Saint Patrick's Catholic Cemetery
Montrose was established as a farming support town on the banks of the
Vermillion River in the early 1880's, and with only a half dozen
The railroad that ran from Sioux Falls to Mitchell came through in the fall
of 1880 and Montrose had an assured future. The first meeting
********************************************************************************************************************** The Saint Patrick's Cemetery information database consists of 2 parts. This information was prepared by Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014) and may be freely copied by individuals and
non-profit organizations 1. A Cemetery Map An aerial photo showing the cemetery in relationship to
the adjacent McCook County Roadway, 255th Street (or Fuller Avenue), gives the
2. A List of Burials A listing of the burials at Saint Patrick's Catholic Cemetery –
Section 33 – Montrose Township – McCook County, gives the individual ********************************************************************************************************************** |
Saint Patrick's Catholic Cemetery Burial Record as of 2013 Section 33 - Montrose Township - McCook County - SD |
Last Name | First Name | Birth Yr | Death Yr |
Aldrich | Teresa H | 1886 | 1969 |
Allington | Carrie | 1889 | 1952 |
Allington | Roy | 1884 | 1976 |
Allington | Roy F. | 1916 | 1919 |
Allington | Vern | 1910 | 1985 |
Angel | Dr Leroy Elbert | 1885 | 1930 |
Bartmann | Anton W | 1877 | 1964 |
Bartmann | baby boy | 1976 | 1976 |
Bartmann | Jeanne | 1946 | 1953 |
Bartmann | Joseph W. | 1912 | 2002 |
Bartmann | Marcella M | 1924 | |
Bartmann | Rosa T | 1887 | 1978 |
Bartmann | William E | 1911 | 1988 |
Bassett | Mary K. Gordon | 1944 | 2011 |
Beberger | Henry K | 1884 | 1972 |
Behm | Mable A Hutchinson | 1884 | 1905 |
Belcher | Kathryn "Kit" Malloy | 1881 | 1966 |
Berke | A Family Monument | ||
Berke | Herman John Sr. | 1856 | 1921 |
Berke | Mary J | 1883 | 1962 |
Berke | Rose Bridget Hay | 1861 | 1933 |
Berke | William John | 1884 | 1914 |
Bies | Edward (Etina) Frances | 1896 | 1972 |
Bies | Mary A. Fleming | 1899 | 1970 |
Binder | Eileen | 1928 | 2004 |
Bogest | Luverne | ||
Boland | Kathryn | 1869 | 1892 |
Boland | Richard | 1855 | 1911 |
Bonaventura | Mary M Flynn | 1936 | 1970 |
Bottorff | Patricia Ann McCue | 1933 | 2006 |
Boyer | Julia | 1875 | 1899 |
Bradley | Kristi Lynn | 1976 | 1976 |
Bradley | Robert Wayne | 974 | 1974 |
Brennan | Hanora | 1840 | 1922 |
Buchanan | A Family Monument | ||
Buchanan | John Ransom | 1860 | 1927 |
Buchanan | Mary Ellen | 1866 | 1938 |
Buchanan | William D. | 1896 | 1897 |
Buchheim | Etta | 1893 | 1958 |
Buckstead | Colleeen M Gordon | 1948 | 1969 |
Burnell | Bridget | 1830 | 1906 |
Butler | Catherine | 1849 | 1917 |
Byrne | P C | 1859 | 1922 |
Byrne | Genevieve A | 1893 | 1969 |
Byrne | James H | 1889 | 1948 |
Byrne | Margaret A | 1928 | 2008 |
Byrne | Mary T | 1932 | 2012 |
Byrne | Nora | 1851 | 1940 |
Cary | Anna | 1865 | 1947 |
Carey | Lois | 1902 | 1937 |
Carlson | Marvin Walter | 1930 | 2011 |
Cavanaugh | James Patrick | 1895 | 1990 |
Cavanaugh | John | 1856 | 1906 |
Cavanaugh | Julia | 1852 | 1932 |
Cavanaugh | Leona S | 1904 | 2001 |
Chick | Susan Marie Johnson | 1948 | 1994 |
Ciotta | Connie | 1924 | 2001 |
Clardy | Muriel | 1915 | 1930 |
Clay | Mary Ellen | 1890 | 1989 |
Cleveland | Agnes D. | 1914 | 1999 |
Cleveland | Betty L | 1936 | 2005 |
Cleveland | George W. "Bill" | 1945 | 2007 |
Cleveland | Joseph D. | 1910 | 1984 |
Cleveland | baby Rose E | 1963 | 1963 |
Cody | Ella | 1897 | 1979 |
Cary | Jerry L | 1860 | 1927 |
Cody | Mary Muench | 1860 | 1939 |
Colberg | Fred | 1886 | 1931 |
Colberg | Daisy | 1892 | 1931 |
Colleran | A Fameily Monument | ||
Colleran | Bridget T | 1866 | 1906 |
Colleran | D | ||
Colleran | Edward | 1866 | 1933 |
Colleran | Edward J | 1892 | 1944 |
Colleran | Edward James "E J" | 1918 | 2004 |
Colleran | James | 856 | 1935 |
Colleran | John E. | 1899 | 1966 |
Colleran | Mary Gerrity | 1883 | 1955 |
Colleran | Mary T | 1893 | 1983 |
Colleran | Theresa "Tess" | 1921 | 1987 |
Colleran | Winnifrith Ann Faraher | 1849 | 1893 |
Colleran | u | ||
Cone | Archie C | 1910 | 1956 |
Cone | Johanna W | 1915 | 1970 |
Corbin | Jonathon Allen | 2000 | 2000 |
Corbin | Jordon Lee | 1994 | 1994 |
Craigan | A Family Monument | ||
Craigan | Ella B | 1874 | 1950 |
Craigan | John | 1859 | 1932 |
Cunningham | Carl A. | 1911 | 1938 |
Cunningham | John E. | 1927 | 1944 |
Curren | A Family Monument | ||
Curren | Charles Austin | 1894 | 1940 |
Curren | Julia | 1856 | 1932 |
Curren | Loretta Helen | 1902 | 1994 |
Curren | Mary L | 1898 | 1998 |
Curren | MayMe | 1885 | 1979 |
Curren | Rosa Mina | 1897 | 1935 |
Curren | William F. | 1896 | 1982 |
Davenport | Frank Albert | 1875 | 1953 |
Davenport | June Lee | 1938 | 1948 |
Davenport | Mabel | 1913 | 1952 |
Davenport | Mary Lovina Fessler | 1885 | 1976 |
Davenport | Stanley A | 1913 | 1971 |
DeBates | Anna | 1888 | 1968 |
DeBates | Arnold C | 1919 | 1991 |
DeBates | Charles | 1884 | 1945 |
DeBates | Evelyn A | 1925 | 2008 |
DeBates | John LeRoy | 1909 | 1958 |
DeBates | Michael C | 1947 | 2001 |
DeBates | Lorraine | 1923 | 1947 |
Demersseman | Bridget Flannery | 1873 | 1905 |
Determan | Lorraine Phelps | 1928 | 2007 |
Determan | Louis | 1928 | |
Dickinson | A Family Monument | ||
Dickinson | Frankie | 1905 | 1905 |
Dickinson | Sabina | 1881 | 1905 |
Dinsmore | Barbara Flynn | 1937 | 2007 |
Donahue | A Family Monument | ||
Donahue | Leo | 1899 | 1889 |
Donahue | Teressa | 1867 | 1939 |
Donahue | Thomas | 1860 | 1912 |
Donahue | Thomas J | 1887 | 1897 |
Donelan | Agnes J | 1878 | 1966 |
Donelan | Bernard William | 1930 | 2011 |
Donelan | Bob | 1910 | 1976 |
Donelan | Catherine | 1914 | 1983 |
Donelan | Cecelia | 1902 | 1902 |
Donelan | Emma | 1878 | 1944 |
Donelan | Emma M | 1893 | 1967 |
Donelan | Ethel | 1888 | 1990 |
Donelan | Felix Joseph | 1903 | 1986 |
Donelan | Frances | 1896 | 1987 |
Donelan | James A | 1912 | 1989 |
Donelan | James Herbert | 1871 | 1950 |
Donelan | Jerry L | 1914 | 1992 |
Donelan | Joan | 1933 | 1933 |
Donelan | Johanna C | 1860 | 1930 |
Donelan | John | 1887 | 1935 |
Donelan | Joseph | 1891 | 1974 |
Donelan | Leonard Gerald "Jerry" | 1914 | 1992 |
Donelan | Lucille M | 1917 | |
Donelan | Marie E | 1904 | 1904 |
Donelan | Mary | 1900 | 1913 |
Donelan | Mary Elizabeth McCabe | 1902 | 1980 |
Donelan | Mary Jane | 1935 | |
Donelan | Merle Francis | 1932 | 1980 |
Donelan | Patricia | 1914 | 1978 |
Donelan | Patricia Kay | 1963 | 2012 |
Donelan | Patrick S | 1856 | 1943 |
Donelan | Stephen | 1886 | 1906 |
Donelan | Terrence L | 1883 | 1967 |
Donelan | Terry G | 1944 | 1992 |
Donelan | Yodd | 1950 | 1950 |
Duffy | A Family Monument | ||
Duffy | Catherine | 1846 | 1884 |
Duffy | Clara | 1915 | 1980 |
Duffy | Edna M | 1878 | 1963 |
Duffy | Frank E | 1907 | 1949 |
Duffy | Hazel L. | 1902 | 1912 |
Duffy | James F | 1874 | 1933 |
Duffy | Joe | 1874 | 1937 |
Duffy | John | 1842 | 1913 |
Duffy | Margaret E | 1880 | 1961 |
Duffy | Nellie | 1877 | 1953 |
Duffy | Nicholas | 1913 | 1981 |
Duffy | Peter | 1868 | 1894 |
Duffy | Serena Wiley Lane | 1903 | 1977 |
Dunleavy | Bridget | 1862 | 1888 |
Dunn | Eldred Elizabeth | 1919 | 1988 |
Dunn | Francis Gill | 1913 | 1988 |
Dunn | Mary A | 1866 | 1913 |
Dunn | James Patrick | 1887 | 1887 |
Dunn | John M | 1854 | 1927 |
Dunn | Julia F | 1895 | 1898 |
Dunn | Molley R | 1885 | 1892 |
Ellis | Robert J. | 1968 | 1984 |
Enright | Clare | 1919 | 1919 |
Erickson | Ferdie W | 1898 | 1936 |
Erickson | Leila Julia Henle | 1914 | 1972 |
Erickson | Orville J | 1909 | 1972 |
Escher | Frank | 1860 | 1951 |
Eslinger | Clifford L. | 1908 | 1909 |
Even | Donald Patrick | 1930 | |
Even | Marilyn Frances | 1928 | 2010 |
Even | Michael G | 1970 | 1970 |
Faraher | Mike | 1850 | 1933 |
Feerick | Annalee | 1936 | |
Feerick | Baby Jane Marie | 1962 | 1962 |
Feerick | Catherine | 1893 | 1975 |
Feerick | John | 1888 | 1954 |
Feerick | John "Leo" | 1930 | 2003 |
Fessler | Andrew A. | 1854 | 1938 |
Fessler | Mary L. | 1856 | 1936 |
Fitzgerald | Francis | 1824 | 1909 |
Fitzgerald | John | 1866 | 1926 |
Fitzgerald | Lida | 1874 | 1969 |
Fitzgerald | Mary D | 1835 | 1909 |
Flannery | A Family Monument | ||
Flannery | A Family Monument | ||
Flannery | A Family Monument | ||
Flannery | Agnes | 1876 | 1947 |
Flannery | Alyce C. Pugh | 1891 | 1972 |
Flannery | Bridget | 1839 | 1927 |
Flannery | Catherine | 1880 | 1958 |
Flannery | Clara | 1900 | 1985 |
Flannery | Elizabeth R | 1889 | 1917 |
Flannery | Evelyn M | 1913 | 2005 |
Flannery | Gertrude | 1911 | 1923 |
Flannery | J Vincent | 1923 | 2001 |
Flannery | Jeremy W J | 1982 | 1982 |
Flannery | John | 1868 | 1891 |
Flannery | Joseph S | 1885 | 1958 |
Flannery | Lawrence B | 1912 | 1997 |
Flannery | Lawrence P | 1948 | |
Flannery | Linda Lee | 1954 | |
Flannery | Margaret | 1875 | 1889 |
Flannery | Marjorie A | 1925 | 2001 |
Flannery | Marwin | 1907 | 1960 |
Flannery | Michael F. | 1869 | 1931 |
Flannery | Peter | 1832 | 1909 |
Flannery | Peter | 1878 | 1912 |
Flannery | Peter | ||
Flannery | Rev. Robert L | 1930 | 1992 |
Flannery | Richard | ||
Flannery | Sarah | 1871 | 1878 |
Flannery | Thomas J | 1881 | 1936 |
Fleming | Ann "Annie" McComish | 1854 | 1947 |
Fleming | Edward | 1882 | 1946 |
Fleming | Ethel | 1893 | 1961 |
Fleming | Francis | 1911 | 1939 |
Fleming | John | 1885 | 1979 |
Fleming | Katherine | 1882 | 1955 |
Fleming | Thomas Frank | 1894 | 1907 |
Fleming | William J. | 1853 | 1939 |
Flemming | u | ||
Flood | A Family Monument | ||
Flood | Adilla L | 1831 | 1962 |
Flood | Bridget | 1841 | 1925 |
Flood | Jane | 1816 | 1894 |
Flood | John | 1879 | 1956 |
Flood | Joseph W. | 1904 | 1944 |
Flood | William | 1848 | 1914 |
Flynn | Anna Gertrude | 1902 | 1992 |
Flynn | Baby Son of Leo & Ann | 1946 | 1946 |
Flynn | Bridget Francis Kenny | 1913 | 2012 |
Flynn | Eugene | 1905 | 1959 |
Flynn | Leo Brennan | 1896 | 1972 |
Flynn | Margaret | 1869 | 1951 |
Flynn | Stephen | 1822 | 1902 |
Flynn | Stephen | 1868 | 1933 |
Flynn | Vincent P M.D. | 1898 | 1981 |
Forst | Catherine | 1859 | 1939 |
Forst | Charles | 1848 | 1932 |
Forst | Mary | 1887 | 1902 |
Forst | William | 1885 | 1909 |
Foster | A Colletta Erickson | 1903 | 1993 |
Foster | A Richard | 1907 | 1985 |
Fuehrer | Denton D | 1934 | 2007 |
Fuehrer | Margaret Ann | 1934 | |
Fueston | Deborah Sue | 1976 | 2004 |
Gabel | Minnie | 1875 | 1955 |
Gabel | Otto | 1873 | 1961 |
Gallagher | Cornelius | 1832 | 1907 |
Gallagher | John | 1852 | 1885 |
Gallagher | John P | 1876 | 1959 |
Gallagher | Margaret Ellen | 1899 | 1899 |
Gallagher | Mary | 1875 | 1933 |
Gallagher | Peter | 1862 | 1933 |
Gallagher | Susan Malloy | 1846 | 1878 |
Garry | Eunice A. | 1893 | 1979 |
Garry | Joseph Martin "Joe" | 1897 | 1974 |
Garry | Leo T. | 1888 | 1976 |
Garry | Wilhelma M Norder | 1900 | 1998 |
Geelan | A Family Monument | ||
Geelan | Christopher I Jr | 1859 | 1943 |
Geelan | Elizabeth | 1823 | 1903 |
Geelan | Christopher | ||
Geelan | Francis H | 1895 | 1972 |
Geelan | George | 1862 | 1925 |
Geelan | Julia S | 1864 | 1940 |
Geelan | Merle M "Marquardt" | 1898 | 1984 |
Geelan | Mary E | 1870 | 1951 |
Geelan | Thomas H | 1863 | 1918 |
Gildea | A Family Monument | ||
Gildea | Alphonsus D. | 1896 | 1980 |
Gildea | Clement | 1905 | 1907 |
Gildea | Daniel | 1849 | 1938 |
Gildea | Margaret | 1871 | 1913 |
Gill | Alfred W | 1891 | 1967 |
Gill | Ellie | 1855 | 1923 |
Gill | Kathryn V | 1904 | 1986 |
Gill | Walta A | 1915 | 2007 |
Gill | Wheeler L | 1886 | 1949 |
Gilmore | A Family Monument | ||
Gilmore | Beatrice | 1886 | 1962 |
Gilmore | Daniel | 1873 | 1894 |
Gilmore | Elizabeth | 1858 | 1927 |
Gilmore | Francis Ambrose | 1917 | 1918 |
Gilmore | Hugh | 1877 | 1949 |
Gilmore | James | 1827 | 1901 |
Gilmore | James P | 1911 | 1918 |
Gilmore | John | 1856 | 1949 |
Gilmore | Mary Jane | 1837 | 1923 |
Goggins | Rev. James A | 1884 | 1947 |
Gordon | A Family Monument | ||
Gordon | baby daughter | 1923 | 1923 |
Gordon | baby son | 1924 | 1924 |
Gordon | Bernice M | 1912 | 1996 |
Gordon | Clara Ebersviller | 1890 | 1972 |
Gordon | Correne S | 1953 | 2012 |
Gordon | Elizabeth G | 1880 | 1937 |
Gordon | Fred R | 1916 | 1982 |
Gordon | Geneva M. | 1890 | 1951 |
Gordon | George W. "Bill" | 1877 | 1968 |
Gordon | Henry | 1910 | 1968 |
Gordon | Henry J | 1873 | 1958 |
Gordon | Howard J | 1913 | 1962 |
Gordon | James E. | 1882 | 1953 |
Gordon | John F | 1884 | 1949 |
Gordon | Joseph | 1943 | 1943 |
Gordon | M Margaret | 1876 | 1966 |
Gordon | Marjorie E. | 1915 | 1959 |
Gordon | Mildred E | 1915 | 1970 |
Gordon | Patrick | 1911 | 1911 |
Gordon | Robert | 1949 | 1949 |
Gordon | Rosalyce | 1920 | 2011 |
Gordon | Steve G | 1952 | |
Gordon | Walter E | 1913 | 1977 |
Grogan | Katie | 1869 | 1930 |
Grogan | Mark | 1868 | 1916 |
Grogan | Teresa | 1893 | 1930 |
Guider | Anna B | 1858 | 1928 |
Gustaf | Betty Ann | 1927 | 1930 |
Gustaf | Charles M | 1902 | 1976 |
Gustaf | Delores M | 1932 | 2001 |
Gustaf | Ellen | 1837 | 1930 |
Gustaf | Florence M. | 1906 | 1954 |
Gustaf | Gerard | u | u |
Gustaf | Gertrude E | 1914 | 1986 |
Gustaf | James E. | 1900 | 1977 |
Gustaf | Lillian | 1876 | 1948 |
Gustaf | Linda | u | u |
Gustaf | Michael E | 1958 | 1961 |
Gustaf | Thomas W | 1929 | 1988 |
Gustaf | William F. | 1901 | 1987 |
Halbritter | Chas Edward | 1916 | 1917 |
Halbritter | David Lee | 1904 | 1978 |
Halbritter | Henry | 1874 | 1941 |
Halbritter | John J | 1906 | 1973 |
Halbritter | Lee David | 1955 | 1973 |
Halbritter | Leola Eunice | 1918 | 1918 |
Haney | Diane C | 1934 | 1997 |
Hanson | LeRoy | 1912 | 1996 |
Hanson | Mary Lou | 1927 | 1996 |
Hart | Connie | 1904 | 1961 |
Hart | Jean D | 1928 | 1940 |
Hart | Mae E | 1905 | 1987 |
Hart | Margaret Keenihan | 1897 | 1918 |
Hartle | Everette | 1907 | 1907 |
Hartle | Phillip H. | 1895 | 1895 |
Hays | Ellen Morgan | 1847 | 1925 |
Hays | Henry W | 1917 | 1971 |
Hays | Joseph H | u | u |
Hays | William | 1875 | 1962 |
Healy | Albert Vernon | 1919 | 1975 |
Healy | Cecelia J | 1922 | |
Healy | Dianne | 1947 | 1947 |
Healy | Donna M | 1933 | 2006 |
Healy | Francis W. "Bob" | 1916 | 1978 |
Healy | Gary E. | 1953 | 2009 |
Healy | J Albert | 1869 | 1954 |
Healy | James F | 1890 | 1966 |
Healy | James Marvin | 1921 | 2003 |
Healy | Joyce J | 1929 | 1973 |
Healy | Lavon Ida | 1929 | |
Healy | Lillian Jane | 1926 | |
Healy | Lyle J | 1930 | |
Healy | Mary A. Morrison | 1924 | 1999 |
Healy | Mary C | 1932 | |
Healy | Mary Catherine Garry | 1931 | 2012 |
Healy | Mary K. Gordon | 1894 | 1979 |
Healy | Maude | 1880 | 1944 |
Healy | Raymond J. | 1918 | 2006 |
Healy | Richard "Bud" | 1919 | 2004 |
Healy | Robert H | 1927 | 1994 |
Healy | Rose | 1848 | 1937 |
Healy | Rose E | 1889 | 1967 |
Healy | Urban E. "Bus" | 1930 | 2009 |
Healy | Vincent B | 1925 | |
Healy | Virginia Leona "Toby" Bergen | 1926 | 2008 |
Healy | William | 1848 | 1897 |
Healy | William J | 1883 | 1948 |
Heinz | Clarence | 1909 | 1961 |
Heinz | Louis M | 1905 | 1957 |
Henle | Clarinda R 'Kay' | 1911 | 2005 |
Henle | baby | 1913 | 1913 |
Henle | Julia F. Beberger | 1877 | 1971 |
Henle | Lucinda | 1909 | 1931 |
Henle | Peter | 1880 | 1966 |
Henle | Vincent | 1916 | 1917 |
Hershley | Francis A | 1916 | 1993 |
Hershley | Margaret | 1920 | 1920 |
Hershley | Ruth M Gapp | 1919 | 1972 |
Hershly | August Joseph | 1881 | 1960 |
Hershly | Elizabeth Honor O'Malley | 1890 | 1963 |
Hill | John | 1878 | 1936 |
Hill | Peter | 1880 | 1947 |
Hill | William | 1891 | |
Hinz | Mathies | 1858 | 1914 |
Hoefert | Gladys | 1907 | 1925 |
Hoefert | Minnie | 1872 | 1911 |
Hohn | Eleanor B | 1923 | 2005 |
Hohn | Leonard M | 1923 | 1998 |
Hohn | Lawrence L | 1947 | |
Huls | Anthony | 1882 | 1981 |
Huls | Charles | 1914 | 1987 |
Huls | Daniel | 1950 | 1978 |
Huls | Margaret Zimmer | 1926 | |
Huls | Mary | 1942 | 1942 |
Huls | Nellie | 1884 | 1980 |
Igoe | John J. | 1883 | 1884 |
Jacobs | Mary D | 1910 | 1992 |
Jacobs | William C | 1906 | 1973 |
Janisch | A Family Monument | ||
Janisch | Anton | 1868 | 1943 |
Janisch | baby | 1912 | 1912 |
Janisch | Barbara E | 1876 | 1970 |
Janisch | Caroline | 1878 | 1969 |
Janisch | Clara | 1878 | 1972 |
Janisch | Donald James | 1933 | 2003 |
Janisch | Edward F | 1880- | 1962 |
Janisch | Frank H | 1864 | 1941 |
Janisch | Ignatz Frank James | 1834 | 1905 |
Janisch | Kenneth James | 1956 | 2008 |
Janisch | Lenora M | 1908 | 1942 |
Janisch | Mary | 1841 | 1910 |
Janisch | Mary A | 1883 | 1944 |
Janisch | Mary E | 1915 | 1920 |
Janisch | Mary T Herschley | 1843 | 1910 |
Janisch | Rudolph W | 1869 | 1934 |
Jennings | Helen | 1891 | 1970 |
Jennings | Irven A. | 1886 | 1967 |
Jennings | Robert Lawrence | 1918 | 1968 |
Jennings | Sedonna Opal Phyllis Frisk | 1922 | 1968 |
Jesse | Jerome V | 1931 | 2011 |
Jesse | Kevin J. | 1968 | 1990 |
Jesse | Patricia A | 1939 | 2004 |
Johnson | LaRue | 1939 | 2003 |
Johnson | Lorraine Halbritter | 1914 | 1991 |
Johnson | Monica | 1943 | |
Johnston | Frances E. | 1907 | 1969 |
Johnston | Richard T. | 1929 | 1998 |
Johsa | infant children | ||
Jones | Charles | 1858 | 1916 |
Jones | Mary E | 1859 | 1959 |
Jorgensen | Donna | 1943 | |
Jorgensen | Larry J | 1948 | 2011 |
Kane | A Family Monument | ||
Kane | Anna | 1826 | 1899 |
Kane | Daniel J. | 1889 | 1963 |
Kane | Daniel J. | 1854 | 1917 |
Kane | David Joseph | 1972 | 1972 |
Kane | Elizabeth E. | 1869 | 1951 |
Kane | Francis E. | 1893 | 1907 |
Kane | J E | 1872 | 1905 |
Kane | John | 1829 | 1904 |
Kane | M LaVina | 1912 | 2012 |
Kapaun | Agnes M | 1871 | 1945 |
Kapaun | Eva | u | u |
Kapaun | Frank | 1850 | 1941 |
Kapaun | John J. | 1893 | 1943 |
Kapaun | Mary | 1867 | 1899 |
Kapaun | Olive & Bernice infants | u | u |
Kapaun | Theodore E | 1871 | 1952 |
Kappenman | Anthony J | 1912 | 1992 |
Kappenman | Eloy J | 1913 | 1996 |
Kappenman | Erin M | 1918 | 1945 |
Kappenman | Janice M | 1939 | |
Kappenman | Jerry J | 1932 | 2000 |
Kappenman | John infant | 1936 | 1936 |
Kappenman | Lester A. | 1919 | 2010 |
Kappenman | Lorraine M | 1923 | |
Kappenman | Margaret M | 1917 | 1991 |
Kappenman | Paul K. | 1888 | 1969 |
Kappenman | Rose Weber | 1887 | 1974 |
Kaschmitter | Theresa Lorraine Johnson | 1951 | 1994 |
Kearnan | Lawrence | 1864 | 1892 |
Keating | A Marie | 1903 | 1999 |
Keating | Mathew E | 1904 | 2000 |
Keenihan | Mary K. Gordon | 1859 | 1918 |
Keenihan | Patrick | 1852 | 1933 |
Keenihan | Patrick E | 1929 | 1936 |
Keller | Catherine | 1865 | 1939 |
Keller | Charles | 1852 | 1934 |
Keller | Charles A | 1932 | 1932 |
Keller | George C | 1894 | 1971 |
Keller | Helena Waechter | 1895 | 1971 |
Kelly | Mary | 1840 | 1876 |
Kelly | Patrick | 1840 | 1919 |
Kelly | Thomas | 1867 | 1908 |
Kenefick | John | 1878 | 1887 |
Kenefick | Mary | 1882 | 1895 |
Kenefick | Mary | 1839 | 1928 |
Kenny | Antonitte | 1905 | 1984 |
Kenny | Patrick J. | 1905 | 1976 |
Kenyon | Jill | 1976 | 1976 |
Kirkpatrick | Marcene M | 1912 | 2001 |
Kirkpatrick | W Vernon | 1915 | 1999 |
Klinkhammer | Hannah Nichole | 2009 | 2009 |
Knox | Clinton Sam | 1921 | 1994 |
Knox | Kathryn "Patricia" Kiney | 1920 | 2009 |
Konda | Grace L | 1918 | 1984 |
Konda | James Patrick | 1940 | 1944 |
Konda | John S | 1906 | 1993 |
Kramer | A Family Monument | ||
Kramer | George | 1881 | 1942 |
Kramer | Mae | 1884 | 1966 |
Kuyper | James A | 1941 | 1977 |
Kuyper | John C | 1929 | |
Kuyper | Margaret E | 1905 | 2001 |
Lalley | Mary | 1887 | 1941 |
Lalley | Thomas | 1881 | 1951 |
Lander | Charles Arthur | 1906 | 1906 |
Lander | John H | 1864 | 1930 |
Lander | Nellie M | 1874 | 1909 |
Lechner | Carl A. | 1909 | 1957 |
Lechner | Sophia | 1901 | 1999 |
Lennon | Ann | 1821 | 1884 |
Lennon | Edward J | 1885 | 1886 |
Lounsbery | Mary Jean | 1936 | |
Lounsbery | Robert | 1932 | |
Lynch | Cecilia M | 1908 | 1941 |
Lyons | Maria | 1912 | |
Lyons | Patrick | 1896 | |
MacFarlane | David E | 1852 | 1941 |
MacFarlane | David Eugene | 1924 | 1989 |
MacFarlane | David Lawrence | 1900 | 1970 |
MacFarlane | Rita E | 1926 | |
MacFarlane | Joan | 1923 | 1937 |
MacFarlane | Margaret | 1866 | 1935 |
MacFarlane | Ruby June Caldwell | 1901 | 1976 |
MaGee | Leonard J | 1945 | |
MaGee | Lois M | 1944 | 1984 |
Malcomb | Grace E | 1891 | 1971 |
Malcomb | Herbert T | 1889 | 1956 |
Malloy | A Family Monument | ||
Malloy | C. C. "Con" | 1887 | 1969 |
Malloy | Cornelius "Condy" | 1841 | 1890 |
Malloy | David J | 1874 | 1926 |
Malloy | Ellen Benton | 1851 | 1926 |
Malloy | Emma | 1881 | 1888 |
Malloy | Frank | 1844 | 1928 |
Malloy | James | 1803 | 1884 |
Malloy | James C. | 1876 | 1908 |
Malloy | James W. | 1869 | 1958 |
Malloy | Joe Anna | 1845 | 1907 |
Malloy | Josephine | 1904 | 2002 |
Malloy | Lucy | 1894 | 1979 |
Malloy | Margaret | 1861 | 1951 |
Malloy | Margaret J. | 1885 | 1918 |
Malloy | Mary | 1860 | 1886 |
Malloy | Mary Ann | 1870 | 1885 |
Malloy | Mary Gallagher | 1800 | 1886 |
Malloy | Matt | 1889 | 1966 |
Maloney | Mary | 1844 | 1907 |
Maloney | Myles | 1832 | 1897 |
Maloney | Winifred | 1885 | 1888 |
Mannion | A Family Monument | ||
Manion | Hannah | 1855 | 1918 |
Manion | Margaret | 1893 | 1924 |
Manion | Michael | 1890 | 1921 |
Mannion | Michael | 1838 | 1918 |
Manion | Thomas P. | 1884 | 1908 |
Mathews | James Elery | 1885 | 1942 |
McAndrews | Ellen | 1860 | 1931 |
McAndrews | John LeRoy | 1885 | 1958 |
McAndrews | Thomas | ||
McAreavey | A Family Monument | ||
McAreavey | Alyce R Bargmann | 1916 | 2005 |
McAreavey | Ann B. | 1895 | 1961 |
McAreavey | Anna Leona | 1914 | 2007 |
McAreavey | Anna M | 1884 | 1970 |
McAreavey | James | 1861 | 1913 |
McAreavey | James Thomas | 1890 | 1978 |
McAreavey | John D | 1911 | 2003 |
McAreavey | John M | 1883 | 1955 |
McAreavey | Margaret | 1892 | 1976 |
McAreavey | Patrick | 1853 | 1926 |
McAreavey | Patrick J. | 1888 | 1976 |
McAreavey | Rose | 1894 | 1977 |
McAreavey | Scott A | 1965 | 2008 |
McAreavey | Susanna | 1856 | 1919 |
McAreavey | William | 1859 | 1924 |
McConnell | Mary I | 1923 | 2012 |
McCoy | Bernard F. | 1898 | 1983 |
McCoy | Florence V. Kapaun | 1895 | 1959 |
McCoy | Margaret M. | 1902 | 1945 |
McCoy | Rosella G. | 1917 | 1979 |
McCue | A Family Monument | ||
McCue | Agnes E. | 1873 | 1961 |
McCue | Bridget | 1845 | 1920 |
McCue | Clifford J | 1919 | 1946 |
McCue | James | 1843 | 1917 |
McCue | John W. | 1876 | 1945 |
McCue | M Cecelia | 1896 | 1968 |
McCue | Marvin A. | 1914 | 2002 |
McCue | Thomas P. | 1891 | 1957 |
McCuller | James | ||
McDonnell | A Family Monument | ||
McDonnell | Catherine Ward | 1851 | 1929 |
McDonnell | Clare | 1908 | 1967 |
McDonnell | Delia | 1850 | 1913 |
McDonnell | Fred | 1878 | 1957 |
McDonnell | Honora Lally | 1814 | 1908 |
McDonnell | Irene | 1880 | 1942 |
McDonnell | James B. | 1915 | 1981 |
McDonnell | John | 1880 | 1938 |
McDonnell | James Maurice Sr | 1876 | 1966 |
McDonnell | John Joseph | 1853 | 1943 |
McDonnell | John W. | 1873 | 1962 |
McDonnell | Lily F. | 1886 | 1959 |
McDonnell | Margaret Gilmore | 1874 | 1901 |
McDonnell | Mary | 1883 | 1979 |
McDonnell | Maynard W | 1919 | 1966 |
McDonnell | Michael | ||
McDonnell | Michael | 1803 | 1889 |
McDonnell | Nora | 1886 | 1894 |
McDonnell | Pearl | 1884 | 1945 |
McDonnell | Raymond L. | 1913 | 2002 |
McDonnell | Regina | 1911 | 1980 |
McDonnell | Sara J | 1886 | 1952 |
McDonnell | Son of M. & D. | 1870 | 1906 |
McDonnell | Thomas P. | 1880 | 1958 |
McDonnell | Viola Puetz | 1915 | 2008 |
McDonnell | William T. | 1915 | 1986 |
McFarlane | David Eurat | 1862 | 1941 |
McFarlane | Margaret | 1866 | 1935 |
McGinley | James | ||
McGinley | John | 1840 | 1927 |
McGlenn | A Family Monument | ||
McGlenn | Julia A | 1843 | 1906 |
McGlenn | Michael | 1828 | 1891 |
McGlenn | Richard | 1882 | 1909 |
McKinney | Jerry C | 1941 | 1944 |
McKinney | baby | ||
McKinney | baby | ||
McNaboe | Anna T | 1868 | 1943 |
McNaboe | George | 1865 | 1956 |
McNeil | Claude D | 1897 | 1970 |
McNeil | Mary E | 1896 | 1959 |
McShane | A Familly Monument | ||
McShane | Catherine Friel | 1853 | 1926 |
McShane | Edward Augustine | 1852 | 1919 |
McShane | Daniel G | 1885 | 1969 |
Meehan | Andrew Jr | 1854 | 1893 |
Meehan | Andrew C | 1881 | 1967 |
Meehan | Arthur | 1848 | 1929 |
Meehan | Daisey B | 1887 | 1970 |
Meyers | Ambrose M | 1919 | 1999 |
Meyers | Christine Laura | 1920 | 2010 |
Meyers | Eva K | 1887 | 1955 |
Meyers | Martin Peter | 1915 | 2005 |
Meyers | Michael | 1882 | 1959 |
Meyers | Venisa Agnes Henle | 1916 | 2007 |
Meyers | Viola Lily | 1922 | 2010 |
Michels | Elizabeth | 1865 | 1913 |
Michels | Joan M | 1860 | 1933 |
Miles | Margaret E. Gordon | 1906 | 2009 |
Miles | Raymond E. "Ray" | 1902 | 1992 |
Miller | A Family Monument | ||
Miller | Ben | 1874 | 1948 |
Miller | Bernard | 1850 | 1930 |
Miller | Catherine | 1852 | 1923 |
Miller | Charles Alexander | 1867 | 1950 |
Miller | Ellen Lena McDonnell | 1875 | 1964 |
Miller | Elsie Lucille Bies | 1898 | 1970 |
Miller | Grace | 1893 | 1893 |
Miller | Herman | 1867 | 1944 |
Miller | Lloyd James | 1898 | 1958 |
Miller | Lowell C | 1910 | 1977 |
Miller | Verda | 1907 | 1907 |
Molloy | Bridget | 1832 | 1917 |
Molloy | Patrick M. | 1833 | 1895 |
Morgan | Sharol Ann | 1958 | 1958 |
Morgan | u | ||
Morrison | Joan E | 1934 | |
Muench | Catharina | 1832 | 1884 |
Mulloy | Anna C. | 1890 | 1930 |
Mulloy | Bernard S. | 1929 | 1986 |
Mulloy | Catherine F. | 1928 | 1959 |
Mulloy | Frank P. | 1830 | 1928 |
Mulloy | James | 1802 | 1884 |
Mulloy | Margaret | 1844 | 1897 |
Mulloy | Patrick | 1888 | 1984 |
Mulloy | William | 1837 | 1927 |
Murphy | A Family Monument | ||
Murphy | Alfred J | 1862 | 1929 |
Murphy | Mary C | 1867 | 1936 |
Murphy | Patricia I | 1924 | 1976 |
Murphy | Ruth Ann | 1894 | 1894 |
Murphy | St Claire | 1908 | 1916 |
Murray | Bridget Anna | ||
Myers | A Family Monument | ||
Myers | Helen M | 1964 | |
Myers | Mary Ellen Schaefer | 1942 | 2007 |
Myers | Michael Joseph | 1936 | |
Nelson | Carl A. | 1922 | 2002 |
Nelson | Luella M | 1924 | 2012 |
Nelson | Orville G | 1920 | 1990 |
O'Brien | Eva S | 1877 | 1892 |
O'Brien | Hannah | 1817 | 1885 |
O'Brien | Jas F | 1884 | 1912 |
O'Brien | Johanna | 1856 | 1921 |
O'Brien | T J | 1848 | 1898 |
O'Connor | Rev. Patrick J | 1906 | 1991 |
O'Dea | Anne | 1943 | 1943 |
O'Dea | James R. | 1899 | 1948 |
O'Dea | Mary | 1868 | 1956 |
O'Dea | Patrick | 1849 | 1943 |
O'Dea | Rosella | 1906 | 1997 |
Odell | Archie W | 1886 | 1960 |
Odell | baby | 1929 | 1929 |
Odell | Dolly | 1889 | 1972 |
O'Hara | Alexander J | 1990 | 2006 |
O'Hara | Alice Elizabeth | 1878 | 1938 |
O'Hara | Ann | 1840 | 1900 |
O'Hara | baby | ||
O'Hara | Catherine Loretta McDonnell | 1882 | 1958 |
O'Hara | Eileen V. | 1917 | 1938 |
O'Hara | Evelyn S | 1919 | 2002 |
O'Hara | Georgiana | 1884 | 1905 |
O'Hara | Hannah | 1849 | 1936 |
O'Hara | Helen L. | 1892 | 1947 |
O'Hara | infant son | 1916 | 1916 |
O'Hara | Jerry W | 1885 | 1969 |
O'Hara | John | 1837 | 1905 |
O'Hara | John Cain | 1876 | 1958 |
O'Hara | John E | 1916 | 2003 |
O'Hara | Kathryn R. | 1893 | 1967 |
O'Hara | Laura C | 1882 | 1958 |
O'Hara | Lenora M | 1895 | 1953 |
O'Hara | Leo J | 1905 | 1994 |
O'Hara | Mary | 1918 | 1919 |
O'Hara | Michael B. | 1887 | 1953 |
O'Hara | Nita | 1904 | 1998 |
O'Hara | William D. | 1892 | 1965 |
O'Hara | Patrick | 1835 | 1906 |
O'Hara | Patrick Henry | 1876 | 1952 |
Ohern | John | 1836 | 1888 |
Ohora | Rev. John | 1864 | 1929 |
Olinger | Mary | 1881 | 1950 |
Omalia | Thomas | 1865 | 1935 |
O'Malley | Mary McGinnis | 1839 | 1924 |
Pederson | Jack R | 1931 | |
Perminter | John | 1883 | 1971 |
Perrin | A Family Monument | ||
Perrin | Edith F. | 1884 | 1967 |
Perrin | George S. | 1887 | 1959 |
Perrin | Hazel L. | 1899 | 1919 |
Perrin | Lloyd S. | 1894 | 1978 |
Perrin | Louise M. | 1894 | 1993 |
Perrin | Mary | 1855 | 1933 |
Petersen | Charles R | 1929 | 2008 |
Petersen | Delores P | 1933 | 2007 |
Peterson | Hobart | 1925 | |
Peterson | Nancy Ann | 1957 | 2007 |
Peterson | Rosie F | 1929 | |
Petree | Earl Joseph | 1901 | 1983 |
Petree | Frances Angela Deters | 1907 | 1999 |
Phelps | Leo J | 1900 | 1966 |
Phelps | Susan M | 1905 | 1996 |
Preus | Andrew | 1880 | 1968 |
Prues | Hannah | 1881 | 1956 |
Platt | Aaron F | 1902 | 1985 |
Platt | Edna Rickert | 1907 | 1963 |
Pugh | Frank | 1864 | 1932 |
Quackenbush | Joseph | 1850 | 1918 |
Raabe | Elizabeth | 1929 | |
Raabe | H Eugene | 1924 | 1995 |
Raabe | Harry H | 1892 | 1954 |
Raabe | Myrtle A | 1903 | 2000 |
Raabe | Myrtle A | 1924 | 1924 |
Raap | Agnes C | 1913 | 1991 |
Raap | Carol M | 1942 | |
Raap | Herman W | 1910 | 1991 |
Raap | LaVerne E | 1941 | |
Rann | Dallas James | 1922 | 1998 |
Rann | Lorine Welchert | 1929 | |
Rickert | A Family Monument | ||
Rickert | Francis J | 1881 | 1962 |
Rickert | Winnie A Colleran | 1877 | 1937 |
Roemmich | Stella Bayles | 1905 | 1988 |
Ryan | Mary | 1918 | 1959 |
Sanner | Archier C | 1941 | 1985 |
Sanner | Sherry D | 1943 | |
Sanow | Alfred W | 1898 | 1952 |
Sanow | Russell A | 1947 | 1947 |
Sanow | Wallace A. | 1944 | 2009 |
Schaefer | John J | 1947 | 2010 |
Schaefer | Marie E | 1921 | 2009 |
Schaefer | Nicholas A | 1920 | 1994 |
Schaefer | Patricia L Beckmann | 1947 | |
Schlecht | Mary | 1864 | 1898 |
Schnell | Alphonso R | 1906 | 1982 |
Schnell | Marguerite E | 1905 | 1954 |
Schoeberl | Daniel Raymond | 1957 | 2008 |
Schoeberl | Joseph | 1900 | 1943 |
Schoeberl | Lillian Marie Larsen | 1935 | 2008 |
Schoeberl | Mary E | 1908 | 1932 |
Schoeberl | Michael L | 1932 | 1982 |
Schoeberl | Teri Lynn | 1982 | 1984 |
Sechser | Joseph Benedict | 1898 | 1986 |
Sechser | Rosa M Waechter | 1899 | 1958 |
Serbousek | Jesse John | 1997 | 1997 |
Sheppard | James Maurice Sr | 1909 | 1992 |
Sheppard | Laura Marie Persing | 1915 | 1992 |
Smith | Vaughn M | 1903 | 1927 |
Staudenmier | A Family Monument | ||
Staudenmier | Elmer | 1905 | 1952 |
Staudenmier | Henry | 1860 | 1940 |
Staudenmier | Jnon | ||
Staudenmier | John | 1858 | 1950 |
Staudenmier | Joseph | 1898 | 1995 |
Staudenmier | Josephine | 1827 | 1894 |
Staudenmier | Mary | 1861 | 1891 |
Staudenmier | Mollie | 1876 | 1953 |
Stevens | Mary C | 1885 | 1918 |
Stevens | William E | 1881 | 1960 |
Storevik | Charles D | 1946 | 1983 |
Storevik | Judith K | 1946 | 1988 |
Sullivan | A Family Monument | ||
Sullivan | Ada E | 1887 | 1970 |
Sullivan | Anna Maria | 1882 | 1900 |
Sullivan | Daniel E | 1880 | 1951 |
Sullivan | Eugene E | 1876 | 1960 |
Sullivan | Jennie S | 1883 | 1911 |
Sullivan | John Frances | 1849 | 1936 |
Sullivan | Mary Elizabeth Kane | 1855 | 1942 |
Sullivan | Rose Bridget Hay | 1882 | 1963 |
Swindler | Eva | 1879 | 1957 |
Swindler | Unknown | ||
Swindler | Francis | ||
Swindler | Homer W | 1878 | 1966 |
Thompson | Milo Joseph | 1907 | 1992 |
Thompson | Tresa A Hanisch | 1917 | 2007 |
Tibio | Adelheid G. | 1914 | 1933 |
Tibio | Antoinette C. | 1886 | 1952 |
Tibio | Francis J | 1917 | 1992 |
Tibio | Helen N | 1918 | 1991 |
Tibio | William F. | 1879 | 1976 |
Turmes | Christine Laura | 1920 | 2010 |
Turmes | Nicholas A | 1920 | 2011 |
Turmes | Steven J | 1952 | 1987 |
u | Brad & Brian | 1970 | 1970 |
Valdez | Judy L | 1943 | |
Valdez | Roland R | 1941 | 2006 |
Vander Woude | Gwendolyn A | 1908 | 2008 |
Vander Woude | William | 1905 | 1988 |
Vander Zwaag | Kenneth C | 1941 | 2010 |
VanSlyke | Jacob | 1943 | 1909 |
Vogel | A Family Monument | ||
Vogel | Dennis J | 1918 | 2011 |
Vogel | Frank L | 1893 | 1955 |
Vogel | Iva J | 1894 | 1962 |
Vogel | Leona E | 1924 | |
Vogel | Robert C | 1922 | 2006 |
Waechter | A Family Monument | ||
Waechter | Edward | 1891 | 1955 |
Waechter | "Father" | 1851 | 1927 |
Waechter | James J | 1938 | 1983 |
Waechter | "Mother" | 1869 | 1952 |
Waechter | Patricia A | ||
Walsh | A Family Monument | ||
Walsh | Ellen | 1857 | 1929 |
Walsh | John | 1856 | 1930 |
Ward | Owen | 1825 | 1891 |
Waul | A Family Monument | ||
Waul | Agnes T. | 1905 | 1906 |
Waul | Elizabeth A. | 1907 | 1907 |
Waul | Grace | 1902 | |
Waul | James Patrick | 1899 | 1976 |
Waul | Margaret Catherine | 1894 | 1970 |
Waul | Mary Ellen | 1892 | 1985 |
Waul | Mary Ellen Shea | 1871 | 1907 |
Waul | Maurice Henry | 1859 | 1923 |
Waul | Maurice Leo | 1895 | 1918 |
Waul | Thomas Edward | 1900 | 1985 |
Weber | Agatha A | 1926 | |
Weber | Ann F | 1945 | 2012 |
Weber | Larry J | 1944 | |
Weber | Ralph H | 1926 | |
Webster | Horace C | 1871 | 1925 |
Webster | Margaret | 1869 | 1956 |
Welchert | Francis A | 1897 | 1977 |
Welchert | Gertrude H | 1898 | 1992 |
Welchert | William G | 1921 | 1996 |
Werner | A Family Monument | ||
Werner | Anthony J. | 1860 | 1942 |
Werner | Genevieve | 1911 | 1994 |
Werner | Joseph A. | 1895 | 1979 |
Werner | Louis M. | 1898 | 1981 |
Werner | Wilhelmina E. | 1867 | 1954 |
Wheeler | Alfred J | 1894 | 1954 |
Wheeler | Alice | 1900 | 1985 |
Wheeler | Alonzo | 1886 | 1957 |
Wheeler | Bernard William | 1926 | 1946 |
Wheeler | Daniel M Sr | 1933 | 2011 |
Wheeler | Donald E. "Don" | 1914 | 1994 |
Wheeler | Eddie | 1889 | |
Wheeler | Ellen | 1830 | 1908 |
Wheeler | Evelyn S | 1925 | 1950 |
Wheeler | Florence | 1909 | 1992 |
Wheeler | Francis E. | 1932 | 2006 |
Wheeler | Francis W | 1884 | 1950 |
Wheeler | Grace M | 1917 | 1994 |
Wheeler | Howard Ezra | 1910 | 1956 |
Wheeler | Isabel | 1918 | 2006 |
Wheeler | Leo | 1908 | 1973 |
Wheeler | Leonard (Red) | 1911 | 1973 |
Wheeler | Marion | 1912 | |
Wheeler | Martha L | 1941 | 1962 |
Wheeler | Mary S | 1889 | 1918 |
Wheeler | Maude E | 1890 | 1975 |
Wheeler | Nancy Ann | 1946 | 2010 |
Wheeler | Ollie | 1887 | 1976 |
Wheeler | Pat | 1935 | 1943 |
Wheeler | Raymond C | 1914 | 1992 |
Wheeler | Rose M Garry | 1922 | 2005 |
Wheeler | Thomas E | 1950 | 1969 |
Wingert | Alvin A. | 1929 | 2010 |
Wingert | Rose Marie | 1942 | |
Wolf | Rebecca A | 1946 | 2008 |
Wolf | William J | 1938 | 1998 |
Wood | Irene L | 1914 | 1998 |
Wood | James L | 1902 | 1964 |
Wuertz | Aurelia S | 1907 | 1995 |
Wuertz | Clifford C | 1910 | 1994 |
Yeager | Christina | 1913 | 1943 |
Young | Iva | 1918 | 1983 |
Zimmer | A Family Monument | ||
Zimmer | A Family Monument | ||
Zimmer | A Family Monument | ||
Zimmer | Anna C. | 1867 | 1950 |
Zimmer | Alma H | 1895 | 1985 |
Zimmer | baby | 1926 | 1926 |
Zimmer | Bertha H | 1900 | 2000 |
Zimmer | Corp Francis Xavier | 1930 | 1954 |
Zimmer | Francis N | 1924 | 1999 |
Zimmer | Francis X | 1930 | 1954 |
Zimmer | Frank X | 1889 | 1974 |
Zimmer | Frank X | 1859 | 1940 |
Zimmer | Genevieve F | 1913 | 1994 |
Zimmer | George S. | 1886 | 1966 |
Zimmer | Harold R | 1920 | 1996 |
Zimmer | Iva | 1896 | 1991 |
Zimmer | Lawrence A | 1896 | 1973 |
Zimmer | LeRoy J | 1918 | 1968 |
Zimmer | Leo J | 1901 | 1976 |
Zimmer | Loretta A | 1912 | 1995 |
Zimmer | Mary R | 1891 | 1974 |
Zimmer | Richard J | 1928 | 1954 |
Zimmer | Robert Lawrence | 1934 | 2010 |
Zimmer | Roger J | 1956 | 1977 |
Zimmer | Walter G. | 1917 | 2009 |
Zuraff | Bernard L | 1919 | 2005 |
Zuraff | Cecilia K | 1891 | 1966 |
Zuraff | Cornelius T | 1889 | 1960 |