McCook County Resources

McCook County Courthouse Front Door

1. McCook County Museum and Historical Society.

Unfortunately the museum was closed and all resources were returned to their owners.

2. Salem Special, weekly newspaper, 135 South Main, Salem, South Dakota 57058 - Phone (605) 425-2361.
  • Weekly newspapers from 1880 to present
3. St. Mary's Catholic Church, 205 East Essex, Salem, South Dakota 57058 - Phone (605) 425-2607.
  • Cemetery records for Catholic Cemetary
4. Kinzley Funeral Home, 520 North Main, Salem, South Dakota 57058 - Phone (605) 425-2621.
  • Cemetery records of Wildwood Cemetary
5. McCook County Clerk of Courts, 130 East Essex, Salem, South Dakota - Phone (605) 425-2781.
  • All probate records of McCook County
6. McCook County Register of Deeds, PO Box 338, Salem, South Dakota, 57058 - Phone (605) 425-2701.
  • All birth, death, and marriage records, and all records of real estate transfers, mortgages etc. of McCook County.
  • ALL CEMETERY RECORDS: They prefer requests through the mail or people coming in to look at the records. Mail your requests to the above address. Be sure to include all the names you are looking for. Copies can be provided. Fees will be arranged, if necessary.
7. McCook County Courthouse
P.O. Box 338 
Salem, SD 57058 
Telephone: (605) 425-2701 
NO Current Volunteer Lookups

from the book "Within These Borders"

To read the index of the book go here

According to Ken Tiahrt (1935-2014) the book, "has quite a lot of good information and some interesting photos mostly about the development of the towns and businesses in McCook County and the movers and shakers doing that.  It also lists nearly all churches quite briefly, but barely mentions any cemeteries."

SDGenWeb 2025

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