently in the northern or front half of the property.


There are two major parts to the information on this web page as prepared by Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014) with the generous assistance of the cemetery sexton and the photographer, Christin Bartels.  Any portion of this page may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.  Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires written approval. 

1.  A Cemetery Map

The aerial map of the cemetery showing its relationship to the adjacent McCook County Roadway, 256th Street, gives the user a physical setting.  

2.  A List of Burials

A listing of the burials at Pleasant Prairie Cemetery – Section 20 – Union Township – McCook County, gives the individual names in alphabetic order.  This listing also gives the year of birth and year of death when available.


Pleasant Prairie Burial Record as of 2013

Section  20  - Union  Township - McCook  County - SD

Last Name First Name Birth Yr Death Yr
Amundson Alma 1894 1894
Amundson Amon 1837 1907
Amundson Anna 1874 1921
Amundson Julia 1874 1935
Amundson Petrene 1839 1906
Anderson Alma  O 1904 1971
Anderson Ashier 1803 1887
Anderson Dale  G 1930 2008
Anderson Ellen 1871 1954
Anderson Elois  Jean 1926 1930
Anderson George 1898 1957
Anderson George  V 1943 1986
Anderson Jay  Reed 1878 2011
Anderson Jens  F 1877 1951
Anderson Lyle  E 1926 1988
Anderson Mary  A 1942  
Anderson Myron  LeRoy  (Putts) 1932 2009
Anderson Roger  L 1938 1972
Arnold Julia 1883 1911
Barstad Anthony  Hanson 1861 1935
Barstad Inga Hanson 1889 1912
Barstad Olivia  Hanson 1863 1930
Braaten Theresa  Viola  Erickson 1923 2008
Dirks Gladys 1909 2004
Dirks Irwin 1911 2005
Dirks John  Henry 1879 1942
Dirks Melvin 1913 1995
Dirks Olga  C 1886 1981
Dirks Viola 1930 1930
Doonan Horner  F 1898 1952
Doonan Louise 1897 1933
Egan Lanny  Ray 1957 2006
Egan Murl  F 1954 2004
Egan Vicki  C 1954  
Eich John  Charles 1928 1935
Emeboe Ida  Natalie 1892 1894
Ferdig Henry 1864 1931
Gulllander Abrham  C 1861 1937
Gulllander Elsa  M 1896 1946
Gulllander Mary  Bertha  Johnson 1886 1945
Gulllander Sophia 1864 1889
Gulllander Tilda  H 1887 1889
Gunderson Gabriel 1865 1900
Gunderson Robert  G 1925 1925
Halverson Arthur  C 1900 1966
Hanson Alfred  W 1884 1889
Hanson Anna  M 1866 1936
Hanson Chester  J 1900 1946
Hanson Christian  P 1892 1943
Hanson Hilda  Malen 1889 1889
Hanson John  A 1889 1890
Hanson John  O 1868 1889
Hanson Lena 1859 1945
Hanson Lloyd  W 1893 1894
Hanson Matilda  G 1882 1888
Hanson Palmer  E 1885 1888
Hanson Peter 1820 1902
Hanson Severt  P 1859 1929
Johnson Lisa 1834 1915
Knoff Evelyn  Ruth 1920  
Knoff Rev. Leonard  Palmer 1912 1998
Knutson Gure  M 1800 1883
Larson Agnes  A 1887 1980
Larson Anna  G 1900 1996
Larson Christian  P 1857 1900
Larson Cordella  J 1886 1888
Larson infant daughter 1939 1939
Larson infant daughter 1942 1942
Larson Jennie 1856 1936
Larson Lars 1833 1905
Larson Luverne  P 1885 1959
Larson Melissa  S 1880 1880
Larson Melvin 1887 1887
Larson Nellie 1887 1887
Larson Stanley  I 1891 1985
Larson Walter  J 1887 1889
Markuson Anna  M 1841 1898
Markuson Martin 1878 1888
Markuson Tobias 1843 1931
Peterson Thilda  J  Larson 1923 2001
Pollmann Ellen  Ruth 1899 1991
Pollmann Joseph  Paul 1899 1983
Weak Hans  S 1854 1920
Weak Jacob  A 1883 1902
Weak Nikkoline  K 1855 1919
Weak Sigurd  E 1887 1950
Wettergreen Anton  B  N 1849 1955
Wettergreen Caroline 1855 1930
Wettergreen Signe  E 1882 1889

©McCook County GenWeb 2000-2013