Unityville  Baptist  Cemetery
Section 18 - Sun  Prairie  Township - McCook County - South Dakota

 A  view  of  the  Unityville  Baptist  Cemetery  on  437th  Avenue

The community of Unityville was founded by John Stark.  He could not get postal service to a town named Stark because there was already a town with the name Stark in North Dakota so he settled for naming it Unityville.  In the 1880's a church was built which burned down and was then replaced by a second church building.  This building was later moved to Plankinton, SD where it is used by the Presbyterians.

The last business in Unityville to continue operations was the grain elevator.  There are still a number of homes with residents who dearly love the rural atmosphere.

The Unityville Baptist Cemetery is located 1 mile north and 1 mile west of Unityville.

An Aerial  View  of  Unityville  Baptist  Cemetery 


The Unityville Baptist Cemetery information database consists of 2 parts.

This information was prepared by Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014) and may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.  A special thank you is given to Christin Bartels for the outstanding photographic work.  Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires written approval.

1.  A Cemetery Map

A map showing the various blocks of the cemetery in relationship to the adjacent McCook County Roadway, 437th Avenue, gives the user a physical setting.  

2.  A List of Burials

A listing of the burials at Unityville Baptist Cemetery – Section 18 – Sun Prairie Township – McCook County, gives the individual names in alphabetic order.  This listing also gives the date of birth and date of death when available.   A special thank you goes to the sexton who provided an official burial listing, it is believed that all burials, marked or unmarked, are included for Unityville Cemetery.


Unityville  Baptist  Cemetery  Burial  Record  as  of  2013

Section 18 - Sun Prairie Township - McCook County - SD

Last Name First Name Birth Yr Death Yr Block
Bertrain Sylvan     H
Duke Katherine E 1921 1924 P
Duke Lee R 1880 1959 P
Duke Leroy S 1914 1943 P
Duke Sophia L 1887 1969 P
Feske Christine Schultz 1826 1918 R
Feske David 1862 1933 R
Feske Ernst 1830 1890 R
Feske Ernst 1900 1900 R
Feske Katherine 1874 1931 R
Feske Louise   1893 1893 R
Feske Louise Schultz 1870 1893 R
Foss Robert H 1943 2006  
Foss Yvonne R 1956    
Gerkie Mrs   1911 T
Gerkie baby   1911 T
Gungtum A Family Monument     W
Gungtum Carl T 1847 1924 W
Gungtum Wilhelmene     W
Hansen Bertha 1884 1958 Y
Hansen Fredrick 1885 1937 Y
Harter Clarence   1901 Q
Harter Mabel E 1894 1895 Q
Harter Oscar B 1892 1892 Q
Harter  Perrey V 1892 1893 Q
Johnson Laura Stark 1913 2009  
Kennin Minnie 1851 1915 O
Kennin William 1847 1918 O
Larsen Alice E 1909 1963 K
Larsen Kenneth F 1911 2000 K
Lubinus Myrtle     S
Moody Darlene Stark 1919 1996 U
Moody Robert Phelps II 1947 2001 U
Moody Victoria Upton 1946   U
Olsen Elsie Mae Stark 1895 1918 L
Reents Cindy M 1954    
Reents Mitchell R 1945    
Rehberg Wilhelmiene 1825 1890 M
Roberts Darius Orman 1970 2006 f
Runger Ferdinand 1830 1859 Q
Runger Sophia   1832 1916 Q
Runger William C 1827 1915 Q
Schulz A Family Monument      
Schulz Agnes (infant)     H
Schulz Albertine 1859 1933 I
Schulz Arthur 1886 1964 H
Schulz Arthur (infant)     I
Schulz August R 1848 1919 I
Schulz Clara 1891 1896 M
Schulz Esther 1894 1970 M
Schulz Ethel Alice 1910 1910 H
Schulz Fred   1875 G
Schulz Freddie   1919 F
Schulz Mrs Fred   1875 G
Schulz Harold   1912 H
Schulz Loretta Marie     H
Schulz Rosa 1898 1986 M
Schulz Walter Elmer 1908 1909 H
Stangohr August 1856 1918 Q
Stangohr Whilelmine 1863 1911 Q
Stark Amanda     L
Stark August F 1841 1897 M
Stark Augusta 1849 1933 M
Stark Catherine Culver 1888 1974 z
Stark Edward J 1886 1970 M
Stark Elsie Mae 1895 1918  
Stark Emil 1883 1891 M
Stark Franklin Culver 1915 1989 F
Stark Fred 1910 1913 z
Stark Fred Hartman 1881 1957 z
Stark Helen B 1887 1935 M
Stark Henry A 1885 1963 U
Stark Ida M 1878 1900 L
Stark John F 1849 1928 L
Stark Margaret 1856 1930 L
Stark Margaret C 1917 1928 F
Stark Mary E 1885 1973 U
Stark Will H 1871 1936 M
Van Metre E Louise 1906 2008 K
Van Metre John E 1868 1913 K
Van Metre Lena S 1876 1974 K
Wilcox babe     T
Wobig Albert 1905 1910 S
Wobig Carl F William 1859 1947 N
Wobig Coledon Jay 2001 2001 V
Wobig Dennis John 1929 1947 S
Wobig Dexter E 1929   xd
Wobig Edwin 1898 2001 V
Wobig Ella M 1898 1991 V
Wobig Helen 1922 2009 xh
Wobig Jacqueline L 1933 2011 xd
Wobig Louise 1865 1947 S
Wobig Louise Schulz 1828 1910 N
Wobig Lowell D 1924   xh
Wobig Maggie B 1869 1964 N
Wobig Michael Lee 1951 1951 K
Wobig Otto 1899 1899 S
Wobig Paul 1890 1963 S
Wobig Wilhelm 1825 1917 N
Wobig William 1864 1952 S
Zastrow baby 1893 1893 G
Zastrow       G
Zastrow       G

©McCook County GenWeb 2000-2013