Joseph Meyer

JOSEPH MEYER is conducting at Sturgis the largest grocery store in Meade county and is an enterprising business man, forceful and resourceful, his ready adaptability enabling him to so direct his efforts that excellent results have occrued. He was born in the Rhine province of Germany, April 4, 1862 and is the son of Caspar and Elizabeth Meyer, who wrer also natives of that locality. The father there learned the baker's trade and engaged in that business in Germany until about the spring of 1871, when he bade adieu to his native land and sailed for America. He settled in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he afterward lived retired, his death occuring there about 1887. His wife survived him for about a decade, passing away in 1897, she, too, continuing a resident of Kenosha until her demise.

Joseph Meyer is the yougest in the family of six children. He attended the schools of Kenosha and from the age of twelve or thirteen years has made his own way in the world, so that whatever success he has achieved is attributable entirely to his own labors. He early learned the feet that industry wins throughout his entire career he has based his advancement and success upon that quality. He worked for others in Kenosha until the spring of 1883, when he sought the opportunities offered in South Dakota and made his way to Sturgis. He took up his abode upon a ranch near there and resided thereon for two years. He next was employed as a clerk in a post trader's store at Fort Meade for a short time and subsequently engaged in the grocery business at Sturgis for

In January, 1888, Mr. Meyer wedded Miss. Emma Johnson, who was born in Sweden, where her parents always remained. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer have become parents of four children: Eva E., attending Cammenberger College of Los Angeles, California: Joseph C., assisting his father in the business; and two died in infancy.

Mr. Meyer belongs to several fraternal organizations the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Knights of Columbus. His membership in the last named indicates the fact that he is of the Roman Catholic faith.In politics he is an independent democrat and his fellow townsmen, appreciating his worth and ability, have called him to public office. He has served as alderman of Sturgis and in 1908 was chosen mayor of the city, which position he filled for two years. His has been a busy life, for from an early age he has depended upon his own resources and his industry and determination have enabled him to overcome the difficulties and obstacles which have barred his path. He has never allowed discouragement to defeat him or competition to deter


This biography transcribed from pages 634-635 in"History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. IV (1915)

Transcribed Nov, 25 2008 by Lyle B. Johnson