Barnett Johnson 1887 Diary

(Cyrus Barnett Johnson)

January, Saturday 1. 1887.

3° Stormed all day. Charley & I hauled log’s Father got me a pair of rubbers.

January, Sunday 2.. 1887

12°About two inches of snow fell yester & last night.

January, Monday 3. 1887.

25°About three inches of snow fell during the after noon. Charley broke his sled. Mr.& Miss Sly & Miss Thompson was hear to dinner; Mrs. Logon went back to Sturgis with them

January, Tuesday 4 .1887.

28°Charley & I hauled logs about one inch of snow fell

January, Wednesday 5. 1887.

5°Charley hauled logs for Mr. Merfield during the after noon One inch of snow fell

January, Thursday 6. 1887.

-27°Charley hauled wood for Mr. Merfield during the fore-noon

January, Friday 7. 1887.

6, A.M. –8° 8,A.M –18°

Father went to Sturgis in the after noon. He got me a pair of over shoes.

January, Saturday 8. 1887.

1 P.M. 2° 8 P.M. 17°

Mart Peaterson & Mr. Merfield oailed the logs. Father went to Sturgis

January, Sunday 9. 1887.

15°Mr. Sparks went to the Valley with a load of wood.

January, Monday 10. 1887.

20°Father went to Sturgis Sparks got back from the valley he brought up three bails of hay & harness.

January, Tuesday 11. 1887.

25°We run twenty two logs down the slide one of them split into when it struck the bottom

January, Wednesday 12. 1887.

28°Father went to Sturgis withe the mules.And bought twelve hundred of corn. He went for hay but there was non A flurry of snow.

January, Thursday 13. 1887.

30°I broke the bunk on my sled & the beam to annother. Father went to Deadwood

January, Friday 14. 1887.

6 A.M. 25°1 P.M. 45°

hauled logs.

January,Saturday 15. 1887.

6 A.M.24°1 P.M. 43°

hauled logs. I took two bails of hay over to Mr.Merfield after supper tonight

January, Sunday 16. 1887.

Three inches of snow fell last night.

January, Monday 17. 1887.

18° Hauled shingal timber

January, Tuesday 18. 1887.

6 A.M. 10° P.M 46°

We haule shingal& lumber logs.

January, Wednesday 19. 1887.

6 A.M. 25° 1 P.M. 48°

We hauled shingal & lumber logs.

January, Thursday 20. 1887.

6 A.M. 18°one inch of snow fell last night. We hauled lumber and shingal timber. Jim Russel brought a load of hay & will stay all night

January, Friday 21. 1887.

6 A.M. 20°

We hauled shingal& lumber timber

January, Saturday 22. 1887.

6 A.M.°

We hauled lumber &shingal timber Mr. Sparks & Clark went to the Valley this afternoon

January, Sunday 23. 1887.

Mr. Sparks & Clark got back from the valley they brought up a quarter of beaf & three sacks of potatoes

January, Monday 24. 1887.


My team went over the bank this after noon but did not hurt them; broke the neck yoke & racked the sled badly.

January, Tuesday 25. 1887.

6 A.M. 16° 1 P.M. 22°

Mr. Clark shod the mules this fore noon.

January, Wednesday 26. 1887.

6 A.M. 18° 1 P.M. 32°

We hauled shingal & lumber timber. Father went to Sturgis

January, Thursday 27. 1887.

Morning 20° Noon 26°

One inch of snow fell this after noon.David & Gussie Sparks came up this after noon after a load of wood.

January, Friday 28. 1887.

16° Morning, 32° Noon

Mrs Logon & Gussie went to Deadwood this morning: Mrs Logon got back tonight

January, Saturday 29. 1887.

0° All day I hauled & Charley skidded logs this fornoon. This after noon we run some logs down the slides. Tom went to Deadwood Jim,one of the me on the hill froze to death this morning. Liquor was the caus of it.

January, Sunday 30. 1887.

-20° Morning, 0° noon Night 11°

Mr. Sparks &mother went to church. About an inch & a half fell to day & it is still snowing. Gussie Sparks got back from Deadwood.

January, Monday 31. 1887.

6 A.M. –8°I did not work today They commenced hauling logs from at Jakes Father went to Sturgis & brought back 1 1/2 bails of hay & four sacks of grain. Tom broke the tung out of his sled.

February, Tuesday 1. 1887.

-9° Morning –14° Night

Tom, Charley & I went to Sturgis this after noon we found an awful blizzard out side of the canyon we brought up 15 bails of hay & twelve undred of fead ½ of an inch of snow fell.

February, Wednesday 2. 1887.

Morning 20° Noon -10° Night -28°

Tom went to Sturgis & got ten bails of hay which he took to Mr. Merfield . I did not work to day. Charley hauled poles away from the mouth of the slide.

February, Thursday 3. 1887.

Morning -32° Noon -16° Night -20°

We sat in the house all day. Tom shot a cat to-night.

February, Friday 4. 1887.

Morning -18° Noon –6° Night -13°

We stayed in the house & played checkers this for noon, and hauled logs to the head of the slide this after noon.

February, Saturday 5. 1887.

Morning 15° Noon 0° Night 11°

I hauled logs to the slide all day. Tom run them down the slide. Charley cleared away down hear. Jack sat down in the slide, but as bad luck for him would have it a log came down soon after, and knocked him out of this world in a jiffy.

February, Sunday 6. 1887.

-10° Morning,10° Noon 0° Night

Henry & Gussie Sparks took the mules & went to the valley. The watter commenced running over the ice to day. I hope it is a sign of warm weather.

February, Monday 7. 1887.

Morning 34° Noon 42° Night 20°

Henry got back this after noon. We run down and took away logs this for-noon, this after noon Tom & Charley hauled logs; I guess that Father is sick of the slide A Chinook wind struck us about midnight.

February, Tuesday 8. 1887.

Morning 0° Noon 42° Night 10°

We hauled logs

February, Wednesday 9. 1887.

Morning 40° Noon 20° Night 5°

Hauled logs.

February, Thursday 10. 1887.

Morning –5° Night -10° Noon 0°

Hauled log’s About two inches of snow fall to day.

February, Friday 11. 1887.

Morning -26° Noon 15° Night –10°

We did not start out until about nine oclock & made four trips.

February, Saturday 12. 1887.

Morning -12° Noon 48 ° Night 36°

Father took the mules and went to Sturgis this after noon

February, Sunday 13. 1887.

Morning 36° 2 P.M. 56° Night 42°

Strong wind

February, Monday 14. 1887.

Morning 10° Noon 20° Night 8°

We hauled log’s, Father bought a load of hay of Georg Ingrum at nineteen dolloars a tun.

February, Tuesday 15. 1887

Morning –2° Noon 36° Night 15°

Hauled logs Mr. Springer took dinner with us. Father went to Sturgis. Tom went to Deadwood Mark Peaterson worked in his place

February, Wednesday 16. 1887.

Morning 6° Noon 52° Night 30°

Hauled logs Nick Toll was hear to day

February, Thursday 17. 1887.

Morning 30° Noon 23° Night 25°

Strong wind Strong wind Father went to Sturgis he said that theare was a bad blizzard raging out side of the hills. Knight the sheriff was heare to dinner. Tom went to Deadwood this after-noon.

February, Friday 18. 1887.

Morning 14° Noon 22° Night 16°

Hauled logs Father went up to Tom Steavens mill to look at some machinery

February, Sunday 20. 1887.

Morning 0° Noon 32° Night 10°

February, Saturday 19. 1887.

Morning 3° Moon 32° Night 10°

Charley quit today. Sparks & Clark took the mules and went to the valley. Tom & I have got all but one saw log hauled down.

February, Monday 21. 1887.

Morning 3° Noon 23° Night 10°.

Tom and I hauled shingal logs. Sparks & Clark got back today. They brought up a cow & calf

February, Tuesday 22. 1887.

Morning –8° Night 15°

Mr. Sparks & I Hauled 41 shingal logs Tom went to Deadwood Father went to Sturgis & got some corn.

February, Wednesday 23. 1887.

Morning 6° Noon 22° Night 0°

We hauled shingal timber. I skidded some this after noon Tom got back from Deadwood to night. Shortey is a going to stay to night

February, Thursday 24. 1887.

Morning 6° Noon 38° Night 30°

Mr. Sparks & I hauled logs. Tom skidded

February, Friday 25. 1887.

Stormed some this morning. My thermometer was broke to day. Clark shod the litel jacks This fornoon.Stong wind last night and today

February, Saturday 26. 1887.

Thawed out little Mr Sparks & I hauled logs, Tom finished skidding the logs that Jake cut Irvy came up after a load of wood Father, went back with him I took one bail of hay to Merfield

February, Sunday 27. 1887.

Chinook wind all day The snow melted fater to day than it has befour this winter

February, Monday 28. 1887.

The Deacon & I hauled wood off the burnt hill.Warm Father & Daiv Sparks came up from the valley today

March, Tuesday 1. 1887.

Daiv & I brought two loads down to the ranch veary muddy thawed all day

March, Wednesday 2. 1887.

Froze up this morning Daiv & I are back in the hills again We brought up ten bails of hay took five bails to Merfield

March, Thursday 3. 1887.

Night 10° Daiv & I arrived hear at the ranch about about two o clock this after noon . I bought a thermomiter this afternoon

March, Friday 4. 1887.

Morning 8° Strong South-East wind on the valley We got back from the valley about three this after noon.

March, Saturday 5. 1887.

East wind thawed all day Mr. Sparks & I got hear about three.The roads are getting soft

March, Sunday 6. 1887.

54° Went to hear Mr. Sampel preach. North-west W.

March, Monday 7. 1887.

Morning 28° Noon 48°

Took my load of wood over to Irvye's place I was four house &five minuits going over Snowed some last night but it was all gon before noon S.E.W.

March, Tuesday 8. 1887.

N.W.W Back at the park agen.Father got his cut off & boalter machinery to day.

March, Wednesday 9. 1887.

N.W.W. Noon 56° Night 40°

I came down with the floar,got hear about one. Irvy & I put a floar in the jacks & horses stalles

March, Thursday 10. 1887.

Morning 30° Noon 76° Night 45°

Still.Did od jobs.

March, Friday 11. 1887.

Morning 40° Noon 76° Night 55°

S.E. W. during the for-noon.S.W.W. in the after-noon.Irvy amp; I hauled out seven loads of manure.

March, Saturday 12. 1887.

Morning 44° Noon 52° Night 28°

Strong N.W.W. Irvy & May went to the park this morning. A few drops of rain fell this morning

March, Sunday 13. 1887.

Morning 20° Noon 54° Night 46°

Veary strong W. from the S.E. Look as though it mint storm tonight.

March, Monday 14. 1887.

Morning 45° Noon 56° Night 38°

Irvy & May got back at noon.They brought Clark Ball & Georg down with them Bought a new harness to day.Plowed during the after noon

March, Tuesday 15. 1887.

Morning 34° Noon 52° Night 48°

N.W.W. I plowed all day Irvy put the piece in above the house with the seader

March, Wednesday 16. 1887.

Morning 38° Noon 60° Night 45°

Mr. Sparkes sowed the piece above the house to grass & I harrows all it with Irvyes team Plowed during the after noon. Irvy harrowed

March, Thursday 17. 1887.

Morning 30° Noon 40° Night 48°

Plowed all day Irvy hairrowed &rolled Foggy most of the fore noon E.W.

March, Friday 18. 1887.

Morning 30° Noon 68° Night 50°

I plowed. Irvy put in wheat with the seader.

March, Saturday 19. 1887.

Morning 31° Noon 36° Night 38°

Veary strong N.W.W. Rained some last night & snowed this morning.

March, Sunday 20. 1887.

Morning 35° Noon 48° Night 50°

N.W.W. We put cattel over on Ecart

March, Monday 21. 1887.

Morning 18° Noon 45° Night 40°

We could not do anything this forenoon it was frozen so hard Plowed this after-noon.

March, Tuesday 22. 1887.

Morning 32° Noon 48° Night 50°

N.W.W. Plowed all day. Finished putting in the wheat this noon there is seventean acers

March, Wednesday 23. 1887.

Morning 36° Noon 68°

N.W.W. Plowed Irvy & Mr.Sparks killed a pig.A gail from the N.W. came up about seven this eavning, but did not last long.

March, Thursday 24. 1887.

Morning 36° Noon 60°

Plowed: used three horses during the fornoon Mr. Sparks went to the Park, we took up some pork & butter Louanna came in last night.

March, Friday 25. 1887.

29° Morning 36° Noon

E.W. ½ inch of snow Mrs. Logan &Henry came down to day with Mrs. Logan furniture He said that the engin & boiler was ready for use.

March, Saturday 26. 1887.

Morning 28° Noon 36° Night 22°

two in. of snow S.E.W. during the for-noon & N.W.W. in the after-noon Henry & I & Henry took Mrs. Logan& her duds over to her shack. Henry went back to the Hills this after-noon he took the clock pictures & sewing machine

March, Sunday 27. 1887.

Morning 16° Noon 32° Night 34°

S.E.& N.W.W. Stormed several times during the day. This is my eighteenth birthday.

March, Monday 28. 1887.

Morning 12° Noon 28° Night 22°

I took a small load of wood over to Mrs. Logan; Mr. Sparks, went with me and helped saw it up. We haven’t got moar than enough hay to last us this weak, then the horses will have to russel

March, Tuesday 29. 1887.

Morning 30° Noon° 40° Night 38°

Sprinkeled some last night.Irvy & I fixed up the wire on the pasture fence Irvy sold fifty pounds of potatoes to Mr. Roads.

March, Wednesday 30. 1887.

Morning 31° Noon 44° Night 34°

N.W.W. Stormed during the for-noon. Gussie Sparks was here all day.

March, Thursday 31. 1887.

60° Commenced plowing about ten o’clock this morning.Irvy went over to his plaice & put the window & doar in his house. I herd a meadow lark singing this morning for the first time this spring

April, Friday 1. 1887.

Noon 62°N.W.W. I commenced plowing on the field below the house this morning. Irvy commenced sowing oats. May sowed tomato sead .

April, Saturday 2. 1887.

Noon 60°Plowed all day. Irvy finished putting in the oats next to the wheat field. We had a small shour of rain this eavning.

April, Sunday 3. 1887.

Noon 32°Half of an inch of show this morning.N.W.

April, Monday 4. 1887.

Noon 34° Irvy went down to Road and got 1750 lbs of hay. I hairrowed some this after noon Irvy sowed three acers of oats We got 100 lbs of grass sead to night

April, Tuesday 5. 1887.

Noon 38° N.W.W. Uncel Lue came down from the park today. He said that he arrived at Sturgis the 28 th or March. They commenced running the saw mill Monday. Irvy run the seeder for Mr. Sparks I hairrowed.

April, Wednesday 6. 1887.

Noon 58°N.W.B. Uncel Lue went back with the jacks this morning. Hairrowed & seaded Irvy bought a waggon.

April, Thursday 7. 1887.

Noon 86°S.W. We finished hairrowing he oat field below the house. Sowed some grass seed to night

April, Friday 8. 1887.

Noon 90°Irvy & I commenced braking on his plaice Sowed grass sead

April, Saturday 9. 1887.

60° N.W.W. I stayed at Irvyes plaice last night quit plowing about two. Plowed about three acers Rained some during the after noon

April, Sunday 10. 1887.

42° S.B.Irvy & May went to Sunday school. Mr.Ecart sharpened one of our braker plow shares and spoilt the other and cut my hair in the bargen.

April, Monday 11. 1887.

45°Stormed some this morning. I hairrowed & Irvy seaded this after-noon

April, Tuesday 12. 1887.

58°We used boath teams on the seader today& put in 13 acers.

April, Wednesday 13. 1887.

45° Stormed all the after noon I run the seader this fornoon< & I plowed some of the garden & rolled

April, Thursday 14. 1887.

35° N.W.W.It had rained most of the night and was snowing this morning About three in. of snow fell Daiv Sparks brought May a old hen & eleven chickens

April, Friday 15. 1887.

45°N.W.W.Did the chores and set in the house.

April, Saturday 16. 1887.

38°S.E.W. Irvy & I went over to his place and broak an acer Damp and misty.

April, Sunday 17. 1887.

45°S.E.W. Wrote to Uncel Charly.

April, Monday 18. 1887.

58°S.E.B. Finished putting in the oats. We hairrowed during the after-noon.Irvy using the seeder as a hairrow.We have in 52 acers of oats, by the seeder.

April, Tuesday 19. 1887.

44°Was storming this morning when I got up, adamp snow. It was all gon by noon. Several squalls passed over this after noon.

April, Wednesday 20. 1887.

59°S.E.W.Hirrowed Irvy & Mr. Sparks butchered a pig this for-noon.

April, Thursday 21. 1887.

52° N.W.W.veary strong this eavning.Irvy went to the Park this morning It rained for at about an houre and a hahaof this morning and storming agen to night. I plowed during the after noon.

April, Friday 22. 1887.

36° N.W.W. An inch of snow this morning Squalls passing over all day.Irvy got back from the park this eavning Violet calved this morning We used the last of our hay today

April, Saturday 23. 1887.

38°N.W.W.Plenty of squalls.Irvy & I went over to his plaice with a load of post and mixed matter.

April, Sunday 24. 1887.


April, Monday 25. 1887.

54°N.W.W I finished hairrowing the oats Irvy took the wire off the coral.

April, Tuesday 26. 1887.

56°N.W.W. Irvy & I went over to his plaice and put up a coral.

April, Wednesday 27. 1887.

68°N.W.W.I hauled for cattel during the for-noon and hauled on load of furniture and a hog over hear to Irvyes plaice and stayed all night

April, Thursday 28. 1887.

68° N.W.W.I road poaster over this over this morning & helped Daiv drive the cattel over. Irvy & May came over with chickens Rob cam over to herd I plowed an acer this after noon.

April, Friday 29. 1887.

70°N.W.W. I made ten rounds today.Irvy dug poast holes. Saw five antilope

April, Saturday 30. 1887.

92°S.E.B. during the for-noon,& N.W. during the after noon.Irvy went to Sturgis and got 1449 lbs. wire I did not do much today.Did not feel well.

May, Sunday 1. 1887.

34°Veary strong N.W.W.during the night & day commenced storming about six this morning & continued until about six this eavning a good eight inches of snow has fallen today. We kept the cattel in the coral all day

May, Monday 2. 1887.

45°N.W.W. Rob & I went over to the valley & got flour. Sacks of grain, took dinner at Mr. Irvy turned the cattel out about noon. The snow is all gon tonight

May, Tuesday 3. 1887.

72°N.W.B.I plowed 1 ¾ acers.Irvy dug post hoals.Froze some last night.Saw five antilope

May, Wednesday 4. 1887.

74°S.E.B.This eavning.Plowed during the fornoon.Set poast and stretched wire this after noon I saw & herd several mosqueotes to day.

May, Thursday 5. 1887.

84°S.E. & S.W.B. Plowed, set poat, & stretched a mile of wire.

May, Friday 6. 1887.

80°S.E.B.Plowed during the for-noon. Set post and stretched the rest of the wire.

May, Saturday 7. 1887.

70°S.E.B.Plowed during the for-noon.For the after noon I started back hear to the old plaice stoped and got a stove at Mr.Wiggington and am now fairly started in a batchilors life.

May, Sunday 8. 1887.

74°I am working under difficulties in my domestic affairs just now, I have no kettle, washbasin & no provishions but bread & potatoes but I saw Mrs.Willson to day & she said she was going to Sturgis tomorrow & that I could send by her.

May, Monday 9. 1887.

78°S.E.W Plowed potato ground & cut potatoes. I sent to Sturgis by Mrs.Willson and got some flouer,sugar, soap, coffee, matches, soda, baking powder and a broom.

May, Tuesday 10. 1887.

84°Veary strong S.E.W.Hairrowed the potato ground & cut potates. Loaned the hairrow to Mr. Rhoads.

May, Wednesday 11. 1887.

72°S.E.W I furrowed out the potato ground this for-noon & cut potatoes this after-noon Irvy was over today. I sent up to Sturgis by Mr. Sparks and got some oatmeal & two cans of corn beef

May, Thursday 12. 1887.

68°N.W.W. Rained some last night & heavy thunder & lightning.I cut potatoes in for-noon & droped & covered during the after noon Commenced raining of about six to-night and is storming yet

May, Friday 13. 1887.

49°N.W.W. Storming this morning when I got up and continued until one o’clock Will Ecart was heare part of the after noon

May, Saturday 14. 1887.

54°N.W.B.Cut a few potatoes in the for-noon &droped & covered in the after-noon. I saw Mr. Clark this after noon and he sayes that Father wants me to take some potatoes up to him.

May, Sunday 15. 1887.

Once more in the Park.I got here about three o’clock. It is veary pleasant up here now

May, Monday 16. 1887.

I hauled out saw dust & lath, & took Uncel Lews plaice in the after noon while he went to Sturgis for his goods

May, Tuesday 17. 1887.

On the old ranch again, plated sweat corn &radishes It Seams veary loansom here after having been in the park. I brought Uncel Lews gun down with me & got 450 lbs. of seed oats as I came through Sturgis

May, Wednesday 18. 1887.

74°Plated some early ohioes this morning & seven rows of other potatoes.

May, Thursday 19. 1887.

85°N.W.W.Finished putting in the potatoes I have in abut two acers 4 rowes of Rhubins 12 rowes of Early roes & 7 rowes of Blu victors Commenced plowing the oat ground today.

May, Friday 20. 1887.

78°Heavy showers of rain last night &raineing some to night went over to Mr.Ecarts and got my plow share sharpened

May, Saturday 21. 1887.

58°Heavy rain last night & rained & drizzled all the for-noon I did not do anything today

May, Sunday 22. 1887.

78°I & Will Ecart went over to Irvyes plaice took May some pye plant

May, Monday 23. 1887.

68°Plowed all day N.W.W.

May, Tuesday 24. 1887.

76°S.E.B. Plowed & Washed

May, Wednesday 25. 1887.

74° Plowed ¾ of a day.Planted three rowes of popcorn & two rowes of sweat corn.Sold $3 worth of potatoes to the egg man and an old hen for forty cents.

May, Thursday 26. 1887.

76° finished plowing in the after-noon & sowed two acers with seeder

May, Friday 27. 1887.

75°Finished seeding there is seven & one half acers in the piece

May, Saturday 28. 1887.


May, Sunday 29. 1887.

74°Strong N.W.W

May, Monday 30. 1887.

72°N.W.W. Got through hairrowing about ten o’clock.I then got the sulky which Mr. Springer has been using and started for Irvy’s place & arrived in time for dinner Commenced digging the well

May, Tuesday 31. 1887.

N.W.W. plowed during the for-noon and worked at the well during the afte-noon

June, Wednesday 1. 1887.

N.W.W. plowed and worked at the well Rained for about and hour & a half after dinner.

June, Thursday 2. 1887.

A.M. S.E. P.M. N.W.W. Two heavy showers during the after noon Worked on the well. Mr. Sparks wife & the children were here this after noon

June, Friday 3. 1887.

N.W.W. Chilley. Worked on the well, found watter at noon about 18 ft deep

June, Saturday 4. 1887.

60°S.E.W. Worked on the sellar this & looked for hay this for noon left Irvyes place at noon hoed in the garden this after noon

June, Sunday 5. 1887.

90°S.E.W. Left the ranch about ten and arrived here at the park abut two brought up a turkey

June, Monday 6. 1887.

Hauled out sawdust and lath and did choars.

June, Tuesday 7. 1887.

Rained quite hard last night & misty today hauled out lath and sawdust and sawed. Father went to Sturgis with the old train

June, Wednesday 8. 1887.

Worked in the mill Father went to Sturgis with a load of lath and shingal

June, Thursday 9. 1887.

Sawed lath

June. Friday 10. 1887.

Sawed lath. Blew the boiler off to night

June, Saturday 11. 1887.

90°We commenced putting down the foundation for the circular

June, Sunday 12. 1887.

87°Found several ripe straw-berries

June, Monday 13. 1887.

Finished the circular foundation

June, Tuesday 14. 1887.

Commenced the ditch Uncle lews brother came this after noon

June, Wednesday 15. 1887.

Georg & I are on the valley to night We cultivated potatoes this after noon.

June, Thursday 16. 1887.

We arrived here at the park about seven this eavning. brought two cows up with us

June, Friday 17. 1887.

Worked on the ditch

June, Saturday 18. 1887.

Worked on the ditch

[no entries from June 19-June 28

June, Wednesday 29. 1887.

Beamus cow came in

June, Thursday 30. 1887.

July, Friday 1. 1887.

Aund Debroa arrived today.

July, Saturday 2. 1887.

[no entry]

July                              Sunday 3                      1997

Henry & Uncel Lew went to the valley.


July                              Monday 4                    1887

Stayed to home  found a few ripe raspberries.


July                              Tuesday 5                    1887

[no entry]


July                              Wednesday 6               1887

[no entry]


July                              Thursday 7                   1887

[no entry]


July                              Friday 8                       1887

940 Aunt Debora Father and Mother went to the valley to day


July                              Saturday 9                    1887

1040 Folks got back from the valley and brought Fanney Pratt up with them.


July                              Sunday 10                    1887

[no entry]


July                              Monday 11                  1887

[no entry]

July                              Tuesday 12                  1887

Cheary calved to day. Mrs Foster arrived in Sturgis to day.


July                              Wednesday 13             1887

[no entry]


July                              Thursday 14                 1887

[no entry]


July                              Friday 15                     1887

Heavy shower last night & rained all day.


[no entries from Saturday July 16-September 8]


September                    Friday 9                       1887

Aunt Ella & Fred arrived in Sturgis


September                    Saturday 10                  1887

Arrived here in the valley about eleven o’clock to night


September                    Sunday 11                    1887

ate melons & slept


September                    Monday 12                  1887

Threshed the wheat this for-noon, had 267 bu.  Rained this after noon


September                    Tuesday 13                  1887

Threshed oats


September                    Wednesday 14             1887

Finished threshing the oats, had 1768 bu of oats.  And got back here to night


September                    Thursday 15                 1887

We revursed the angin and commenced sawing


[no entry September 16-September 26]


September                    Tuesday 27                  1887

Finished Pratts logg’s.


[no entries September 28-October 7]


October                       Saturday 8                    1887

Ground was White with snow this morning



October                       Sunday 9                      1887

A misty rain is falling this eavning


[no entries October 10-October 21]


October                       Saturday 22                  1887

Commenced snowing this after noon I Lost the cows to day


October                       Sunday 23                    1887

Snowed last night, and all day. 120 to night.


October                       Monday 24                  1887

140 So coald that I stayed in the house moast of the day


October                       Tuesday 25                  1887

70 this morning Frank and I hauled straw from Mearfields  Georg found the cows in the valley and brought one of them up.


[no entries October 26-November 7]


November                    Tuesday 8                    1887

Stormed last night and this morning  Uncel Lew & I built the hen coop


[no entries November 9-November 15]


November                    Wednesday 16             1887

Stormed some last night but cleared up this morning


[no entries November 17-November 20]


November                    Monday 21                  1887

Went to Sturgis & got a paire of gloves under shirts, german socks & over shoes, and a cap.


November                    Tuesday 22                  1887

[no entry]


November                    Wednesday 23             1887

Inch of snow this morning.


November                    Thursday 24                 1887

[no entry]


November                    Friday 25                     1887

We run the cultoff and I broke none teath out of the boalting sae  Georg went to the valley for a load of hay  Commenced snowing about noon and it is still falling

November                    Saturday 26                  1887

Morning  -50    Night –160  Frank and I built an ox shed.  one inch of snow.


November                    Sunday 27                    1887

Morning –170  Night 140


November                    Monday 28                  1887

Morning 50  Might 280   I finished the ox shed.


November                    Tuesday 29                  1887

Morning 60  Night 100  Henry & I tryed to get up steam but it was so cold the watter in the pipes than we could thaw it, so we blew off the boiler.


November                    Wednesday 30             1887

Filled the boiler and got things warmed up & sawed a coupel of logg’s today  The watter in the ditch is frozen over: so we have to shovel the saw-dust into a box and cairy it out of the mill.


December                    Thursday 1                   1887

We sawed all day. Mr. Sparkes commenced working for us this noon


December                    Friday 2                       1887

We finished sawing this after-noon.  We have been nearly two days a sawing 50 2x10 and 50,2x6 25 ft long.


December                    Saturday 3                    1887

It was snowing this morning when we got up, and it snowed all day and did not clear up until this eavning.  About five inches of snow fell.  Frank quit this morning.


December                    Sunday 4                      1887

-40  Morning  160 Night  Aunt Ella Mother & Father went to church


December                    Monday 5                    1887

Morning 100  Noon 420  Mearfield commenced building the sawdust elivator.  We commenced building the bunk house.


December                    Tuesday 6                    1887

Morning 100  Night 170 Haden commenced putting in Prattes log’s


December                    Wednesday 7               1887

Morning 260 Night 300 Worked on the shack. Children wento Spearfish.


December                    Thursday 8                   1887

Morning 260  Night 250 Father and Mother went to White-wood



December                    Friday 9                       1887

Morning 200  Night 280 Sawed a few logs to day.  The insperator bothered us. The watter in the well played out and we had to haul it in barrels from the creek.


December                    Saturday 10                  1887

Morning 170 Night 200 Sawed all day. Snowed a little.


December                    Sunday 11                    1887

Morning 80 Night 400 Mr. Sparkes Aunt Ella & Mother went to Sturgis to church


December                    Monday 12                  1887

Morning 20 Night 38  Mr. Hunt came to night.


December                    Tuesday 13                  1887

Morning 160 Night 300 Sprinkeled some this after noon.


December                    Wednesday 14             1887

Morning 180 Night 190  I fired to day


December                    Thursday 15                 1887

Morning 12  Night 28  Tried to saw.


December                    Friday 16                     1887

Morning 110 Night 31  Aunt Ella went to Spearfish


December                    Saturday 17                  1887

Morning 18  Night 27  Blew off the boiler to night


December                    Sunday 18                    1887

Morning 240  Night 160 A light snow squall this after-noon  Uncel Lew filled the boiler.


December                    Monday 19                  1887

Morning 150  Noon 100  Night 20  About two inches of snow fell last night.  We finished sawing Prattes logges to day.  We blew the boiler had to thaw out the blow off first.


December                    Tuesday 20                  1887

Morning –80 Noon60  Night –5  Mr. Pratte was heare last night.


December                    Wednesday 21             1887

Morning –20 Worked on the shack.


December                    Thursday 22                 1887

360  370




December                    Friday 23                     1887

Morning 340  Night 310 I roll logges and do chores.  Francis got home to day. Uncel Lew and I hauled some potatoes to his house with one mule Fred went to Spearfish


December                    Saturday 24                  1887

Morning 320 Night 300 I helped uncle Lew cut some wood  Father got the horses shod.


December                    Sunday 25                    1887

Morning 190  Night 140 Snowed to day. A pair of slippers and fiftean cent worth of popcorn and a handkerchief wer my Christmas presents


December                    Monday 26                  1887

Morning –30  Noon -00  Night –40 The mulle died this noon.  Irvy came up with a load of grain  Mr. Sampel is here to night. About 11/2 in of snow fell last night and to day.


December                    Tuesday 27                  1887

Morning –60  Noon –10  Night –160  Pilled logges and cut wood  One of the loge cutters froze his bigg toe  Balles stone cutters came to night.


December                    Wednesday 28             1887

Morning –200  Noon 60  Night –70  Mr. Sparkes hurt himself this noon. Father got back from Whitewood.  He went away yesterday.


December                    Thursday 29                 1887

Morning -100  Noon 140  Night 40  I took Mr. Sparkes place in the woodes to day.  Mr. Sampel was here this after noon he has been hunting deer for severel days and has not seen a track. 


December                    Friday 30                     1887

-300 Morning  Night –40 I worked in the woodes  Commenced storming about noon Storming to night.  Wind blows.


December                    Saturday 31                  1887

Morning –60  Night –70 About two and a half in of snow fell last night. It was so cold and stormy today that we all stayed in. The boyes moved their bedding into the shack to night.

